The two celebrated in their hearts, as long as Gu Chen's energy was greater, the more secure they would feel.

Only in a state of complete peace of mind did they dare to show themselves with the richest man on Xiangcheng Island again!

So in the end, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo each received 3.5 million.

No, it's four million per person.

Because Gu Chen doesn't like to move his finger more to press a five.

So the most trouble-saving thing is to directly hover only on 4 and 0.

It is more convenient to transfer money in this way.

At the beginning, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo really didn't react.

Because just after the two provided their card numbers, Gu Chen actually started transferring money on the spot.

In less than five minutes, Gu Chen had already hit the accounts of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo in batches.

The two men immediately began to pick up the small ledger with joy, tearing it in two without any hesitation.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo began to take out their phones and start transferring money one by one from far to near according to the contact information above.

As small as ten and twenty pieces of friendship, as large as 100,000 and 20,000 kindness.

When the two were halfway through the fight, someone banged the door from the main entrance.

Originally, Lin Wanxiang subconsciously wanted to let the person who knocked on the door go to the back door or something.

But when he saw the zeros on his account that he counted with his fingers, and the account in his hand.

He suddenly clenched his teeth.

Fiercely opened his inner and outer three doors completely.

The most important thing is that Gu Chen only discovered at this time that those locks outside the door were actually decorations!

And it is a decoration that can be moved by following the door.

This discovery made Gu Chen feel very magical and very confusing.

Because Gu Chen really didn't find this lock before, it was all a lie.

"Then the old men and old women before also seem to be deceptive?"

Gu Chen thought that when he had just arrived at this elderly activity center and saw so many old people paying attention to him at the same time, wasn't there concern and worry in his eyes.

"They have long known that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo are here, and they looked at me before and were worried that I would forcibly open the door?"

Gu Chen shook his head helplessly.

He also saw that after Lin Wanxiang opened the door, the old men and women outside the door all put down the cards in their hands and stood up.

"Hell, hell? The door actually opened?

"What about Lao Zhang? Doesn't it mean that there is an outer lock as a cover, plus the inner three layers of doors will not be opened at all!

"Shut up, you! Can't you see this, this is the initiative to open the door inside!

"Eh, no, can't the two little rabbits save enough money to come out?"

In an instant, the old men and women in the elderly activity center slowly gathered around.

Just saw the smaller cute girl Ah Yue directly pounced on Lin Wanxiang and cried.

Vicious ate a handful of juvenile dog food.

"It's nice to be young!"

"Yes, I think my ejection ability was also very good back then, but unfortunately my boss couldn't eat it at that time!"

"Eh, what about him now? Gone? Do you think I still have a chance?

"What, I'm right next to me, you're a little too much to pry the corner!"

"When I didn't say it, when I didn't say it!"

They looked at Ah Yuelin, who had a lover who had finally become a dependent, and their hearts were full of envy and blessing.

But when he saw Gu Chen coming out of the inner door.

One by one, they were like frightened birds and instantly returned to their seats.

"These old men and old women, monkey essence monkey essence!"

Gu Chen was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

Xiang Senluo walked out and smiled at Gu Chen embarrassedly.

"Sorry, Mr. Gu! You probably used them to collect debts before!

"That's why they joined forces to protect us!" They're all good people!

An explanation made Gu Chen nod to show understanding.

At the same time, these pretending old people also heard Xiang Senluo's words, plus Gu Chen came out of the room and thought a little, they understood a lot of things.

"I said it! How polite a big star looks like this young man and has a beautiful little girl! Feelings are not debt collection!

"Yes, if my son grows up like such a child, how can I be willing to let him be a debt collector!" Sin is not! "

These old men and old ladies came up to praise Gu Chen!

After Jiang Min came out, he praised Jiang Min so embarrassed.

Gu Chen smiled and did not speak, and finally Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo reacted.

Gu Chen's identity is not ordinary, it is not that they can waste time by saying a few words.

Therefore, Lin Wanxiang directly held the hand of his girlfriend A Yue with one hand and the account book in his hand in the other.

"Dear neighbors! We're rich!

"Now I'm going to return to you all the money that everyone cobbled together!"

"Everyone, say it's good!"

Lin Wanxiang raised the ledger in his hand and shouted loudly.

