In short, now Chen Yu is sitting on pins and needles.

If it weren't for the fact that he had been nagging Gu Chen and Gu Chen in his heart, thinking about Gu Chen's trust in him.

I'm afraid he would have collapsed long ago!

"We must complete the tasks assigned by President Gu well, I eat his drink and his just don't help him do things!"

Chen Yu clenched his teeth fiercely, and told himself so in concern.

At the same time, he quickly tasted the delicacies of the mountains and the sea in front of him.

The speed is very fast, because he knows that if he does not eat a little, he will not have the strength to take on new challenges.

Therefore, Chen Yu's cheeks moved very fast.

When it was almost time, Chen Mouren silently slapped his hands, and suddenly a burst of guzheng music sounded in the entire restaurant.

Chen Yu glanced at the smiling Chen Mouren and thought in his heart.

"What's this trying to drive me crazy? Change the characteristics of three countries to twist my head?

"I won't let you get your wish!"

Chen Yu thought so, directly picked up the liquor in front of him, and learned from a certain dashing Eastern Sect Master and directly began to pour the wine with his head up.

With the atmospheric music of the guzheng, there is really a different taste.

Chen Mouren, who was watching, frowned.

Tong Zixin also sensed a little that Chen Yu was now a little wrong.

But what was Chen Yu thinking at this time?

He only had Gu Chen's words in his mind.

"Eat him and drink him!"

That's right, now Chen Yu is perfectly implementing the task Gu Chen gave himself.

"Have a good heart, don't panic!"

He chanted so silently.

Gu Chen, who was driving, sneezed.

"What's wrong, Brother Gu Chen? You won't catch a cold in the heat, will you?

This Gu Chen's abnormality immediately attracted the concern of Jiang Min, the co-pilot beside him.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's not a big problem."

Gu Chen asked her not to worry, and also asked Sun Shulan behind her not to worry about anything.

"Where did I say that?"

When Sun Shulan heard Gu Chen ask this, she immediately glanced at her notebook and said.

"We talked about setting up a company on Xiangcheng Island with its own headquarters to create credibility."

"Yes, because the system is different, most of my propaganda work in Huahai City is carried out on the Internet, but Xiangcheng Island can use the way of speaking offline, which is an advantage and a sharp point."

"How do you say that?"

"Because of the online network, we can make a lot of rules to limit some people who want to vandalize, but in reality, we are very lacking in this means."

"You mean that during a speech, someone will deliberately come out to disturb you?"

"That's right, and it doesn't seem that this hasn't happened, right?"

Gu Chen and Sun Shulan's question and answer this question were temporarily stuck.

Because Sun Shulan fell directly into silence.

After a while, he spoke.

"Yes, it is true that a man with a full body of gasoline bottles attacked a speech, and since then all the speech venues or large-scale events on Xiangcheng Island have been doing very good firefighting."

When Sun Shulan said this, she suddenly stopped her hand that was constantly writing, looked up at Gu Chen and asked.

"Then, Mr. Gu, do you mean to directly abandon offline publicity and focus on online?"

"Yes or no, the main thing is to rely on some loyal fans to support online, offline is less, but not for speeches, but for public welfare charity or something."

"You mean that while helping others, we also increase our visibility?"

Sun Shulan's answer to Gu Chen can always make a sharp evaluation.

This made Gu Chen very satisfied.

"Yes, that's the truth!"

"This is the preparation of the exchange on the blockchain in the early stage, and it is also preparing for the private blue chip ah raw currency fundraising."

"It doesn't matter if it's price, because I don't really care about money, but one thing is to make everyone think that he can bring him wealth at great value!"

"To put it bluntly, there are enough people to buy!"

Gu Chen said, following the car in front of him through a bend in the intersection.

They are getting closer and closer to their destination, Causeway Bay.

Gu Chen also didn't know if he could see the characters in the movie, Causeway Bay carrying the handle.

"You're not going to do a Ponzi scheme, are you?"

But after Sun Shulan listened to Gu Chen's words, she obviously fell into doubt.

Her face changed a little.

Gu Chen saw her guard through the rearview mirror and almost laughed.

"No, did I come to Xiangcheng Island to cut leeks?"

"Then you're underestimating me too, aren't you?"

Gu Chen's words instantly dispelled the worries in Sun Shulan's heart.

"Also, I can't do it!"

"And if you want to jump out and cut leeks, whether it is the four major families or Li Jiahao, or those small exchanges that offer offerings, they will not let Gu Chen go!"

