Gu Chen, who understood it, didn't say much.

So the two began to exchange cups, and they talked happily for a while.

In the end, Gan Yuan said another thing.

"Mr. Gu, there will be a charity party in Huahai in five days, and people from all walks of life will attend at that time, I wonder if I have time to take a look?"

"Of course you can!" Gu Chen agreed with a smile.


Gan Yuan was very happy to hear this

, so he talked a lot of interesting facts about business, Gan Yuan said, Gu Chen listened.

Just when the atmosphere was very strong, the door of the outer bread box was directly opened.

Gan Yuan suddenly frowned, thinking that the ignorant waiter did it, and when he was about to scold two sentences, a girl with a delicate face and a panicked look ran in.

After seeing the woman's appearance, a stunning expression flashed in her eyes, but her face was full of panic and fear, and she suddenly frowned.

At this time, two strong men followed and walked in, directly towards the woman.

His face suddenly turned cold, this clearly did not put him in his eyes! When he was about to scold, Gu Chen next to him revealed a surprised voice.

"Are you?"

Gu Chen was also stunned when he heard the movement, because he was facing away from the gate, he turned around and looked, just saw the woman's appearance, and suddenly he was surprised, and couldn't help but blurt out.

The woman was no one else, it was an anchor who had met him several times before, and he remembered that it seemed to be called Yan Qing.

"Help me! Help me! Yan

Qing was originally a streamer of Tigerfish Live, and with her star-like appearance, she quickly attracted the attention of a guild, so he invited her to join.

She knew the importance of a guild to her newcomer, and with the assurances of the other party, she agreed.

At first, the resources given to her by the guild were quite good, and she soon became a famous anchor.

Unexpectedly, the pair began to show her fangs and asked her to attend a dinner party and accompany a few distinguished guests to dinner.

After hearing the manager's assurances that she was only eating, she hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she arrived here, she felt that something was wrong and wanted to leave, so the manager began to tear the mask of disguise and directly threatened.

There was no way she could only agree, so she went in to eat.

Unexpectedly, there were only two slutty young men inside, and after seeing her coming, his eyes immediately showed lewdness, and then he moved his hands and feet, and asked her to sleep with him.

How could she be this kind of person, so she took advantage of their lack of attention and quickly ran out of the box.

But how could the man's meat in his mouth make her run away, so he directly ordered the bodyguard to chase him back.

No way, she is not familiar with here, plus the situation is urgent, she directly opened a box and ran in.

And that was the scene from before.

Yan Qing did not recognize Gu Chen because of his panic, and when he saw the two men behind him also follow in, he was immediately frightened, so he begged directly to Gu Chen.

"Why are you here?" Gu Chen frowned.


Hearing this, Qing Qing was stunned, and then looked at Gu Chen, and suddenly realized, and then he was overjoyed.

"It's you!"

Yan Qing didn't expect to meet acquaintances here, and she was very happy.

Although she didn't know Gu Chen's identity, how could someone who could afford to drive a luxury car be simple, so she felt saved.

"Two sorry, this is my son-in-law's girlfriend, she is drunk."

The two strong men glanced at each other when they heard this, but they didn't expect that this woman knew the owner here, and immediately secretly shouted badly, but still spoke.

"No, I'm not, I don't know them!" Yan Qing immediately retorted when he heard this.

She was deeply afraid that Gu Chen would misunderstand.

"Miss Yan, you can think about it! Wait for the next son to be unhappy, and bear the consequences. Hearing Yan Qing's words, the strong man immediately threatened.

Sure enough, Yan Qing was stunned when she heard this, she knew the consequences of the breach, but she didn't want to go back.

After thinking about it, his eyes were firm: "Hmph! Big deal, I pay liquidated damages! When

the two strong men heard this, they didn't know what to do.

They thought that Yan Qing would be afraid and obediently follow them back, but they didn't expect this result.

If you wait for Gongzi to know this result, it is estimated that the two will be miserable, and it seems that they can only do it.

"It's not up to you!"

After speaking, he planned to directly take Yan Qing back.

"What are you doing!"

At this time, Gan Yuan, who was the owner of the room, could not sit still.

"Hmph! Old thing, give me less nosy to be knowledgeable! Do you know who my son-in-law is? The

strong man saw Gan Yuan's obstruction, and immediately said viciously.

Although he knew that he was either rich or expensive to eat here, he believed that his son was the young master here, and he was absolutely top-notch.

"Oh? I would like to know who your son is! How so presumptuous! Hearing

this, Gan Yuan laughed angrily.

I pressed the alarm bell directly.

"Haha, this Tianxin Pavilion belongs to my son-in-law's family, who do you say my son-in-law is?" The strong man said with an arrogant look.

