So in order to earn enough money to marry his bride Tong Zixin as soon as possible.

Li Jiajun didn't mind saying something and doing something with this Uncle Liu.

Of course, the premise is that this Uncle Liu does not want to do anything bad.


"But aren't you going to stand up and talk to me?"

Uncle Liu looked at Li Jiajun's squatting appearance, like an ordinary person with no culture and wanted to laugh a little.

But Uncle Liu, who had always been in a state of being threatened, did not dare to laugh at all.

If there are people around who are watching, won't they be beaten up again?

Thinking of this, Uncle Liu's face felt a little hot pain.

But after thinking that his judgment was confirmed, the corners of Uncle Liu's mouth couldn't stop rising.

"Sure enough, I made the right bet this time! Li Jiahao is still very concerned about his own unique seedling!

"Use a woman to make Li Jiajun complete his transformation!" This trick is high!

"And I seized the opportunity to come to Li Jiajun's side, and sure enough, I was also targeted and noticed, and sent someone to beat me and recognized me!" This wave is not a loss! Uncle

Liu stretched out his hand to Li Jiajun to pull him up.

The latter also did not politely stand up directly through Uncle Liu's palm.

However, the look in his eyes and the look on his face showed his suspicion of him.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Li Jiajun asked Uncle Liu again.

At this time, Li Jiajun also completely saw the blush on Uncle Liu's face after standing up.

It seems like being burned.

"Is your face scalded by boiling water?"

Therefore, Li Jiajun asked such a sentence directly, and in an instant, the smile on Uncle Liu's face stiffened on the spot.

"Ah, this, no, I just have a toothache, and my face is swollen due to inflammation."

Uncle Liu's reaction was also very quick to say a reason, fooling Li Jiajun in the past.


Li Jiajun also didn't have so much time to care, and he was thinking about how to pit himself all the time.

Or someone who has other purposes for themselves.

"I came to find you, in fact, I came to find you to cooperate!"

Uncle Liu saw that Li Jiajun stopped talking, and there seemed to be a tendency to rush people.

He said quickly.

"Cooperation? What cooperation? "

To be honest, Li Jiajun actually doesn't want to cooperate with a dangerous person like Uncle Liu.

But Li Jiajun thought of it again.

"The choice is on me, I can choose to cooperate or not!"

"You can see what this guy wants to say first, judging from the cooperation project he said, can it be perfect cooperation, isn't it?"

Therefore, Li Jiajun did not say politely.

Uncle Liu was finally relieved to hear this.

He was most afraid that Li Jiajun's young man would feel arrogant and unwilling to say anything more to himself.

In that case, he will have a headache.

Fortunately, Li Jiajun has been sharpened during this time, and it seems that the whole person has matured a lot.

I am more aware of the saying that there are only eternal interests and no eternal enemies.

Thinking so, Uncle Liu began to talk to Li Jiajun about his plan.

"It's very simple, I'm going to have a car show right away, and I'm going to expand the number of used car dealers and car dealers."

"To put it bluntly, it's grabbing business on my own turf."

"This is a kind of edge ball, so that other original manufacturers can decide to cooperate with us after seeing our strength!"

"In this way, it not only expands its influence, but also weakens the strength of competitors, killing two birds with one stone!"

Li Jiajun is not a little fool who has just entered the industry.

Hearing Uncle Liu's words, his brows suddenly furrowed.

"No, if you have a car show, there are not a hundred or seventy or eighty times a year on Xiangcheng Island, right?"

"You don't think one station alone can do all the publicity, do you?"

"Or do you think there's something fascinating about your auto show that makes everyone buy a car with you?"

Li Jiajun finished these words.

He saw Uncle Liu showing a right, right, right.

Li Jiajun was stunned for a moment, and he asked suspiciously.


"What kind of method do you have prepared to attract attention?"

"First of all, if there is something illegal or something, I will definitely not follow you, and I may even report you for a wave!"

Li Jiajun's words made Uncle Liu quite speechless.

He thought to himself.

"Speaking of playing tricks, aren't the people of your Li family the best?"

"What are you pretending to be high? Is it really out of the mud and not clean? "

Although I am so crazy in my heart to complain about Li Jiajun, I have to set up a torii like this."

But in fact, Uncle Liu said with a smile.

"Of course not, I'm not a crazy person, I must do things very measured, so I won't do anything to find death!"

