"What an oolong!"

"I almost thought that the task given to me by President Gu was going to die before I could get out, but fortunately it's okay!"

It's just that Tong Zixin understood Chen Mouren's words, but he felt a little strange.

"Then why are you so fast?"

"And at first, I thought you were using it to scare Chen... Mr. Chen, all of a sudden, this lobby of the Wanhao Stock Exchange suddenly changed its style, and I was stupid!

Chen Mouren said after hearing Tong Zixin's words.

"I didn't forget to talk to you in advance, but I've pulled you to me, and you should know what I'm doing!"

"The most important thing is, do you think I am scaring this Chen Yu?"

"Didn't you notice that the expression on Chen Yu's face has been very calm since the beginning when he entered this hall?"

"And I always feel that Chen Yu has an indescribable feeling on his face."

"What's that called, yes, into the play! This Chen Yu suddenly entered the play!

Chen Mouren looked directly at Chen Yu secretly.

At this time, Chen Yu had no intention of turning his head at all.

Just standing quietly in place, looking at the big incense burning in front of him, I don't know what I was thinking.

Or just think of nothing, just such a quiet wandering world.

Tong Zixin was silent when he saw this scene.

She cried out in her heart.

"This TM is obviously that he has been scared stupid!"

"What is called entering the play, hey!"

After three deep breaths.

The surrounding applause slowly stopped, and Tong Zixin was ready to call Chen Yu.

Tong Zixin did not pull her this time and did not stop her.

Just watched her step forward so quietly, walked to Chen Yu's side, and asked gently.

"Are you okay, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Yu glanced at Tong Zixin after realizing this, and the divine light in his eyes slowly returned.

He looked at the people around him and the middle-aged man and said with a hehe.

"I'm fine! Thank you for your hard work, I just really have a feeling of dreaming back to the last century!

"I enjoyed this welcome ceremony very much!"

Chen Yu was completely Shuangshang Online at this time, without the slightest hesitation.

Tong Zixin felt that Chen Yu felt a little scared and stupid, but she didn't say anything more.

After all, Chen Yu immediately reacted that what he had encountered before was a false welcome ceremony, indicating that he should now adapt to the special welcome mode of Xiangcheng Island.

It's just that although Chen Yu speaks well, he is constantly using his beautiful Huahai dialect in his heart to greet Chen Mouren and his family.

Tong Zixin saw Chen Yu's arrogant and impetuous appearance, and thought of the role played by Chen Yu when playing in the past few days, which was so slippery.

There are always some inexplicable opportunities to tout Mr. Gu.

Although Gu Chen said that there was no need to slap himself or something.

However, he just couldn't stand Chen Yu's offensive!

And now, Gu Chen's unbearable horse fart Dafa fell directly on this Chen Mouren's head.

It suddenly made Chen Mouren even happier.

"Good, good! The people from Longteng Group are good this time! Thinking

so, Chen Mouren directly stepped forward to shake hands with Chen Yu.

"You wait, you see how I clean up you dead fat man!"

Chen Yu thought in his heart.

Chen Mouren was thinking.

"Look how I took you to death, let you immediately transform me into a 5G base to stand out!"

Both were frantically calculating each other.

It's just that Chen Mouren has internal traitors around him, but Chen Yu does not.

This wave, after all, Chen Yu has the advantage.

So Tong Zixin is still a little looking forward to it.

Looking forward to Chen Yu's performance now.

Hope to be able to surprise yourself.

A few people quickly came to the drawing room, but according to the custom, they should first visit the Wanhao Stock Exchange.

Tong Zixin was a little strange what this was for.

I want to follow Chen Yu in to see what Chen Mouren has to say.

But the moment he entered the door, he was directly stopped by his master.

"What are you doing?"

"What do I do?"

Tong Zixin was a little inexplicable, not very clear what this guy was talking about.

"I'll go in and talk about things!"

"No need!"

Chen Mouren listened to Tong Zixin's silent sentence, and at the same time looked at Tong Zixin as if he had something else to say.

He came directly.

"It's not convenient for you to come."

This made Tong Zixin's face full of question marks.

At the same time, it seems to understand something.

She silently released her palm that was pulling the door.

gave Chen Yu, who was watching here, a look wishing you good luck.

And Chen Yu also heard the conversation between Tong Zixin and Chen Mouren, and also saw Tong Zixin's eyes.

