Sun Shulan's words made Ah Yue's father show an even more embarrassed face.

Finally, he said with a heavy sigh.

"It's not that I'm not reluctant to let you meet the guests who came this time!"

"The main thing is that the guests who came this time are all from a lot of beginnings!"

"You kids can't grasp it at all!"

Because Ah Yue's father saw that Gu Chen, Jiang Min and the others looked like they were all young types, he subconsciously regarded them as the kind of fledgling students.

"Do you think I didn't think about letting them go directly, or letting them come to you directly?"

"I've thought about it, but the other party's origin is not small, and it's not something you can deal with!"

"To put it bluntly, I'm actually protecting you!"

"Do you understand?"

A helpless look appeared on Ah Yue's father's face.

But soon, Sun Shulan spoke again.

"If that's the case, I don't think you need to worry about it, uncle!"

"Maybe Ah Yue didn't tell you before, although we are small, we are not just anyone who can bully!"

"If the other party really wants to use any unreasonable means, we will definitely not be helpless, you can rest assured!"

"Of course, thank you uncle for your protection."

"It's just that there is one thing I want uncle to remember!"

"Overprotection may not be a good option."

After Sun Shulan finished saying this without humility, Ah Yue's father originally wanted to say something more.

But a voice came from behind him.

"Haha, the little girl's sharp teeth are a little powerful, I see that you seem to have your own unique views on education!"

"Then are you interested in saying a word to this old man of mine!"

When Ah Yue's father heard this, he immediately turned his head and said with a smile.

"Oh, Boss Willow! Haha here you are! You can also see ah, today is indeed not a coincidence, our private room is really not redundant, or you see that next time you come I will directly free the order! Do you take two more steps today with your legs raised? "

That's right, it's Uncle Liu who came to eat at this tea restaurant this time.

As the saying goes, people are in good spirits at happy events, and today's willow trees simply do not have too many flower shelves.

The two attendants behind him also had lifeless expressions.

So Uncle Liu still smiled and said to Ah Yue's father.

"It's okay, it's okay, I heard what this young lady said just now, since the problems that can be solved by both of us, you don't need to bother!"

"In this way, I am not the kind of person who is arrogant and unreasonable!"

As Uncle Liu spoke, he directly turned his head and glanced around Gu Chen and the others.

"Huh? It's all a bunch of strange faces, there's nothing I can't afford to mess with, right?

"No, no, it's still necessary to be careful, in case there are any guys who like to play pigs and eat tigers, or people from the four major families, then I can't eat and go!"

"And...this person looks like a star, is he a recent hot boy?" But I don't have any impression, is it because I have watched too little TV recently? Uncle

Liu's gaze stayed on Gu Chen's body for the longest time, and he also looked up at Gu Chen a little.

In fact, he was not mistaken, Gu Chen was indeed the ultimate extraordinary.

After the last circle, Uncle Liu's gaze was fixed on Sun Shulan, who was talking to the outside world.

"Whether we can negotiate today or not, I will invite everyone present to eat this meal, just because I admire this young lady's courage and calmness!"

When Sun Shulan heard this, her first impression of Uncle Liu was also good.

If it were usual, she might have really given in directly.

After all, she is really not such a stingy person, and Lin Wanxiang and them are not either.

But Haikou has already said it.

If he finally went directly to the lobby or changed places, it would be the first time he lost face in front of Gu Chen.

Sun Shulan would not have ruined her impression in Gu Chen's heart so much.

Thinking so, Sun Shulan said.

"This old gentleman, first of all, thank you for your atmosphere, but we young people, although young, have never been bad money masters, even if they are poor money, they can't afford to eat a meal!"

"So we accept your kindness, but we won't let this private room!"

"After all, we still have to respect the first come, first come, first come, and labor results! We have all the food here, and it is not reasonable for you to come, right?

Sun Shulan's humility made Gu Chen, who was on the side, nod slightly.

"Good, very calm, I just don't know how her speech ability is, maybe when the time comes, the marketing fee can save a lot of money, just let her be the host of the live broadcast room?"

Gu Chen thought so, and at the same time, he also observed Sun Shulan's opponent while the two were talking, which was called Boss Liu by Ah Yue's father.

"Good spirits, looks like a retired old cadre, but the clothes on his body seem to be of the Italian brand of handmade, and he seems to be a rich businessman?"

