"Okay, so now that you've figured out your opponent, what are you waiting for?"

Li Jiajun said directly, and at the same time he was ready to put on his clothes and look at Uncle Liu.

"Do you know where they are?"

Uncle Liu looked at the impatient Li Jiajun, although he said that he was happy in his heart.

I can't even wait for Li Jiajun to find other cars now.

Then reveal their identity and scare them completely.

However, Uncle Liu thought that doing things violently would definitely have a very bad impact.

"And if there is any injury on Li Jiajun's side, I will be finished!"

So Uncle Liu stood up directly and prepared to stop Li Jiajun.

"Li Shao! We need to think about this in the long run! Need..." But

this time, Uncle Liu's words were not finished, and Li Jiajun directly looked over with a fierce look.

Frightened, Uncle Liu instantly didn't know what to say.

Because this time, Li Jiajun's eyes were completely different from before.

It was a look of disgust and irritability.

Uncle Liu panicked all of a sudden.

He looked at Li Jiajun and said.

"Li Shao, why are you looking at me like that... I'm telling the truth!

"A person of your status doesn't need to risk his life at all!" In case something goes wrong!

"I'm afraid it won't be enough if I fold my own little life into it!"

"And we have a more perfect way to solve these jumping beam clowns, don't we?"

"Think about it, why do these other heads dare to smash the field so boldly! Isn't it because they don't even know who you are? Uncle

Liu began to use his three-inch uncorrupted tongue to convince Li Jiajun.

But Li Jiajun's eyes became more and more indifferent.

However, he still let this Uncle Liu talk here.

"As long as you reveal your identity, I can guarantee that it will take less than three hours!" The other heads of the car will start to frantically come to you and ask for your forgiveness..."

But this time, Uncle Liu was still interrupted by Li Jiajun before he finished speaking.


"Li Shao?"

Uncle Liu looked confused, not quite understanding why Li Jiajun would suddenly say such cruel words.

Thought of Li Jiajun's fierce eyes on himself before.

Uncle Liu was suddenly speechless.

Because he suddenly had a very bad premonition.

Sure enough, in the next second, his premonition came true.

Li Jiajun said slowly.

"Are you taking me for a fool?"

"Ah this, Li Shao, what do you mean by this? I don't really understand!

"Don't understand? You tell me I don't understand? Do you think I'm not clear about what you're trying to do?

"Me? What do I want to do?

Uncle Liu's heart was extremely nervous, but fortunately, as an old oiler, he was able to control his facial expressions.

Don't let yourself directly lose control at the beginning, and be completely seen through by Li Jiajun.

"Huh! Aren't you just trying to unify the used car market on the entire Xiangcheng Island in my name?

"You don't really think I don't know that you rented this venue in Causeway Bay in my name!"

Li Jiajun's voice became more and more indifferent.

But after Uncle Liu heard this, he didn't have any reaction.

Even my heart was much calmer.

"Li Shao, I think there are many misunderstandings in this matter, and I think you may be wrong to blame me!"

Uncle Liu still wanted to quibble, but Li Jiajun didn't want to quarrel with Uncle Liu on this matter at all.

"Huh! Then we'll see.

But Li Jiajun directly took out his mobile phone and made a call.

And it was still hands-free, and Uncle Liu saw the phone number, which was a little familiar.

"It seems to be the street office of this pedestrian street in Causeway Bay?"

Uncle Liu's heart clicked.

But fortunately, the final result is still within the control range.

"Hey, hello, I'm Uncle Liu's subordinate, I called to ask Mr. Li if his name can make our rental fee cheaper!"

Li Jiajun said such a sentence with a smile.

The corners of Uncle Liu's mouth twitched, so obvious law enforcement fishing.


Mr. Lee? Who, Uncle Liu's side didn't tell me that there was anyone surnamed Li! Did you make the wrong call..." This

time, before the call was finished, Li Jiajun took the lead in hanging up.

His face was a little complicated.

His mood was a little awkward.

"Li Shao."

Uncle Liu fell to the ground with a big stone in his heart.

Thinking in my heart, sure enough, Lao Tzu is more reliable than his son! Even here is done!

Simply perfect!

"Li Shao can prove it now, I just..."

However, after Li Jiajun had already determined that he had no other extra thoughts, he still interrupted him.

"Hey! Don't say it, I'm going to find those heads now! You love to send their address!

