At that time, Li Jiajun did not know that all gifts of fate were just goods with clear prices.

Sooner or later it will have to be returned.

So he promised Uncle Liu to hold a car show with him.

And the distribution of benefits is divided into five and a half accounts.

Although Li Jiajun wondered why Uncle Liu was so talkative.

Because he can't use his name, he can actually get fifty percent?

To this, Uncle Liu's response was.

"Because you deserve it."

It was such a simple sentence that made Li Jiajun deeply feel a taste of being valued.

It's quite beautiful in my heart.

However, in fact, it was Uncle Liu who was happy in his heart.

He never expected that this Li Jiajun was so easy to fool.

He only had a few simple words to make him agree to his request.

"Just as the so-called three major iron merchants have shared the stolen goods together, cut vegetables together, and invested together!"

"I have now experienced an iron with Li Jiajun, a silly boy, and when I get some garbage truck brand cars later, won't I be able to directly invest together and cut the three major irons of leeks together?"

"Hahaha! In this case, won't I be able to become Li Jiajun soon, no, a good brother of the richest man in the future!

Thinking of this, Uncle Liu showed a rampant smile.

So when Gu Chen and the others came to Causeway Bay, a car show full of cyberpunk neon was already paved in front of them.

It's just that this time, Gu Chen and the others have no way to drive the car into it.

"Was it so lively before?"

Gu Chen's group had already parked the car and began to get out of the car and walk.

He also asked Sun Shulan.

The latter looked puzzled.

"It used to be lively and lively... But it won't be like today..." Lin

Wanxiang silently put his arm around Ah Yue and asked her not to run around.

Xiang Senluo directly turned around and leaned into Sun Shulan's arms.

This strong contrast made Gu Chen feel a little strange.

"It's also in a small black room, isn't it true that they have been in the computer room for so long, why are the two people so different?"

Gu Chen was speechless, Jiang Min seemed to have been stimulated by these people.

I kept trying to lean on Gu Chen.

However, Gu Chen directly leaned over to the side of the dog head chao as if nothing had happened.

The dog head Chao who engaged in it inexplicably began to think about it inexplicably.

"President Gu, what is this for? Obviously, he has such a beautiful and cute Jiang Min by his side, but he obviously doesn't want to get close to her at all!

"Could it be that President Gu doesn't like women and likes men?"

Suddenly, the dog head chao began to fall into his own brainstorming.

All he thinks about is Gu Chen, if he let himself....then what should he start with? Or from it?

With this tangled emotion, the dog's head went crooked, and accidentally bumped into a speeding young man with a ten-centimeter-tall chicken crown on his head.

Why do you say that.

Because right in front of them, there were several locomotives with various strange signs such as skulls.

One or two faces also have a very world-weary feeling.

It looks like the kind of bad youth.

Among them, the man who was hit by the dog's head seems to be the leader of the four.

I saw him turn his head and use his very evil black eyes, no, it's smoky makeup looking at the dog head chao!

"Hey uncle! Don't you walk with long eyes!

The bad boy asked the dog in a very unpleasant tone.

Angry, originally felt that he didn't look at the road, bumped into others, a little guilty dog's head chao, this temper came up.

Originally, he had some foundation, and his body was tall and big.

Naturally, I am very unworried, and this may not be a small person of one meter seven.

"Who do you call Uncle? This road is so wide that your house opens! "

Because the dog head chao did not walk with his head up and chest up before.

The young man who was hit did not react either, waiting until he looked up to see the height and physique of the dog.

The bad boy immediately took two steps back silently.

But he thought of the three little brothers behind him watching him.

He could only sigh in his heart.

"What's so shameful!"

Then looked up at the dog head Chao and said.

"Are you so fierce when you hit someone?"

"But you don't look like a bad person!"

"Then I don't want your medical bills, you just apologize to me and leave!"

He vividly remembered what his boss had said to him.

"When you meet someone you can't beat, reason with him!"

"When you meet someone who likes to be reasonable and can beat him at a glance, then don't hesitate to go up and do it!"

So, when this bad boy found out that the man was tall and the dog's head was over.

He understood one thing deeply.

That is, it is impossible for him to beat this guy at all, so he can only directly change his attitude and start reasoning with the dog's head!

It's just that this bad boy has this attitude if he started from the beginning.

Doghead Chao may hesitate to apologize to the bad boy.

