After Gu Chen gave some instructions, Wang Wei's sweat was about to flow down frantically.

Because there are not a few people who stay up late and work overtime during this time.

At least he knew that there were nearly twenty people.

For example... Son Masayoshi, who is desperately vying for control of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., and the original company executives.

Both of them are frantically shooting movies, and Son Masayoshi is even secretly trying to please Gu Chen.

Even after filming the movie, he also arranged the advertisement before shooting Gu Chen.

This competition is also nobody.

"President Gu's order, then... Didn't Son directly lose at the starting line? "

Lost me at the starting line too?"

Wang Wei thought that after he could control Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., maybe he might have a little business relationship with Tang Xinwei in the future, or other exchanges or something.

But now, it seems that everything has become a dream, as long as Gu Chen's order is in place, it is impossible for him to surpass the high-level of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. in terms of progress.

Nor is it possible to surpass them in the final publicity work.

After that, the actual control is all cold.

Therefore, Wang Wei asked Gu Chen cautiously.

"That Mr. Gu, do you also include our subordinate subsidiaries when you talk about compulsory rest?"

"What subsidiary?"

Gu Chen was stunned by Wang Wei's words, he didn't quite understand what else he had... Oooooooooooooo He remembered.

"Of course, including Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. and everything, is Son Masayoshi and the high-level of this Dream Lime Culture competing with each other to work overtime every day?"

"Isn't it the actual control of a company? As for being so desperate? Wait a minute, are you too?

When Wang Wei heard Gu Chen's question, he instantly turned on the rebuttal mode.

"Mr. Gu, you know me, in order not to let my hair go bald, I usually rarely work overtime until after 11 o'clock!"

"Not to mention staying up all night! Inexistent!

Wang Wei's assurance reassured Gu Chen, he didn't want to come to Xiangcheng Island by himself, and these capable generals in his base camp Huahai City fell ill because of overtime and staying up late.

That's so infuriating and embarrassing.

"Well, I'm relieved if you say so, and you have to take a look at other things."

"Although the employees in our Longteng Group are a bit of workaholics, they still need to rest properly, and they can't go crazy because they are in a hurry, right?"

"Anyway, those who work overtime these days, all of them will give me overtime according to statutory holidays to calculate their salary, and then arrange a performance bonus of 1,000 yuan for each of them to thank them for their efforts!"

"You can't let them suffer!"

Gu Chen was a little worried when he thought that when he was away, the entire building of Longteng Group was brightly lit.

So give out more money and make them happy, so that keeping a happy mood is also a way to cure diseases, not a way to prevent diseases.

"Okay, Mr. Gu! No problem Mr. Gu! I'm going to arrange this!

"I believe all the employees will thank you!"

Although Wang Wei doesn't care about this little money, who would dislike a lot of money? Really think that everyone is Gu Chen? No concept of money?

But just after Wang Weiying accepted Gu Chen's words, his smile suddenly stiffened on his face.

"No, I seem to have forgotten something."

"Groove! I can't get this money! I just told Mr. Gu that I didn't work overtime! I this! I this! "

Blood loss!!"

Wang Wei almost cried out in sorrow.

Although this money is nothing to him, it is the fruit of his own labor after all.

Now I am so ruined by a few words from myself.

It's a little infuriating, but helpless.

"Let your mouth owe let your mouth owe!"

"Sure enough, deceiving Gu always has no good ending!"

"No, no, no! I have to find a way to make Mr. Gu realize my workload! At least you can't lose your impression points, right? Thinking

so, Wang Wei and Gu Chen said.

"Mr. Gu, are you still going well on Xiangcheng Island during this time? When will you be able to come back and continue to guide us? This

was asked very well, and Gu Chen also answered Wang Wei very patiently.

"This time is still very smooth, it will probably take a while to go back, what's wrong?" What else does Longteng Group need me to deal with in particular?

Gu Chen asked directly.

"In fact, there is nothing special, I just simply asked, Mr. Gu, you have something you are busy, let me report to you about the recent work!"

Wang Wei directly borrowed the donkey from the slope and began to talk about another topic in front of Gu Chen.


Of course, Gu Chen will not refuse employees who love work so much, and immediately said that they can.