Thinking so, Sun Shulan silently responded to Gu Chen in her heart and said.

"Of course it's not Mr. Gu, you misunderstood me, I just thought of such a case, so I couldn't help but say it!" Nothing else!

Sun Shulan's response did not make Gu Chen suspect anything.

Because he judged from the beginning, Sun Shulan was worried.

Worried that he would take Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo from one mud pit to another.

That is really the end of not being called every day.

Therefore, even if Sun Shulan's doubts about Gu Chen are not so deep now, she still maintains a kind of suspicion and caution.

It was this caution that made Gu Chen more optimistic about Sun Shulan.

"It's amazing to be able to maintain such a calm attitude in the face of major stakeholders!"

Gu Chen silently sighed in his heart, and began to brake seriously.

Because the supercar in front of me didn't know why it suddenly stopped.

Gu Chen almost didn't react and bumped into it.

Fortunately, in the end, Gu Chen still braked.

Otherwise, Sun Shulan can only admit that she is unlucky.

"What's the situation, Brother Gu Chen's front seems to be restricting traffic?"

Jiang Min immediately stretched out his head and looked out the window.

Gu Chen pulled her back at the first time.

"Don't probe in the car at will, who knows if there will be someone or a car next to it!"

Gu Chen's words made this Jiang Min stick out his tongue embarrassedly.

"I'll go down and take a look!"

Gu Chen silently observed the situation outside the car, and then opened the door and got out of the car.

At this time, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo in front also got off the car, and several people saw the large banner and color screen put up in front of them.

"Restricted traffic ahead!"

"The first Causeway Bay Brand Auto Show begins! The most down-to-earth in history, come and enjoy!

Gu Chen felt that his face was full of question marks.

He wanted to ask a few natives of Xiangcheng Island what explanation they would make when they saw such a situation.

Who knows, whether it is Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo or Sun Shulan, they all maintain an inexplicable look.

It seems that they don't quite understand why such a thing suddenly appeared.

"What is it?"

Gu Chen turned his head to look at Sun Shulan, whose eyes were full of surprise.

"This....I also saw for the first time, Causeway Bay is the best commercial area in this area, whether it is shops or other residents, there are very many."

"So it's normal to hold some holiday activities."

"But now, this auto show has never been seen before, and this ... is not normal at all."

This made Gu Chen a little inexplicable.

"Can you still experience the joy of being a ninth uncle in this Xiangcheng Island? Then this experience is too fun!

Gu Chen thought silently in his heart.

What he didn't know was that the person who held the auto show that covered a small area of Causeway Bay was... Lee Ka Chun.

Time goes back a long time.

At that time, Gu Chen had not yet come to Xiangcheng Island.

Li Jiajun didn't know that Gu Chen, who had a feud with him, would come.

Even if you know, you won't do anything special.

Because now Li Jiajun's mind has completely forgotten the fact that he was once detained by Gu Chen for several days.

Li Jiajun now has only one thought in his mind.

That's money! Do your best to get money!

Although his car dealership is under the pressure of Uncle Liu's various orders, it is very hard.

But Li Jiajun just thinks he is lucky.

I can always inexplicably recruit some temporary workers when my own capacity is insufficient.

And there are also a very large number of car temporary workers, one by two, they help Li Jiajun complete all orders faster.

One after another, super cars, or modified cars, were built by Li Jiajun at the specified time.

When he completed the order, he also made his name famous.

It's just that Li Jiajun is a little distressed.

I really like this job.

Sometimes Li Jiajun will forget that the purpose of his driving is to make money.

It is to earn enough ten billion bride price money to marry his own female prodigy Zixin.

"For example, the profits of the current car dealership are indeed very considerable, and it proves that I am very great, but the speed of making money is too slow!"

"Even if I have completed more than 100 transactions so far, I have only received a remuneration of close to 100 million."

"There is too much difference between the number of people who can marry Tong Zixin!"

When Li Jiajun thought of this, he kind of wanted to squat down and count the ants.

In the end, someone he didn't want to see but had to see appeared.

It gave Li Jiajun a little hope of quickly amassing wealth.

"Li Sheng, do you want to directly let yourself have another explosive business?"

"What do you mean?"

At that time, Li Jiajun actually didn't want to deal with this guy.

But there is no way, although this Uncle Liu is still quite annoying, he can always bring himself a very considerable profit.

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