The moment Gu Chen said this.

Na Lin Wanxiang directly copied a silver baseball bat from the side of his instant noodle bucket.

"Sen Luo, I have said it a long time ago, this person is definitely not a good bird, you still have to let them in!" "

They even know what we are doing, they must still come to collect debts!"

Xiang Sen Luo silently frowned and looked at Gu Chen.

"You think too much. When

Gu Chen heard this, he saw their reaction, and his brows immediately furrowed.

"Your vigilance is also too strong, but it doesn't seem to be so strong, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of the kindness of your fellow villagers to let us in?"

Gu Chen's words suddenly made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo even more nervous.

Especially Lin Wanxiang, he couldn't wait to rush over and fight with Gu Chen now.

Then Gu Chen was directly thrown out of their territory.

Jiang Min was so frightened that he didn't know what to say.

But Gu Chen was still very calm and even laughed.

"Forget it, don't tease you, do you remember Tong Zixin?" Gu

Chen's words immediately made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo stunned in place.

"Tong Zixin?" "

Is it the lackey who abandoned the blockchain and became Li Jiahao?" Lin

Wanxiang's words made Gu Chen feel a little headache.

There is a big misunderstanding!" thought Gu Chen in his heart.

At the same time he began to say again.

"Forget it, I didn't come to you guys to engage in a scolding war.

Lin Wanxiang said calmly.

"So what are you doing here, and you're using our internal code. Jiang

Min thought of the rhythmic knocking method of three long, one short, two short and one long when Gu Chen knocked on the door before.

At that time, Jiang Min thought that it was Gu Chen's mood or something.

Now it seems that it was Gu Chen's intention.

"It's just that the code is right, but people don't seem to be right!" Jiang

Min silently thought about what kind of method he should use to help Gu Chen if he really fought.

"Do you want to smash them with mineral water drink bottles?" Jiang

Min thought about it here, but Gu Chen began to say.

"It's very simple, I came to cooperate with you, otherwise I wouldn't have spent 100,000 yuan to find the door after knowing what you did!"

Gu Chen's words revealed that it took a lot of effort to find Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo.

He also told Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo that if they came to collect accounts, they would not spend so much money to find someone.

After this signal was sent, they looked at each other again, as if they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"You... Why?"

Lin Wanxiang, as the leader, immediately jumped out and asked Gu Chen, why did the simple three words already contain all their questions.

For example, why would Gu Chen spend so much effort to find them.

And why is Gu Chen willing to find them when he knows so many things, after all, no one dares to really disobey Li Jiahao in Xiangcheng Island.

It is

true that in Xiangcheng Island, because of the blockade of information and the protection of high-level, few people know that the uncrowned king of Xiangcheng Island is Li Jiahao and the four major families.

But Gu Chen was able to find their location, and there was a very domineering shot fee or something, plus understanding the blockchain and knowing Tong Zixin, which all showed that Gu Chen knew that they had been blocked.

But based on this situation, Gu Chen still dared to find it, which can only mean one thing.

That is, Gu Chen is either from the four major families or Li Jiahao's own subordinates.

Either Gu Chen has the strength to not be afraid of Li Jiahao or the four major families.


Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo looked at Gu Chen, aren't they ordinary men with hundreds of millions

of points, except for handsome billion points, there is no other place that makes people feel the spirit of Wang Domineering!

"I don't why, just for some things I am not used to"

Gu Chen faced the doubt and directly told his truth, but this is like a baby running in front of you and saying that he is going to pick up the opening axe and chop people to death, there is no convincing at all!

Especially now that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo have long experienced many lies and betrayals,

they have long been unconcerned about many things.

The only thing they want to do now is to stay in this little broken room.

Mine well and pay back money through your own skills.

Pay back the money you borrowed from your neighbors earlier.

This is their primary goal and top priority!

The rest of the things seem to be unaccustomed to what Gu Chen said, and they were not used to it before.

