In just less than half a day, Lin Wanxiang already had deep confidence in Gu Chen.

He had a hunch that Gu Chen was their gold lord father, wasn't it! It should be the savior!

After Gu Chen told Senluo Sun Shulan, he understood a little about the service model underlying the blockchain.

The time has come to noon of the day, and the air conditioning in this elderly activity place in the hot weather is a little unbearable.

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min and kept tapping on his mobile phone case without saying much.

I just feel that it feels a bit of a pickpocket feeling that she is sweating and working here.

So Gu Chen suggested.

"It's not early, I'll treat you to a meal at noon!"

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately cheered by the dog.

"Okay, Mr. Gu, I know there's one..."

But as soon as he spoke, he found that Xiang Senluo and Sun Shulan did not speak.

Even exchanging glances with each other, Dog Tou Chao knew that he had rushed to answer again.

He immediately covered his mouth as if everything had never happened.

Gu Chen looked at Sun Shulan, the backbone of everyone's heart.

"Mr. Gu, you saved Xiang Senluo and Lin Wanxiang today, and also saved our project and the hard work of the university in the past few years."

"It makes sense that we should invite you to dinner, if you come instead, I don't think anyone in our hearts will be able to care!"

"Are you right?"

Sun Shulan's ingenious words threw the problem to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen looked at Sun Shulan with a smile and nodded.

"It seems to make some sense, that's okay, but I'm ugly ahead!" I'm probably eating it! If your flesh hurts when you can eat it, don't blame me!" A

joke finally made Dog Tou Chao let go of his hands covering his mouth.

"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Gu, what we have today is money! Ahem, although this money is yours..."

He also said a small embarrassing word.

Gu Chen didn't care about anything, but silently sat down next to Jiang Min.

Looking at the four split screens on the screen, he coughed and said.

"Xiaomin, we can go to eat first."

"How about you pause first? Shall we come back and continue?

Gu Chen's words were very soft, and it also made everyone's faces show a hint of understanding.

"I said why it's not until 11 o'clock, President Gu has to eat... The feelings are afraid that Jiang Min is tired. The

dog head was super direct and said this sentence with a straight heart again.

In an instant, he covered his mouth again.

But Jiang Min had heard it a long time ago.

She originally wanted to say no, she was almost ready to get this virtual account, so she almost topped it up to buy bitcoin and then send money to invest.

As a result, I heard the dog head chao say so.

Jiang Min's eyes were very bright as he looked at Gu Chen, but the action of tapping the phone case in his hand did not stop.

"Brother Gu Chen, are you feeling sorry for me?"

"Come less, I just don't want to be treated as a pickpocket!"

Gu Chen gently nodded the big face plate that she was too close to.

It was not until he stepped back that Jiang Min regained his small melon face.

"Okay, okay! Then I'll stop for a moment at Brother Gu Chen's caring attitude!

"But it doesn't matter if it stops, now all my procedures in North America have been encrypted by my friend's keydog, and our website, which is our address, has been legally notarized."

"In fact, our current virtual company has been established?"

Gu Chen asked directly after hearing Jiang Min's words.

"Yes, that's how it can be understood, and I quickly established a company name."

"Brother Gu Chen, don't blame me for this!"

After Jiang Min finished these two sentences, he directly left the keyboard with both hands and stretched out a lazy waist and said.

Gu Chen shook his head with a smile.

"How come, you know that I am a person, in fact, I like to be a dispenser, if you directly finish everything and get ready, as long as I let me make money, that is my favorite job."

"So, Brother Gu Chen, you are still a good fortune boy?"

Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen's smile and said a little foolishly.

"Not really, can you only say trust?"

"Oh, I understand that doubtful people don't need to use people! Then Brother Gu Chen waits until our North American bank account is opened, and you can start making money! "

Although Jiang Min is an idiot online, his IQ is not offline! Still very keenly said what Gu Chen liked to hear the most.

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, I've got it all! The name of the virtual company is GMFuter, and its bank account, because the bank that opened the account is still out of business, so I didn't have the idea of prying their bank security software!

"We can only wait until tomorrow, no, it should be tonight in the early hours of the morning to see the situation!"

"But basically there will be no accidents, so Brother Gu Chen, you will have to send money to buy bitcoin tonight!"

"But be prepared for enough money!"

Jiang Min said with a smile, and Gu Chen also smiled brightly.

