Gu Chen's words made the two who were angry stunned for a moment.

Very few people, no, are capitalists who can continue to maintain a calm attitude after hearing this cynicism.

Even if the city government is relatively deep, at least it should show a little unusual emotion or something.

But Gu Chen didn't, at least Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo observed that Gu Chen really didn't have anything at all.

"Either this guy is really scheming, so deep that there is no way to describe it in words.

"Either ... he is not the object of our ridicule at all!" both

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo thought of this possibility.

It's fake to say that they are not excited, but they are no longer the kind of children who love to dream and dream.

Now Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo have lost badly because of their youthfulness and vigor, and have completely become the dregs and bottom of society.

Otherwise, the two highly educated people would not live here.

Wouldn't it be perfect to find a random company to become a senior migrant worker

?" "What the hell are you trying to say?"


now both of them were calmed by Gu Chen's attitude.

He began to slowly be willing to let Gu Chen speak, or began to be willing to listen.

Gu Chen was still quite satisfied with this.


just to help you pay off all your debts and then fund you for a wave!"

He regained his identity and became an ordinary senior migrant worker. "

Gu Chen's purpose is really very simple.

It was so simple that Jiang Min understood it as soon as he heard it.

But these simplest words fell into the ears of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo.

But it was as if the sky hit five thunders, which made people tremble.

Especially Lin Wanxiang, he reacted the most.

After all, he paid the most of the start-up capital raised by everyone

, and in the end, he lost the most,


even was kicked out of the house by his parents.

Originally, Lin Wanxiang still felt that his parents were too desperate or something.

As a result, in the end, Lin Wanxiang found that his parents had directly mortgaged their houses.

Just to help him raise money to pay off the bill

, just to not worry his son,

so Lin Wanxiang's parents did not disclose this matter.

It also rained particularly heavily that day.

Lin Wanxiang covered his mouth with his hands hard, but he still couldn't stop the icy rain from wetting his hot tears, completely pouring out his originally hot beating heart.

"What are you talking

about!" "Did Li Jiahao's old thing call you!" "

Do you think that you can play with the backbone of our poor people and our self-esteem at will with two smelly money?"

I really can't wait to come up and fight with Gu Chen with my baseball bat now.

The hand was even more because of the force and emotion, which caused the green tendon head to jump up directly.

It's horrible to watch.

Xiang Senluo also noticed his little friend's attitude, and he wanted to stop him.

But I thought that it was myself who pulled my friends into the pit.

And now it would be too hypocritical to say something to make him calm and generous!

Only Lin Wanxiang and Gu Chen were left to look at each other.

"It seems that you have been through more than I heard at the beginning.

Gu Chen looked at Lin Wanxiang's look of wanting to eat himself directly, and said silently.

Jiang Min was so frightened that he silently pulled the corners of Gu Chen's clothes, wanting to remind Gu Chen.

"Brother Gu Chen, or you better talk later, this Lin Wanxiang on the other side is going to be furious!" But

Gu Chen was not moved at all, and even had a little bit of a sense of intensification.

"Grab your baseball bat and hit here!" "

If you want to stay in such a broken place forever, you will come

!" "Or, if you don't want to avenge yourself, you will fight! Come

and fight!"

Gu Chen's words directly made Lin Wanxiang stunned.

The baseball bat in his hand has a feeling of unsteadiness.

"Why are you forcing me like this!" "

Obviously, we have all been cowering here for almost a year now!

Covering most of his face and saying.

"What do you want! What do you want!" Lin

Wanxiang's reaction immediately made Xiang Senluo beside him feel abnormal.

Directly grabbed Lin Wanxiang's shoulder and said to Gu Chen at the same time.

"This gentleman and young lady, we really don't know who you really are, what exactly you want to do!"

"But now your appearance has seriously made us feel uncomfortable."

"So, if you really have something to say to us, please hurry, if not, or just come and see our mockery!"

But Gu Chen didn't care.

"I've always wanted to say it, but the emotional drama between the two of you is too much!" "

Okay, you guys calm down first, and then I'll tell you what I'm going to do here!" Lin

Wanxiang sat down silently under Xiang Senluo's comfort.

He also stood up directly and said to Gu Chen.

"He's not very convenient now, but there are things that are the same as me

!" "You hurry up and leave!" "

You are not welcome here!" Xiang

Senluo's words finally gave Gu Chen a chance to speak.

"Okay, then I'll tell you in detail!" "

My name is Gu Chen, and I am an ordinary entrepreneur in Huahai City.

"The purpose of this drift is very simple, that is, to bring down this guy Li Jiahao!" "Of course, I estimate that it is probably impossible to do such a heavy and long-term thing during

this time!" "So I just came here this time to set up a blind trick, in order to find those of you who can have the courage to confront Li Jiahao!"

Gu Chen's smiling look did not make Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo feel relaxed.

On the contrary, because of Gu Chen's self-introduction, the attitude of the two of them became very strange.

"Huahai City, that's also an international metropolis

!" "But how come we have never heard Gu Chen's name

?" "And even if Gu Chen is really famous and a good entrepreneur, but that is only influential in Huahai City or inland!"

"Really want to shake Li Jiahao, who has been operating on Xiangcheng Island for so long?"

Is this possible?"

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo fell into doubt.

Especially Lin Wanxiang, who lowered his head, he didn't know it himself.

Just after Gu Chen finished saying what he wanted to say and explain, a cautious flame called hope appeared in his heart.

And now Lin Wanxiang is very contradictory, on the one hand, he doesn't want to toss anything.

Pay back the money you owe, and then follow your parents for the rest of your life to honor them.

I forgot all my messy dreams.

In this case, maybe life is hard work.

But on the other hand, Lin Wanxiang was very unconvinced that he was being played with from his left hand to his right hand like a small ant.

Want to bite but break your teeth, want to evolve into a man-eating ant and turn back! Let the big people who hated at the beginning feel what is called the anger of the little people!

Therefore, Lin Wanxiang's heart is entangled.

Xiang Senluo was able to calm down a little.

He felt that these words that Gu Chen said were too one-sided and not enough.

Therefore, he continued to say to Gu Chen.

"It's not enough! Please continue. When

Gu Chen heard this, he was probably sure that the two of them were finally able to listen to themselves properly.

So he continued.

"I know that you two have a lot of distrust of me in your hearts, in fact, to be honest, when I only found out about your past on the Internet before, I also maintained a doubt about your ability

!" This kind of suspicion has been until now, in fact, I still don't quite believe that the small team of a few of you can actually let the powerful Li Jiahao personally take action!"

"It's as if you were playing poker in a game, and when you just came out with a three, the other party directly played Wang Fried

!" "And after Li Jiahao made a move, your team was just scattered, and your team core was not sanctioned or anything, which is enough to show your strength and the power that you can exert in the future!"

Gu Chen's few words made both Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo a little confused.

"Who the hell are you, why do you know so much inside information!" "

Are you Li Jiahao's undercover agent!" and

even Xiang Senluo, who was a little more imaginative, said such a bit of a fool.


"I can't imagine that you are like this, and your imagination is still so jumpy!"

Then why don't you think about it, if I were an undercover agent, I was Li Jiahao's person, and I would spend 100,000 yuan to find your people through a series of means?"

Do you think that I am very idle and don't have any things that need to be busy, so I am so bored to play games with you here?" "

Or are you really too confident in yourself

?" "Think you're really very important?"

Gu Chen's life-threatening question, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo were all red-faced.

Fortunately, Lin Wanxiang squatted down and buried his head, and he would not be seen by Gu Chen at all.

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