"Yes, Mr. Gu, Sister Shulan's starting point is good, but when we think about it, it is a little too much!"

"That's right, that's right! And Shulan has grown up in that environment since she was a child, and she will definitely be..." Dog

Tou Chao suddenly realized something when he said the last word of comfort, but he couldn't stop the car a little.

It was Sun Shulan who glared at him fiercely.

Only then did the dog head Chao immediately cover his mouth.

"Oh? It seems that this Sun Shulan's origin is not small? Also! After all, he was the major shareholder of this project before, how could an ordinary person's family have so much capital to invest in a project that seemed to never succeed?

"Unless it's the kind of brainless stud leek, it will sell his house to gamble."

Thinking so, Gu Chen didn't care.

But the dog head chao seems to be unloveable, and Gu Chen thought that there was some taboo gossip behind Sun Shulan.

"It's okay, I didn't care!"

And now Gu Chen came directly to this sentence after Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo's persuasion.

It is true that Sun Shulan has done not do well in many places, but no one is perfect.

Even he sometimes makes mistakes and does some weird things.

Don't be too normal like Sun Shulan.

After all, Gu Chen can't use common sense to speculate.

Otherwise, he would suffer a big loss like Sun Shulan today.

So that's what it says.

"Be in awe of everything!"

Gu Chen's generosity made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

But Sun Shulan still didn't seem to be dissipated, and she kept staring at the big dog Tou Chao.

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Stop looking at me! The

dog-headed chao who engaged in it kept begging Sun Shulan for mercy one after another.

In the end, Sun Shulan slowly shifted her gaze from the dog's head chao to Gu Chen's body.

"Well, even if Mr. Gu, you have the technical means of quantum communication, so what, how can you spread this quantum communication? How can I complete the quantum wire network? After all, this is Xiangcheng Island, which is Li Jiahao's chassis! It's not Huahai City!

Sun Shulan once again found the key to the problem.

Gu Chen didn't want his quantum communication technology to be exposed, nor did he want his quantum wire network to be completed.

That naturally can't bypass Li Jiahao, the head snake.

However, after this question passed in Sun Shulan's mind, she instantly thought of the possibility she could foresee, and her pupils suddenly shrank, and she instantly forgot to breathe.

"Yes! If Gu Chen's purpose is this, it can be operated in reverse!

"He supports our virtual currency blockchain that can complete transactions offline!" On the one hand, we can take this opportunity to let them grow and show our risks later!

"Because we have been in Li Jiahao's sight before!" It can be said that Li Jiahao is very unwelcome to us!

"So when we develop to a certain extent and have a certain influence, we will touch Li Jiahao's bottom line in a certain time!"

"And that's what Gu Chen is for! At that time, he will be able to logically pull out our blockchain as a sacrifice and sacrifice it directly, specifically for the reason why quantum communication is to establish a base on Xiangcheng Island!

"It's called killing two birds with one stone?"

A trace of fear flashed in Sun Shulan's eyes.

It's not that I'm worried about confronting Li Jiahao or anything in the future.

Instead, he thought of this when he was careful if Gu Chen would contact them before, so when he approached Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo from the beginning, he was playing tricks.

"No, it shouldn't be a trick! It should be called Yangmou! Sun

Shulan's mood was very up.

Because Gu Chen's Yang Mo really didn't have any cracks.

From the very beginning of contact with Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, until they paid the two of them money to repay the loan.

This Yang Mo has completely shrouded their heads.

"And it's the kind that can never be avoided!"

"Whether it is reasonable, we have no way to refuse, saying that there is a choice in what is just talking for fun!"

So, Sun Shulan Fairy Tong fell into silence after all this.

Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others were a little anxious.

"Why didn't President Gu speak?"

As a girl who has always been so timid that rabbits dare not kill her, Ah Yue naturally speaks in a small voice.

Lin Wanxiang didn't hear what she said.

But that's not a big problem.

Because the dog head chao who was tilted because of Sun Shulan's gaze on the side, could still hear what she said.

Therefore, Dog Tou Chao silently repeated Ah Yue's words.

