So Wang Wei directly mentioned the little brother in Yongshi that Gu Chen almost forgot.

"Lying groove, I forgot about him..."

Gu Chen thought of this and quickly asked Wang Wei.

"Xu Yang, this young man is indeed good, but don't you let him do more if he is capable?"

"How is he doing? What's going on?

Wang Wei could hear the concern in Gu Chen's tone, of course he would not be so stupid to say bad things about Xu Yang or other things that made Gu Chen unhappy.

"Xu Yang is now a magic weapon for the education machine project, but when it comes to implantation, his sense of smell in terms of data is a little useless, but he is still studying diligently!"

"The staff on our side of the education machine like his hard work and are very helpful to him!"

"No one dares to bully him at all! And I signed an internship agreement with him before, and also sent him 80% of the salary of a data officer, this young man is really good!

"On the day I got the money, I directly invited the whole project to drink!" I know how to be grateful! Wang

Wei directly praised Xu Yang to the sky.

Gu Chen was actually quite happy when he listened.

"After all, it is indeed a little guilty to leave Xu Yang behind, but fortunately, this kid is so powerful!" Not bad! My vision is really good!

Gu Chen thought so and continued.

"Yes, then it seems that this kid will graduate in the future, no, you can come to our Longteng Group to help work when you have time!"

"It's good, and you should bring it well, but if he causes you trouble, punish directly, don't care about my relationship with him?"

When Wang Wei heard this, he directly agreed.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu, my Wang Wei has always treated everyone equally, and there will be no deviation."

Although he knew that Wang Wei was farting, Gu Chen did not debunk him.

Just a smile.

"Okay, is there anything else you want to report to me?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Wang Wei directly opened his mouth and talked about the East China Sea Pearl Radio and Television Tower: "Before, our side transferred 200 million yuan to Mr. Gao, so in order to prove that this money was not spent indiscriminately, or to see where the progress of the establishment of the East China Sea Pearl Radio and Television Tower


"I specially sent a team to station in the East China Sea Pearl to assist them in completing the construction of this TV tower."

"The news that is coming back now is that the preparations for the TV tower have been progressing steadily."

Wang Wei's words made Gu Chen a little puzzled.

"There's a team stationed?" Mr. Gao hadn't told me about this before.

"It seems that there is no friction or other problems between the two sides, and since Mr. Gao is willing to accept this kind of supervision, then I will not hinder anything."

"Even if there is a problem afterwards, I may have to explain it remotely to the boss."

Gu Chen thought of this and continued to ask Wang Wei.

"Do the people leading this group get along well with the people of the East Sea Pearl?"

"Mr. Gu, don't worry, the people I sent out are all old oilers, and all the things handled are very smooth, and there will be no violent situation!"

Wang Wei knew what Gu Chen was worried about, and directly dispelled Gu Chen's scruples with a word.

"Since it is the person you selected, then I am relieved!"

Gu Chen expressed his emotions with satisfaction, and Wang Wei was still very happy with a smile.

Then he continued to debrief.

"Then Mr. Gu will next talk about the current situation of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. that we acquired."

Gu Chen listened to Wang Wei's narration.

Knowing that his previous order to leave Huahai City finally worked.

It's just that this effect seems to be a bit overdone.

As a result, these people began to frantically want to get to the top.

"Also, Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd. is also a large company with a market value of hundreds of millions, just sitting in this position is already very fulfilling, not to mention the various resources after sitting on the first place."

Gu Chen sighed and felt that healthy competition was good.

But if something big happens for the position of a manager of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

That was very unbeautiful for Gu Chen.

Therefore, Gu Chen decided to restrain Sun Zhengyi and the high-level of this Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd.

"In that case, you tell Son that if this kind of vicious competition arises again, I will definitely not let any of them join the management of Dream Lime Culture Co., Ltd., and the decision-makers will be re-selected."

"And any losses caused will be borne by them themselves!"

After Gu Chen said this, Wang Wei suddenly chuckled in his heart, knowing that Gu Chen was really a little angry.

Otherwise, such a mandatory order would not have been issued.

He thought of this and said quickly.

