"I didn't expect Minister Zhu to be so well-informed."

"I don't know what the manager thinks?"

Zhu Changhai smiled confidently and looked at He Fan.

"Doesn't Minister Zhu know that the boss of the company has changed now?"


Hearing He Fan's words, Zhu Changhai was stunned.

"Manager He, don't joke, so let's do it, as long as Manager He agrees, I'll give you this number separately, how about it?"

Then Zhu Changhai reacted, thinking that He Fan didn't want to sell, so he stretched out a palm and tempted.

"It's not good, Minister Zhu can leave if there is nothing to do!"

He Fan glanced at it, did not pay attention to it at all, and sent the guest directly.

"Hmph! Manager He, don't toast or eat and punish wine, do you want to work for a lifetime and go to the road of bankruptcy? Seeing

that He Fan's oil and salt did not enter, Zhu Changhai was also angry.

"Xiao Fang, send off the guests!"

He Fan shouted directly to the assistant outside.

"Good! Manager He, prepare for bankruptcy! Zhu

Changhai laughed angrily when he heard this, put down a cruel word and left the office.

He Fan shook his head with disdain, more lice do not itch, anyway, the company is already like this, he is still afraid of threats?

At this time, Gu Chen had just arrived at his destination by car.

When you get out of the car, this is a huge parking lot, blocked by a high wall outside, and a ten-story building can be seen inside.

Just two steps away, he noticed several people walking in his direction.

I faintly heard the conversation of several people.

"Minister Zhu, that toast surnamed He does not eat and punish wine, and when he goes bankrupt, we will buy it again, and then we can humiliate him!"

One of the young men said with a look of dissatisfaction.

"That's right! At that time, it is estimated that the price will be cheaper! Several people followed.

Gu Chen frowned, and let them walk over on the side of his body.

Combined with the previous information, he probably has already figured out the cause and effect.

It is nothing more than knowing that the remote group is about to go bankrupt, so those transportation companies have looked at the group's transportation tools, those heavy trucks and other cars.

So he went straight through the parking lot and came to the building, but he saw three or three people in two people listless office.

At this time, a woman saw Gu Chen.

"Hello, this gentleman, is there something going on?"

"Hmm! I'm looking for you guys!

"Okay, I'll let you know right away."

After waiting for a few minutes, a delicate woman came from the elevator.

"Assistant Fang, this gentleman wants to see Manager He."

The girl at the front desk hurried to the comer.

"Well, let's go!"

Assistant Fang nodded, and then looked at Gu Chendao.

"Assistant Fang, I see how your company looks lifeless, don't you guys care about it?"

Gu Chen glanced at the girl in front of him and found that she looked good, but she couldn't dissolve a trace of worry between her eyebrows, and suddenly asked.

"If it weren't for our manager He, this company would have gone bankrupt a long time ago! This gentleman! It's not us, but everyone is worried about the future of the company, and naturally has no intention of working! Assistant Fang glanced at Gu Chen and explained.

"It seems that your manager He is also very capable?"

"Of course! If the chairman had not listened to his advice before, where would our company have become like this! Assistant

Fang said this, quite dissatisfied with the previous chairman.

Then he glanced at Gu Chen, and just when the elevator arrived.

"Manager He, this gentleman wants to see you!"

Assistant Fang said to Manager He.

"Hmm!" Then Manager He stood up from the chair and looked at

Gu Chen, "Hello, this gentleman is looking for me..." Manager He looked at Gu Chen and said suspiciously.

"Hello Manager He, I'm Gu Chen!"

Manager He was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

"I'm sorry Mr. Gu, I didn't recognize you, I'm really sorry!" He apologized to Gu Chen.

"It's okay!"

Assistant Fang, who was standing on the side, was immediately dumbfounded, she had just heard something, and heard Manager He call this young man Gu.

"Assistant Fang, what are you still stunned for, this is our new boss, don't hurry up and pour tea!"

Manager He saw Assistant Fang standing there in a daze, and suddenly shouted.

"Ah, oh! Excuse me, Mr. Gu.

Assistant Fang then reacted, quickly apologized, and then went to pour tea.

"Manager He, when I just came over, I saw a group of people go out, they came here..."

They want to come here to buy the company's dozen heavy trucks and trailer trucks!

"So it is!"

Gu Chen had such an expression.

Then Manager He said everything about the company.

The difficulties faced by the company and the outcome of the lawsuit have been explained by the company's finances.