After listening silently, Lin Wanxiang pulled Ah Yue closer to himself, looking very protective of the calf.

The dog head chao was even more speechless.

Because doesn't that treat him as a bad person?

So, figuring out that he is here, he is a fool!

But this fool can't go directly.

Otherwise, many of your properties have nothing to do with you!

"I'll endure it!"

Doghead Chao told himself.

Gu Chen also found that it was the abnormality of these people, and then said embarrassedly.

"Just wandered my mind and went thinking about something! Now I'm back!

He looked at the extremely nervous look of the people on the opposite side and said with a smile.

"Just because this is Xiangcheng Island and not Huahai City, I need your help!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have offered such a high price, right, Shulan?"

Gu Chen directly didn't want to talk to these people anymore.

Because it would be a waste of time to continue talking, oh no, if you continue to talk about your own purpose, the old book will be taken out by them.

Then in case any of them defected.

Or if he has other ideas, Gu Chen is difficult to operate.

And Sun Shulan has a saying that is very correct.

"This is Li Jiahao's Xiangcheng Island, not his Gu Chen's Huahai City."

This sentence reminded Gu Chen and made him clear that he couldn't do things too high-profile.

For example, today, these behaviors need to be covered up.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min beside him.

"It seems that the method of covering up will eventually fall on her!"

Jiang Min, who looked at this time, was inexplicable.

But it's a little proud.

"Brother Gu Chen is looking at me, did he finally notice that I am wearing very good looks and charm today!" Hee hee hee!

When Jiang Min was stealing pleasure, Gu Chen turned his gaze back to Shulan and the others.

"I'll say it now."

"The conditions I have offered are still valid, and you will still occupy your original important position in this project."

"To put it simply, Shulan, you will set up a company that I fully fund!"

"But you can't reveal my identity!"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others were a little puzzled.

"That's a bit of a contradiction! If the registered company is invested by Mr. Gu, how can it not be exposed?

Gu Chen listened to Sun Shulan ask such a wordless word, and he didn't know how to explain it to her.

"So how can you students who have just graduated from school play those fox spirits who have been working hard in the business sea for an unknown number of years."

"No wonder Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, the two people who are poor can only hide in the computer room and live in the dark, it seems that there is a reason."

Originally, Gu Chen wanted Jiang Min to translate and translate two sentences.

But when he turned his head, he saw Jiang Min, who was now looking at him with idiotic eyes, and after being discovered, he looked to the other side casually.

Gu Chen knew that there was probably no way for her to explain this matter.

There was no way, Gu Chen had to go on it himself.

"Simple, I will use a foreign account to set up a virtual investment company, in which I will fabricate the identity of a rich man to establish this investment relationship!"

"In the end, the money I invested will be transferred from this account to your account."

"It's not hard, is it?"

Saying that, Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min again.

"Ah! Right!

At the same time, Jiang Min was finally no longer in a state of idiocy when he said something black.

She reacted directly.

"It's really not difficult, and it's even simpler, because we can actually trade it with digital currency."

"To put it bluntly, it is to convert all the money we are ready to invest into these currencies, such as the hottest virtual currency Bitcoin now."

"When the time comes, you can use this bitcoin directly when you invest and make money."

"This is not only a labor-saving effort for my network, but also more convenient than setting up a virtual transfer account."

"After all, it is not difficult to set up a virtual company, but a real money transfer account is still more laborious after all."

Jiang Min showed a very professional look at this time.

"It's just that when I say strenuous, it doesn't mean that my technology is not good, but it's too troublesome, my host computer didn't bring this time, and many of my gadgets are on it, so my movement is a little restricted."

Her explanation made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others look at each other.

But even if they were stupid, they all reacted.

Jiang Min looks like a small person, but in fact he is a hacker with very good means?

"Is this why people cannot look good, and the sea cannot be beaten?"

Dog Tou Chao finally couldn't help but complain.

At the same time, he also used his fingers to constantly gesture at Jiang Min's head.

It was as if he was measuring Jiang Min's height with his own fingers.

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