He seemed to understand something

, and nodded silently at Tong Zixin, indicating that you can rest assured, I am the least afraid of testing, and if I have the ability, I will directly come to my weakness!

Thinking so, Chen Yu didn't know what test he was about to face.

It was as if Sun Shulan always felt that she was now at the crossroads of life's choice.

A little carelessness can lead to a wrong choice and a loss in the whole market.

So, he started to feel the pressure.

Not only from Gu Chen, but also from his little friends Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and others behind him.

He was thinking about how he should continue to negotiate with Gu Chen.

But he couldn't think of any reason to refute Gu Chen.

That's why I asked the question of keeping myself safe.

"Do you think Xiangcheng Island is an outlaw place?"

"Or is it still dark on Xiangcheng Island now?"


Gu Chen's three questions were directly asked to Sun Shulan, speechless.

She really didn't know how to say bad things about her Xiangcheng Island in front of an outsider.

At this time, Lin Wanxiang spoke.

"President Gu, you don't know this, we have indeed suffered threats to our lives before."

"And it's useless if we call the police."

"I was even harassed by others splashing paint, if Shulan hadn't revealed her identity, otherwise..."

At this point, Lin Wanxiang shut up again.

It's just that this time to shut up is not what Lin Wanxiang himself wants.

Instead, he called Lin Wanxiang's name to Senluo and Dog Tou Chao.

Ah Yue also grabbed his clothes in Lin Wanxiang's arms.

Several people were signaling Lin Wanxiang not to continue.

Gu Chen was a little curious by what he said.

"So, Sun Shulan, you are still not small?"

"In that case, you don't need to worry about security at all!"

"But I have a question, since you are not small, why didn't you protect your achievements in the first place?"

Gu Chen began to be curious about what happened to Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

And Gu Chen almost guessed what Sun Shulan's identity background was.

It's just that since Sun Shulan has a look that doesn't seem like she wants to say, of course Gu Chen won't do that kind of thing to force others.

He opted for a more gentle approach to problem solving.

"I... I don't have much to say, I didn't protect our achievements, in fact, I have always been very guilty. "

But a lot of times, some things have already been decided, not how you want."

"I can only say that I tried my best, otherwise, maybe a few of them are not here now."

Speaking of this, Sun Shulan seemed a little angry.

"And you two!"

She looked at Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo.

"What you were running at that time, it's only seven million, no, it's just more than six million, it's not a big deal for our family!"

"As long as I'm in the way of the front, you won't have anything you don't understand?"

"Originally, you would not have had anything, but you had to pretend to be handsome and hide and bear it yourself, do you know how painful it is to have such a result?"

Sun Shulan's roar moved Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo.

Especially Sun Shulan's real boyfriend, he directly apologized to his girlfriend again and again.

In the end, Sun Shulan lowered her head silently in the face of her boyfriend's apology.


Xiang Senluo's eyes turned red.

There seems to be a feeling of crying out again.

In fact, when he peeked at Sen Luo with his own afterlight, his heart was full of entanglements

: "Forget it, I don't want to be so much!" Let me run away from this moment!

Gu Chen looked at Sun Shulan and knew that his dismount had been successful this time.

"Finally, this proud woman felt all kinds of emotions all at once!"

"This finally broke her psychological defense, otherwise it would be too troublesome to fight with her non-stop!"

Gu Chen thought so while also looking at Jiang Min and said.

"So how long will it take us to set up a virtual company, and is your computer still on the cruise ship?"

"Yes, if you get a virtual company, it's actually not very troublesome, and if I know some channels in North America, I can directly legally and legally comply with a real company that can fully withstand the investigation!"

Jiang Min is simply like a treasure girl, always able to give Gu Chen a lot of unexpected surprises.

Gu Chen felt that he was too dependent on Jiang Min.

But think about it later.

"When Jiang Min becomes an adult and becomes a noble lady in Australia in the future, there will be no chance for her to do things for me!" We must cherish the opportunity we have to get along now! So

Gu Chen didn't have the slightest politeness to Jiang Min at all.

For someone else, Jiang Min will definitely feel that he is squeezing himself.

But Gu Chen's words, Jiang Min thought in his heart.

"This is all a test given to me by Brother Gu Chen!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Sun Shulan finally raised her head and said.

"Then I have one more condition, as long as you agree, we will all be your people!"

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