I think too much?

Wu Jiale looked up blankly at the desolation outside his window.

"I, I don't quite understand...Mr. Gu, what you mean."

"What I mean is very simple, I think it's not enough to pay 100 million in advance, I think at least 500 million is about the same."

Gu Chen's words immediately made Wu Jiale and those subordinates behind him sluggish.

"What do you mean? Am I even more confused, or did I just hear it wrong?

Wu Jiale looked nervously at the people around him and said such a sentence.

The answers they got were all shaking their heads, all making sure that they had heard absolutely nothing wrong with Wu Jiale just now.

What Gu Chen said is that one hundred million is not enough, at least five hundred million.


"Mainly you think, the first thing to move must be not only the house, but also the fields on which those families depend, they must need compensation, and let them leave their homes!"

"If there is not enough money, this is very unpleasant to say, and only enough money compensation can make these people who have lost their homes slowly give up their sadness of losing their homes, right?"

Gu Chen's words made Wu Jiale and the others stunned.

They have never met a person like Gu Chen, it has never been difficult to ask for money, and they have really never seen Gu Chen such a non-fortress money.

It's an extraordinary experience.

If Wu Jiale, they won't be able to do it.

"Cocoa is..."

Wu Jiale wanted to say something.

As a result, it was directly and violently interrupted by Gu Chen.

"No, since Mr. Wu Jiale trusts me, I naturally have to be worthy of Mr. Wu Jiale's trust!"

"Don't say more, just send the card number! I'll call you money directly! Gu

Chen's two sentences clapped directly.

No matter what Wu Jiale says, it is a card number to hit money!

Wu Jiale's face turned red.

"Mr. Gu, you are really true! I thank you on behalf of the people! A

thousand words turned into a thank you in the end.

What else can Ng Ka Lok say?

Of course, after Gu Chen hung up the phone, Wu Jiale immediately got the card number handed over by the financial accountant.

In this way, under the careful inspection and input of a group of big masters.

After silently correcting the card number no less than twenty times, it was finally determined, and I clicked Send.

Gu Chen hung up the phone here and found Jiang Min looking at Gu Chen with a bright look.

"What's wrong? Looks like you don't know me?

Gu Chen asked Jiang Min with a smile while drinking water to moisten his throat.

"No, Brother Gu Chen, I'm just wondering what kind of person you are?"

"When you were on the phone with that old brother Gao before, I thought you were accustomed to the commercial blowing mode of the mall and became a perfect businessman."

"But after that, you didn't act like an ordinary businessman at all!"

"How do you say that, yes, it's like a big philanthropist, that's five hundred million! Isn't it a small amount, you just paid in advance?

"Aren't you afraid of this, Wu Jiale, they play tricks?"

As he spoke, Jiang Min's eyes were full of worry.

As if he was feeling the risk for Gu Chen's future.

Gu Chen smiled and gently scraped the bridge of her nose.

"You think too much, if everything in the world has to be so suspicious, how tired it is to live!"

"And the last words you said are somewhat inhumane!"

Gu Chen began to give an example with Jiang Min.

"If a person suddenly has an extra 5,000 yuan to fly to the windfall, this person can buy a mobile phone, use it for a big meal, and then consume it clean without leaving a trace."

"Fifty thousand more, isn't that a watch, a bracelet and a gold thing."

"But 500,000, that is, if you buy one more car, it will attract people's attention, and they will think about where your 500,000 comes from."

"Five million houses, that's even more amazing, you can directly forcibly take people away to check the situation."

"As for 50 million, that's sorry, no one will dare to spend it indiscriminately, directly hide it, no matter who finds this money, it is a word death."

Gu Chen explained such a truth to Jiang Min, and Jiang Min seemed to understand a little, but he didn't seem to understand.

"Then if the other party has 500 million, wouldn't it be a direct death without a place to be buried?"

Huh? Well....that's pretty much what it means.

Gu Chen listened to Jiang Min's words and nodded slowly.

Jiang Min seemed to be still digesting something, and Gu Chen did not disturb Jiang Min.

Just at this time, Wu Jiale had already sent his card number, and Gu Chen just began to operate.

Soon Gu Chen completed the transfer, but soon he received the news that his funds had returned the same way.

"What's the situation?"

Gu Chen directly called Wu Jiale to explain the situation.

"Huh? There is no way for money to come in, ah?

Wu Jiale looked at his accountant.

"Hey, because there was often no flow in and out before, this card is estimated to be limited in the transfer limit!"

The accountant's nervous forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Then he slapped his head fiercely and thought of this matter, and then directly picked up the card and rushed directly to the door.

"Wait for me to go to the bank and lift the limit!!"

He ran very fast, so fast that Wu Jiale and the others could not see him in two seconds.

At the same time, they also have a doubt.

"Why doesn't he ride, isn't it faster to ride?"

"I guess I'm already anxious at this time!"

In short, Wu Jiale coughed and rubbed after explaining the situation with Gu Chen.

"In this way, then I know, don't worry, I will definitely call you this money, and talk to me when your limit is lifted, I will keep my phone on."

"Thank you Mr. Gu!"

After getting Gu Chen's permission, Wu Jiale finally hung up the phone with peace of mind.

Then, without saying a word, he took his group of subordinates and left the place to chase the old accountant.

Or go to the bank and quickly lift the limit.

"Good things take to grind?"

After Gu Chen hung up the phone, he thought of such an idiom.

Shaking his head and not thinking so much, he should go out after staying in this private room long enough.

Jiang Min seemed to be continuing to think about something.

Gu Chen thought for a while, but finally did not disturb her.

"I see!"

After another three minutes, Jiang Min spoke.


Gu Chen put down the teacup in his hand and looked over.

