At that time, Tong Zixin felt that he could completely live on another planet.

Chen Mouren smelled an indescribable smell after opening the door.

He only felt that his proud disciple directly collapsed at this moment.

"Tong Zixin, what the hell are you doing!"

Chen Mouren covered his nose and asked Tong Zixin.

He had cut off the idea of wanting to enter her house.

"Hehe, master, this is an accident.

Tong Zixin closed his door without moving.

He simply spoke directly with Chen Mouren outside.

"God, you weren't like this before!"

Chen Mouren breathed a sigh of relief, finally not having to endure a terrifying biochemical weapon attack.

At the same time, he was also thinking that since Tong Zixin's life was so sloppy.

Chen Mouren didn't understand very much, maybe this is the perfect daughter-in-law in the heart of the real rich?

After thinking about it, Chen Mouren just wanted to quickly assign his task to Tong Zixin.

The latter thing, let the boy be happy first, and he will go outside to breathe fresh air first.

"The thing is that Longteng Group in Huahai City has finally reached an agreement with our Wanhao Stock Exchange.

"Now they will send their own company employees to our Xiangcheng Island for field visits."

"Let's see if we can successfully set up a 5G base station here, because you went to Huahai City before to impress them or something, Longteng Group directly named you to do the reception

!" "So I came to invite you today! My good apprentice!"

"This time, you must not be able to drop the chain, can you, clean up yourself!

Chen Mouren said and found that Tong Zixin's hair seemed to be stained with a piece of green chewing gum.

This discovery made Chen Mouren couldn't help but close his eyes.

But Tong Zixin was a little stunned.

"Huahai City, Longteng Group?" "

If you say so, is Gu Chen finally coming?" Tong

Zixin suppressed the excitement in his heart.

After controlling his voice, he asked his master Chen Moren so that he would not tremble too much.

"Master, then do you know who the person sent by the Longteng Group to Xiangcheng Island this time is?" "

You actually designated me to receive it? Such a big face?"

"If it's a little, I don't want to!" In

order not to make Chen Mouren feel that he has other ideas, Tong Zixinbi must show his arrogant attitude.

Chen Mouren really didn't have any doubts.

He pointed at Tong Zixin and said.

I tell you, no, you do seem to have this condition now!" "

Did Li Jiajun propose to you?" Chen

Mouren thought of this matter halfway through his words, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but outline it.

Unexpectedly, he was still a man who listened to gossip.

Especially when he heard the gossip of his boss's family, he couldn't help but want to know more.


"Do I have to agree if Li Jiajun proposes to me? That's too cheap!" Tong

Zixin saw that his master, Chen Mouren, an old man who cared so much about himself, knew without thinking that his gossip heart was probably burning again.

For this kind of person, Tong Zixin has a way to deal with it.

For example, if the other person just wants to know, the less you can let him know, so that the words can lure him into saying more jaw-dropping words.

It was as if it was now, after Chen Mouren heard Tong Zixin's words and coquettish attitude.

The gossip in Chen Mouren's heart became even more exuberant.

"But I know, I didn't find you when I went to your house to look for you today."

"No one answered your phone, and then I called it directly shut down, you tell me how worried I should be about you!"


Say I don't have to worry, and then report your address to me, I know that you have been proposed, a hundred million bride price, you can really ah Tong Zixin, the lioness opened her mouth!"

Chen Mouren's words made Tong Zixin stunned.

Boss Li told you so, I took the initiative to ask for money?"

That's right, Boss Li also praised you on the phone, saying that you have ambition and he likes it! So he agreed, and even said that since you are so determined to test Li Jiajun, then he will not give Li Jiajun any financial support!"

It is completely necessary for Li Jiajun to earn enough of

this ten billion bride price by himself!"

"So I'm really curious, what kind of magic do you have that unlearned prince brother really fight for this ten billion bride price."

"Do you know, I saw Li Jiajun from a distance that day, that kid is really desperate, some dirty work and tired of him directly followed a piece, and he didn't care about his identity at all."

