Thinking of this, Uncle Liu finally stopped being entangled in anything, and directly accepted the invitation Gu Chen and said.

"Young man, your idea is very good, I think it is very good!"

"So what are you waiting for, add a stool!"

This last sentence was said to Ah Yue's father, who was already looking stupid around him.

"Oooh! Right! Okay, Boss Willow, I'll go! "

Knowing that the situation has been solved, Ah Yue's father, who has a perfect ending, moved very quickly.

Just downstairs, I found two guys and asked people to move three stools in.

"One is fine, my two bodyguards don't eat it."

But Uncle Liu once again showed the pressing character of a big boss, and asked Ah Yue's father to remove two stools.

In the end, he let the two bodyguards guard directly outside the door, sitting alone in the private room to face Gu Chen, Sun Shulan and other strangers.

He didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment, not even anything uncomfortable.

Sitting there like this, it seems to be a Buddha statue, which is very natural.

But Sun Shulan and the others, because Uncle Liu felt a little awkward after joining.

Just in terms of age, a group of young people suddenly mixed in with a guy who is enough to be his grandfather, he will definitely become a little restrained.

Coupled with their hesitation before, it was indeed scared by Li Jiahao's dimensionality reduction blow before.

There is no such impetus that newborn calf is not afraid of tigers when he first came out of society.

If Sun Shulan and the others, who had not been hit before, they would not have given any face at all when they encountered Uncle Liu.

If you occupy the truth, you feel that you occupy the whole world, and you can't spare people.

But now, they do have a lot more to think about.

Therefore, Gu Chen directly saw the hesitation of everyone, and did not want them to feel that they would fall into a crazy dilemma.

will directly open the mouth to solve the siege.

"President Gu is really a good person!"

Sun Shulan and others all had such an idea in their hearts.

At the same time, there is more guilt.

"Such a considerate boss, our first meal actually let an outsider cut in! It's so hard! Thinking

of this, Sun Shulan or Dog Head Chao and the others looked at this Uncle Liu from time to time.

"This guy is so nasty!"

Ah Yue even whispered to her boyfriend Lin Wanxiang.

Because she didn't like to see her father nodding and bowing in front of this Uncle Liu.

Lin Wanxiang was comforting his girlfriend while secretly thinking proudly in his heart.

"You also have today hahaha! When I develop in the future, I also want you to nod and bow to me! Then I can't wait to marry Ah Yue to me right away!" "

Dog Tou Chao sat in the position of delivering dishes and passing dishes, constantly helping the waiter sister to take down the dishes that were a little cold and replace them again


Sun Shulan was thinking, who is this Uncle Liu, who is the origin of this, and can actually make Causeway Bay block the road?

Jiang Min felt that his stomach was a little hungry and didn't think about anything, so he watched these dishes being withdrawn, and swallowed

saliva unconsciously.

Seeing that these tasks were completed, Father Ah Yue personally delivered the menu to this Uncle Liu.

"Boss Liu?"

"You know my taste, every time I come I want to eat your soup yellow fish, and I can eat the rest with these children!"

Uncle Liu directly returned the menu to Ah Yue's father, who smiled and exchanged pleasantries with Uncle Liu and left the private room to prepare.

Soon the reheated dishes were all up.

During this period, Willow Shu happened to be sitting opposite Gu Chen, and he did not hide the curiosity in his eyes to look at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen still looked comfortable, and directly regarded this Uncle Liu as a lump of air.

"This young man is quite able to hold his breath!"

"Obviously you left me behind, and you still don't open your mouth to bother me?"

"Do you really want me to speak?"

Uncle Liu was a little upset by Gu Chen's familiar look.

The heart that he originally wanted to subdue Gu Chen and Sun Shulan also slowly weakened by three points.

Gu Chen noticed Uncle Liu's eyes, but he didn't want to deal with him at all.

Anyway, there are many people on my side.

Just let this Uncle Liu play there alone.

So, after the dishes began to be served slowly, everyone began to eat.

The words are also very tacit, without mentioning their own blockchain projects, nor do they involve personal privacy.

It is talking about some old movies on Xiangcheng Island, and some paparazzi gossip incidents of some stars.

Listening to Gu Chen, Jiang Min was relished.

But Uncle Liu was a little like sitting on pins and needles.

"So breathless? Or did you just let me sit down and eat together before just to soften me? Uncle

Liu angrily poured his soup yellow fish into a large piece of fish meat.

