Jiang Min's words immediately made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo's faces change greatly.

"Don't, don't! We're not hesitating, it's just that this thing is a little too impactful for us!

"Yes, yes! And it's not just the two of us who got this project done, otherwise we would have become immortals long ago!

"Yes, yes, yes! How to say it again... We sell.... Wrong wrong! It's about passing on risk, and you can't help but listen to the rest of the team! The

two of them immediately tensed and stammered a little and explained to Gu Chen and Jiang Min.

"And Gu... If you think about it, you're only seeing the two of us now! There are other team members you haven't seen! In case this ten million there is also a thousand-foot mansion with specifications that exceed your budget... You..." The

more you speak, the more you can't continue.

Especially after Lin Wanxiang said this guess, what if Gu Chen really used this excuse not to pass on the risk?

Therefore, both Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo felt a little embarrassed and did not speak again.

"It's okay, I already knew before I came that there are five people in your team."

"It's just 50 million plus five thousand-foot mansions."

Gu Chen didn't have any feelings about Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo's scruples, and even wanted to laugh a little.

But Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo were still a little cowering.

"However, do you know the house prices on Xiangcheng Island now?"

"Nonsense, can I open my mouth if I don't know? The average price is 271,000 square meters, I have seen it before!

Gu Chen's words directly shocked the two who originally had other ideas, and instantly made them not know what to say.

It's just that both of them secretly calculated in their own hearts.

"So, this Gu Chen has long been ready? Those five sets are 5,000 feet, which translates to an average price of 270,000, and a total price of 135 million! "

With a click, they always feel that there are countless zeros flying in their heads.

Especially when you want to stop this kind of thought, there is no motivation at all.

Completely immersed in the sea of money.

Especially Lin Wanxiang was calculating, how many hours of work would he have to work to earn so much money?

A thousand years? Or 10,000 years?

In short, both of them were stunned.

But Gu Chen and Jiang Min would not let the two of them be in fantasy all the time.

"Brother Gu Chen, let's go! These two people feel very uninformed!

"It's just a little money and a few houses to scare him into being so low!" Let's go, let's go, I'm hungry!

Jiang Min's words instantly woke up to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo.

The fantasy just for a second was too beautiful, so beautiful that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo almost directly agreed to Gu Chen's request.

"Wait a minute! Call our teammates now!

After hearing Jiang Min's nth impatient words, Lin Wanxiang finally reacted and directly asked Xiang Senluo next to him to call quickly.

So, under the gaze of Gu Chen and Jiang Min, they heard two very mechanical sounds.


This made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo have embarrassment written on their faces.

I usually spend every day in WiFi mode, and I can't even think of what I need to call.

So it directly caused this embarrassing scene now.

Gu Chen had to give the two of them a blank face.

Lin Wanxiang also stupidly said that it was enough to deduct from the money he gave himself.

Finally staying in this dirty environment for a while, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo finally dialed the phone.

"Hey, Ah Yue, it's my Ah Xiang!"

"Yes, I'm still alive! Blah blah, blah, who said I went to be pulled to reclaim the sea! Oops, it wasn't stuffed into the cement either!

"Anyway, now I'm in my new home!" Right! It's the old age room! What to do! There are good things to tell you! Hurry up and arrive in 10 minutes! Lin

Wanxiang seemed to be calling his girlfriend.

In short, the dashing attitude instantly made her girlfriend feel abnormal, and she also promised to rush to the scene as soon as possible.

Lin Wanxiang said with an embarrassed smile at Gu Chen after hanging up the phone.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, my girlfriend Ah Yue is closer! So just come and talk about things! Otherwise, I'm afraid she can't keep the secret as a woman! It's embarrassing!

Gu Chen nodded to show understanding, he still had more time.

On the other side, Xiang Senluo was still struggling to talk to one of the team members and yelled loudly.

"Dog head super! Why should I lie to you! Someone really took a fancy to our project! It's true! And also give us money and house too!

"Lying groove, didn't I just let you take out your wife Ben and invest it together?" Are you turning your face with me until now?