Uncle Liu's words made Li Jiajun suddenly puzzled.

"So what other way do you have to catch other people's attention?"

"Can't it be some kind of car beauty again?"

"Then you are too vulgar! And if I follow you like this, my own reputation will be ruined, that's not okay! "

What a reputation do you have! Li Jiajun's words, Uncle Liu kept roaring in his heart, Li Jiajun is a playboy.

But the mouth is still very honest.

"Of course not, don't worry! I've arranged it all! "

We're going to have an outdoor auto show, and the place where the show is going to be the top priority."

Uncle Liu arrived here and sold a pass.

The eyes couldn't help but be very excited.

Li Jiajun became even more curious.

"Say it quickly, what are you doing here?"

"Don't worry, I'm still very excited, I'll brew it a little first!"

But Uncle Liu seemed to be really excited, so he lowered his voice and let Li Jiajun come over and say.

" I arranged a place on the pedestrian street in Causeway Bay for us to display our parking spaces!"

"And there is also a big screen of Ginza Business that can be used for us!"

"Directly to the top of the CBD advertising space in one step!"

After Li Jiajun heard Uncle Liu's words, the excited look on his face instantly disappeared.


The contrast before and after this change was too great, and Uncle Liu did not react for a while.

I thought that this Li Jiajun found something.

Knowing that the pedestrian street in Causeway Bay that he rented was actually done by his father Lee Ka-ho.

Isn't he going to be beaten up by the watchers?

Thinking of this, Uncle Liu subconsciously covered his face.

"What a weak heart!"

Li Jiajun noticed Uncle Liu's movement and asked loudly.

Frightened, Uncle Liu almost took two steps back.

"What a weakness in my heart!"

At this point, Uncle Liu was full of energy, because he had not done anything wrong.

He has just become a ruthless plug-in machine that Li Jiahao uses to secretly help his son grow.

If you really want to say anything with connotations, I'm afraid that the ghost who can not know it now does not feel like hiding himself and talking nonsense.

But I didn't expect that today's nonsense was actually recognized by Li Jiajun.

Until now, Uncle Liu still wants to force a wave that nothing has happened, and Li Jiahao's people have not looked for themselves.

The reason why I was able to rent the downtown area.

Even ignoring pedestrians is their own business ability! It can be said that all the responsible personnel who manage the Causeway Bay area do not manage the order of the scene.

"You obviously can't rent this kind of venue! So the reason why you lied to me is just to do bad things in my name!


Uncle Liu originally thought that Li Jiajun was going to say something so that he suddenly had no room for rebuttal and opportunity to refute.

But he didn't expect that from the moment Li Jiajun spoke, Uncle Liu's brain was in a state of downtime.

I couldn't react at all to what Li Jiajun was saying.

Until the end, after seeing Uncle Liu have no reaction to Li Jiajun's last sorry sentence.

Li Jiajun began to try again, calling Uncle Liu a few times.

Finally, Uncle Liu withdrew from his downtime.

He was finally able to respond to Li Jiajun's words.

"No, because this time I need you to get a makeover!"

"You are no longer Li Jiajun, Li Jiahao's only son! Nor is it the uncrowned king of the future Xiangcheng Island!

"But a car dealer who is so ordinary that he can't be ordinary anymore!"

"This time, because of chance, I took a fancy to the momentum of such a young man as you!"

"So don't worry! I won't take advantage of your name and your background..."

But when Uncle Liu said this, Li Jiajun suddenly interrupted him.

"But I've given so many people orders before, they already know me!"

"If this is concealed, it is too false!"

Li Jiajun immediately raised the problem.

Uncle Liu showed an expression that your kid finally fell into my hand.

"Haha! You really don't have to worry about it!

"Because when I passed on the order to you before, you didn't communicate much."

"So whoever it is, they don't know who you are!"

"Besides, with your current appearance in the wind and sun, who can know that you are the only successor of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island?"

"Are you right?"

Li Jiajun did not expect that after he said this sentence to Uncle Liu, he would actually be forcibly taken away using "take it, you".

Li Jiajun was a little unresponsive.

But in the end, there was no response.

He asked weakly.

"Then I'm hiding now, no one knows?"

"Then can't I go to any car dealer to discuss business?"

"They shouldn't recognize me anyway!"

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