Early the next morning, when Gu Chen was running, he saw Qin Xuanxuan again.

After the two said hello, Gu Chen continued to run forward.

Back at home, Gu's mother was still dealing with those flowers and plants at home.

"Mom, I remember that there didn't seem to be any children my age in the previous family, right?" Gu Chen asked after taking a bath.

"Huh? You also saw that girl, isn't she very handsome? After hearing this, Gu Mu glanced at Gu Chen and quipped.

"That girl is a relative of the family, so she is staying here temporarily! By the way, is it fancy people, mother went to tell you, I heard that her home is Huahai's, just right! It's time for you to find a girlfriend, too! Gu's mother continued.

"Ahem, I'm just curious! I'm not in a hurry yet!

Then Gu Chen went directly into the house.

A call came in, Gu Chen looked at the local number, and he knew who it was!

"Hello? Mr. Yu!

"Good morning, Mr. Gu! Fortunately, I have already obtained the evidence, should I hand it over to you or do I want to send it directly to the official? A

voice came over the other end of the phone.

Gu Chen was satisfied for a while.

"Leave it to the police!"

Gu Chen thought about it and said.

"Good! Mr. Gu rest assured! This is a commercial crime, and the Bandai Group cannot get rid of it! Yu Xiangui said in a grand manner.

"Hmm! Thank you Mr. Yu! I wonder if Mr. Yu wants to be a raw material supplier in Yong City?

Gu Chen thanked him.

"Oh? Mr. Gu is talking about Yutaiyu Group..."

"That's right!"

"Good! Then thank you Mr. Gu!

Yu Xiangui was also very happy when he heard this, this is an opportunity to make money, and agreed without thinking.

"Then Mr. Yu just wait!"

Gu Chen then mentioned one of his friends and offended a retired leader, and the other party directly assured that there was no problem, and Gu Chen hung up the phone with satisfaction.

"Whew! Everything is done! Can go back tomorrow. "

Gu Chen has nothing to do, and he is light.

So he told the second elder the news of his departure tomorrow.

The two had no opinion.

After the three of them roughly cleaned up their things, they invited a few neighbors who had a good relationship to dinner.

Gu Xiao's family was impressively listed, and several people congratulated Gu Chen on his appearance, and then left.

Simply Gu Chen proposed to leave now! So he drove away from his hometown in the nostalgia of his parents.

Gu's father and mother are still healthy, and the four-hour journey is not a problem at all.

After arriving in Huahai, the sky had already darkened.

Since Gu Chen only had one house, he went directly back to Tomson Yipin.

Under the respectful gaze of the security guard, the parents parked directly in the underground parking lot under the surprise.

"Xiao Chen, you live here now?" Gu Mu looked at the very green garden outside and was pleasantly surprised.

She liked these flowers and plants, and she thought that she would not see it when she came here.

"yes!" Gu Chen replied with a smile.

"It's too late now, tomorrow you can watch it casually, and Shishi also lives here!"

Then several people entered the hall under the leadership of Gu Chen.

"Good evening Mr. Gu! Need help? Looking

at Gu Chen's big bag, the staff in the hall said respectfully.

"Hello! You can help my parents get a free pass!

"No problem, I'll handle it for Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu later!"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, the staff immediately agreed.

Looking at Gu's father and Gu's mother, he also had a respectful expression.

"Thank you!"

So Gu Chen took the elevator directly.

"It looks like they respect you a lot!"

Father Gu read countless people, and he could see at a glance whether he was true or false.

"That's, I'm their first owner here!"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

Then he arrived at the door, and Gu Chen directly unlocked his face.

The three walked directly into the hall.

"Brother, you're finally back, uncle, aunt?"

Shishi was surprised and directly stepped forward and hugged Gu's mother.

When she was in high school before, Shishi lived in Gu Chen's house, so she had a very good relationship with Gu's mother!

"Poetry! It's been a long time see! Mother

Gu was also very happy.

"Is Gu Chen back?"

At this time, a pleasant voice came from the bathroom, and Gu Chen instantly petrified.

And Gu's father and mother directly signaled Gu Chen, and Shishi also forgot about this matter.

"Gu Chen, how do you-"

Chu Xinyi had just finished taking a bath, and walked out in a nightgown, still talking, but before he finished speaking, he was stunned.

So the scene seemed to be stuck, and the five people were silent.

"Ahem, what, dad, mom, let me introduce you to this is my college classmate, named Chu Xinyi."

Gu Chen was the first to react, and he didn't know why Chu Xinyi appeared here in his pajamas, but he could only bite the bullet and introduce it.

"Ah! Good uncle, good aunt! I...... I didn't know you two would... Will come. Chu

Xinyi also reacted, her face instantly turned red, her legs were soft, and her speech was intermittent.

