The heart is not black, but the butler's hand directly cut off the countess's back road.

This wave of divine assistance Jiang Min did not know.

She was still immersed in the happy time alone with Gu Chen at this time.

Especially in the bustling Xiangcheng Island urban business district.

There is a joy that makes her feel like she has become a new age woman who follows her boyfriend out to play.

"Hey, hey!"

she even let out an unconscious giggle.

However, Gu Chen looked at her curiously and asked.

"What makes you so happy?" "

No, I just think it's good to have such a day! No need to manage the family property, don't think about Australian affairs, it's very good

to be a little fool without trouble!" Jiang Min immediately expressed his thoughts, and at the same time made Gu Chen, who was driving, laugh.

"Good is good, but some problems still have to be faced after all. "

But if you are in Australia, I will accompany you, and I have already found a bodyguard, don't worry!"

Gu Chen's words made Jiang Min feel a full sense of security, and at the same time asked.

"Bodyguard, what do you mean?" "

Literally!" Gu

Chen originally wanted to explain the existence of Tang Xinwei with Jiang Min.

But thinking about the current situation, it doesn't seem to be very suitable.

In particular, the two have already arrived at their destination according to the navigation.


urban village of Xiangcheng Island, also known as the slum."

Gu Chen smiled and took Jiang Min out of the car, and in front of them were dozens of high-rise buildings with a distance of less than 20 meters.

Or a lifeless coffin rental house.

Countless clothes hung outside the wall air conditioner, and the steaming diffuse reflection bent the air, making the nearby buildings have a sense of being meandered, very dreamy.

But the crowded flow of people and colorful objects mixed together, it is easy to make people feel dizzying and disgusting.

Plus that strange taste unique to summer.

Jiang Min was almost overwhelmed.

But Gu Chen's face did not change

in the slightest, and he was even a little indifferent.

"Brother Gu Chen, what are we going to do here?" Jiang

Min immediately raised his doubts.

But Gu Chen always maintained a light attitude and said.

"Find someone who is vital to us.


who can make my plan work perfectly."

Gu Chen showed a strange smile to Jiang Min.

Jiang Min always felt that Gu Chen in this state did not seem to be a good person.

And like an old coin hiding on the side and sneaking around to find a way to sneak a trick.

"But so what?" Jiang

Min shook his head and kept up with Gu Chen.

"Since I have decided that Brother Gu Chen is the Daoshan Fire Sea, I will definitely not give up! Jiang

Min strengthened his determination, so he followed Gu Chen to the elderly activity room.

So a question mark appeared on Jiang Min's face, and he didn't quite understand what Gu Chen was doing.

"Brother Gu Chen, is it time for us to exercise?"

"No, our purpose is that. Ignoring

the surprise and surprise of the old man and lady beside him, Gu Chen took Jiang Min to the door where someone locked three times and wrote down more than n forbidden to enter the banner.

"Brother Gu Chen, I always feel that the people here: We're not very welcome, and it always feels a bit eerie here!" Jiang

Min subconsciously grabbed Gu Chen's arm, and when they entered the elderly activity center, all the noise disappeared in an instant.

The people who had been sitting in their respective places also stood up.

Even Mahjong didn't rub anymore, everyone was staring at Gu Chen and Jiang Min tightly, as if they wanted to see what Gu Chen wanted to do.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here.

Gu Chen calmed Jiang Min, who was extremely nervous.

He slowly slammed the door, and at the same time made the heartstrings of everyone present jump.

Especially Jiang Min, who was following Gu Chen.

But the next minute, nothing happened, not even a sound from the room.

And the most important thing is that everyone seems to have directly recovered their state because of this minute trance.

For example, the old men and women who had been standing in place all sat down silently.

And one by one, they all started their own gambling journey.

"Did you just move my cards?"

"The ghost just moved your cards! You moved me!" "

Don't be verbose! Keep going!"

"Just do it!"


of a sudden all the noise completely bombarded at this time.

All the old men and women silently became the original appearance.

In addition to Gu Chen, Jiang Minah was always standing in place.

"Brother Gu Chen, what's the situation?"

At this time, Jiang Min also slowly recovered his emotional state because of the loud voices of everyone.

At the same time, he silently said towards Gu Chen.