"Anyway, you really hurry up now!" This time there are really good things! You don't have to bring anything!

"It's not to borrow money from you, and it's not to trick you into coming to various organs!" Don't hang in the groove, hey, hey! Xiang

Senluo listened to the busy tone on the phone, and he was also at a loss.

I don't understand at all when my reputation got so bad.

At the same time, I am also thinking about whether my ability to fool is really so weak? So the first speech was never bad at yourself?

"What a tragedy!"

The most important thing is that when Xiang Senluo looked back at him, Gu Chen, Jiang Min, and his partner Lin Wanxiang all looked at himself.

His face was full of confusion when he saw it.

"Is there something on my face?"

He asked in surprise.

But Lin Wanxiang did not speak, but silently dialed the phone of the previous teammate.

At the same time, he also signaled to Sen Luo to call the last member of the team.

This time he went very well, mainly because this player is his girlfriend.

Although her family did not allow it, she still ran out to see Senluo for the last time.

Lin Wanxiang didn't have any problems there, and he successfully brought the dog's head over.

Gu Chen glanced at the two curiously and said.

"I remember the positioning in the previous team, Lin Wanxiang is a technician, but Xiang Senluo seems to be an external speaker, or a sales master, right?"

"Why does it look like it's the other way around now?"

Lin Wanxiang was just about to say something to explain for his brother, such as that the marketing master sells by his own charm or something.

Xiang Senluo spoke the truth first.

"That's because I often feel that I didn't rise with the concept of blockchain in the first place, but it's actually all my reason!"

"Because my marketing and presentation are really weak! But I didn't admit it myself, often after I took the stage, I was applauded by others!

"That's why I'm so abnormal, so strange!"

Get up to Senro.

Lin Wanxiang was determined to change the topic and not let everyone's attention always focus on this.

So he said directly to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, I think I still have to discuss with you about the situation in the bill!"

Gu Chen saw that Lin Wanxiang wanted to relieve his brother's heart, so he nodded and said.

"Yes, then take a look!"

Lin Wanxiang, who received Gu Chen's nod, immediately took out a calculator and began to calculate.

In front of Gu Chen, he even calculated the price of a fish that had been credited in the vegetable market before.

Jiang Min, who was watching on the side, was a little angry.

However, Gu Chen still didn't have any reaction, so Jiang Min had to give up!

After a while, Lin Wanxiang finally calculated all the arrears.

"Together with the previous crowdfunding amount, it has reached a total of 6,467,241 Xiangcheng Coins!"

If it weren't for Gu Chen feeling that the appearance of the decimal point was too troublesome, this was very strict with the numbers, or Lin Wanxiang, who was dead-eyed, would really calculate to two decimal places.

"I know, report the card number! I will transfer seven million directly to you, and the rest of the money will be regarded as the salary you advanced from me first! After

listening to Lin Wanxiang's report, Gu Chen directly prepared to transfer money.

Its boldness made both Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo moved.

"Is there really such a conscientious boss and such conscientious capital in this world, isn't it an entrepreneur?"

"Heaven, Mr. Gu is an angel! That's great! "

Both of them are filled with happiness in their hearts.

But in the end, they calmed down and said.

"Calm down! Calm down!

"Yes, Mr. Gu, calm down! Now you give us money, we don't have any legal constraints! What if we just take the money and run away with it?

Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo suspiciously.

The two people who watched it were very embarrassed.

"Ah, what's wrong? Are we too honest to be able to do it at all?

"The main thing is to worry that we will take risks!"

That's right, that's it!"

Not to mention, the way Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo sang and made peace almost made Gu Chen and Jiang Min laugh.

"No, only seven million, how can you run? There is not much left to buy a house and a car! What do you say run for?

"Where can I run?"

If these words came out of other people's mouths, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo would definitely not have any mood swings.

But from Gu Chen's mouth, they heard another meaning.

"This Gu always has no concept of money at all!"

"Ah, great! This time, I really ran into a big guy who can go head-to-head with Li Jiahao!

"Long live President Gu! Long live Mr. Gu! "

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