Chen Yu sat in the extended Lincoln, and his whole face was full of solemnity.

Recalling the way Gu Chen sorted out his tie with his own hands in the morning.

His heart was full of emotion.

Gu Chen's words also echoed in his mind all the time.

"Believe in yourself and be bold in pulling tiger skins!"

"In a word, eat him, drink him, play him! Just don't do anything for him!

The two sentences directly opened the door to Chen Yu's new world.

Isn't this just letting him directly follow the order to fish? And it is also a good fish touch.

Then he is too good!

First of all, he has to pretend that no one is allowed to enter.

In this way, I will be very embarrassed to ask for benefits with a straight face.

Secondly, he wants to improve his own morality and be indifferent.

It is not easy to give people a look.

Therefore, in the room, Chen Yu looked at Gu Chen's photos for a long time.

I found a photo of Gu Chen who looked more serious and began to imitate.

When Tong Zixin let Chen Yu go out, Tong Zixin was taken aback by Chen Yu's appearance.

There is a bit of wisdom in the indifference, and the sharp eyes are like a falcon.

"Something, no wonder Gu always brought him to Xiangcheng Island!"

Tong Zixin sighed in his heart.

Who knew that Chen Yushuai was only three seconds.

Directly after leaving his room, as soon as he landed, he saw handsome men and women lined up in two rows smiling at him.

The red carpet on the ground is more than 30 meters long.

There was also a drone cruise in the sky, and at the moment when Chen Yu appeared, a few direct bangs scattered countless welcome color strips fell from the sky, which scared Chen Yu's heart to shrink.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Yu entered the state and did not move much.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the defense will be directly broken.

The security guards on both sides of the surrounding area also formed a huge circle to wrap this area, one to block ordinary tourists, and the other to block the paparazzi who heard the news around.

After all, this kind of pomp and circumstance is either some big star or some big person.

Naturally, they wanted to see what kind of big people came to Xiangcheng Island for the first time, and wanted to get a personal scoop.

But it is a pity that Chen Mouren has already made arrangements and arranged the surrounding security work perfectly.

Although Chen Yu didn't have any reaction on the surface, his heart was even calm because of his sneaky deep breathing.

But when he was about to take a new step, he found a problem.

The feet are a little disobedient....

This embarrassing scene, the end of social death, made Chen Yu entangled and anxious.

"It's okay if I lose face myself, but what I represent now is Gu Chen is the Longteng Group!"

He forcefully told his legs not to be stage fright because of this little scene!

Don't be afraid to move because you're scared!

In the end, there is still little effect.

But the person in charge who came to pick up Chen Yu and Tong Zixin couldn't wait.

"Eh, why is this person from the Longteng Group so pompous?"

"I've already prepared the treatment of a third-level guest for him! He still won't leave? "

Such a big face?"

But the complaining in his heart was like this, but in fact, he came directly to Chen Yu's side from the first line of greeters and asked respectfully.

"This... Well, Mr. Chen? We're almost ready to go! There will be a delay on the way..." Tong

Zixin also glanced at Chen Yu without a trace when he heard this.

She was thinking about what Gu Chen said to Chen Yu in the morning.

"Is it time to start?"

Thinking so, Tong Zixin directly gave up the idea of persuading Chen Yu to almost get it.

Instead, he was ready to watch the person in charge sent by Chen Mouren come out of embarrassment.

He always looked at himself with squinted eyes all day long.

Chen Yu actually wanted to say something when he heard this.

But at this moment, Chen Yu felt that his throat and eyes seemed to be blocked by something.

Chen Yu, who adjusted his state, took another minute to spend.

Finally, he spoke slowly.

"I... I'm a very low-key person."

The person in charge who came to greet Chen Yu was very confused and did not understand what Chen Yu was talking about.

Tong Zixin almost laughed.

But in the face of the look of help from the person in charge of the greeting, she withdrew her smile again.

Directly looked at him with a puzzled face.

This makes the person in charge feel even more headache.

"That, Mr. Chen, is not! Mr. Chen, can you make it clearer?

"I'm a person, I've not been very good since I was a child, if there is anything, you can just tell me directly, you don't have to go around the corner like this!"

Therefore, he directly put down his face, only hoping that Chen Yu had any requirements to say it quickly, and he would satisfy him earlier.

What a moth of the province appeared!

But Chen Yu glanced at him and didn't say anything.

He was still waiting for his legs to regain their instincts.

It's just that the effect is very poor, and in the end, there is no way, Chen Yu can only think of an excuse between electric flint.

"It's okay to disperse, I don't want to, get too much attention."

A simple sentence made the person in charge suddenly stunned.

