"Hmph! How did you do this minister! Messages are so lagging? People have already changed bosses, you don't know? The

general manager's face was ugly, and the documents in his hand slammed on the table, startling Zhu Changhai.

"What?" Zhang Changhai was stunned when he heard this.

"You idiot! It's really something that doesn't make enough or fail! "

The general manager was angry when he saw him.

"General Manager, what now?" Zhu Changhai shrunk his neck and asked in a low voice.

"Hmph! Give me all my power to destroy their shipping orders, as long as no one wants to ask them to deliver, I don't believe that the new boss can always be willing to lose money!

"But then our costs will increase greatly, or even lose money!" Zhu Changhai couldn't help but say when he heard this.

"Hmph! As long as we acquire the remote group, then we Dongfeng will become the leader of the transportation industry in Jiang Province, and this loss is still worth it! The general manager said.

For the long range, he had been hungry for a long time, but he didn't expect to suddenly pop up again.

Although the current remote group does not seem to have anything worth noting, the word remote alone is worth a lot.

Although it is now down, its influence and fame, as well as its channels throughout the country, are intangible wealth!

He knows all this very well.

"Yes! I'll go down right away! "

These Gu Chen don't know, even if they know him, they don't put it in their eyes.

At present, he does not want to find a list at all, and it is more than enough to supply Taiyu Group.

There are also new areas to be developed that allow remote groups to take off directly.

That's when his phone rang.

When I opened it, I saw that it was Father Gu.

"Hey, Dad?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the company!"

"Exactly, I have something to find you, and now everyone has arrived, and you can start work at any time!" But none of the construction site items I bought have arrived, and I need to send them to me! Father Gu said directly.

"So, what about the Yiyue Group?" Gu Chen asked, he had been on the remote side during this time, and did not pay attention to other things.

"They've started construction, and the major machinery I bought arrived, but they couldn't deliver it! I found several transportation companies, and they all said that they couldn't ship my things, and they had to be in special vehicles!

"I'll give you a number, you contact him!"

"Good!" Father Gu agreed.

If he weren't familiar with life here, he wouldn't be looking for Gu Chen.

Then Gu Chen sent He Fan's phone over, and the fertile water did not flow into the fields of outsiders.

After handling official business, Gu Chen saw that the two companies were gradually on the right track, and he immediately relaxed.

After thinking about it, he called Gan Yuan.

After all, people helped him.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, are you finally willing to call me?"

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a melancholy sound on the other end.

Like a jealous woman in the deep palace, it instantly made Gu Chen shiver.

"Ahem, Mr. Gan said and laughed, I didn't just finish being busy, I called you!"

"Understand and understand, after all, Mr. Gu is not like us idlers!" Gan Yuan said with a big smile.

"If even Gan is always an idler, it is estimated that there will be no busy people in this world!"

"Mr. Gu, I wonder if you are free at night? I'll host and treat Mr. Gu to a meal? Then Gan Yuan asked with a smile.

"Of course! But I should also invite you, after all, I still have to thank Mr. Gan for the last time? Gu Chen thanked him when he heard this.

He had already heard that the person in charge of the Bandai Group in Yongshi had violated the commercial law, and although he had Bandai's endorsement, he also went directly in.

The reputation of the Bandai Group in Yongshi has stinking, and they have no choice but to abandon the market there.

"That kind of little thing, even if I don't help Mr. Gu, I believe Mr. Gu can solve it, so Mr. Gu doesn't have to pay attention to it." Gan Yuan suddenly said without care.

He had already heard Yu Xiangui's report.


Hearing this, Gu Chen was stunned, he really didn't know how to solve it, but in the eyes of the other party, he had such great ability?

He didn't even know why the other party respected him so much, which was something he couldn't figure out.

"Okay, Mr. Gu don't fight with me, just have something to say to Mr. Gu at night!"

Gan Yuan saw that Gu Chen didn't speak, so he directly decided.

"Okay! See you in the evening! "Good


So the two made an agreement.

Gu Chen looked at the time on his wrist.

So I went home directly, found that my mother was not at home, did not care, changed into casual clothes, and left.

Tianxinyuan, as one of the famous private restaurants in Huahai, is definitely very famous in the upper class.

I heard that the chef is a Qing Dynasty imperial chef, and it has always been difficult to find a table.

Reservations must be made by appointment.

These Gu Chen have heard of it, and after hearing that Gan Yuan wants to invite himself to eat here, Gu Chen also has some expectations.

