Therefore, Chen Mouren will now say good to Tong Zixin, and if there is any trouble after the province, he will not be able to get rid of the relationship.

"Good master, I know that I will have a sense of proportion, don't worry!" "

And master, you let me receive the distinguished guests of the Longteng Group, and don't tell me when they will arrive

!" "Then how do I know when to pick up the airport!"


Mouren patted his head, took out his mobile phone, and forwarded Wang Wei's information to Tong Zixin.

"Landing at 2 p.m. tomorrow? That's still early, I know!" Finally

, Tong Zixin and Chen Mouren made a good guarantee before letting Chen Mouren leave with peace of mind.

Tong Zixin was not very sure if there was Li Jiahao's monitoring outside the door.

So I didn't dare to show special joy outside the door.

Otherwise, if Gu Chen's information was exposed, she would be very guilty.

"Okay, collect your emotions, continue to disguise a wave!" Tong

Zixin in order not to let Li Jiahao find any abnormalities.

So he still returned to his sofa and continued to lie down.

A complete interpretation of what is called lying down youth.

Li Jiahao, who looked at the monitor, frowned.

"Did this boy Xin really expose his true nature?" "

I don't pay any attention to the affairs of the Dragon Teng Group, although it sounds good, but in fact there is no action at all!"

"Could it be that my previous thinking was wrong?" Li

Jiahao fell into doubt, but he also cared about who the traveler of the Dragon Teng Group this time was.

It was not that he didn't want to go over and find someone to probe the people who came to Xiangcheng Island this time.

However, Gu Chen's Longteng Group was like an iron barrel, and there was no chance for people to find a breakthrough at all.

Li Jiahao didn't know who the person who came this time was.

"But think about it, I also know that a person of Gu Chen's value is unlikely to know that he has a feud with me, and he will stupidly run to Xiangcheng Island to deliver dishes

!" "This is troublesome, forget it, don't think about this, then just send someone directly to see who the person in this airport is!"


after Li Jiahao thought of this, he silently let the little secretary who was kneeling on the side take the phone.

"Father. A

phone was dialed, and Li Jiasheng on the other end answered the phone as soon as possible.

At the same time, it is also a very respectful greeting to Li Jiahao.

"There's a task for you.

Li Jiahao told Li Jiasheng the news that Longteng Group had sent people to Xiangcheng Island, and also let the monitor at the front door know that they would be at the airport at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Therefore, the task assigned by Li Jiahao to Li Jiasheng is very simple.

"Find the visitors from the Dragon Teng Group and tell me their identities!"

Good Father!" Li

Jiasheng silently took this task, and at the same time he was surprised in his heart.

"The people from the Longteng Group are finally here, is it Gu Chen?" "

No, does he really dare to risk coming to Xiangcheng Island?" Li

Jiahao directly hung up the phone and let the little secretary serve him.

After he involuntarily thought of the Dragon Teng Group, he thought of the things Gu Chen had done to his child at that time.

"Hmph!" "

Don't let me catch you, Gu Chen

!" "Otherwise, I will definitely make you regret what I did to my precious son for the rest of your life!"

Li Jiahao thought so, and asked the little secretary who was helping him get dressed.

"Now Young Master Jia Jun is working very hard, he has doubled his territory, his car shop has officially opened, and his business scope is no longer simply limited to sports cars and luxury cars, and he has also begun to make some civilian vehicles."

"And the young master has begun to contact some car dealers, and they all come in the name of the young master and give a lot of preferential treatment or something."

"I estimate that soon the young master will be able to earn the first billion in his life. When

Li Jiahao heard this, he immediately felt a sense of pride.

"Yes, it's my species!" "

It's just that the speed of making money is a little slow, find a way to help him without a trace!" When

the little secretary heard this, he paused slightly for a moment to get dressed.

But Li Jiahao didn't care about this at all.

He was just thinking in his heart.

"If Li Jiajun can really be fully inspired, then do I still need Li Jiasheng, the hidden son?" "

Forget it, no matter who it is, they are all very good, they are all descendants of my Li Jiahao!"

