Naturally, he was also not prepared to deal with this situation.

Carelessly caused this kind of violent chaos now.

"And someone!"

"There are quite a few of them!"

And the most important thing is that in addition to a few bad teenagers who appeared on this big stage.

Various places in this auto show have a different number of bad teenagers popping up.

Some of them have baseball bats in their hands.

Some wore huge hammers on their hands.

Others are even more exaggerated, and will directly take out a mace-like thing and bring it directly to the body, and then start to smash towards the car show vehicle that Uncle Liu and Li Jiajun originally drove together.

"Oh, isn't this looking for death?"

Originally, if these bad teenagers didn't move the cars of those auto shows, it would be okay.

In the end, they will be very uncomfortable if they are caught.

"After all, smash my car, who let me still have some capital to lose, but you provoked the wrong person!"

"Li Jiajun is very short of money now, you even smashed his car, and this car show would not have started without Li Jiahao!"

"You guys are directly offending the uncrowned king of Xiangcheng Island in the future and now! And I still directly offended two at a time! Hahaha!

Uncle Liu's heart was crazy, he never thought that these people would actually come up with such violent but stupid methods.

This is not hastening their death!

At the same time, Uncle Liu, who was thinking so, looked at Li Jiajun, who was protected behind him.

"It's okay!"

"People have been beaten away!"

But at this time, Li Jiajun did not look very good.

He squatted in the corner holding his head fiercely, looking very strange as a prisoner.

It's so weird that this willow doesn't know what to say.

Even, this Li Jiajun did not dare to respond, Willow still did not hear Willow's words at all.

He simply squatted there without lifting his head.

It wasn't until Uncle Liu walked in that he heard the voice from Li Jiajun's mouth.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me!"

Suddenly, Uncle Liu's face became as if he had eaten a very disgusting meal.

"I thought I was eating an abalone pond, but it turned out to be a lump of mud that couldn't support the wall!"

"No, why would the richest heir of Xiangcheng Island make such a timid side?"

"This is not at all in line with his identity as the son of the richest man, why is this strong sense of discord!"

Uncle Liu's whole person was very devastated.

I think that this kind of Li Jiajun is really a little stretched, if there is any wind and rain in the future, it will not directly knock Li Jiajun down with a wave, right?

"In that case, wouldn't I have fallen with one of them?"

Uncle Liu felt a deep sense of crisis, which came from the future and from Li Jiajun.

At this time, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others seemed to be in the complete opposite mood of Uncle Liu.

They directly regarded Gu Chen as their new god.

He was very shocked by Gu Chen's unknown prophet.

Especially after that, Gu Chen asked everyone to stack the tables and chairs to block the door.

It also made Ah Yue, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others feel a huge sense of security.

"This is the top sense of smell, isn't it a prejudgment? It's incredible!

"I seem to give Gu a monkey."

"How are you born to a man!"

It even gave Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others time to quarrel and tell jokes.

But Gu Chen did not participate in the big adventure of Ayue Dog Head Chaolin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

Instead, he silently watched Uncle Liu and Li Jiajun on the center stage in this TV set.

"It's really a little miserable, but your family has money, so you can't blame me!"

Gu Chen thought so.

At the same time, I am thinking about some details.

But the other hand kept holding Jiang Min who he brought.

Gu Chen was a little unable to concentrate his energy to think.

Instead, Jiang Min, who was next to Gu Chen, asked Gu Chen in the end.

"Brother Gu Chen, have you long seen that there is something wrong with these bad teenagers?"

Gu Chen thought that the occurrence of the incident should have started from the time when the dog's head collided with those bad teenagers before.

"Yes, at the very beginning, I found that these bad teenagers first gave people a very anxious feeling."

"It's this feeling that made them not fight us in the end!"

"In this way, we are still lucky," Gu Chen's

words made Jiang Min stick out his tongue in fear.

At the same time, he also thought of the idea that he seemed to want the dog to beat them up.

"It's good that I didn't...otherwise it would be trouble!"

After hearing the news for the first time, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan, Ayue and others heard Gu Chen's words, and suddenly felt a feeling of cold sweat.

"What, these are the same people I bumped into before?"

