Wangjiang Pavilion, in a delicate box.

The Yiyue Group, represented by Mr. Liu, sits on the left, but this time he is not the protagonist, the protagonist is a vice president sent by the headquarters, surnamed Du.

"Manager Liu heard that you have met with that Mr. Gu?"

At this time, Gu Chen had not yet come, and President Du asked Manager Liu curiously.

"Yes, an office building in our group was bought by Mr. Gu, and I have known Mr. Gu since then."

Manager Liu said with a smile.

"I don't know about this, it seems that the board decided it."

President Du said with a shocked face.

"This Mr. Gu is really mysterious, there is the shadow of the chaebol group behind him, so you can definitely not offend if you can make good friends, and another purpose of my coming this time is to establish a cooperative relationship with him."

President Du looked at Manager Liu and said seriously.

"Don't worry! Mr. Du, we have always been a good signal with Mr. Gu! Manager Liu assured.

After a few people waited for a while, there was movement in the box.

It was Gu Chen, who had not been seen for a long time, and a strange middle-aged man.

"Hello! Mr. Gu, it's really better to be famous than to see it!

President Du looked at it again, very surprised by Gu Chen's youth.

Although he had seen the photo several times, he saw the real person even younger.

"Hello, you are?"

Gu Chen greeted with a smile, but there was doubt in his eyes.

"Mr. Gu, hello, this is President Du sent by our group to cooperate with you."

At this time, Manager Liu on the side spoke.

"Hello, Mr. Du, I'm really sorry."

Gu Chen was slightly surprised, but quickly reacted and stretched out his hand to be polite.

"Haha, Mr. Gu is polite! I don't know who this is..."

"This is the general manager of my newly established company. Gu Jiangnian is also the father of the family. "

Oh? It turned out to be Mr. Gu, hello hello! President

Du was stunned when he heard this, what was the situation? Your father gave you a part-time job?

But still said with a smile.

"Hello, hello! Mr. Du. Father

Gu also greeted with a smile.

He knew that if he hadn't been Gu Chen's father, people wouldn't have paid attention to him at all.

"Then sit first, let's sit and talk."

"Good, good, good!"

So a few people sat down and laughed and talked about other things.

The domestic custom is to talk about business at the wine table.

After some staggering, President Du felt that the time was almost right, so he planned to start the topic.

"Mr. Gu, there should be nothing wrong with the contract we talked about before, right?"

"Naturally, no problem!"

Gu Chen said with a smile.

"I just don't know how much Mr. Gu is willing to shoot?" President Du nodded when he heard this, and began to get to the point.

"That depends on how much you can afford?"

"Oh? Could it be that Mr. Gu intends to strike them all? Hearing

Gu Chen's words, President Du's eyes lit up.

"I collect it all, but I don't know if you can take so much cash?" Gu Chen looked at President Du with a smile.

"Eh!" President Du was stunned, and then reacted; "I wonder if Mr. Gu accepts installments?"

"Haha, President Du's joke is really not funny at all."

President Du was not disappointed when he heard this, he knew that Gu Chen would definitely not accept this plan.

"Okay, Mr. Du, I'm willing to take out more than 500 acres, I wonder if you can eat it?"

Gu Chen then said directly.

"Of course you can, I have a condition?"

President Du flashed when he heard this, and then said;

This result had already been analyzed by the think tank at headquarters when he came.

"Oh? President Du, please say? Gu Chen said suspiciously.

"Just want to deepen cooperation with Mr. Gu?"

"How to cooperate?"

Gu Chen was stunned and asked puzzled.

"Material cooperation, in the future, the construction materials of our group will be issued by Taiyu Group, but the price needs to be cheaper, and there is a payment method, which needs to be the same as outside." Mr. Du said with a smile.

"No problem!"

Gu Chen directly agreed.

This is an opportunity for him to develop.

"Good! Mr. Gu, then I wish us a happy cooperation! President Du was overjoyed when he heard this.

She didn't have time to agree so happily, and she took a higher look at Gu Chen's performance.

"Happy cooperation!"

So the two of them held out their hands for a few seconds.

"But I still have a request, I hope President Du can agree to it?" Then Gu Chen said again.

"Please say!"

"Even if I also registered a real estate company, I want to cooperate with you, I don't know how?" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"No problem!" President Du also directly agreed.

Gu Chen's thoughts he knew at once.

After that, everyone's purpose had been achieved, and they drank even more happily.

The meal lasted more than three hours, after which it was agreed to sign the contract the next day.

Walking outside, the breeze blew gently, which instantly made Gu Chen sober up a little.

Due to his extremely strong physical fitness, the breakdown of alcohol in his body is very fast, resulting in a great increase in his alcohol consumption.

"Dad, can you relax now?"