"Anyway, the island I bought in Britain and the wealth I left behind are enough for any loser to live the life of the world's richest man."

"But no matter what, the future Xiangcheng Island will always be surnamed Li, and that's enough."

Li Jiahao thought so, his heart was full of surging emotions, and the whole person was uplifted.

So, before his clothes were ready, the little secretary noticed his abnormality.

"Huh?" Li

Jiahao glanced at the little secretary who stopped moving.

The very sensible little secretary then began one of his own jobs.

After Li Jiasheng hung up the phone, his face was always very gloomy.

"Why do you actually want me to do

this kind of work?" "

Father, no, what does the dead old man want me to do

?" "Obviously, I have proven my talents, but I am still so embarrassed to stay in my old position without moving?"

Li Jiasheng was very irritable when he thought of this,

so irritable that he wanted to find someone to talk about his distress.

After thinking about it, Li Jiasheng silently called Tong Zixin again.

But as expected, Tong Zixin's phone was turned off directly.

"Damn, where did she go at this critical time!" Li

Jiasheng held a wave of anger in his heart, and he couldn't wait to clean up Tong Zixin after finding him now.

But he knew that this kind of thought in his heart could never be realized, and he was very annoyed.

"Could it be that I am destined to be taken away by Li Jiajun?" Li

Jiasheng was very unconvinced in his heart, so unconvinced that he slammed his mobile phone to the ground.

"I'm not convinced!"

he angrily attacked the floor.

At the same time, he also very quickly found his other spare mobile phone and dialed a phone that he had been looking at for a long time and was very hesitant.

"Don't be verbose, talk to your boss about a deal!"

Immediately, a strange voice came.

"At least a hundred!" The

other end of the phone heard Li Jiasheng's offer, and suddenly became interested.

It seems that Mr. L must have encountered a lot of trouble this time!"

Who knew that the person on the other end of the phone this time was actually very cautious.

"This time, we may be going to disappoint Mr. L.

"What do you mean

?" "It means that no matter what this business is, we can't do it!" "



Jiasheng suddenly became even more angry, because he had finally made up his mind to contact their gang.


No, just let me and Mr. L wake up, the recent Xiangcheng Island is not very peaceful!

Especially after hearing the contempt on the other end of the phone, it made Li Jiasheng even more angry.

After all, with his opaque identity, he can indeed be regarded as a jumping beam clown.

As soon as this kind of poking words came out, Li Jiasheng was definitely going to explode.

"Well, it's just a metaphor, why is Mr. L so nervous?" The

other end of the phone may have sensed Li Jiasheng's irritability, and hurriedly said two words of comfort.

Even in order to let Li Jiasheng not be so angry, he didn't want to lose this customer.

So the man on the other end of the phone decided to wake up Li Jiasheng.

"Okay, okay, Mr. L, we have been working together for so long, seeing that you are an old customer, paying money has always been very cheerful, I will give you a major news for free this time!"

Li Jiasheng listened breathlessly to the so-called major news and was unmoved.

But after calming down a little, Li Jiasheng said directly.

"Let's listen

!" "Hehe, this news is that Xiangcheng Island is about to usher in a river dragon that can turn clouds and rain! If it is not handled well, the entire Xiangcheng Island will turn upside down

!" "If Mr. L has nothing to do during this time, go abroad for a vacation or something and come back!"


Li Jiasheng heard this, his brows suddenly tightened.

After all, Xiangcheng Island is his family's territory.

Isn't this just destroying his homeland environment

? Can he Li Jiasheng endure this? That must be unbearable!"

"Who are you talking about? Who is the Jianglong who is Guojiang?"

Well, we don't know very well, after all, we can only be regarded as the bottom, the boss may know more, but he has not returned for many days. When

Li Jiasheng heard this, he always felt that the mountain rain was about to come.

He was also clever, as if he had thought of something.

"That... So be it.

So Li Jiasheng directly hung up the phone and thought.

"Dragon crossing?" "

Lying groove, you can't say that it's the people of the Longteng Group, right?" Suddenly

, Li Jiasheng always felt as if he had caught some key point.

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