"Okay Mr. Gu!! I'll go and draw up this contract later, let them sign it, and let them know your order!" Wang

Wei's rigor made Gu Chen slightly reduce his anger.

However, Wang Wei's report here was almost completed, but he didn't seem to want to hang up the phone.

"That Mr. Gu, is there anything else I can do, what are you ordering?"

For Wang Wei Gu Chen, who wanted to work overtime, he was not so forced.

Just said.

"Not for the time being, but there may be any words about civil engineering talents in the past two days to help me pay attention, isn't it engaged in recruitment or something?"

Gu Chen's words directly made Wang Wei feel very puzzled.

"Civil construction?"

"How could President Gu suddenly pay attention to these talents, could it be said that the Dragon Teng Group has recently become President Gu and has any projects on land?"

Although Wang Wei had doubts in his heart, he did not dare to take the initiative to ask Gu Chen.

Therefore, Wang Wei directly promised to come down.

Gu Chen finally felt that the time was almost up, and said directly.

"Regarding the issue of understanding the launch of the Chewang APP on Xiangcheng Island, you have to prioritize first, I need to see it completed in the last few days, can I?"

Wang Wei finally became happy when he heard that Gu Chen had finally begun to assign tasks to himself.

"Mr. Gu, although this matter is a little difficult, I can promise you that at the latest this Sunday, I will fully launch the second-hand car trading module of the car king app!"

"And Son, those ads of theirs, that is, your second self-creative ad!" I will definitely get it out together before all the modules of this car king app are completed!

Wang Wei's assurance Gu Chen was still very relieved, so he finally hung up the phone with a few more instructions.

"Okay, then you have to work hard and cheer, I'm waiting for your good news, and you have to be good at rest, otherwise I will definitely not go!" What about money and life, or life is more important! Got it?

Gu Chen's words flowed down Wang Wei's body like a warm current.

Let Wang Wei be filled with strength in an instant, and he straightened his chest and responded.

"Okay, Mr. Gu! Rest assured! I won't let you down!

After Gu Chen hung up the phone, Jiang Min came up and said as soon as possible.

"Brother Gu Chen, I want to eat ice cream!"

Jiang Min pointed to a signature ice cream in the café and said.

"Eat! I invite everyone to eat! "

Because of the performance, the crowds are still crowded.

Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others also came together, and seemed to have something they wanted to ask.

But Gu Chen did not take the initiative to speak, they would not and did not dare to take the initiative to speak.

Naturally, everyone honestly sat down to eat ice cream.

Soon, everyone discovered a problem.

Why does the performance seem to have a little situation .

They saw several familiar figures break into the center stage.

After surpassing the power of those security guards and security checks, one by one, they rushed directly to the stage.

Frightened, a little star who was on the court at the time as a transitional game was frightened.


"It's a few bad teenagers before!"

Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others suddenly raised their heads and looked nervously at this TV.

Soon found out that this person who jumped out to make trouble was not the bad boy who made things happen before?

"What's the situation?"

"What are you doing beating people!"

"Are they crazy! And throwing sticks!

"One man was knocked down, and I saw someone with a finger tiger on his hand!"

The scene suddenly became very panicked in the TV.

Fortunately, the camera was probably set up before, so there was no shaking.

Gu Chen, as well as Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others were able to see the crazy actions of these bad teenagers very smoothly.

In the end, Li Jiajun almost suffered.

Fortunately, Uncle Liu ran out with a group of men in black shirts from the backstage to stop these bad teenagers.

The scene began to become even more chaotic, and countless crowds frantically rushed outward.

"Shall we go!"

As a member of a large family, Sun Shulan realized in an instant that this sudden attack was definitely not as simple as accident.

In order not to be affected, they must have to leave this area as soon as possible.

"Can't go!"

But the current situation is not optimistic at all.

Because the crowd outside is already crowded, people can't walk.

Now it is even more impossible to walk because of these bad teenagers.

Gu Chen also frowned at this time and said.

"Shut this gate first!"

"What's closed? Aren't we going out? But

the clerk at the café questioned it at the first time.

Although he feels that the situation outside is very terrible, this does not mean that he will be worried about anything.

Because now the crowd outside is completely free of the crowding in the TV.

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