
Yu was numb, how could he not expect that the joke Gu Chen said was actually coaxing him?

"No, Mr. Gu, why would you lie to trick me into Xiangcheng Island!"

Chen Yu felt that he had been deceived, but he wanted to leave but couldn't control his legs.

"Forget it, it's coming!" "

You can't come back empty-handed! You have to do something

!" "And it is impossible for a bachelor like me to eat alone and the whole family is not hungry

!" "The various things he has to consider are not something I can imagine!"

So President Gu should have been prepared for everything a long time ago, so he wouldn't come to Xiangcheng Island to send people without any idea, right?"

Chen Yu still had a blind worship for Gu Chen, feeling that Gu Chen

should be the kind of man who absolutely does not fight and is not prepared for battle.

Then all I can do now is believe in him.

In this way, several people fell asleep with their own thoughts.

It's just that the night is not as calm as on the cruise ship.

For example, Li Jiajun, who always calls the phone shutdown prompt, silently shed sad tears.

Li Jiasheng, who was lying on his bed, was turning over and over and couldn't sleep, and was always in a tangled relationship with whether he should call Tong Zixin.

My doubts can never be resolved.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the other party didn't answer, but if the other party did, what should I say?" "

If Tong Zixin threw himself into Li Jiajun's arms, wouldn't I throw myself into the net?"

Li Jiasheng thought so, and after silently carrying out a battle between heaven and man, he actually went directly to sleep.

And their father Li Jiahao was still shaking his red wine glass in high spirits, looking at the moon in the sky and silent.

Behind Li Jiahao is a large super council hall.

On one of the long round tables were nearly sixty men and women with three-color pens.

From time to time, they glance up at the super large screen in the middle of the conference hall, and then desperately use it on their computers, and then record the values they get on their computers or laptops.

At the same time, it is constantly communicating something.

Li Jiahao silently glanced at the busy scene behind him, thinking about why the Fed's policy of raising interest rates broke out at this time.

"I can't free my hand to deal with Gu Chen. "

That's right, Li Jiahao initially received a report from Tong Zixin and knew the fact that Gu Chen had come to his territory.

He also thought about using his own connections, no matter what he Gu Chenlai was doing, and directly sent him to the police station on Xiangcheng Island for a few days.

However, just before Gu Chen arrived on Xiangcheng Island, the Federal Reserve, the central bank, passed the strategy of raising interest rates.

Li Jiahao, who is now secretly transferring most of his assets abroad, has to quickly free his hand to face this choice that does not know whether it is a crisis or an opportunity.

"Either in the end, I will directly take this opportunity to raise my wealth value to a new height, and by the way, I will reach a thorough strategic consensus with those multinational consortiums and financial families." "

Either let my asset transfer plan be completely extinguished, at least it will take a few years to complete it!"

So this led to the fact

that now it is not that he has no means to deal with Gu Chen, but that he really has no kung fu to deal with Gu Chen now.

"Forget it, anyway, this time he only brought a man and a woman, and the woman is still a little hairy girl.

"According to the news from Tong Zixin, they have been having a lot of fun these days.

"Maybe this time he just took the opportunity to visit Xiangcheng Island with his little lover."


I don't know what 5G is, I also know that this matter can not be solved by two mouths!

I don't believe that he Gu Chen can directly hammer the final word, it is estimated that when I am busy with the Fed's interest rate hike to accelerate the transfer of assets, Gu Chen's 5G base station may not be busy!" Li

Jiahao constantly deduced the future in his heart, thinking about Gu Chen's every move.

According to the information now known, it was analyzed what Gu Chen would do next.

Finally came out.

"Gu Chen, it's just a little friend!" When

he finished dealing with the important matters at hand, he would be able to backhand and crush Gu Chen!

It's just that when Li Jiahao thought back to this in the future, he regretted it very much in his heart, regretting that he was about to have a heart attack.