But now he has revealed his true nature, and obviously takes a step back to look at his movements.

Isn't it just to look at your physique and judge whether you should fight or not?

Such an obvious routine, the dog head super can not see it?

So apologize? Inexistent!

Gu Chen also felt that this was the truth, but he felt that Xiangcheng Island was such a prosperous international metropolis.

Why do bad teenagers appear in downtown areas like Causeway Bay during this time period?

"I always feel a little weird!"

Gu Chen was thinking about it, and felt that he should not follow Sun Shulan and others to such a crowded place today.

After all, although he did not hide his tracks.

Nor did he deliberately hide his purpose.

That's all because all this Gu Chen planned to let Li Jiahao see and then suspect.

However, this does not mean that Gu Chen can take risks with his life!

Just thinking about it.

Dog Tou Chao stood directly in front of Gu Chen and the others, and also said after leaning on the bad boy to take a step closer.

"You seem to have an opinion of me?"

"I want my apology, no problem, but there are too many people here!" I'm a little embarrassed to apologize!

"Well, you follow me to the corner over there, how about I apologize to you?"

The bad boy looked in the direction that the dog head Chao was pointing.

At a glance, I saw a dark corner in the monitor's field of view.

Although there are many people in the pedestrian street of Causeway Bay, there are still few people who go to that corner.

Except for some who like to go there to settle their personal grievances.

And after the bad boy saw the pointing of the dog head chao, where did he not understand what this dog head super wanted to do.

I just want to go to a place where there is no monitoring and beat myself up!

The bad boy who thought this clearly said with a smile.

"Oops! Uncle!

"I'm just testing you!" Apologize or something!

"After all, the effects of force are mutual, and I've learned this, and I definitely won't blame you for bumping into me!" Because the same time you hit me, that's when I hit you!

His words elicited those around who left with a quick glance.

The two of them looked at the bad boy with a sense of being teachable.

It was as if he could say such words and already had the meaning of being redeemed.

But because of the distance, the dog head chao could see the fierceness in the eyes of this bad boy at a glance.

Where did he not know that this was a bad boy who was forced to a certain desperate situation by himself.

Only then will this desperate look appear.

"Damn, if it weren't for President Gu and they all followed me, I would have been..."

thought to Doghead Chao and smiled.

"I don't remember the villain, forget it!"

This bad boy also smiled.

"It's my adult who doesn't remember the villain and leaves, brothers!"

With a wave of his hands, he took all his brothers away.

At the same time, Dog Tou Chao was also defensive, standing in front of Gu Chen and the others, to prevent this bad boy from being embarrassed if his brain twitched and wanted to fight with him in turn.

Who let the dog head super's impression and memory of bad teenagers has always been unclear in the brain, and will fight back at any time.

Therefore, he must have ensured that they were safe.


Gu Chen watched as the bad boy finally took a few steps back and then silently turned around and left, but Gu Chen thought of something strange.

"Would you actually leave with such a good temper? Not quite. "

This is very different from my impression of the bad boy on Xiangcheng Island."

Gu Chen thought so, always feeling as if they were because of something important.

That's why I endured my anger in the end.

Otherwise, I am afraid that he will not be good today.

"But what does that have to do with me?"

Gu Chen doesn't like trouble, it doesn't mean that he is afraid of trouble.

So no matter what you end up with, you won't be too nervous.

Until Sun Shulan and others brought him to eat the so-called super meal.

Gu Chen watched when the live octopus was cleaned up and eaten directly with some dipping sauce into his mouth.

He found that he really underestimated the courage of Sun Shulan and others.

"That's what you mean by a big meal?"

Jiang Min asked everyone with a pale face.

"This? Of course not! Sun

Shulan was also a little disgusted when she saw the octopus eaten alive at first.

Of course, he immediately shook his head to indicate that it was not here.

And took Gu Chen and others to bypass the crowd.

After turning around, I finally came to a snack street full of the atmosphere of Xiangcheng Island.

The aroma of pork knuckle rice on the roadside was fragrant, and various exquisite tea restaurants appeared in front of Gu Chen Jiang Min.

Thanks to the auto show.

So the crowd did not queue for a long time.

Even when Gu Chen was taken to the hottest restaurant, he didn't wait long.

Because Ah Yue is the daughter of the owner of this restaurant.

So they went to a private room specially prepared for their own people.

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