"What did you figure out?"

"It's a drop! I can't understand these things at all, so I simply don't think about it, anyway, as long as Brother Gu Chen understands these things, it's okay!

"I just have to be a carefree little fool!"

Jiang Min showed an innocent and cute look, which made Gu Chen cry and laugh.

"You're playing tricks!"

"But it doesn't matter!"

Gu Chen shook his head and left the private room with Jiang Min like this.

At this time, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others outside the door seemed to be a little tired of waiting.

Dog Tou Chao even almost passed out because of staying up late last night.

Fortunately, at this time, Gu Chen finally came out, which made him brush and straighten his body.

"Let everyone wait a long time!"

Gu Chen said this, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others certainly said no.

They didn't care about this little thing, and they didn't care.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo surrounded Gu Chen and left the tea restaurant.

Of course, the bill has already been settled.

Father Ah Yue even secretly glanced at them after Gu Chen came down.

"Who is this guy, he looks like a star, is he the person Ah Yue said he is not afraid of Old Man Liu?"

"It's really human-looking!"

Gu Chen and the others walked on the road and found that the flow of people seemed to be much larger than before.

They also noticed that among these flows, the weight of young people increased.

Especially some people who don't seem to be too old.

"What's the situation?"

The dog head asked with a snort.

Because the crowd is very hot, it is very difficult for them to drive.

Gu Chen directly grabbed Jiang Min's arm at this time.

It would be embarrassing if he couldn't lose Jiang Min in a strange city.

"Brother Gu Chen!"

Jiang Min was still a little shy, but soon immersed in this wonderful feeling.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Guchen walked and soon discovered why there were so many more people this afternoon than before.

Because there was a very grand show in the central square of Causeway Bay.

Gu Chen also heard the melodious music.

"What's going on here?"

However, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, who often came to Causeway Bay to play before studying, were not very clear about what kind of moth they were doing.

One and both are confused, and they don't really understand what the hell is the performance in Causeway Bay.

"Are these two cars going to do it?"

Gu Chen pulled Jiang Min while shuttling through the crowded crowd, and pointed to an advertising banner on the side of the road.

It is written on it that Li Jiajun and Uncle Liu's Fireworks International Car Club and Sui Lan International Car Club.

"Sui Lan International Car Club has heard of it before, it is a car dealer started company, but this International Car Club has really not heard of it."

Because there was so much traffic, and after getting to the central square, people stopped to watch the show.

So Gu Chen took Jiang Min and followed Sun Shulan to a coffee shop to take a temporary rest.

"Good thing they all went to the show, there weren't too many people in the coffee shop!"

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Chen pulled Jiang Min but did not let go, because he might have to go out again later.

It's better to pull it first, but it's not that Gu Chen feels like raising a daughter and temporarily enjoying the joy of being a father!

Definitely not!

Jiang Min liked this feeling very much, and felt that it was not impossible to pull like this for a lifetime!

"Eh, there is a broadcast."

At the same time, because I saw that the flow of people outside was too big, I couldn't leave for the time being.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo set their sights in front of the coffee shop's television.

Sun Shulan took Ah Yue to the counter to buy coffee, after all, the place to take a temporary break, if she doesn't pay, she always feels that the feeling of the white is not very good.

Gu Chen looked at the broadcast on the TV and seemed to see a familiar figure.

Of course, not the singing star.

It's a certain audience in the top position.

"Lee Jiajun?"

"Why is he here?"

Gu Chen was a little strange, but when he thought of this Li Jiajun's identity as the prince, he was relieved.

"I'm here to hunt, hehe."

Gu Chen shook his head and didn't think about it so much.

At the same time, after Sun Shulan returned with Ah Yue, she told them that the coffee had been ordered.

Only then did Gu Chen release Jiang Min's wrist.

The latter is also a little unhappy.

But Gu Chen won't care so much.

Everyone also talked about Uncle Liu they saw before because they were bored here.

"Father Ah Yue said that the auto show here was made by Boss Na Liu, so the behind-the-scenes boss of this Sui Lan International Auto Club or the Fireworks International Car Club is this Boss Liu, right?"

"Is it? I'll find out! After

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others finished speaking, they began to inquire about the origin of this Uncle Liu.

Gu Chen was also curious to come over to see the origin of this Uncle Liu.

"It's true, but the behind-the-scenes boss of this Suilan International Car Club or the Fireworks International Car Club is not Boss Liu alone."

"And what is his full name, Liu Ruhai."

"This name is a little funny, no wonder others call him Boss Liu, when talking about self-introduction, he has not opened his mouth to introduce himself first, hahaha!" It turns out that my name is too feminine!

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others laughed.

It's just that Ah Yue smiled a little far-fetched, because she really knew the origin and energy of Boss Liu this time.

Naturally, he would worry about his father.

Probably Lin Wanxiang's attention was mostly on Ah Yue's body.

Therefore, when Ah Yue appeared unhappy, Lin Wanxiang noticed her situation for the first time.

And immediately began to ask Ah Yue what happened.

"What's wrong, Ah Yue, I'm here!"

"You can tell me anything!"

That look of concern made Ah Yue even more unsure of how to say it.

Because she didn't want to let her pressure be transferred to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and others.

But Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, and Dog Head Chao definitely wouldn't let Ah Yue carry everything alone.

Directly several people joined hands and directly bombarded Ah Yue in battle, and the emotional cards flew up directly.

Only then did Ah Yue say what Boss Liu, who he met when he went to order food before, threatened his father.

"This Xiangcheng Island is much more complicated than I thought, and it seems that there are some underworld roads such as worship mountain heads."

"Kind of interesting."

Gu Chen did not panic because of Ah Yue's story.

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