Who knew that the corners of Gan Yuan's mouth suddenly twitched, and the anger in his eyes was rising upward.

Then the strong man didn't care about Gan Yuan, he thought that Gan Yuan was frightened by his words, and immediately despised it with disdain, and then wanted to come directly and arrest Yan Qing.

Gu Chen's face on the side suddenly changed, and when he was about to get up and make a move, there were close footsteps outside.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen security guards rushed in.

At the head was a middle-aged man in a suit with an anxious face and a nervous expression.

Several people in the box also stopped moving and looked at the people coming.

"Mr. Gan, what's wrong? What happened? I saw the man in the suit at the head come to Gan Yuan and asked respectfully.

Hearing this, Gu Chen looked at Gan Yuan in surprise, and the two strong men showed incredible expressions.

"Arrest them both for me!"

Gan Yuan's face suddenly turned livid, turned to Gu Chen apologetically, and then pointed at the two strong men.

As soon as the words fell, the security guards who came from behind rushed up and directly detained the strong man.

The strong man who was originally fierce and evil didn't put a single fart.

"Go! Call me that villain! Then he said to the manager.

The manager was stunned when he heard this.

"What are you still stunned for!"

Seeing that the manager did not move, Gan Yuan slapped the table.


After doing all this, Gan Yuan looked at Gu Chen apologetically.

"I'm so sorry! Mr. Gu, I didn't expect such a thing! "Apologize directly.

"I'm fine, it's just that..."

Gu Chen shook his head, and then showed curiosity.

Yan Qing, who was standing next to him, had his eyes flashing, secretly guessing Gu Chen's identity.

She originally thought that Gan Yuan's status was high enough, but she didn't expect to still have so much respect for Gu Chen.

"Alas, I'm ashamed to say that this Tianxin Pavilion was opened by me, and the son that the two people just said is my uncontending rebel." Gan Yuan smiled bitterly.


Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't know what to say, but he just felt that this scene was quite a child's play.

And after the two strong men heard Gan Yuan's words, their legs suddenly softened, and if it weren't for the security guard next to them, it was estimated that they would have fallen to the ground.

But Rao is so, they are also frightened pale and cold sweat.

"I'm sorry, this girl, let you be frightened, don't worry, when that villain comes, I will ask him to apologize to you personally!"

Then Gan Yuan looked at Yan Qing again and apologized.

With his understanding of his son, he naturally knew what his son was going to do to other girls.

Yan Qing nodded and did not speak, she knew that people did this just for the sake of her face knowing Gu Chen.

It's a pity that I don't even know the name of the person, and I can't help but show a wry smile when I think of this.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Everyone looked at the leader, led by the manager who had left before, followed by two bohemian but panicked young men, and behind them was a good-looking woman with a pale face and fear.


"Uncle Gan!"

Seeing Gan Yuan, the two young men suddenly looked nervous, and shouted sarcastically.

"Hmph! Unfilial son! What were you just doing! When

Gan Yuan saw the two come in, he immediately made a face.

"I..." The

young man didn't know what to say, so he could only glare at Yan Qing fiercely, and the latter's face changed.

"Mess with stuff!"

Gan Yuan, who saw this scene, directly picked up the wine glass on the table and smashed it at the man.

Then he stood up and kicked two feet directly.

"It seems that I usually lack care of you! To do such a domineering thing! Seeing

that the man could only be afraid to speak, he did not expect that his old son would be so angry.

"Dad, I..." the

young man didn't know what to say.

"Don't hurry up and apologize to the girl!" Gan Yuan glared at his son fiercely.

The young man pursed his lips, knowing that his own old man was really angry, and after a moment of silence, he looked at Yan Qing.

"I'm sorry, it was me Meng Lang before!"

To speak to Yan Qing is to apologize.

Yan Qing looked at this, really didn't know what to do, and could only look at Gu Chen for help.

At this moment, Gan looked at Gu Chen with a wry smile and said, "Mr. Gu, don't worry, I will strictly manage the dog in the future, and I will double the compensation for the damage suffered by these two young ladies."

As soon as these words came out, the young man suddenly showed a surprised expression, he did not expect his own old man to be so polite to a man of his age.

"I am inconvenient to participate in Mr. Gan's family affairs." Gu Chen shook his head and said indifferently.

"Don't worry, two young ladies, I promise that you will not be harassed in the future, and I apologize for everything that happened today."

Then Gan Yuan bowed slightly to the two beauties.

Gu Chen didn't expect Gan Yuan to be able to do this, and he was slightly surprised, but he quickly figured it out.

At the same time, he shook his head for Gan Yuanhu's father and son.

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