"At that time, the ultimate umbrella on your head will be directly gone, I see how you will be arrogant with me at that time!"

Uncle Liu's mind flashed the figures of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, as well as Gu Chen Ah Yue.

Of course, there is no less Ah Yue's father.

In short, all of them became the target of Uncle Liu's revenge.

Ah Yue returned to his seat, and Lin Wanxiang suddenly sneezed.

Concerned Ah Yue directly took out a tissue and gave it to him.

"What's wrong, got a cold?"

"No, no, just a sudden sneeze."

Lin Wanxiang directly denied it.

He didn't want to lie in a hospital bed.

After the three rounds of drinking, Gu Chen, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo all began to talk about business.

"In short, you also find a way to register a company, and when my virtual company is formed tomorrow, I will connect with you!"

"Let's do all this basic work as soon as possible, no problem?"

Gu Chen, as the father of the gold lord who paid the money, after asking this no problem, there was naturally no problem.

Even if there is, it is none.

After getting a satisfactory answer from Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and others.

Gu Chen discussed with them on some details again.

Everyone was shocked by Gu Chen's knowledge reserve and far-reaching insight for a long time.

"President Gu, what a god man!"

Lin Wanxiang sighed unconsciously.

Xiang Senluo echoed the same.

"That's right, if we had met President Gu earlier, we might have achieved wealth freedom long ago!"

Ah Yue Dog Tou Chao and the others also nodded silently.

Only Sun Shulan has some more perspective problems because she has been in a big family.

But after bringing it up, Gu Chen answered without the slightest pressure.

This made Sun Shulan more convinced.

In this way, Gu Chen opened a wider new world with a group of little brothers and sisters.

Similarly, through these problems, as well as the conversation between Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and others, he learned more about the financial system of Xiangcheng Island.

"It's quite complementary, I pull up the direction, they supplement my vision, this is the team!"

"Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo are also talents!"

Gu Chen was even thinking about whether he should bring these people back to Huahai City to join the Longteng Group.

In this case, hone it out to be the future vice president!

Just as Gu Chen was thinking so, suddenly his phone rang.

It was actually from Mr. Gao.

Gu Chen silently said to everyone and went to answer the phone by himself.

Of course, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others said that there was no problem, and Gu Chen got up and prepared to leave the private room.

But Sun Shulan spoke.

"Let's go to checkout first! Mr. Gu, you can call here, otherwise it's too noisy outside for you to hear clearly! Saying

that, he directly got up and pulled Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others to leave.

Thinking of Gu Chen's current identity, of course, they didn't have any opinions.

It even feels very normal.

As for Jiang Min, his own people, he doesn't need it at all.

Therefore, Gu Chen did not refuse Sun Shulan, as well as Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo's kindness.

Directly nodded with them with a smile, cast a sensible look, and immediately made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others excited.

After all, they now regarded Gu Chen as a god-like existence.

If you get God's smile or spiritual reward, who will eat it!

Of course, everyone started to get excited!

It's just that no matter how excited it is, it has nothing to do with Gu Chen, because after the door closed, Gu Chen directly connected the phone.

"Brother Gu! Sorry for taking so long to call you!

Before he could speak, the hearty voice of Mr. Gao on the other end of the phone immediately came.

"Brother Gao, where are you talking about this! Our friendship is placed here, what to say will not drag on! Isn't this an outlook? Although

Gu Chen didn't react for a while, what Mr. Gao was saying.

But it's always right to say goodbye.

"Hey, Brother Gu doesn't care about me, if my delay delays Brother Gu's big things!" I'm a sinner! I'm so sorry for Brother Gu!

"Where are the words! Brother Gao, look at the more you talk about it, the more you see it! Gu

Chen went through the rapid operation in his mind at this time, and finally thought of what Mr. Gao called to say to him.

"Then Brother Gao, what day is my aunt's birthday ready to start at the end of August?"

"Haha! It was set on the last day of the end of the month, I specially asked the master to calculate it, that day is a good day, especially suitable for birthday! When

Mr. Gao heard Gu Chen's question, he directly said a specific day.

Even before Gu Chen calculated, he said again.

"Of course, I consider your situation Senior Brother Gu, in case there will be anything particularly busy, I will also ask the master to calculate it, and the ninth day of September after that is also a very good day to make a good birthday."

"You can choose at will, and you can get any day to hold your birthday when you have time!" I can do it! "


On the other end of the phone came the hearty laughter of Mr. Gao.

Gu Chen also sighed in his heart.