After all, the chef of his own hotel is also a royal chef.

He wanted to see if the famous Tianxin Yan was really so delicious.

He made seven turns and eight turns along the way according to the navigation, and finally drove into a quiet path.

The lush flowers and plants around make it seem like you are in a sea of flowers.

"Gee, just with this environment, it's really worthy of the name."

Gu Chen exclaimed.

Finally, we arrived at the parking lot, but there are many luxury cars here, and rare sights abound outside.

Of course, the Koenigsegg driven by Gu Chen is still top notch here.

The waiter who welcomed the guests outside had long seen Gu Chen's car, and when he saw Gu Chen coming, he immediately asked respectfully; "Hello sir, do you have an appointment?"

Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and said, "Gan Yuan!" The

waiter was stunned when he heard this, and became more enthusiastic.

"This gentleman, please come with me, Mr. Gan has already come."

So Gu Chen followed the little brother who led the way and walked inside.

At this time, on the other side of Tianxinyan, two exquisite women stood outside a room, followed by a man on the opposite side.

"Remember! Wang Shao and Peng Shao are inside, you can accompany them!" At that time, it will be no problem for you to debut! The man immediately instructed.

"Manager Hu, didn't you say it's just a meal?"

One of the most beautiful women bit her red lips lightly, looking a little flustered.

If Gu Chen saw this, he would definitely recognize this woman.

"Yes! It's about eating! Manager Hu nodded.

"Manager Hu, I don't want to go, you better find someone else!"

The woman said and wanted to leave.

"As long as you leave today, then you don't have to appear again, and you have to compensate ten times the liquidated damages!" You think clearly! Looking at the woman's back, Manager Hu suddenly threatened.

Sure enough, the woman stopped when she heard this, turned pale and asked, "Manager Hu, I haven't defaulted again, why should I lose money?"

"Hmph! I can't care about this, if you don't go in today and accompany the two sons to be happy, what awaits you is a sky-high contract!

Manager Hu said coldly.

The woman suddenly trembled when she heard this, and she understood that today, she couldn't leave at all.

"What are you afraid of, I tell you, the two inside have a deep background, if you serve them well, what do you want and what do you have?"

Manager Hu saw that the woman was not leaving, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then comforted.

Seeing that the two women didn't speak, Manager Hu couldn't manage so much.

"Okay, get ready to go in!"

Then urged the two to enter.

The two women smiled sadly when they heard this, and they could only follow in.

Just as they entered, Gu Chen came over around the corner.

The attendant leading the way stopped opposite the box.

"Sir, Mr. Gan is waiting for you inside, I'll leave first!" Then the waiter said respectfully to Gu Chen.

"Okay, thanks!"

Gu Chen thanked him.

Then he turned around and opened the box.

The inside is really pleasing to the eye, like a real paradise on earth.

"Mr. Gu, long time no see!"

Gu Chen, who was looking at the others, heard the voice, and saw a middle-aged man dressed casually shouting at him with a smile.

"President Gan, long time no see!"

Gu Chen hurriedly walked over and smiled at Gan Yuan.


Gan Yuan directly got up and gave Gu Chen an embrace!

"By the way, let's eat first!"

Then the two sat down.

"Mr. Gu, I don't know when you have time, you can go and see our Huahai Chamber of Commerce?"

"Oh? Is there also a location dedicated to the Chamber of Commerce? Gu Chen was surprised.

"Of course! Our Huahai Chamber of Commerce has its own Chamber of Commerce building, and we will hold a party every month to connect with each other.

"By the way, I should have the help of President Gan when I enter the Huahai Chamber of Commerce, right?"

"Haha, or Mr. Gu himself has a reputation, otherwise it is useless to recommend it by the president."

"I still have to thank Mr. Gan!"

Gu Chen raised the wine glass in his hand and toasted Gan Yuan.

"I still have to thank Mr. Gu! If it weren't for Mr. Gu's rescue at that time, I would have gone bankrupt and imprisoned by now! Gan Yuan sighed.

"What?" Gu Chen was puzzled.

"That's when I was framed by a friend, if not for Mr. Gu directly buying my hotel and letting me turn over my funds, so ah! Mr. Gu, thank you for your original shot!

Gan Yuan raised his glass and thanked him sincerely.

Gu Chen only understood when he heard Gan Yuan's words, it turned out that Gan Yuan had helped him so much before, and this was the reason.

He immediately understood that it should be that Taobao did it.

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