"So, the company doesn't have a business now?" After listening, Gu Chen thought about it and asked.


Manager He nodded, a little embarrassed.

"Actually, there are still many people looking for us! However, in the end, they all changed, and after investigation, they learned that most of them were destroyed by other transportation companies! Manager

He's face was very ugly when he said this.

"Oh?" Gu Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Those customers heard that our company is riddled with lawsuits and does not have any security awareness, so..."

Hearing this, Gu Chen asked.

"President Gu, as long as you give the compensation to the other party, you can do it, but where is the money in the previous chairman!"

Manager He said with a wry smile.

"Later, I will transfer 100 million to the company's finances, and you will clean up all the bad debts for me."

Gu Chen tapped his finger and looked at Manager He.

"Huh? As long as Mr. Gu's funds are in place, my side can solve it immediately. Hearing

Gu Chen's words, Manager He was overjoyed.

"Good! Then Manager He gave me another copy of the development plan for the future.

"Okay, show me around the company!" Then Gu Chen got up and said.

"No problem! Please take care of the general manager here!

Manager He nodded and walked outside with Gu Chen.

Along the way, I met many employees who greeted each other, and Manager He also responded with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, at present, the company has a total of 48 ordinary large trucks, 14 heavy-duty trucks, 6 trailer trucks, and more than 100 other vehicles!"

Walking to the equipment department at the back, Manager He introduced.

Gu Chen nodded, it seems that this company's heritage is still quite sufficient, although it has fallen until now, there are still so many cars left.

"Why are there few driving masters!"

"Alas, in fact, I don't blame those masters, after all, the company has not run a car for a long time, most of them take commissions according to the frequency of driving, so now there are so many masters left, all of them are the old people of the company."

Manager He sighed.

"Then recruit again! First of all, all the company's aspects, as well as the company's morale problems, you must also solve it for me as soon as possible!

Gu Chen nodded and ordered.

"Uh-huh! Don't worry, Mr. Gu, as long as everyone knows that the company will not go bankrupt, it will recover!

"Good! Then it's up to you! There are also orders, as long as your side recovers, I will have them at any time!

Manager He was slightly surprised when he heard this, curious about Gu Chen's identity, but since Gu Chen didn't say it, he didn't dare to ask.

Then Manager He went down to arrange things, and now he was busy.

However, he was very happy, he didn't have a chance to be busy before, but now Gu Chen directly gave him power, which made him very moved, and for a while the middle-aged body burst out with hot energy.

In the following days, the remote group exploded far beyond the average efficiency.

Within three days, all departments were operating in an orderly manner, which surprised Gu Chen, who came to inspect, as if he had not seen the same company before.

"Mr. Gu is good!"

I saw that from the door, everyone from the remote group stood and said respectfully to Gu Chen.

"Hello everyone!" Gu Chen nodded.

"Mr. Gu, now everything in the company has returned to normal, and the personnel department is also continuing to recruit people, welcome Mr. Gu to come and inspect!"

Manager He at the front said with a smile.

"Good! Good work!

Gu Chen nodded, walked in, and began to inspect layer by layer, and found that everyone's mental outlook had indeed undergone tremendous changes, and he couldn't help but be impressed by Manager He.

It seems that the assistant said it well that day.

"Okay, let's go back and get to work!"

After walking around, Gu Chen said to a large group of management behind him.

"Yes! Mr. Gu! "

Then everyone went back to their respective posts.

"Manager He, let's start restoring the branches of the province tomorrow! I will find someone to dock with you and prepare for transportation! At the same time, speed up the recruitment of drivers, and you can also buy more transport models! Gu Chen said to Manager He.


Manager He then continued to arrange.

Back in the office, just sat down.

"Mr. Gu, these are all documents that need to be reviewed and decided by you!"

At this time, a delicate woman wearing a professional suit and holding a pile of documents walked in.

It was the previous assistant Fang.

Now he is Gu Chen's secretary and reception director.

"Good!" Gu Chen nodded.

Began to deal with official business.

On the other side, the general manager's office of Dongfeng Transportation Company.

A man over half a hundred years old sat on a chair, and a middle-aged man stood opposite.

"General manager, it's really strange, I have clearly seen that day those people in the remote group are already panicking, it is clearly a precursor to bankruptcy, why is it coming back from the dead now!"

The man standing said with a strange face.

He was none other than Zhu Changhai, who had gone to the remote group before.

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