Wang Wei began to tell Gu Chen about some recent events.

"First of all, our sales of old age machines are very good, and we have eliminated all the negative reputations of the previous mobile companies, and we can basically fight with those old old machines."

"Although we have been hindered by many marketing planning methods, our sales and orders are still stable production."

"It is estimated that we can stop it after two or three more batches."

Gu Chen felt quite dreamy when he heard this.

"Still have an additional order? The sales of old age machines are really good. "

Speaking of this, Wang Wei is a little embarrassed.

"President Gu actually buys some people who use the old man's machine, and they use this old man's machine as a spare machine."

"And most of these people are young people...."

Young people? Gu Chen was a little surprised.

"Can't you think that I inadvertently opened up a new world for these young people?"

Gu Chen, who thought so, silently asked Wang to stabilize the sales and make an investigation report at the same time.

Take a look at the specific age of using the old machine.

When the time comes, maybe he will formulate a cheap spare Shenzhou mobile phone as a new selling point.

"Okay Gu Chen!"

"I'll write it down!"

Wang Wei opened his notebook and began to record the situation of this spare machine.

Thinking at the same time.

"Isn't this job just hand-to-hand?"

Then Wang Wei continued to report to Gu Chen on the current progress of other projects.

"Wait a minute!"

But there was a little situation on Gu Chen's side.

Because the bustle of the Causeway Bay Grand Stage is really a bit boiling for the audience.

And all of a sudden, a blockbuster star appeared.

Directly ignited the emotions of the entire Causeway Bay audience.

In an instant, the shouts and cheers resounded all over the world, and Gu Chen couldn't hear clearly what Wang Wei was saying on the phone.

Therefore, Gu Chen could only walk slightly towards the corner inside this café.

At the same time, he silently waited for the cheers outside the door to pass.

He looked at Li Jiajun in the VVVIP seat still with a spoiled look, and felt that he was to say? Matured a lot?

Anyway, it didn't feel the same to Gu Chen.

This made Gu Chen feel that the second-hand car transaction that understood the car king app should be launched as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when this Li Jiajun's international car will directly occupy the entire market, then Gu Chen will need a lot of strength to divide them.

"Okay, you can continue!"

Therefore, Gu Chen decided in his heart that he might have to urge Wang Wei more in the end, and the second-hand car transaction that understood the car king should be launched as soon as possible.

"Okay, Mr. Gu!"

Wang Wei also heard the cheers from Gu Chen's side, and he pouted, thinking that Gu Chen was happy at some concert scene.

Then his own behavior of reporting work is somewhat ignorant.

Fortunately, Gu Chen didn't seem to care, so Wang Wei carefully continued.

"After talking about the old man's machine, there is also our learning machine."

"After hardware testing before, we have used the eye protection screen and the chip we developed, and we have basically been able to achieve perfect hardware adaptation."

"And because the teachers who are idle at home during the summer vacation are also very powerful, some of the educational videos we shot are also developed after the efforts of the employees and the successful operation of the educational software."

"At the same time, we have implanted more modules into the learning machine, which is also a perfect embedding."

"As long as there are some phased reviews and tests, plus some video input of other subjects, it is estimated that in a few months, our learning machine will be officially launched!"

Wang Wei was still very excited when he said this!

Gu Chen can hear Wang Wei's happiness in this regard, which can be said to be very fun.

"Watching my employees so happy to get their own sense of accomplishment is always a feeling of turning on God's mode."

"Good, good!"

Gu Chen thought so in his heart, and at the same time said to Wang Wei.

"You did a good job, the education machine can be said to be run by you, wait for the end of the year to pay you a bonus!"

In a word, both spiritual rewards and material rewards were put in place.

Directly let Wang Weile blossom.

"Oh, how is this embarrassing, Mr. Gu! Hehe, thank you Mr. Gu!

"In fact, it's not my credit alone, and Xu Yang, this young man is really good, after going to several places for a period of internship, he finally returned to my education machine project!"

"He helped us a lot! It's just a divine assist! "

But Wang Wei knows that he definitely can't take such a big credit, and he must find someone to share it with."

Otherwise, Gu Chen will not be at ease with himself, well, Gu Chen will, but he will not be at ease.

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