"It's really hearty, this boss Gao, the plan is quite well considered!"

"It seems that the money I gave before was indeed too much. Otherwise, why would this guy be so polite? Thinking

so, Gu Chen still said with pleasantries.

"My senior brother, aren't you burying me when you say this? It is set on the 31st of August, since the masters have said that it is best, I will bring a shield to the sky even if I have a knife in the sky that day!

"Don't worry!"

Gu Chen's words directly made the boss on the other end of the phone smile even more happily.

"Good, good, good! This is what you said yourself, Brother Gu, you can't play tricks!

"Then I'll start drawing up the invitation!" Just wait!

After speaking, Gu Chen exchanged a few pleasantries with the boss before hanging up the phone.

Mr. Gao of Huahai City looked at his call records, and the smile on his face lasted for a long time.

Of course, this was not because of Gu Chen's pleasantries to himself.

It is because Mr. Gao yesterday all the formalities and qualifications for the establishment of the East China Sea Pearl Radio and TV Tower have been completed.

It can be said that now Mr. Gao can start to organize his own TV tower team.

Even, as long as Mr. Gao wants to ah, he can start talking about the script and prepare to find some actors and stars to publicize it.

But Mr. Gao suppressed his crazy and restless emotions at this time, and dialed an internal phone.

"Call Xiao Gao for me."

This time, his voice was not as gentle as before, but on the contrary, it had a kind of indifference.

On the other end of the phone, the secretary who answered the phone trembled and said a good word.

After ten minutes, Mr. Gao came to Mr. Gao's office leisurely.

"What are you looking for me for?"

He said unceremoniously to Mr. Gao.

"Did you drink?"

Mr. Gao looked at Mr. Gao's slightly drunken eyes and questioned.

"It's just a little, what the fuss about!"

The latter didn't seem to care at all, letting Mr. Gao calm down.

"Forget it, you get out!"

Mr. Gao looked at him for a long time and finally said this.

"No, what the hell did you call me for?"

"Not leaving? Okay, so you just stand here and see what opportunities you've lost. Mr

. Xiao Gao looked at Mr. Gao in confusion, not very clear what he wanted to do.

Until Mr. Gao called his top management and said.

"I've given you a task."

"Mr. Gao, you order."

"I'll give you a budget of 1500 million yuan, go and buy me a plot of land near the East China Sea Pearl to build our TV tower..." The

top management's eyes instantly widened like copper bells, and Xiao Gao always sobered up in an instant.

However, Mr. Gao had already made up his mind, and it was too late for anything.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Min just wanted to ask Gu Chen what happened.

As a result, it didn't take long for Gu Chen's phone to ring again.

This time it was an unfamiliar number.

"Brother Gu Chen, you take it first!"

Jiang Min is not the kind of child who does not understand things, and when he sees that Gu Chen has something to be busy, he must let Gu Chen go first.

It won't be so rude, so he has to let Gu Chen take care of himself and hang up the phone directly.

Of course, Gu Chen did not politely connect with Jiang Min, and connected the phone again.

"Which one?"

This time, he finally grabbed the right to speak and asked.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I'm Wu Jiale."

Gu Chen heard a loyal voice, and instantly thought of that not very smart Wu Jiale.

"Of course I remember Mr. Wu Jiale!"

"You called me, have you already calculated the zoning of the plot?"

Wu Jiale heard Gu Chen directly speak to the point, and his heart was quite happy.

Because this is enough to show that Gu Chen has not forgotten what he said to him before.

This made Wu Jiale breathe a sigh of relief, and also made the surrounding Wu Jiale's subordinates breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, we have already planned it!"

Gu Chen, who got an affirmative answer, was interested at this moment.

Directly began to talk to this Wu Jiale.

The conversation took almost an hour.

Finally, Gu Chen let out a long breath.

"Mr. Wu Jiale, I understand what you said, and I think your plan is also very reasonable."

"It's just that you let me pay 100 million in advance..."

Before Gu Chen's words were finished, Wu Jiale explained nervously.

"I'm not asking you for a favor! It's not even about filling your own pockets!

"This 100 million is definitely not an empty account, I will directly record it on the land you purchased!" Definitely not for you to bribe me!

"And I want you to pay 100 million in advance, mainly to develop the barren area on this plot and as compensation for demolition!" I have absolutely no superfluous thoughts!

Gu Chen smiled when he heard Wu Jiale's words and said.

"Mr. Wu Jiale you think too much!"

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