"It's worthy of you, it's already planned perfectly!"

"Don't worry about money!"

"As long as you notify me that the account has been opened and the account number at that time, I will operate the rest!"

Gu Chen waved his hand directly and grandly, and the whole person showed another domineering style.

Although he still spoke with the same gentleness as before.

But no matter who it was, they heard a kind of momentum that looked at the world.

"Okay, then you will listen to my command!"

Jiang Min silently saluted Gu Chen, who also saluted directly.

Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others who saw it were very moved.

Because the relationship between the two sides is really very harmonious, and it is also very full of an enviable feeling.

"Can we also have such a harmonious relationship with Gu Chen in the future?"

"It should be possible, didn't you hear Jiang Min say that Gu Chen is the kind of boss who is suspicious and does not need to use people?"

"It's so good, I always feel that the two of them have a CP feeling! Woo hoo, I like to bump it so much!

The conversation between Jiang Min and Gu Chen fell in the ears of Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

Everyone expressed their opinions, and Ah Yue clasped her hands and saw a little star of maternal love in her eyes.

Sun Shulan was a little speechless.

"What a vulgarity! This is the time to take pictures! What are you doing here! In

short, after this scene, Gu Chen directly won the final return of Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

It also filled Jiang Min's heart with a sweet and sweet feeling.

"Brother Gu Chen still cares about me, hehe!"

She thought to herself.

At the same time, his movements are also three points faster.

In a few moments, I packed up all my things.

He also followed Gu Chen and left the elderly activity room.

Outside the door, Gu Chen looked at a sports car.

There is also a bicycle and battery car that I don't know what to say.

Because I feel a little unable to sit still.

Fortunately, the dog head super directly said that he could take a taxi.

So everyone once again rushed to the road of dry food.

And I don't know why he has regained a little confidence and said to Sen Luo.

"President Gu, let's treat you to something that Huahai City has never been able to eat!"


Before Gu Chen could ask what it was, who knew that Lin Wanxiang on the side took the initiative to interrupt what he said.

Gu Chen obviously saw his throat swallow saliva unconsciously.

This is a manifestation of gluttony!

This made Gu Chen a little curious.

What makes the two of them so respectful.

"Okay, I'm going to turn my face if it's not delicious anyway!"

"Okay! Rest assured! "

That's when a pleasant lunch is about to begin.

But the lunch time on the other side does not look so harmonious.

For example, Chen Yuduan sat on the main seat and looked at the long table in front of him, a little stunned.

It's not because all I eat is some mountain and sea delicacies.

But on both sides of Chen Yu, this time is finally not a mess, hey to the suit man.

However, Chen Yu did not feel any slack.

Because normal people see that on their left hand side is a group of masked people wearing the armor of the Sakura samurai in the movie.

On the right-hand side is a group of white mecha interstellar warriors, everyone will feel a little confused.

Chen Yu had already gone down when he entered this place that looked like a restaurant and didn't look like a restaurant.

But Chen Mouren took his reaction as a favorite.

He was also very happy to sneak up and say to Tong Zixin.

"Look, I know he likes it!"

Tong Zixin was also very speechless, not very clear what the hell Chen Mouren was doing.

The whole person is very abnormal, abnormal to the extreme.

Let Tong Zixin think, is today's Chen Mouren his usual serious and rigorous master?

In short, this inexplicable change made Tong Zi silently reduce the frequency of his speech.

Let Tong Zixin have a lot less trouble.

Because at the moment when Chen Mouren turned his head, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"Strange, is this Dragon Teng Group so good-tempered?"

"I teased him like this, but he still didn't have any reaction?"

"Is there really such a calm person in this world? I don't believe it!

Chen Mouren showed a cruel smile.

Thinking of the various surprises he prepared for Chen Yu later, he couldn't help but want to turn on his own camera to shoot the noisy appearance of the people of Longteng Group, and then went away to completely break off the cooperation with Wanhao Stock Exchange!

"If so,...... You should be happy!

Just thinking of this, Chen Muren couldn't help but clamp his legs and walk.

He was afraid that his state reaction would make Jiang Min see that something was wrong, and it would be embarrassing.

But fortunately, Jiang Min's attention was always on Chen Yu.

I didn't notice the abnormality of my master.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that what Tong Zixin has to do now is to take Chen Yu away.

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