"Didn't you think that among your juniors, a character like Gu Chen would attract everyone's attention?" "

Don't you want to break away from your current life and walk out in an upright manner?

Zhou Li's last sentence was simply like a talisman, and it was directly hammered into the hearts of these dying old men and women.

"Ah, this, you say what should we do

!" "Yes, we listen to you!" "

That's right, it's time to leave this damn place!" The

group of people were immediately moved, and Zhou Li also showed a satisfied smile.

"Since everyone has the determination to leave here, my first step is to make the spark burn in full!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the people present fell silent again.

It was as if this moment had moved their roots, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Why aren't you happy

?" "Think about it, how can people like us alone have the capital to fight against the old things?" "

It must have come at a price

!" "And I just said that our Zhou family's gold is very good!"

Come, report what are the conditions of our Zhou family who are outside the genre now!" Zhou

Li waved his big hand, and someone immediately stepped forward and took out a stack of documents and distributed it.

"What is this?" "

This is now the development of our descendants of the Zhou family hiding their identities!"

Zhou Li slapped the documents in his hand on the table.

"A total of nearly 200 young people from

the Zhou family went out!" "There are 167 people who have successfully obtained the decision-making power of some

companies!" "The remaining 33 are also engineers!" "

At the same time, there are 89 of the world's top 500 companies, and our Zhou family has been sacrificed and laid out for so many years, so it is not fun!"

"These sparks emitted are our hopes! Our capital!" The

Zhou family members were suddenly full of strength when they looked at this document.


it, who would have thought that there would be such a wonderful solution in one hand of idle chess!" "

So this is that the heavens are not willing to let our Zhou family fall!

The old people of the Zhou family began to get excited one by one, as if now was their highlight moment.

Zhou Li took in all their reactions and sneered in his heart.

If it weren't for communicating with you and other old things, I would have given up on you a long time ago!" "

But when my Spark Plan is fully launched and I reach a cooperation with Gu Chen, you will have to be eliminated sooner or later!"

When he thought so, the corners of Zhou Li's mouth couldn't help but curl.

But soon, Zhou Li found that his attitude was very problematic.

"It's not good to show it!" he

silently converged his thoughts, and at the same time began to silently prepare his next words.

At the same time, Wu Jiale finally came to a conclusion that night after three days and three nights of continuous investigation and observation and meetings with his expert group discussion group and field research team.

"It's almost possible to plan the next

40 years of the project!"

Wu Jiale heard about the 40 years of sustainable development, and his brain buzzed.

"What about our long-term planning, population inflow?" Wu

Jiale asked a lot of professional questions, and suddenly fell into an infinite vision of the future.

"Great, we're going to be bigger and stronger!" At

the same time, a land surveyor began to silently tell Wu Jiale about the planned land area.

"Not bad, if this piece is developed in the future, who dares to say that we are just a small county town?" "

I'm afraid we can all be directly established as a city!" Wu

Jiale smiled even more happily, and Chen Kaiming also began to say.

"Don't forget Gu Chen's private university, your property certificate is not there, they are still waiting to start construction!"

Chen Kaiming's words also woke up Wu Jiale.

"Look at my memory, I almost forgot about this matter!" "

Tomorrow I'll go on a trip to finalize this matter completely

!" "At the same time, I will also go to make an appointment with Gu Chen to see if he has any ideas about our plan!"


Jiale smiled as if he saw a broad road spread out in front of him.

Chen Kaiming was also full of longing.

Everyone fell into their own made up dreams, although everyone knew that there would still be many difficulties and dangers in front of them in the future, but it didn't matter.

They always get the ultimate victory! Don't ask, just ask with confidence!

And just like that, different big things are happening everywhere overnight.

Even in Jiang Min's home, the countess was having a small meeting.

"What do you say?" "

Jiang Min followed Gu Chen to Xiangcheng Island?"

But she forgot that Jiang Min knew that she had this stinky problem, so the lamps and other electrical appliances at home were fixed.

The countess grabbed the lamp fiercely and tried to fall to the ground, but failed.

But if you drop your mobile phone or a delicate small teacup, you can't bear it.

After all, they are all things they brought, but they are worth it!

Falling your daughter's things is not distressing at all.

This is the mother.

The countess breathlessly let go of her hand and looked at the promised butler.

"You say, did she put me as a mother in her eyes!" "

Madame, I don't think you should ask me this question. "

What do you mean?"

the countess looked at the

butler's expression of not knowing what to say, and became more and more angry.

But thinking that the butler has been in this house for longer than her, sometimes the countess will not be so crazy to do anything beyond the boundaries to the butler even if she is extremely angry.

"I mean, I have no right to interfere with the actions of the young lady, but you are different, Countess, you can do what you want."

"There is no need to take your anger out on me!"

the stewardess's words made the countess's eyes narrow slightly, and she always felt that the

butler's words were mocking her.

"Go down!"

said the Countess at last.

She felt no need to continue talking to the housekeeper.

Province's own blood pressure soared.

After the butler left, the countess silently dialed a mysterious number.

"Honey, oh, this time!"

he spoke with a worried tone and a coquettish voice, which made the man on the other side of the phone stunned.

Call me at this time, what's wrong, don't worry, say it slowly!"

said the countess, calming down.

"Didn't you say that Australian law says that when parents live with their children for more than three months, they can obtain all

the inheritance rights of the other party?" "Can I use this method to transfer the inheritance rights of the other party?" "

But now there is a problem, she left the house without a word!

The countess finally finished telling the current situation.

The other party's phone fell into a dead silence.

"How long has she been gone?"

the countess estimated what the butler had just said.

"It's been about three days. After

hearing these three days, the person on the other end of the phone began to get nervous.

If it is more than seven days, it can be regarded as interrupting this cohabitation!" "

Obviously, we have calculated that living together for three months before the other party becomes an adult, and we can completely save things when she has difficulty obtaining inheritance!

You'd better call her back quickly, otherwise, as long as she has random photos or plane tickets as evidence, she can legally bring down our three-month cohabitation decision!"

"Is it so serious? Then I'll book a plane ticket right now!" I'll go find her and tell her to come back quickly

!" "No

!" but the countess thought of another question!

"I don't even know where she went!"


nervous countess had forgotten that there was such a question.

So she started thinking headless flies again.


, no, no, I can still call!" the

countess said to herself, ready to call Jiang Min.

"Don't be in a hurry to call, you think about what you should say first?" But

the man opposite was obviously much calmer than the countess.

Directly asking such a question immediately made the countess stunned again.

"yes, what should I say!"

she thought silently, but couldn't think of a reason.

"What the hell should I say, my dear!" finally

chose to turn to his dear.

But it is clear that the countess's dear did not come up with a reason for a while.

"You calm down, this makes me think, where do I have so many ideas!"

Directly said a word that made the countess feel desperate.

"So what are we going to do?" the

countess was about to cry anxiously.

"Well, why don't you look favorably on her!"

the dear head still blamed the


The two were about to quarrel over this for a while.

Outside the door, the housekeeper who had been waiting for this scene to happen smiled silently and turned to leave.

He remembered the Xiangcheng Island number he had changed for Jiang Min before she left, as well as the old mobile phone he had left at home.

"Let's talk on the phone!"

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