At the same time, Gu Chen was also very calm, listening to everyone's analysis.

"So, this Liu Ruhai remembers us, he has to us!"

"Then it seems that only we have engaged him in advance!"

"How to do it, what are you thinking, no, maybe it really can, look at this and Liu Ruhai together with this auto show another thing, to the International Car Festival!" Check out this car club!

"What will this car do?" Oh yes! After all, it is two peers, there will definitely be competition, check it quickly!

Gu Chen didn't think that these two cars would turn over.

He vaguely thought of a way, but he was not very sure of the effect.

Then Gu Chen found out that when Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others made a fuss to find out who the behind-the-scenes boss of this international car club was, they all fell into silence all of a sudden.

"What's the situation?"

Gu Chen's contrast to their quiet and noisy was quite strange.

So he silently leaned over and saw the behind-the-scenes boss of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and others about the International Car Club.

Three familiar words entered Gu Chen's eyes.

"Li Jiajun? How could it be him?

Gu Chen looked up at the TV, the Li Jiajun in that picture was so ordinary, but in fact it was so extraordinary.

"Is it really a narrow road?"

Compared with Gu Chen's coldness, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others reacted relatively much after being silent for a while.

"How could it be this guy! Li Jiahao's son!

"Isn't that better, just find a way to let them kill each other, it's best to beat this Li Jiajun!"

"What do you think, if the opponent is Li Jiajun, how can Liu Ruhai make a move on him!"

It's just that in the end, Sun Shulan's words made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Dog Head Chao silently close their mouths.

But Gu Chen didn't.

"It's not impossible."

As soon as these words came out, Sun Shulan, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others immediately looked at Gu Chen.

Even Jiang Min is the same.

"Li Jiajun? Is it the Li Jiajun who has been stalking Zixin's sister?

She thought so in her heart, and in fact, she already knew the answer from Gu Chen's expression.

"President Gu, what can you do?"

"Yes, Mr. Gu, say it quickly, we are also happy and happy!"

"No matter what the method is, as long as it can make this prince unhappy! Otherwise, I think of his dad and get angry at what we did! Lin

Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo and the others were urging Gu Chen.

But Gu Chen calmed down and looked at them and said.

"Calm down, I just said there is a way, and I didn't say that it will be successful."

But saying this, Gu Chen was very confident in his thoughts.

It's just that before this, Gu Chen also needs to understand what the so-called car will be.

So, Gu Chen began to ask.

"And what is the main business of this international car club? Are you clear?


Lin Wanxiang replied immediately.


But Gu Chen thought that he was going to answer a wave, but finally called Sun Shulan directly.

This wave of operation is simply slippery.

Sun Shulan glanced at this Lin Wanxiang, and then began to talk to Gu Chen.

"This so-called international car club is just a gimmick, in fact, a car dealer."

"Adding the word international is just for nice sounds and deception, and nothing else."

Shulan's explanation was very in place, and Gu Chen understood it as soon as he heard it.

"In that case, I really have some way to sanction them."

Gu Chen thought so, directly took out his mobile phone, and prepared to call Wang Wei.

"Understand the second-hand car trading function of the Car King APP is about to start online, right?"

While fighting, I was still thinking about this in my heart.

Soon the other end of the phone was connected, it was Wang Wei.

"Mr. Gu! I'm here! You command!

Wang Wei said for the first time.

"So, how is the trading module of the car king app lately?"

Gu Chen also didn't have any pleasantries, and directly talked to Wang Wei about things.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Gu!"

After Wang Wei also spoke directly to Gu Chen, he immediately used another phone to let people find Wang Ming.

"Mr. Wang, are you looking for me?"

Wang understood quickly, but the image really startled Wang Wei.

"What's the situation with your big oily black eyes?"

Because he has been busy with the affairs of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. during this time, Wang Wei is rarely in Longteng Group.

Just when I came back today, I ran into Gu Chen's call.

He also saw this strange appearance of Wang Ming for the first time.

"No, I've been working overtime all this time..." Wang

Ming shook his head to indicate that he didn't have much problem.

And all this was heard by Gu Chen on the other end of the phone, and he frowned.

Only after Wang Wei let Wang understand answering the phone did Gu Chen say.

"How long have you been working overtime?"

"Mr. Gu, I..." "

How long has it been?"

“... Since I was busy understanding the Che Wang project and slowly making it before, I haven't taken a break..." Gu

Chen suddenly felt very shocked when he heard Wang Ming's words.

"You're not afraid of sudden death?"

"Every day so liver?"

"So what progress have you reached?"

Gu Chen's words made Wang understand not knowing how to answer.

He had been silent, and Gu Chen saw Wang Zhi so he asked directly about something at work.

This time, Wang Zhi replied very quickly.

" Report Mr. Gu, it is already entering the final optimization testing stage, if there are no surprises, it should be online this week!"

"Then I know! You give the phone to Wang Wei!

After Gu Chen understood the progress of this Wang Understanding, Wang Understanding honestly gave the phone to Wang Wei.

"So I'll go to work first?"

And Wang Ming also asked cautiously.

But Wang Wei frowned and asked him to sit down first.

Because at this time, Gu Chen spoke on the phone.

It's about the disposition method of continuous crazy overtime that this king understands now.

"Lock all his computers for me, and lock my mobile phones!"

"Just find him a five-star presidential suite near the company!"

"He must give me three days of rest! Optimization testing is not the development stage! Where is he needed!

"Just let the people of the group do these things!" At the same time, let people who understand the project of Chewang add traditional characters to me, and I will also launch this app on Xiangcheng Island in the future!

"By the way, if Wang understands that he has to work overtime, find me someone to stay in a hotel with him!"

"Also, arrange a doctor to give Wang Ming a comprehensive examination!" If there is still Wang Zhi in the company, I will all be forced to send to the hotel to rest! "

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