But his eyes never moved away from Gu Chen's body.

Finally, this Uncle Liu couldn't help but speak.

"Ahem, I don't know what kind of car you fancy when you come to the auto show this time?"

"If so, you can really talk to me, I can give you a bargain."

When he said this, he carried a temptation.

I want to see if Gu Chen, Sun Shulan and the others really don't feel the slightest about these things.

Then Uncle Liu found out.

They really don't feel anything.

They all glanced at Uncle Liu and didn't say anything more.

It makes him feel as if he's playing stand-up comedy.

Where has Uncle Liu been subjected to this kind of anger, of course, he said directly.

"Ahem, don't you think we should introduce each other first?"

"At least multiple friends, multiple paths, isn't it?"

He played a careful eye here.

As long as these people expose their names, they can find out what kind of demons and monsters they are!

"If you're all poor boys or people with no background!"

"That's sorry! After eating such a casual meal today, then Uncle Liu is going to turn his face and not recognize people!

"But if I find out that you are all a bunch of princes and princesses, well, then my Uncle Liu will recognize it!" It's a good bond! This

is what Uncle Liu thinks.

As long as Sun Shulan Gu Chen has no origin, he will turn into an evil ghost and ask them for a good deal with them today, and they will have a rude vendetta against themselves.

If there was a source, then he would not say much.

It's just a dream, and it's just a chance to connect with them again.

Therefore, Uncle Liu decided in his heart that he must maintain a good attitude at today's dinner.

Be sure to have all their names and information in hand, so that you will not find the wrong target for retaliation or the object of the sluggish later.

"What do you say?"

After Uncle Liu finished speaking, Dog Tou Chao stopped his eating action.

He looked at Xiang Senluo, his former boss, and then he reacted again.

Now Xiang Senluo is almost a wasted person.

Asking him himself is a fundamental waste of time and effort.

So, this dog-headed super directly looked at Sun Shulan again.

The same goes for Lin Wanxiang and Ah Yue.

In the end, even Gu Chen looked at Sun Shulan and wanted her to get an idea.

The rest of the people's eyes were on Sun Shulan, and she didn't feel any pressure.

But Gu Chen is different, after all, he is his own gold lord father.

And he is also a person who makes Sun Shulan attach great importance to it.

Being looked at by such a powerful Gu Chen, Sun Shulan naturally felt a little nervous.

It's like going back to elementary school, when the teacher was about to start memorizing the text, he suddenly drew himself to memorize a text that he was not familiar with.

It's a very sour feeling.

"Mr. Gu... Would you like to come? Therefore

, Sun Shulan directly delegated the position of this leader to Gu Chen.

Xiang Senluo, who was watching on the side, didn't know why he was very unhappy in his heart.

But in the face of Gu Chen, Xiang Senluo's little emotion disappeared again.

After all, normal people know that it is enough to compare with people.

And the sky? Your brain is broken, huh?

Gu Chen looked at the gazes of Sun Shulan and the others and thought directly in his heart.

"Yes, the problem is all back to yourself, forget it! Anyway, it's all their own solutions, so come on!

Gu Chen, who thought of this, looked directly at Uncle Liu on the opposite side and said.

"I don't think it's necessary, everyone just met each other."

"And if necessary, we'll know each other's names."

"This Boss Liu doesn't have to think about so many things, the food will be cold if you don't eat it!"

Gu Chen's words fell in Uncle Liu's ears and directly became.

"Where it's cool, where to stay."

The angry Uncle Liu laughed directly, and laughed very heartily.

But the fierce feeling in his eyes did not dissipate.

He knew that he and this little guy's bond had been forged.

"Don't let me know that you are a person without a background, or I will not let you go!"

Thinking so fiercely, Uncle Liu still refused to give up and chose to be close to Sun Shulan, Gu Chen, Dog Tou Chao and others.

Want to ask for their information.

But in the end, no matter how Uncle Liu said his rhetoric, it had no effect.

Because, they don't speak on the same channel at all.

Plus Gu Chen has already spoken.

Then who would be so stupid to say anything to this Uncle Liu.

Naturally, he directly ignored him.

"Good, good, good! That's awesome!

Uncle Liu finally didn't say anything more about this, just finished eating his own soup yellow fish, and silently glanced at the time.

I feel that it is almost time for my final performance.

So he didn't chat with Sun Shulan, Gu Chen and the others more.

Stood up directly and said.

"You're all nice kids!"

"I'm optimistic about your future!"

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