Father Gu is also the object of attention, but he has been in the battlefield for decades, and he has long been drunk in a thousand glasses.


Father Gu showed a long-lost smile, and the father and son walked around outside, saying many things that they had never said, and giving Gu Chen a lot of shopping mall experience.

Taiyu Group, the conference room

witnessed by lawyers from both sides, Gu Chen and the other party signed the land transfer document.

After that, it signed a strategic cooperation letter with Taiyu Group and a development cooperation letter with Tianchen Group.

"Mr. Gu, happy cooperation!"

"President Du, happy cooperation!"

The big hands of the two clasped together.

Under the reporter's photo, this wonderful moment was left.

After that, President Du immediately rushed back to the headquarters.

"Manager Liu, you will contact Manager Gu in the future!" Then Gu Chen looked at Manager Liu and said.

"No problem!" Manager Liu couldn't wait for that.

Several people then left.

"Congratulations to Gu Dong's assets soaring!"

At this time, the general manager of the group, Mr. Jiang, instantly congratulated.

"Haha, President Jiang is polite, this time, President Jiang is the same!"

"It's still the credit of the chairman, I didn't expect to reach a cooperation with such a large company, which will greatly increase the reputation of our group!"

After that, he talked a few words and left.

As for President Chu Xinyichu, he naturally asked for leave.

Accompanying your future mother-in-law is much more important than going to work.

"Dad, you can visit here casually!"

Gu Chen said to Gu Father on the side.

"Okay! Then I'll take a look! Father

Gu is also very interested in his son's business.

It's like inspecting your own company.

Soon, the internal rumors of the group went crazy, what is the emperor who came to visit? Gu Dong's father is going to take over.

Gu Chen went back to the office to deal with the affairs he had pressed down in the past few days.

As soon as I sat down, my phone rang.

An unfamiliar phone call, after thinking about it, it was connected.

"Hey! Hello? Who is it?

"Is it Gu Chen Gu Zong?"

"Yes! I am!

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am He Fan, the general manager of the long-distance transportation group."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Gu Chen reacted.

"Hello! Is there something wrong with Manager He?

"Mr. Gu, when do you have time to inspect the work?" At present, there is panic within the company. After

saying that, he listened carefully, he only knew the other party's name and contact information, and did not know anything else.

He was afraid that he would offend the new boss, even though he did not understand why he wanted to buy a company that was about to go bankrupt.

"Well, how many people are left in the company now?" Gu Chen thought for a while and asked.

"At present, there are more than 200 people in the company! Among them, there are 45 drivers.

He Fan replied honestly.

"So little?"

Gu Chen was stunned, it seemed that the situation was more severe than he thought.


"Wait for me! I'll come and take a look right away! Gu Chen said directly when he heard this.

If the driver is gone, then the remote group will be abandoned.


Then Gu Chen got up directly and rushed to the remote group.

Remote Group.

Office of the General Manager.

One of the stocky middle-aged men hung up the phone and smiled bitterly, and he knew from the voice that the new boss was a young man.

It is quite sad about this transportation group that is about to retire from the historical stage.

He is an old man here, who has witnessed the glory and end of the remote, and now he is facing bankruptcy, which is naturally extremely reluctant.

Barring a miracle, the new boss has money and a shipping order.

At this time, a knock came from the door.

"Please come in!"

He Fan came back to his senses and said in a deep voice.

"Manager He, there are a few people who claim to be Dongfeng Transportation Company outside, and they say they want to talk to you?"

I saw a delicate woman hurriedly report.

"Oh? Did they say what they were here for?

He Fan frowned when he heard this.


"Then call them in!" He Fang thought about it and said.


So the woman walked out.

A few minutes later, led by a delicate woman, several men dressed in suits walked in.

"I wonder what you're looking for me for?"

"Hello! Manager He, I am Zhu Changhai, Director of the Purchasing Department of Dongfeng Transportation Group. I

saw a middle-aged man of about his age in the center speak.

"Hello! Minister Zhu!

He Fan nodded.

"That's right! I heard that your company is riddled with lawsuits and urgently needs a compensation, so I came to send money!

Zhu Changhai said with a smile.

"Oh?" Who doesn't believe the other party's words.

"I heard that your company has more than a dozen heavy trucks on the car, and it is useless to park at the site all the time, how about selling it to us Dongfeng?"

Zhu Changhai said the purpose of this trip at this time.

"Minister Zhu smiled, I don't have the right to sell the company's property."

He Fan's brows furrowed when he heard this, it was their last home background, but he didn't expect that there was still someone to make an idea, so he directly refused.

"Oh? But I heard that Manager He has long been the sole leader of the company?

Zhu Changhai shook his head and smiled knowingly.

"Don't worry! Manager He, the price will not disappoint you! "

He Fang didn't expect the other party to understand so deeply, and it was premeditated for a long time.

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