Gu Chen looked at her firm look and moved slightly.

"Tell me about it."

But Gu Chen will not be so blind, because Sun Shulan is a beautiful woman, he will excessively let her demands.

He must have judged the situation to see what kind of medicine was sold in this Sun Shulan gourd.

So naturally, Gu Chen's eyes began to sharpen.

Sun Shulan instantly felt a huge pressure.

But the education she received since childhood would not make her succumb to it like this.

She directly resisted the pressure from Gu Chen and said.

"As long as you help me marry Xiang Senluo..."

Gu Chen thought that he had heard wrong.

Xiang Senluo also felt a little confused

, after all, one of his promises is still very expensive.

Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others also changed their complexions, especially Xiang Senluo couldn't say a word.

His face was full of surprise and worry.


He called out Sun Shulan's name, with three points of helplessness and seven points of emotion in his words.

It seems that Sun Shulan's behavior is very ... I don't know how to put it into words.

Anyway, a little suffocation suddenly made Xiang Senluo's fiery heart, which was about to fall silent before, begin to burn again.

"That's it!"

"Otherwise, when will you marry me?"

"Or do you want me to go on blind dates with other people and get married under pressure from home?"

Sun Shulan's words made Xiang Senluo's face change greatly.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min suddenly became interested.

This is gossip to listen to!

The two pricked up their ears, wanting to see what Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan and the two had to say.

But after Sun Shulan finished speaking, Xiang Senluo fell into silence, and after making up his mind, he already looked up at Gu Chen and said.

"President Gu, is that okay?"

Gu Chen looked at the expectant expressions of Xiang Senluo and Sun Shulan, and they couldn't bear to say the words of rejection.

But I thought that Sun Shulan might be the kind of family I guessed.

It's really tricky, it's just that it can be a bit troublesome.

"But isn't my best thing always good at solving problems?"

Gu Chen pondered for a while, so he opened his mouth and said to Xiang Senluo and Sun Shulan.

"It can be, but I guess there may be no way to solve this matter in the near future."

"Of course, I'm not drawing pies with you."

"I think it's better not to act rashly before I understand things clearly, and Sun Shulan, you are from the Sun family of Xiangcheng Island, right?"

Gu Chen's last words looked at Sun Shulan.

The latter looked at Xiang Senluo, who was also worried, and said.

"Yes, I am the Sun family, but I am not a person with real power, and my mother is the little wife of the third generation of the sixth heir of the Sun family."

"So I can be regarded as the junior of the fourth generation of the Sun family... It's the kind of person who has no right to speak.

Sun Shulan briefly introduced her life history in two sentences.

Gu Chen nodded as he listened.

"The Sun family seems to be quite rich, just your small fourth-generation generation has the money to be able to make a blockchain project, I still underestimated the assessment of the four major families of Xiangcheng Island before!"

However, as soon as these words were spoken, Sun Shulan keenly felt Gu Chen's words.

"President Gu, you started investigating our four major families before you came to Xiangcheng Island?"

"You? What exactly do you want to do?

Sun Shulan directly asked Gu Chen without any concealment.

Because if a person with Gu Chen's status wants to do something crazy.

Definitely not a good sign for her.

Even, as long as Sun Shulan heard from Gu Chen's words later, he wanted to single-handedly fight or provoke the four major families and Li Jiahao.

She Sun Shulan is afraid that she will directly take Xiang Senluo Dog Tou Chao and the others and quickly leave Gu Chen's side.

At the same time, it is also to find a way to erase the fact that they met today.

Otherwise, there will be big trouble.

Therefore, Sun Shulan looked at Gu Chen very seriously.

So serious that Gu Chen felt a little inexplicable.

"This woman wouldn't think I was going to overturn the four major families alone, would she? Is she a fool?

Gu Chen thought of this and said directly.

"Although I don't know what you're talking about, I think you may have thought too much..."

Gu Chen's words made Sun Shulan suddenly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, as long as I think too much, I almost thought that you were Gu Zong... Never mind.

Sun Shulan breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her hand, and now had the heart to run away quickly with Xiang Senluo and the others.

".....don't worry, I just don't like to put myself in a completely unknown environment, and I may have to investigate all the information about this local area before going to a place!"

"Otherwise, I will definitely not worry about my schedule, after all, I am now also a big chairman with tens of thousands of people eating together, so I will not risk it!"