But now Jia Jun seems to have encountered problems.

After sorting out his attitude towards Gu Chen, Li Jiahao silently thought of his child again.

That is what Li Jiajun encountered.

"Someone wants to use him as a gunman, and they want to use him to test my attitude.

"Or look at my opinion on monopoly industries other than myself and the four major families?" Li

Jiahao instantly analyzed the problems Li Jiajun was facing based on the intelligence information provided by his informant.

At the same time, I also saw the information about Uncle Liu.

Li Jiahao browsed silently, thinking in his heart what kind of person Uncle Liu was.

"Very smart, but not enough capital, the small action in front of me is simply a fruit."

"And now Jia Jun's order business is all his handle!" "

Want to join my Li family's army and bind us together

?" "It seems a little too simple, right?"


Jiahao smiled coldly, feeling that Willow was a little whimsical.

Because Li Jiajun is not a fool.

On the contrary, because of the power of love, Li Jiajun can now be said to have both IQ and EQ online.

If you want to fool Lee Ka Jun? It's too hard.

"It's just that although Jia Jun is talented, his heart is too soft and his ears are not so firm.

"There are some ordinary people who follow him, I don't know if Jia Jun will have a hot head..."

Just thinking of this, Li Jiahao felt a little unable to sleep.

In the end, he could only sigh silently.

At least not on the surface.

"Otherwise, how can this stinky boy grow?"

"But I can warn this Uncle Liu a little! Warn him that if I keep using some messy and insidious means against my son, I won't leave my hand on him!"

The little secretary next to him immediately came up in three steps and asked in two steps.

"Mr. Li, do you have any orders?" Li

Jiahao glanced at her and handed over the information about Uncle Liu in his hand.

"Warning him, do you know what to do?"

"Okay!" After

receiving the information about Uncle Liu with both hands, the little secretary said very respectfully.

At the same time, it also reminded Li Jiahao.

"Next meeting?"

Li Jiahao silently let the little secretary push him to the main seat of the conference room.

The audience immediately became silent because of Li Jiahao's arrival.

Even the sound of tapping on the keyboard became careful.

"Now report the situation..." With

Li Jiahao's order, the entire conference room began to emerge one by one in an orderly manner.

At the same time, such a midnight meeting was also staged in Huahai City.

Zhou Li silently sat down on the three-tiered stool stacked by his own people.

Looking at the black-pressed head, he slowly spoke.

"Gu Chen has already gone to Xiangcheng Island.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience immediately began to talk quietly.

"Is it Xiangcheng Island that those people escaped from before?"

"Is Gu Chen going to attack them!" "

That's great, they're all a bunch of traitors!" Zhou

Li's words made the audience start to boil.

Most importantly, they were all excited.

And it seems that the Zhou family and the four major families of Xiangcheng Island are very familiar!

Zhou Li knew what kind of reaction his compatriots would have after he said this.

But he said it anyway, just after some noise.

Zhou Li said again.

"So we're going to start getting ready now!" As

soon as these words came out, the audience suddenly became silent again.

One of them didn't seem to understand what Zhou Li was saying.


Hands on? What hands?" "

With whom? What to do?" "

Aren't we looking for death now? Gu Chen has not come into contact with it! Cooperation has not been negotiated!" They

also raised objections one by one.

At the same time, the whole glass house began to shake a little.

Zhou Li seemed to dislike this panic scene very much.

"Shut up!"

he said softly.

Immediately, all the Zhou family members closed their mouths.

Although Zhou Li is small, he really corresponds to that sentence, and concentration is the essence.

"We have been laying out for so many years, what are all the young people in the clan sent out for

?" "Isn't it just to be able to hide the eyes of those people?" "

But the name of our Zhou family can be buried, but what about talent?

"I know you don't have confidence and don't feel like you're old enough to run. But have you ever thought about it, your children, your grandchildren, will let them live on this Huamu Road forever?"

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