"However, a good rich businessman can be so leisurely on weekdays in the daytime? Can you fight with Sun Shulan non-stop?

Gu Chen thought so.

The confrontation between Uncle Liu and Sun Shulan continued.

The two sides always look like no one can convince anyone.

Now it is waiting for who will be in a hurry first.

Fortunately, although Sun Shulan is not old, she is still very calm.

Uncle Liu felt that the time was lengthening, and it was not a matter of standing like this all the time.

His face gradually became a little difficult to look at.

Father Ah Yue finally noticed Uncle Liu's face at this time.

Because I was immersed in the language confrontation between the two before, I learned a lot.

Now he finally reacted and coughed twice.


He didn't want Ah Yue's friend Sun Shulan to directly off Uncle Liu.

So he said directly.

"That, Ah Yue's friend! Don't say it!

"Boss Liu, but big boss, time is much more expensive than your gold!" Don't be vexatious here!

"When Boss Liu finishes eating, he will go to the car show, this car show is opened by Boss Liu himself!" He's a big man among big people!

"You're here to see the car!" Now have a good relationship with Boss Liu! When choosing a car, you can let Boss Liu arrange it! What a good thing! Isn't it good for everyone to have a good relationship?

"Don't care about the money for food, then the money for buying a car must always care!" Right!

Uncle Liu looked at Ah Yue's father who took the initiative to jump out to play the round, although it was a little unnatural.

But this wave of horse fart still made Uncle Liu feel very happy.

So, he answered directly and said.

"That's right, the car show outside is indeed run by me, and I'm a person who just likes to be lively."

"That's why I chose a place with a huge flow of people like Causeway Bay to do such a small thing!"

"Since things have come to this point, if you really come to buy a car, I do have some cars that can give you a little cheaper." These are all minor issues!

Uncle Liu waved his hand and made a decision.

Sun Shulan hesitated a little at this moment.

The expressions of everyone also changed slightly slightly.

"Causeway Bay has never done such a large-scale commercial activity to block the flow of people and traffic!"

"This shows that this Boss Liu really has some strength?"

"So where did he come from?"

Sun Shulan had a little headache, and she didn't expect that she would suddenly meet a person who was not small.

And on his side, he simply did not dare to use the name of the Sun family to press people.

Otherwise, if you let those family members in your family who already like to think about it, it is estimated that it will be an endless situation.

Gu Chen's expressions were a little subtle when he saw Sun Shulan and the others.

He probably knew that people who could directly close roads for auto shows in places like Causeway Bay were not easy to mess with.

However, this had nothing to do with Gu Chen.

They were worried about these things, but Gu Chen was not worried at all.

Therefore, Gu Chen took over from Sun Shulan this time and said.

"Well, isn't it just a meal, it's not so terrible."

"Is this Boss Liu?"

Uncle Liu looked at this star-like Gu Chen and said with a smile.

"It's me, but I don't like it when people call me so raw, you can call me Uncle Liu."

Gu Chen almost laughed out loud listening to this.

He shook his head and ignored Uncle Liu, who was a little inflated, and continued.

"Since Boss Liu wants to eat so much, we are not poor money, so let's meet each other, and please sit down and eat together."

"Anyway, we have seven people, this large private room can accommodate a total of fifteen people, the more is the location, you are free."

"If you pay, we don't need you to come, we can come by ourselves, just as if today is the day of respecting the old and loving the young."

Gu Chen's hand operation directly made Uncle Liu's eyes narrow slightly.

"This young man directly engaged in such a one-handed operation by retreating."

"If I continue, it will seem very unreasonable for me to grab this private room with them!"

"But if I sit down, I'll be soft!"

"And what the hell are they coming from, they can still sit in silence when they hear my deeds, no, no!"

"This handsome guy who looks like a star doesn't want me to be soft, this is fawning over me?"

Originally, Uncle Liu was still thinking about Gu Chen's operation, in fact, he felt that he was now a manifestation of not being afraid of power.

But after thinking about it, this Gu Chen could obviously say the solution to this kind of persecution together.

But why say it only now?

"But isn't it because you heard where I came from and think I'm a very energetic person to make friends with?"

"This guy is cunning!"

Uncle Liu instantly figured out a lot of things.

"It seems that there is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon in this private room, this girl alone is enough to have the style of a general, but I didn't expect that there was actually a young man with appearance and talent."

"If all of this were received from my subordinates, wouldn't I be able to save a lot of things in the future?"

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