"Boss Li also told me on the phone, Li Jiajun has you, it is his blessing." Originally

, Chen Mouren's impression of Tong Zixin had always been very good.

I even think that Li Jiajun's vision is really good, and he directly picked up the treasure, and Boss Li's attitude is also very good, and he can actually accept a little girl like Tong Zixin without any family background.

But now Chen Mouren somewhat regretted his idea.

Especially after coming into contact with Tong Zixin's other side in the room, he suddenly began to think that Li Jiajun probably had some eye problems.

Therefore, Chen Mouren was even more curious about Tong Zixin's means, what kind of means could directly conceal Li Jiajun and Li Jiahao.


And Tong Zixin did not give any answer to Chen Mouren's question.

She just felt sick.

"It is clear that the person who made Li Jiajun pay 10 billion yuan is Li Jiahao himself, and the result actually fell on my head

? "Is this to create a money-greedy character for me?"

"Is it intentional? Or what? Forget

it!" "

Anyway, now that I finally wait for the arrival of President Gu, there are some things I don't have to worry about so much!"

Anyway, it's just a false name!"

"Serious things still have to ask Mr. Gu's itinerary first."

Tong Zixin thought so, and after Chen Mouren's continuous urging, he said to Chen Mouren.

"These things are Boss Li, but they are not my family affairs.

"Master, you don't have to worry so much!"

"Let's talk about work, you first tell me who the people who come are, or whether there is a basic explanation of them or something."

"Since you want to receive it, you must have a good reception, don't make any trouble with the oolong incident, right!"

"And my current identity is different, I think if it weren't for the high-level of the important Longteng Group, there was really no need for me to do these jobs."

Tong Zixin's attitude made Chen Mouren stunned, and he felt a little alienated.

I also thought that now Tong Zixin's identity is indeed different.

His attitude towards her should indeed not be as casual as before, in case Li Jiajun really marries his apprentice after earning 10 billion in the future... then the identity gap between the two will be completely opened up at once.

"The most important thing is that I will let Tong Zixin receive the personnel of the Longteng Group now, if I let Li Jiajun know, this prince remembers me, and when Boss Li abdicates in the future, what will he do if he plays me?"

Chen Mouren fell into deep thought, and finally considered under Tong Zixin's eyes before he spoke.

"I may have been a little underthinking of this matter, because I don't know who the person from the Dragon Teng Group is.

"If you don't want to go, I'll arrange for someone else to receive you now."

"It's really not possible, I will personally go to the airport to pick up and make amends! Tong

Zixin saw his master Chen Mouren suddenly softened to himself, and he was also a little stunned.

"I didn't mean that.

She hurriedly explained, this Chen Mouren of the province really thought that he didn't want to go and left himself at home after that.

That's a wasted effort.

"I just want to know myself and know that I will win a hundred battles, master you know me, I will not fight an unprepared battle." A

little cold sweat broke out on Tong Zixin's forehead, but after communicating with Chen Moren at the end.

Chen Mouren really determined that Tong Zixin just wanted to do his job well, and had no other ideas.

This made Chen Mouren breathe a sigh of relief.

"In short, you must receive the people of the Longteng Group and try to meet their requirements!" As

he spoke, Chen Mouren took out a black gold card from his pocket.

"You can use the money in this card as you like, don't let our distinguished guests think that we have snubbed them."

"But one thing you have to remember is that if they make any unreasonable demands, you absolutely cannot betray your own interests for the benefit of the company, do you understand when I say this?" Chen

Mouren said this very solemnly, if there was any news on Tong Zixin's side, he would definitely be severely remembered by Li Jiajun, the prince.

"No wonder when I called Boss Li, he didn't have any questions about my search for Tong Zixin. "

It seems that Boss Li must have known for a long time that the Longteng Group sent someone to Xiangcheng Island to let the named Tong Zixin receive it

!" "In this case, even if there is any problem with Tong Zixin, Boss Li can directly throw all the problems on me!"

Chen Moren was very anxious in his heart, thinking of the picture of himself being pulled into the list in the future, he had a headache.

So now he must kill all the problems in the cradle!

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