"Forget it, I guess you don't have either, I'll go directly to other areas to find their used car shops!"

Li Jiajun directly used the legendary method of changing the topic, completely forgetting the embarrassing things he had experienced before.

He didn't care about Uncle Liu, who was still behind him.

Uncle Liu was crying and laughing, and was about to catch up.

Who knew that he just happened to meet Li Jiajun, who turned his head and lowered his head with a livid face.

"Li Shao, what's wrong? Figured it out?

"Shall we directly expose our identities and wait for them to confess our mistakes!"

Uncle Liu asked Li Jiajun with a smile.

However, the latter directly grabbed his shoulders and threw him directly back, turning Uncle Liu directly in one direction.

Uncle Liu is still very cooperative with this.

But his face was full of doubt.

"No, Li Shao, what are you doing?"

Uncle Liu subconsciously turned around, wanting to see what Li Jiajun saw, which scared him like this.

Who knew that as soon as this willow tree turned around, he saw Gu Chen passing by on another road with Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and Sun Shulan.

Before Uncle Liu could react, he was severely hit on the back by Li Jiajun.

"Don't look at it! What if you attract them?

Uncle Liu nodded painfully, while looking at Li Jiajun's worried face, and from time to time he wanted to glance behind him, but did not dare to look back, and felt a magnitude eight earthquake in his heart!

"It's not right! Who the hell are they!

Uncle Liu's heart was shocked, because he could see that Li Jiajun was really scared.

And he himself was really scared.

He really didn't expect that the person Li Jiajun was afraid of was actually Gu Chen and the others he met in the tea restaurant before!

"But what the hell are they coming from! Groove! Why! Li Jiajun is the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island! Why are you afraid of a few of them! "

Uncle Liu really doesn't understand what the situation is.

Only then will Li Jiajun, the heir of the future business empire, become the existence of a frightened bird, just looking at the figure of Gu Chen and the others, he is so scared that he doesn't know what to do.

Gu Chen, Lin Wanxiang, Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and the others actually didn't want to get close to this central area at first.

After all, Gu Chen didn't want to meet Li Jiajun so early, what if this guy lost his heart and wanted to fight with himself?

But in the end, Gu Chen found that he was leaving this Causeway Bay.

There is no way to go from the original route.

"Why are there cars here?"

Because when they go to their old road, they find that the usual road is basically full of people and cars.

That's right, because of the original big riot situation.

As a result, many people have been injured, and ambulances and private cars keep coming here.

In addition, there are some people who live closer to each other who also rush over to make a splash or something.

The original location is very crowded.

Therefore, when there was no way, Gu Chen could only change everyone's route to pass through the center stage with a wave of his hand.

Therefore, the figures of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others will be seen by Li Jiajun.

There was a panic from Li Jiajun behind.

Gu Chen glanced at the figure who was talking with Uncle Liu with his back to him.

"If you don't see it, then it's fine."

Gu Chen nodded, so he urged Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others to say.

"Okay, let's go quickly!"

"In case there are other situations like this overcrowded and too many cars to walk behind, we will be stuck here."

Gu Chen's words were very reasonable.

It directly made Sun Shulan and the others speed up.

And Li Jiajun is still in a situation where he indifferently turns his back to Gu Chen and the others.

Gu Chen was also not very clear about what they were discussing.


"But it's okay, wait until a few days after the second-hand car trading of the car king app is online, you will know what is wrong."

Gu Chen thought this in his heart, and quickly left the location of this central square with Sun Shulan and the others.

Li Jiajun still refused to turn back.

Just keep your stiff posture and stay in place.

In the end, Uncle Liu was a little overwhelmed before he said to Li Jiajun.

"Li Shao, how about I look back and see if they are gone?"

At this time, Li Jiajun took a deep breath for a while, and also slightly reduced the fear in his heart.

He has temporarily suppressed the picture of the detention center in his mind.

Hearing Uncle Liu say this, Li Jiajun nodded hesitantly.

Uncle Liu looked back tremblingly.

At this time, Gu Chen and the others had long disappeared.

Uncle Liu breathed a sigh of relief and said to Li Jiajun.

"Li, Li Shao, they are gone!"

Li Jiajun, who heard this, suddenly slowly turned his head, and he was very careful to make sure that Gu Chen and the others really left before he breathed a sigh of relief.

"This guy is finally gone!"

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