Especially when I saw Chen Yu heading directly back to the cruise ship.

This made the person in charge immediately anxious.

"Eh! Mr. Chen! What do you mean! But

he didn't dare to stop Chen Yu at all, in case he annoyed the other party and went directly back to Huahai City, then this pot could only be carried by him!"

Therefore, this person in charge could only watch Chen Yu return to the cabin without any way.

In the end, he could only whisper to ask Tong Zixin.

"Sister Tong! You help the little brother!

Tong Zixin looked at this middle-aged greasy uncle who was about to reach the age of forty and whispered a pleading to himself.

She just snorted disdainfully in her heart.

But soon Tong Zixin took the initiative to speak.

"Mr. Chen likes to keep a low profile, aren't you touching people's bottom line by doing this?"

"Now I'll go and calm Mr. Chen's emotions first, you clean up these pomp outside!" Everything from Jane! "

Because she doesn't want this scene to end before it starts, she definitely has to maintain it."

"So it is! Thank you Sister Tong!

After hearing Tong Zixin's explanation, the person in charge immediately seemed to understand something, and after thanking Tong Zixin, he immediately began to clean up the scene.

Tong Zixin returned to the cabin and saw Chen Yu, who was constantly rubbing his legs, and was directly stunned on the spot.

"You, you didn't just pretend to be a wave because you obeyed President Gu's order, but you really can't go away?"

"yes! Otherwise, why don't I have something to do to make this out!

Chen Yu directly told the truth to his own person, Tong Zixin.

The boy who engaged in it was crying and laughing.

In the end, the two discussed how to be considered excessive but in the bottom line.

Chen Yu was shocked by Tong Zixin's profound theoretical knowledge.

Finally, he is willing to call Tong Zixin a theoretical master!

"Good! Let's go! Finally

, when the person in charge called Tong Zixin, she directly cut off the phone and left with him after two or three minutes.

The pomp and circumstance is indeed cleaned up.

The extended version of Lincoln is still very dazzling, but there are not as many reporters as before.

Tong Zixin and Chen Yu took the journey to the Wanhao Stock Exchange.

On the road, Chen Yu spared words like gold in order to maintain his attitude of high coldness and equipment.

But in his mind, he was thinking about what Mr. Gu was doing at this time?

At this time, Gu Chen and Jiang Min had already finished eating the western cake, and even drank two cups of tea.

Just sat quietly on the side, watching Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and their girlfriends.


Although Gu Chen did not reject this behavior of them very much.

But after all, there is still business to be done, plus it is still daytime, so don't be in such a hurry!

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, who heard Gu Chen's cough, reacted.

Ah Yue got up from her boyfriend embarrassedly, but Shuyun was still sticking to Senluo.

She glanced at Gu Chen and Jiang Min lightly and asked.

"Who the hell are you two?"

Yes, everything is back to square one.

Gu Chen thought that he was quite helpless, and every time he came to a person, he had to explain it more.

So in order to avoid this kind of thing happening, he asked Xiang Senluo directly.

"Hey, everyone on your team should be on the same page, right? No one else, right? Xiang

Senluo listened to this, in fact, he was still immersed in the great joy of his girlfriend forgiving him, and he didn't react for a while.

"People? What people?

Lin Wanxiang glanced at Gu Chen embarrassedly, and said to Senluo instead.

"Mr. Gu, there is no one else, our team is five."

Gu Chen, who got an affirmative answer, nodded.

Xiang Senluo also woke up at this time, and said timidly to Gu Chen.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I'm so happy..."

His apology was interrupted by Shuyun just as he could say it.

"There is no need to apologize to such an unknown person!"

The dog head chao grabbed the words, he didn't want to offend his God of Wealth.

Otherwise, he would be pitiful if he didn't have a girlfriend and no money!

"I can't say that, Gu is always the most frank person I've seen in all these years! Don't talk nonsense! Shuyun

glanced at the bold and careful dog, and stopped talking.

However, his eyes shifted to Gu Chen's body, as if he was a hunter who saw prey.

But whenever Gu Chen had any intention to expose her bad thoughts, she would directly and keenly tear his disguise!

Fortunately, Gu Chen didn't have any bad intentions from beginning to end.

Just said a word.

"Well, since this is the case, when everyone is here, I will tell everyone my origin and my thoughts!"

"The old people in the province think I'm a bad person."

As Gu Chen spoke, he looked at Shuyun without the slightest timidity.

The powerful aura made Shuyun have to divert his gaze.

Seeing Jiang Min's heart, he cut in his heart.

"How tough do you think it is? Feelings are just a stronger scum in front of my brother Gu Chen! "

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