This action is like going to stroke the cat's reverse hair.

Directly made Jiang Min emotional.

"What are you doing, big man? It's amazing to be tall!

"I'll tell you my golden height of one meter six! Do you understand the height of gold? Although

Jiang Min is so clamoring, in fact, the reason why she can be one meter six is the inner height of her sole.

Jiang Min secretly glanced at Gu Chen.

After making sure that Gu Chen did not have any reaction, he found a step for himself and restored calm under the big man's constant apologies.

"I tell you big man, if this happens next time, I will definitely not let you go!"

After putting down a little cruel words, Gu Chen began to take over the baton and said.

"Ahem, that's pretty much it, do you understand?"

Gu Chen looked directly at Sun Shulan, who was in thought.

"Yes, but we have one more concern."

"How do you keep us safe?"

As soon as Sun Shulan's words came out, a hint of gloom suddenly flashed on the oversized face of the dog-headed man.

Ah Yue hugged Lin Wanxiang, who had a heavy face.

Xiang Senluo also grabbed Sun Shulan's arm, as if he recalled some bad memories.

"This is not reflected in my intelligence!"

Gu Chen looked at them with a look of victimhood, and he had a little headache.

Is it possible that Xiangcheng Island still has the vice of the nineties of the last century?

Or a specialty of Xiangcheng Island?

This point, in fact, let the current Chen Yu answer may be a little better.


Because just after Chen Yu was driven to the Wanhao Stock Exchange, the first thing he saw was not a luxurious reception.

It is a bronze statue of Guan Erye with a height that is one to one size compared to a person.

In front of it is also a half-human tall bronze ding, in which various burning incense sticks are inserted.

The entire lobby where Chen Yu was located had a unique Shinto taste that lingered.

The most important thing is that on one side of this lobby stands a row of men in suits and sunglasses.

Under the background of their straight and solid chests, a solemn breath was born.

Chen Yu was a little stunned when he saw this scene.

"What kind of rhythm is this mountain worship! TV series don't dare to act like this!

At the same time, Tong Zixin was also a little blindsided by this play.

"What's the situation? Wanhao Securities does the trading of all this official statue?

It's just that she was stunned for a second before she found Master Chen Mouren who was standing on the side and grinning at her.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Tong Zixin directly stepped forward and asked, this master who seemed to be secretly smiling.

I wanted to ask him what he was doing.

"I didn't do anything! I'm just holding a welcome ceremony for our distinguished guests of Longteng Group!

Chen Mouren seemed very unconcerned about Tong Zixin's questioning, and directly waved his hand to let Tong Zixin stay a little further away from him.

So as not to block him from watching the play!

This made Tong Zixin a little suspicious.

Could it be that Chen Mouren or Li Jiahao has discovered ... my relationship with Gu Chen?"

Tong Zixin thought so.

If that's the case, it's dangerous this time.

She looked at Chen Yu, who was in a sluggish state, and thought in her heart.

"You have to keep going! No, it's a trick! Tong

Zixin thought so, silently retreated to the side, and wanted to call Gu Chen.

But Chen Mouren directly approached Tong Zixin and said.

"Why are you going, watching a play with me!" No, no, it's to see if our distinguished guests are satisfied with our welcome.

Chen Mouren's proximity made Tong Zixin have no way to secretly take out his mobile phone to pass Gu Chen, and he could only nod silently and said hesitantly.

"But nothing too much, right?"

"Some people don't like jokes that go too far."

Tong Zixin's words of detection were exchanged for Chen Mouren and said with a meaningful smile.

"Don't worry, everything is under our control!"

Tong Zixin who said this was even more uneasy.

She was now thinking about how she should be able to get out.

Chen Yu originally wanted to ask for help from Tong Zixin beside him to see if she had any way to solve her current dilemma.

But soon he discovered that Tong Zixin did not know when he had disappeared from his side.

Instead, he went to the side of a strange middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man also gestured for him to take a few steps forward with his palms folded.

This made Chen Yu's mentality a little exploded.

He looked at Tong Zixin beside the middle-aged man.

Looking at Tong Zixin's frowning but helpless look.

Chen Yu can be regarded as understanding his current situation.

"Isn't my undercover identity completely exposed?"

"Now Tong Zixin, as my upline, can only silently choose Mingzhe to save his life!"

"Then now it's the eight immortals crossing the sea to show their powers, see who can survive..."