"Groove! No wonder I felt that the eyes of those bad teenagers seemed a little wrong at that time! I thought they wanted to fight me!

He felt a deep fear.

I felt that if I had been a little more fierce back then, I might have been now....

Doghead Chao let himself not think about these things.

I let go of my emotions for a while.

Gu Chen thought of the situation or a few doubts when Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others were thinking about it.

"They came with a mission."

"The purpose is this auto show."

"And they're organized and disciplined, and the most important thing is that they're still young, as if they were underage."

"In this case, even if they are finally arrested, it does not matter, because the law will protect them."

After thinking of this, Gu Chen also began to rejoice, fortunately there was no conflict or anything at that time.

Otherwise, it is estimated that some uncontrollable situations will occur now.

"However, as long as it is a blow to Li Jiajun, it is a good thing!"

Gu Chen smiled, silently thinking of this guy's covetousness for Tong Zixin and was a little angry.

I also think it's time for this guy to suffer more.

Otherwise, I really think he is a real destiny!

"But when will I be able to leave now?"

Gu Chen sighed, feeling that the security of Xiangcheng Island seemed to be a bit rubbish.

Until now, the situation outside has not been solved.

"It's a bit of a delay!"

When Gu Chen thought so, he received another call.

It's Ng Ka Lok.

"Mr. Ng Ka Lok?"

Gu Chen connected the phone and sent it, anyway, there is nothing else in this café now.

Just call.

"It's me, Mr. Gu!"

Wu Jiale on the other end of the phone seemed a little nervous.

I always feel that things are very difficult.

Gu Chen then remembered that he seemed to have said something of 500 million.

"Is the card number problem solved?"

Gu Chen directly asked this question.

Immediately, Wu Jiale said again and again.

"Yes, yes, yes! Mr. Gu is really a clever calculation! We finally got the limit card number at the bank, and also made some written proof, as long as your money arrives in the account, it will be stamped immediately! No one is guaranteed to move!

Wu Jiale's words made Gu Chen feel that they seemed to be a little too careful.

But think about it.

After all, 500 million is not a small amount.

If you are not careful, it is easy to have problems.

Gu Chen didn't want to spend time on ripping off or other small things at that time.

So Gu Chen said.

"This way! It seems that Mr. Wu Jiale you bothered, it is the original card number! I'll turn the money over now!

"Good, good, good! Then I would like to thank Mr. Gu for his contribution to our hometown!

Wu Jiale on the other end of the phone almost jumped up with joy.

When he just called, he was particularly worried that if Gu Chen's side did not answer the phone or other situations appeared after answering the phone, it would be embarrassing.

Fortunately, Gu Chen is still very bold, without any shirking.

This made Wu Jiale feel happy.

At the same time, a lot of things came to mind.

"In the future, we must repay President Gu well!"

After Gu Chen and Wu Jiale said two more words, they were ready to pay Wu Jiale.

Because this time there is no way to go out in this closed café.

Therefore, Gu Chen's call was directly exposed to the ears of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan.

"Transfer? Does Mr. Gu have any other investment projects?

"Silly or not, will a person with President Gu's status have no other golden roosters?"

"It seems to be the same, I just don't know how much Gu Zong wants to transfer."

"It will definitely not be a few, it is estimated that tens of millions are wanted."

Because Jiang Min felt that Gu Chen had better avoid calling him.

So now she is closer to Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others.

Hearing these people, it was as if they were sitting in a well and watching the sky, talking about Gu Chen's investment.

Jiang Min almost laughed.

Her abnormality was discovered by Sun Shulan.

The latter directly asked Jiang Min in a low voice.

"Sister Jiang Min, why are you laughing, do you know President Gu's transfer?"

"Can you talk to me?"

Jiang Min carefully glanced at Gu Chen, who was conducting the transfer operation, before saying to Sun Shulan.

"I'm afraid I'll scare you if I say it!"

"How is that possible!"

Sun Shulan immediately refuted, feeling that she could not be frightened by an investment at all.

But Jiang Min looked at Sun Shulan with a smile and stretched out five fingers.

"That's all."

Sun Shulan looked at Jiang Min's Five Finger Mountain and silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Fifty million...

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