I also want to change something.

As a result, in the end, they can only be like rats crossing the street.

Staying in such a small space will never be able to leave.

Even from time to time, some people come to knock on the door to scare themselves.

Such days of fear were all caused by the impulses of their youth.

They were really scared.

And now, a man suddenly popped up saying what he had said.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo both subconsciously wanted to escape.

"Are you guys doing this?" and

Gu Chen looked at the hesitation in the eyes of the two of them, as if he also understood the thoughts in their hearts.

"No, no, I crossed the ocean and crossed the small half of the world, and you actually instigated it?"

he said directly to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo in a mocking tone.

The tone was full of disdain.

It even made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo not know what to say.

Because the fact is that they instigated ah, what is there to say

, but the more silent the two of them are,

the more Gu Chen will not let them go.

Because at least the two of them still have an attitude and a silent reaction to this matter.

Gu Chen could even see the unwillingness in the eyes of the two of them.

"Are you willing to eat such a dumb loss?" "

Are you willing to be pressed to the ground and rubbed for the rest of your life

?" "And then because of the stain on your resume, you will never be able to do what you want to do, and you can only survive here?"

"No, no, does anyone really like this kind of life?" "

Won't anyone really think that it's better to die than to live is their best choice, right?" Gu

Chen couldn't say it one by one, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo were speechless, and Jiang Min felt that Gu Chen at this time was really strange.

It was so strange that he didn't know at all whether Gu Chen was still the idol he worried.

But thinking of his determination that he had long been firm up for, Jiang Min felt again.

"Forget it, no matter what Gu Chen becomes

, I will be by his side!" "Sometimes if I think that if Gu Chen is bad enough, maybe the people around him will stay away from him!"

"Then I will be the only one with Gu Chen!

Even Jiang Min thought of a very extreme phenomenon.

But soon Jiang Min broke away from his unrealistic ideas.

"Damn, how can

I have such thoughts

!" "I still have to think about what the situation is now!" "

What does Brother Gu Chen want to do, and what wrong things did this Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo do to stay in such a shabby little place all the time!"

In fact, don't say that Jiang Min doesn't understand, even Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo don't understand that what they did at the beginning is obviously not wrong.

But in the eyes of some people, because of an unwarranted possibility, they were slammed to the ground, and there was never a chance to turn over.


sentence that Gu Chen said now was reminding Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo that they remembered what happened at that time.

Remind them what they went through in the first place.

Remind them of ... who is causing them to suffer today.

Finally, Lin Wanxiang asked Gu Chen with his head bowed in his voice.

"Shut up! You know what? Why are you telling us what to do?" "

Who gave you the courage to speak to us so highly

!", "Why can you point at our noses and mock us with a victorious posture!"?

At the end of Lin Wanxiang's words, he brought a hoarse feeling of splitting his lungs.

Xiang Senluo, who was beside him, also raised his head angrily and yelled at Gu Chen, but Jiang Min was so frightened that he screamed behind Gu Chen.

"Yes, who do you think you are, Li Jiahao

?" "Or is it another savior who thinks of himself as a savior, but in fact is just a smelly capitalist who wants to take advantage of the fire?" "

Why do you think that you can always sit on a high platform alone and never fall into the world?"

But after Xiang Senluo finished speaking, he was immediately stunned after seeing Jiang Min's weak, pitiful and helpless expression.

That's not a gesture that a predator should show.

At least this kind of worried and benevolent expression should not be shown to the prey.

Gu Chen heard the words of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, and his brows furrowed again.

"What do you mean?" "

Is there anyone else looking for me before?"

"But it seems that they have not succeeded in convincing Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, and they probably have other ideas."

"But it directly increased the vigilance of these two people, no wonder talking is as choking as eating a gun, and the feelings have already been deceived once!"

"You're right, but you're also saying a lot.

"Then why not give me a chance to speak too?"

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