In this way, the dog head chao shed mixed tears under Gu Chen's banknote ability.

At the same time, it was also mandatory for Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Ah Yue to pay back the debts of others in the account book first.

Leave the rest to yourself!

Gu Chen immediately had a good impression of the tall horse's dog.

After all the arrears were finally repaid, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo were also moved, and without saying anything, they divided the remaining money into five equal parts.

"We as brothers can not care about money! But we can't let our brothers suffer! Although

Dog Tou Chao was reluctant to accept it at first, under the persuasion of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Dog Head Chao reluctantly accepted it.

"Come on, come on dog head super, let me introduce you to our....well, the new boss Gu Zong!"

After solving all the remaining problems, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo introduced each other to Gu Chen and Gou Tou Chao.

"Dog head super, our physical plugin! Noh Wen Nengwu! With

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo's narration and introduction, the man nicknamed Dog Head Chao's full name Song Chao said to Gu Chen with a fist!

"Thank you Boss Gu for your attention! I'm a rough man and can't speak! In short, our hard work is up to you! His

statement was very fast, and he was willing to accept Gu Chen's kindness and 10 million cash plus a thousand-foot mansion!

This is a rare good thing, who would be stupid enough to refuse?

Dog Head Chao looks like a big guy, but his IQ is also very high, otherwise he would not be favored by Xiang Senluo and the two to join his team.

Gu Chen nodded silently in the face of the dog's head chao's surrender and said.

"You're welcome, now send Sen Luo's girlfriend hasn't arrived yet, right?"

Xiang Senluo said with embarrassment written on his face.

"My girlfriend's house may be a little delayed! But she should be almost there!

Gu Chen looked at him with a look of wanting to say and stopping, and seemed a little anxious.

"It seems to be a bit of a trouble."

Everyone waited for a while, and those neighbors very enthusiastically took out a lot of pastries for Jiang Min Guchen to enjoy.

And he also very sensibly left the same place.

Leave the space to Gu Chen and Xiang Senluo.

Gu Chen could obviously see that the dog head chao seemed to have a lot of questions he wanted to ask.

But it's full of entanglements.

"Is there something going on?"

In the end, Gu Chen looked at this guy and always glanced at himself from time to time, and asked if he felt a little obstructed.

"Actually... It's not a big deal, I just want to know how you know about us, Mr. Gu!

"Why can our deeds reach your ears across the sea?"

"I'm actually really curious about that!"

Doghead Chao very frankly expressed his doubts.

When Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo heard this, they also stopped giving Gu Chen tea and eating pastries.

Gu Chen silently picked up his teacup and blew open the tea leaves on it and smiled slightly.

"Want to know why I care so much about you? Or do you want to know what I want to do with your work?

One sentence suddenly made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and Dog Tou Chao look at each other.

Because Gu Chen directly spoke to their hearts.

The dog head chao, who had been debunked of his purpose, was not repelled.

Instead, he asked more calmly.

"Mr. Gu, it's not that my dog head is a calculating villain, it's just that sometimes we are really scared by people!"

"If we don't understand your motives or something, if we hand over this project that has taken countless sweat and labor to you, and you end up using him to do bad things, we really don't know what to do!"

Gu Chen's words from Dog Tou Chao did not react yet, but the questioning attitude directly made Jiang Min feel very uncomfortable.

"Doesn't you mean we're doing things here?"

"Just doubt us?"

"Why don't you think about it, you have already paid seven million to you, and the promise of a thousand-foot mansion and tens of millions of cash for one person behind, so full of sincerity, what are you not satisfied with here to continue to doubt!"

"Or do you think this money is not enough, and you have to take the opportunity to get more money from us?"

Jiang Min's words were very true, so real that Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others all looked at the dog head chao with a big change in their faces.

Seriously, they don't have that in mind!

Gu Chen's appearance was like a ray of light shining into the mire, instantly rescuing the two of them from the dark abyss.

The voices of relief from those who have received their repayments still ring in their ears.

With such great kindness, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo felt that even if Gu Chen really wanted them to do something bad, cough, they were all willing!

Dog Tou Chao didn't expect Jiang Min to be so sharp-toothed, and he didn't know what to say in a few words.

But the anxious dog head Chao caught a glimpse of a Miaoman figure that was getting closer and closer behind Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, and suddenly his anxious heart suddenly calmed down.