Gu Chen's explanation immediately made Sun Shulan's heart relax a lot.

"And there is a reason why I mainly don't go and help you solve things now, I hope you don't blame me."

Gu Chen also explained to Sun Shulan his current inaction, and Sun Shulan of the province felt that she was too much and did not want to help.

That's embarrassing.

"It's okay, I can understand."

Sun Shulan did not directly ask Gu Chen what she wanted to do.

Directly said such a word of understanding, and then shifted all the topics to their all-encompassing projects.

Gu Chen saw Sun Shulan mobilize the emotions of Senluo Dog Tou Chao and began to spare no effort to introduce their blockchain technology behavior to himself, and also silently let Jiang Min, who had been frowning when he listened to it, start working.

"Xiaomin, how about you start building our virtual company now?"

When Jiang Min heard this, he immediately said with a smile.

"Okay! No problem! "

It's also a thought in my heart.

"Brother Gu Chen still understands me, knows that I don't like to listen to such tirade, sure enough, people like me still like to deal with machines a little more!"

Thinking so, Jiang Min began his own operation.

She took out her hairpin and unfolded it directly into a data cable or power cord with two USB plugs?

He pulled out his mobile phone from his pocket, disassembled the phone case, connected the data cable, and took out a black makeup case that he carried with him.

After directly connecting the two together, the operation interface of the original mobile phone immediately began to shake.

In an instant, it becomes a familiar computer interface.

At the same time, the camera of the mobile phone has completely become a projection-like thing at this time.

Very smoothly, a piece of light film was projected on the phone case and turned into a keyboard.

It's just that this keyboard is not the kind of keyboard that usually has all the letters on the computer.

It is a special keyboard specially recompiled by Jiang Min.

One of these keys represents more than five drive letters.

And Jiang Min started his hacking journey by tapping his virtual keyboard.

After this operation, it was only a short minute.

But Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others stopped their speeches, and both of them looked at Jiang Min, a girl who was not tall but very delicate.

All of them showed incredible looks on their faces.

At the same time, he also understood why Gu Chen was carrying such a figure like a vase by his side.

Emotional people have real materials!

"What are you all looking at me for?"

Jiang Min also looked at everyone in surprise.

As if they didn't understand their eyes, isn't the operation of this card bar boss very normal?

It's just TNT plus an extension, fuss.

Gu Chen took the lead in withdrawing his gaze.

My heart was also shocked by Jiang Min's hand.

"I didn't expect Jiang Min to actually have such a hand-held operation?"

"I thought she would go to the car and find her laptop, but who knew she had assembled one directly."

"Is this the top computer hacker? Always carry your computer with you?

Gu Chen complained in his heart and didn't say anything more.

Just coughed.

"Ahem, go ahead."

Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others immediately reacted.

They are also accustomed to all kinds of high-tech on Xiangcheng Island.

It's just that although they haven't seen Jiang Min's hand, they have heard a lot of rumors.

What's like....

"What should I do if I can't work without a computer when I go out?" Directly teach you a trick, mobile phone into pen!

"Only when you don't want to make money, no time when you can't work, crazy minimalist computer!" The gospel of the workers! "

There are all sorts of other messy news concepts popping up all the time.

When everyone didn't know what this operation was, they were severely cut as leeks, and finally disappeared.

I just didn't expect to see the operation of a real person today.

This shocked them a little.

"Awesome! No wonder Gu always carries such a little hairy girl, it is really invincible!

"It's not that this little hairy girl can't fight in the sea, it's that Mr. Gu can't look good!" Obviously he has the appearance of a first-class beautiful man who doesn't have to work hard, but he has to rely on his own talent to eat! And a unique vision!

"Who says it's not, eh, if that's the case, then we're not a pool creature either!" Sooner or later, you will meet the day of the stormy dragon? When

Xiang Senluo and Sun Shulan re-entered the computer room with Gu Chen, they began to introduce and explain to Gu Chen continuously.

Lin Wanxiang and the dog-headed Chao Ah Yue discussed in a low voice on the side.

They all felt that Gu Chen, this time was definitely not fake.

Gave them a lot of confidence.

"Can we succeed this time?"

Although Ah Yue still has a little concern.

But following Lin Wanxiang's side, she felt endless power.

"Yes! I think we have the leadership of Mr. Gu, and it is impossible not to succeed! "

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