Chen Yu's legs trembled at this moment, not knowing if he had already lost his habit or what.

It was actually full of power at this moment.

At least in the end, Chen Yu had no way not to even lift his legs.

And be able to get yourself moving.

This is Chen Yu's last stubbornness.

It's just that the effect is not very good, at least he walks very slowly.

In the third step he stepped forward, cold sweat had begun to emerge from his forehead.

At the same time, he also found the man in the suit right next to the bronze ding, and suddenly walked towards him.

Frightened, Chen Yu suddenly did not dare to move indiscriminately at this time.

It's just that all kinds of messy thoughts keep flashing in my mind.

For example, what is black in the movie on Xiangcheng Island, and the three knives and six holes that will be used in the face of traitors or something.

He was thinking.

"If I also come to three swords and six holes once and can't die, will I be able to survive?"

"Maybe you will be appreciated by others for your bravery?"

"Then he married the eldest daughter and went directly to the peak of his life?"

When Chen Yu thought about it like this, his mood was slightly better.

It's just that at some point, he looked at the bronze statue of Second Master Guan as if he was hallucinating.

He saw him and said to him.

"Come down and stay with me!"

This made Chen Yu's heart even heavier.

Especially when there are men in suits walking towards him on both sides.

Chen Yu felt something called a sense of oppression.

And this sense of oppression peaked when one of them took out his trouser pocket and the other put his palm into his arms.

"I didn't expect that my life hasn't started yet, and the exam is about to end?"

Chen Yu felt a complicated emotion in his heart.

I feel like I'm going to leave like this, and I seem really unwilling, but I can't help it.

"But in this case, I won't be able to complete the task that President Gu gave me, and I'm somewhat sorry for President Gu!"

"If only I could have known President Gu earlier in my next life... I can tell him not to arrange such a terrible task for me again!

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry!"

When Chen Yu finally felt the two men in suits approaching, he was already saying goodbye to his parents in his heart.

Tong Zixin also silently clenched his fists.

Only Chen Mouren is still smiling.

As if very interested in the next scene.

However, under the attention of everyone, Chen Yu watched the two men in suits beside him take out a fireproof lighter from his left hand, and a cluster of long, thick incense.

Chen Yu's brain was obviously in a state of emergency.

"Huh? What is this situation? After

he took the lighter and the big incense from the hands of the two people beside him, he began to subconsciously light the fire.

After a while, a stream of green smoke rose from Chen Yu's hand.

At the same time, Chen Yu also smelled a refreshing fragrance.

All of a sudden, Chen Yu returned to his current world, instead of being in a state of infinite confusion.

He extinguished the lighter, and walked towards the bronze ding in front of him with a black face under Chen Mouren's earnest gaze.

Gently put these three giant incense sticks in the incense ash in this huge bronze ding.

Tong Zixin lowered his head and couldn't see his face, but he was very silent.

Chen Yu is also very similar, both of them are so low their heads that they don't know what to say.

But this was the time when the embarrassment was at its extreme.

Chen Mouren did not hesitate to open his hands and constantly applaud Chen Yu.

Good! Mr. Chen is domineering! This fragrant is good!

"Everyone, welcome Mr. Chen to the end of the mountain!" Everyone applaud!

Immediately, everyone who had solemn faces on both sides silently showed a smile and began to applaud.

Continuous applause began to sound, but Chen Yu and Tong Zixin didn't know why, but they had a feeling of being separated from the world.

It's like... the aftermath of the disaster.

"You, have you been brain-pumped?"

"Make such an exciting...welcoming ceremony?"

At this time, Tong Zixin was finally able to determine that his master Chen Mouren did not know what he was doing.

I don't know the relationship between myself and Gu Chen.

She finally asked with confidence.

"Ah, that's a very good question!"

"I really haven't been brain-pumped, and I was inspired by Chen Yu when I thought of this thing!"

Chen Mouren glanced at Chen Yu cautiously before he began to chew the root of his tongue on Tong Zixin.

"This Mr. Chen, a small man with a big temper, you can also see from the things on the cruise ship before, this guy is not a good stubble!"

"So I was thinking, he doesn't like the usual tacky welcome ceremonies, so what does he like?"

"I was just a wit, thinking of this guy Chen Yu, quite a whitewashed underworld big brother style."

"Do you understand when I say that?"

When Chen Mouren said this, he began to give up his story.

And everything behind, Tong Zixin only used his brain to figure it out.

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