There was even a touch of reassurance.

"The little girl is not old, but she is quite choking, are you a chili pepper?"

At this time, a fluttering sentence came.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Dog Tou Chao and Ah Yue immediately stood up when they heard this, especially the first two were as nervous as if elementary school students who had done something wrong heard their class teacher's voice.

Gu Chen glanced behind him in surprise, and saw the woman with rosy eyes but firm eyes standing no more than five steps away from him.

"How... Does this person walk without sound?

Jiang Min also looked at her and asked with a frown.

"Who are you again?"

The woman directly did not pay attention to Jiang Min, but walked to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo's side and asked.

"Why, we are all ready to sell our hard work, and we have not yet introduced the major shareholders of this project?"

Xiang Senluo didn't dare to look up at her at all, but he couldn't speak.

Still as a relationship is not rigid, Lin Wanxiang plucked up the courage to say to her.


But at the moment when Lin Wanxiang just spoke, the woman called Shuyun directly glared at Lin Wanxiang, making him hold all the words back into his stomach.

"What am I asking you? To Senro!

"Silently disappeared for so long, calling me to share the money?" Not a word of explanation?

"Do you really not know how I have been doing all this time?"

"Speak! Why are you avoiding me!

Shuyun spoke louder and louder, but just after reaching the peak, it suddenly slipped a little.

There was even a cry, and finally with an inexplicable grievance and sadness, and the voice became smaller and smaller.

It's just sadness for the listener and tears for the listener!

Gu Chen and Jiang Min ate Western cakes at this time at three points.

became a proper gossip mass.

Jiang Min also forgot the embarrassment of being choked by Shuyun before, and she completely entered the state of watching the play like Gu Chen.

In addition, Xiang Senluo, who is only a promise, is too bad a slot.

It made the two curious about the next direction.

"Shuyun, I....I'm sorry for you!"

As a result, Gu Chen and Jiang Min waited for a while, thinking that Xiang Senluo would use some exquisite reason to defend himself.

Who knows, apologize directly to Senluo, and give himself no room for maneuver! It disappointed Gu Chen and Jiang Min too much!

"Just say sorry? Do you know my pressure!

"Do you know what my family says about me?"

Shuyun's momentum did not decrease by three points because of her crying tone and softness.

On the contrary, because of the offensive of this sad force, Xiang Senluo lowered his head more and more.

I didn't dare to look up at my girlfriend at all.

"I... I don't know, I really...yes, I'm sorry for you! "

There is only an apology to Senro.

But Shuyun seems to have found someone who can make herself complain well.

He kept telling Senluo about his hard work during this time.

Completely exploded his negative emotions.

In the end, he reached the peak in a word.

"Do you know it! I miss you so much! I'm so worried! Worried that you leave me! Worry that you will die silently like a mouse! "

I really can't accept the ending where we're not together! Do you know or not! Shuyun

also collapsed directly at this time and slammed Xiang Senluo's chest with his fist.

The whole person was attached to Xiang Senluo's body and cried loudly.

Xiang Senluo finally couldn't help but hug her fiercely and cried, but his mouth still kept saying sorry, sorry!

The howling of the two made Ah Yue and the others' eyes red.

"Sister Shuyun..."

Ah Yue felt a little sad, and Lin Wanxiang's big hands directly hugged her.

She looked up to see her boyfriend's apologetic eyes, everything was silent, and the most important thing was to hug tightly.

This scene made Gu Chen and Jiang Min relish.

It can be regarded as the end of the comedy.

It is estimated that Xiang Senluo may have to complain about a girl called Shuyun for a while.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the two still have each other in their hearts, any gap will dissipate over time.


Gu Chen looked to the side, his face was full of sadness, hugging his dog's head, Chao didn't know, and suddenly wanted to laugh very much.

He suddenly understood why he was called Doghead Chao.

Feelings....are the explanations of single dogs.

Jiang Min almost laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

Just laughing and laughing, she can't laugh.

Because she seems to be a single dog that no one wants.

Jiang Min glanced at Gu Chen without a trace.

But the other party did not react at all.

"Forget it, let's continue to watch the play!"

Jiang Min thought so, and continued to chase the drama on the spot.

Compared with Gu Chen's light comedy on Jiang Min's side, Chen Yu's side has the feeling of an underworld movie of the century on Xiangcheng Island.

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