"Let the knock wait a little longer!" Gu

Chen directly silently asked Jiang Min not to worry, and at the same time patted her head with his hand.

A feeling called warmth appeared in Jiang Min's heart, and suddenly Jiang Min had no complaints, some were just the smelly behavior of still pretending to be stupid and pulling on Gu Chen's body.

"Almost, let's go to the back door.

"Ah, what are you doing at the back door?" "

Ahem, whisper a little and don't be heard by them!" Jiang

Min couldn't figure out Gu Chen's thoughts, but he believed him unconditionally.

So the two walked silently to the door, and at the same time leaned on a fake old man in the far corner to talk.

"Are you also here to ask for an account?"

Jiang Min was a little inexplicable when he heard this, but Gu Chen directly grabbed Jiang

Min's shoulder and said.

"Yes, he owes us a lot of money! If you don't come back, you'll have a headache!" "

I'm afraid it's been difficult, it's been so long, you guys are probably the sixtieth visitor!"

Now no one can find it!"

"Well, we see.

Gu Chen silently thanked the old man, and also left silently with Jiang Min.

The people in the venue stopped their noisy gambling behavior again because of Gu Chen's departure and Jiang Min's departure.

All of them looked worriedly at the sealed door.

"It's time

for a head!" "If he doesn't come back, we really can't stand

it!" "

Don't say it! He already told us when we were raising money! It's risky! As a result, you don't listen to his advice!"

Don't waste on this!"

the old men and women ended the hot topic and quarrel, and the

two of them silently played their cards.

Gu Chen took Jiang Min to the door silently.

Jiang Min peeked at Gu Chen from time to time, so that Gu Chen finally turned his head to look at her and said.

"Curious what I'm doing here?" "

It's okay, soon you'll know why!" Gu

Chen faced Jiang Min's nod of doubt, and did not directly tell Jiang Min the real reason and purpose.

Instead, he sold a pass, and finally Gu Chen took Jiang Min to the back door of the elderly activity center.

He knocked lightly on the scrap iron door next to the garbage room.

Jiang Min was very surprised when he looked at the exposed red water pipe outside, and the inexplicable thick brown wire.


Gu Chen..."

Jiang Min took this opportunity to get closer to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen did not refuse this matter, and at the same time knocked on this broken door again.


Immediately, Gu Chen and Jiang Min noticed their heads, and there was a strange mechanical sound next to them.

When I looked up, it turned out to be a small surveillance machine.

At once, Gu Chen and Jiang Min's figures were reflected in it.

But it is precisely for this reason that the door begins to slowly open.

In this regard, Jiang Min felt as if he had opened Pandora's box.

"Let's go.

Gu Chen didn't care about this at all, and directly pulled Jiang Min into it.

After a long dark road.

Gu Chen silently took Jiang Min to a place full of monitors and black boxes, and it was very noisy... Room.

That's right, it's the machine room.

Jiang Min looked at the various servers around him, as well as firewalls and switches and other equipment, and was very surprised.

She didn't quite understand why these things appeared here

, and who were the two people sitting between the instant noodle pile and the mineral water bottle?

Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen,

who signaled her not to worry.

Because I have already made up my mind.

"First time I met Xiang Senluo and Lin Wanxiang.

Gu Chen greeted the two people, and Jiang Min also had a preliminary impression of the two.

"Who are you?" Xiang

Senluo and Lin Wanxiang, who were suddenly called out by Gu Chen, turned their heads instantly.

One of them, the young man with a completely greasy head and oversized full-rimmed glasses asked.

Another actually wore a weird big hat in the summer.

This made his whole person look very strange and gloomy.

Gu Chen did not take the initiative to say who he was, but directly asked a rhetorical question.

"I thought you weren't here and almost ran away.

Gu Chen said, Xiang Senluo and Lin Wanxiang both stood up, and the two looked at Gu Chen with great vigilance.

It was like doubting Gu Chen's origin.

"Who the hell are you!" Jiang

Min also noticed the dangerous aura emanating from the two of them.

Especially Lin Wanxiang, who looked very gloomy, was looking for something around him.

"Looking for

a weapon?"

Jiang Min silently looked at whether there was anything around him that could be used as a weapon.

Gu Chen didn't seem to have any fear, and directly opened a new round of questioning.

"How far has your blockchain been developed?"

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