But the imaginary cheers did not appear.

It was even questioned by his neighbors.

"Little elephant! You won't be stimulated, will you! When the money is gone, we will earn it again! When people are gone, they are really gone!

"Yes, don't scare us, we watched you grow up!" Don't want us white-haired people to send black-haired people!

"What are you talking about, the baby elephant and a few good children in the forest will live a hundred years in the future!"

"Blame me, blame me! Anyway, don't think about it!

Gu Chen listened to this thick Xiangcheng opera-style line.

Thinking of the picture of harmony, love, unity and mutual help in the neighborhood, I couldn't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect the TV series to be real?"

"Is there really such a blind date and loving family?"

Gu Chen felt that he was worth the trip today and watched a classic famous scene on the spot.

It's just that this ticket fee is more expensive, directly eight million.

"Oh, Mei Lan Zhuju's four aunts, you think too much! I'm not crazy at all!

"It was our new boss who gave us money to repay the loan!"

"You don't have to worry about anything at all, I won't be arrested, and I won't be asked for money by debt collectors!"

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo desperately explained clearly to all the old men and women.

Gu Chen took Jiang Min to watch the play on the side.

Just watching and watching, Jiang Min will also have a little style of watching TV.

I can't wait to have another handful of melon seeds now, while eating while watching Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, and Na Ayue or something.

Desperately trying to return the money to the old man and old lady who had a record in the ledger.

But at this time, Gu Chen found that it was very inconvenient for the old man and old lady to sit where he sat and looked up.

It's not at all the original unfettered chicken look.

One and the two of them began a tug-of-war with Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, that is, to prevent the two of them from transferring money to themselves.

This good atmosphere made Gu Chen and Jiang Min feel a little unreal.

"Who said that Xiangcheng Island is full of treacherous people, isn't there still true love?"

Gu Chen shook his head, feeling that nothing could be understood by relying on other people's mouths alone, and it was best to let his eyes see the truth.

Gu Chen thought so, because Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Ayue and the others were young people, their physical strength still surpassed these old men and women, so in the end, they still completed the purpose of repaying the debt.

The scene of everyone's joy unfolds at once, quite in the style of Xiangcheng Island comedy in the 90s of the last century.

It's just that after Lin Wanxiang and the other three members of Xiang Senluo's team came, the scene was a little out of control.

"Hey! You two! "

The first to appear is a muscular man wearing a training suit.

"Don't hide in the room as a mouse! Why come out! What more lies to make money!

"Who are you trying to fool this time!"

He came to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo with one brisk stride.

The tall man who was close to one meter nine instantly brought a full sense of oppression.

The people around instantly felt this powerful air pressure rise.

But Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo did not panic at all.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min also looked like they were watching a play.

Especially Jiang Min, at this time, she no longer has any worries, or she is used to worrying and directly entering the theater mode.

"Dog head super! You calm down!

Lin Wanxiang directly appeared and raised the ledger in his hand.

The man known as Doghead Chao had not yet reacted and was ready to fly the ledger that was blocking him in.

But at the last glance, he saw countless people and properties crossed out.

In an instant, his movements stopped on the spot.

"What a terrible control!"

Gu Chen instantly judged that this dog-headed chao was a practitioner!

Lin Wanxiang breathed a sigh of relief, don't look at how calm he had just been.

In fact, my heart is ready for a broken hand.

Fortunately, in the end, the dog's control was still the same, which did not disappoint him.

"What is the situation?"

The dog head chao calmed down and looked at the account book in Lin Wanxiang's hand and asked.

"I told you on the phone! We really sent it this time!

Lin Wanxiang directly took out his mobile phone and put it in front of Dog Tou Chao.

At the same time, Xiang Senluo also came forward to show his bank card balance.

Suddenly, the dog head chao widened his eyes and punched himself in the chest fiercely.

"Ahem! I'm not dreaming! His

eyes seemed to be able to shine.

The brush rushed over and looked at the balance on the two people's phones and muttered.

"This wave is really going to happen! I want to send it!

Gu Chen looked at this guy's appearance, and always felt that he was a little unintelligent...

"This should be the security personnel in their team..." But

Gu Chen didn't feel discrimination or anything.

After all, if there are too many geniuses in this world, how can ordinary people live?

There have to be people playing different roles, right?

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