"Hello! Hello! I'll call you Xinyi! Mother

Gu hurriedly stepped forward and looked at Chu Xinyi, becoming more and more satisfied, it was really the mother-in-law who looked at her daughter-in-law, and she was more and more happy.

"Yes, yes! My aunt told me anything. "

Chu Xinyi doesn't have the appearance of a strong woman in the mall at this time.

Living room.

Several people were sitting on the sofa.

"Uncle, aunt, I saw one living here, and I was a little afraid, so I invited Sister Xinyi to come and accompany me, but I didn't know that you guys came back so soon!"

Shishi explained at this time.

Chu Xinyi instantly showed a grateful expression.

She didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of Gu Chen's parents.

"It's okay, it's okay! Xinyi can come often in the future!

Gu's mother didn't know that this was the shy look of the little girl, and immediately understood.

She saw that the little girl was obviously interesting to her son, plus Mo Ruomu, the son of the knower, if her own boy was not interesting to others, where would he let the family in.

"Really? Thank you Auntie! Chu

Xinyi was very happy when she heard this.

"Of course, I still want you to accompany me more!"

"Auntie rest assured, I live next to it, and in the future, Auntie can also go to me when she is bored!"

Chu Xinyi smiled very brightly, what could be happier than to let her mother-in-law recognize!

So the few people chatted for a long time, and finally Chu Xinyi went back at the invitation of Gu's mother.

Although she really wanted to sleep here, she didn't want to take her mother lightly.

"Little dust! Why haven't I heard you say it before! If we hadn't just come over today, we would still be hidden by you! So

the meeting to criticize Gu Chen began.

Only after Gu Chen's repeated assurances did he let him go, so he glared at the culprit Shishi before returning to the room.


Gu Chen went directly to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce to register a real estate company, with an initial capital of one billion.

It was soon done, and the name was Tianchen Real Estate Company.

Afterwards, he and Gu's father went directly to the new area to be developed in the south of the city.

The relocation here has just begun, but many materials and machines are already being transported here.

"It is worthy of Huahai City."

Father Gu who watched sighed with emotion, whether it was mechanical equipment or artificial strength, it was many times stronger than his company.

"Of course, don't worry, Dad, as long as you're okay, it's only a matter of time before you overtake them!"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Okay! As long as you have enough funds, there is no problem on my side! Father

Gu was arrogant.

So Gu Chen first took her to the site she rented before, which was a huge warehouse, just suitable for the local warehouse.

"Good, I can call them over!" Father Gu looked around and was extremely satisfied.

In order to do a big job, he had brought in many odd jobs in the surrounding area, all of them were experienced veterans.

The number of people in his real estate company in Yongshi was several times higher than before.

"Yes, Dad, I will hand over the company to you, you are familiar with the real estate industry, I will not interfere, but I will send a finance over."

Gu Chen said directly.

"No problem! But now you have to tell me how much land you have, right?

"More than 900 acres!"

"What? Many...... How much? Father

Gu was stunned when he heard this.

"Dad, more than nine hundred acres, I didn't tell you before that I was afraid that you would be excited."

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"You boy, tell me the truth, where did you get so much money?"

Father Gu was stunned for more than ten minutes before he came back to his senses and looked at Gu Chen with complicated eyes.

He is not a fool, in Huahai, which ranks first in the country, even in the suburban area, the price is more expensive than the average urban area.

"Naturally, I am looking for a bank loan!" Gu Chen said with a smile.

Seeing that Gu's father didn't believe it, Gu Chen sighed, and she knew that her old son was extremely shrewd and couldn't fool it.

"I still have a company with a market value of tens of billions, so the bank wants me to take a loan!"

Gu Chen hesitated for a while before saying.

"Don't worry, it's not all shares, I just take part of it, and you can rest assured, it's absolutely legal."

Looking at Father Gu's skeptical expression, Gu Chen quickly added.

So father and son were silent under the sun.

At this time, Gu Chen's phone rang directly.

Gu Chen took a look and picked up.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, I heard that you have returned, I don't know if you can see our cooperation..." There

was an excited voice on the other end of the phone.

"No problem, Mr. Liu said a place, I'll rush over immediately."

"Good! Then we will wait for you in Wangjiang Pavilion, eating and talking. How is it? Hearing

Gu Chen's agreement, President Liu couldn't suppress his joy.

"Okay, no problem!"

Then the two hung up the phone directly.

"Dad, such a large piece of land, with our newly opened real estate company, we can't develop it, so I plan to sell half of it."

Seeing Father Gu nodding, Gu Chen continued: "The person who just called me is the general manager of the Huahai branch of Yiyue Group, one of the top ten real estate groups in China, and I am ready to sell the land to him, and then cooperate with him."


As soon as Father Gu thought about it, he understood that they Tianchen had no reputation, and it was very important for Tianchen's future development to borrow each other's fame.

Then the two rushed to Wangjiang Pavilion.

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