"Close the door!"

Fortunately, Gou Tou Chao is still very experienced, and directly closed the door of this café as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the crowd will pour in, and the order will be very chaotic.

Before Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan did not react.

They are also directly confused with the clerks, and now there is no messy flow of people outside.

Why don't you take this opportunity to leave quickly, and instead close the door and lock yourself in this café?

But Gu Chen did not explain anything to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

Just let the dog head chao close the roller shutter door and the iron door one by one.

"What are you doing!"

The clerk of the café suddenly became anxious.

Jiang Min followed Gu Chen at the first time and helped find the opening and closing of the roller shutter door.

In an instant, the roller shutter on the door began to be lowered, and in a few strokes all the exits were completely sealed.

"Can't you hear me?"

"I'm going out!"

The clerk of the coffee shop was really anxious at this time.

He rushed directly over, wanting Gu Chen to put this roller shutter door back up.

That way, he would be able to leave here and go home quickly.

But it's a pity that the effect is not good, and the dog head super appeared directly in front of him.

The tall figure instantly suppressed the clerk who was like a green onion.

"You guys, you're breaking the law!"

He spoke tremblingly.

But Gu Chen said very calmly.

"You're wrong, I'm helping you reduce your losses?"

"Huh? What do you mean by talking? The

clerk immediately felt very puzzled, let alone him, even Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan and others were the same.

I also always felt a little too fussy about Gu Chen's behavior.

But Gu Chen didn't explain anything at this time.

Because the roller shutter has not been fully lowered yet, there is one last point.

Therefore, Gu Chen's attention was mostly on this roller shutter door.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others came to the side of Dog Touchao and asked him in a low voice.

"Do you know what President Gu is going to do at this time?"

"I don't know!"

"Why did you answer so reasonably? If you don't know, you don't know why it's so fierce?

"Ah, I'm just a little bit deeper!"

"Okay, okay, then why did you move so quickly, I thought you found something."

"No, the main thing is that I think Gu is always our boss, so shouldn't it be more efficient to do things for the boss?"

"So you're simply following Gu Chen's orders?"


Dog Tou Chao's answer made Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others not know what to say.

I can only silently give the dog head super praise in my heart.

And at the moment when Gu Chen's side finally put down the roller shutter door of the café.

Gu Chen heard a scream that seemed to come from outside the door.

"Ah! Beating someone! Suddenly

, there was a commotion outside the door, and Gu Chen, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others immediately felt the noise outside the door and the sound of people colliding.

The chaos spread to the area where Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan were located.

Whether it was this clerk in the café, or Jiang Min or Ayuelin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan or something.

They all listened to the movement outside the door and felt a raging momentum, mixed with a dangerous aura rushing towards them.

Suddenly, their faces changed.

I became very afraid.


Accompanied by Sun Shulan's very inopportune or inconsistent voice sounded.

The rest of Ah Yue and the others also began to lie down like a chain reaction.

Only Gu Chen was still very calm in place.

At the same time, he is constantly observing the situation in the outside world.

"No, transfer the stool table again!

As Gu Chen spoke, he directly moved up and moved a table and stool near him directly to block it in front of the door.

And the fastest action this time was not that dog head chao, nor Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

He was the young clerk who was still questioning Gu Chen before.

It was he who immediately turned over several stools around him very quickly and hung them directly upside down on this table.

Then very smoothly pushed it in front of this door and blocked it fiercely.

Dog Tou Chao, as well as Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, A Yue and others also followed.

Even Jiang Min moved the heavy objects around him very quickly.

This time no one asked why.

No one questioned Gu Chen anymore.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, both subconsciously began to obey Gu Chen's arrangement like Dog Tou Chao.

However, Gu Chen, who had almost blocked the doorway, still had a very ugly face.

It's like feeling very unsafe.

"What's the situation, Brother Gu Chen!"

Jiang Min held Gu Chen's palm very carefully behind him.

That soft feeling immediately made Gu Chen react.

"Small situation, don't be afraid I'm here!"

Gu Chen smiled and looked back at Jiang Min, whose face was full of worry, and said.

But now this visual impact keeps telling everyone that this is not a small situation.

And the noisy screaming sound outside the café door is not caused by a small situation.

Gu Chen's face became very ugly after turning his head.

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others also looked at each other.

It was not clear to anyone what was going on.

Just after seeing the tables and chairs of those cafes stacked in front of the door, they were constantly shaking.

The force of people pushing and shoving outside the door is really very strong.

Fortunately, these tables and chairs are also powerful.

Otherwise, this café is probably overcrowded.

Therefore, whether it was Gu Chen or Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, their hearts were a little more stable.

The clerk of the café even said with a thumbs up to Gu Chen at this time.

"This brother, I don't obey anyone today, I have never seen such a careful person as you, how powerful!"

"If it weren't for you, it is estimated that our café today would be a mess!"

"If I don't get it, my job will be lost directly, but now my boss is estimated to reward me, although I don't know what happened outside, but ah, I kept his store is true!"

"Hahaha! What is this called, what is this called? A loss may turn out to be a gain? The

clerk at the café even laughed happily.

It shows that he is really happy, or optimistic, and can still laugh in this situation.

Therefore, whether it was Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan or A Yue Jiang Min, they were all affected by the hearty laughter and optimistic attitude of the clerks in this café.

All of them were a little more settled in their hearts.


But soon, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others couldn't laugh.

Because suddenly there was the sound of glass shattering outside the door.

"Something broke!"

The waiter at the café immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Subconsciously get up from the ground and look at the glass of your storefront.

"It scared me to death, I thought something was broken! Feelings are not my family's, then it's okay!

Everyone looked at him speechlessly, and then completely ignored this guy.

"Yes, glass from other storefronts?"

Jiang Min blushed and held Gu Chen's big hand and asked in a low voice.

"No, at least not."

Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others were also anxious to discuss, they didn't want to be hurt so suddenly after they had just been appreciated by Gu Chen.

"What's that?"

"Kind of, car glass?"

"Watch TV first, it seems that those bad teenagers seem to have been arrested by Boss Liu's people!"

Sun Shulan was secretly anxious at the beginning at this time, and now she has calmed down a little.

She returned to the TV for the first time, watching the bad boys who had jumped out to disrupt the performance, all of which were subdued by the black-shirted men brought out by Uncle Liu at this time.

Some were even pressed there with their knees pressed against their heads.

Others still want to run.

Directly taking advantage of the fact that the crowd began to slowly escape, he found the ghost fire locomotive parked on the side and wanted to escape.

But it's a pity that at this time, Uncle Liu simply killed crazy, and directly let people drive the car of the auto show to chase this escaped locomotive.

Even his voice was transmitted through this microphone on the ground.

"Bump me! Hit and kill me responsible! I'm also responsible for crashing into a cripple! In short, as long as I catch me, I will have a bonus of 100,000 yuan! Hearing

this, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ah Yue, Jiang Min and the others all frowned.

It seems a little unbearable, or rather, too cruel.

But no one knew how angry Uncle Liu was in his heart at this time, it was an anger that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others could not imagine at all.

"I finally got the opportunity given by Li Jiahao today, and pulled up the future uncrowned king of Xiangcheng Island to hold this car show!"

"You people, why do you have to jump out and make trouble for me, don't you know what I want to do?"

"yes, you don't know! You don't even know why I suddenly had so much power to make money for an international auto show in such a luxurious place as Causeway Bay!

"You're just jealous of me and don't want to see me alone!"

"That's why you guys use such a sloppy method! Haha, what a bunch of trash! Uncle

Liu already knew in his heart that his car show was making trouble, but he really didn't expect that the other six heads were so crazy.

I actually made such a situation that I can start running away in broad daylight.

This was a situation that Uncle Liu had never thought of.

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