Li Jiajun completely relaxed his mind.

But he always felt a little empty in his heart, so he couldn't help but look back at Gu Chen's distant figure often.

"Didn't I read it wrong before! Isn't Gu Chen supposed to be in Huahai City?

"Why did you suddenly come to Xiangcheng Island?"

"It doesn't make any sense! Did you let me run into it?

Li Jiajun's muttering was completely heard by Uncle Liu beside him, he thought in his heart.

"Gu Chen? Who is that? "

Huahai City? Why Huahai City? Has Li Jiajun been to Huahai City before? Uncle

Liu felt that there were many things in front of him that he could not understand and things that he did not know.

But he couldn't figure out these unknown things that he had not touched at all, so Uncle Liu decided.

"More talk and more wrong, less talk and less action!"

Uncle Liu is like a monk who has practiced closed-mouth meditation.

Very quietly stayed by Li Jiajun's side, and continued to maintain a kind of appearance that you can't see or see me.

"It shouldn't be!"

And Li Jiajun is still immersed in his own world, continuing to be in a trance.

Especially when I thought of Gu Chen, I thought of the detention center.

When I thought of the detention center, I thought of my own experience.

Suddenly, the confidence that Li Jiajun had built up with great difficulty began to slowly collapse at this time.

But he looked at the devastation of his car show.

The anger in my heart gradually began to boil.

In an instant, this impulsive anger suppressed the fear in his heart in an instant, making Li Jiajun feel the courage to take his place.

"Special! What kind of thing is Gu Chen!

"In Huahai City is his territory, I can't get him, and I even have to be by him!"

"But this is Xiangcheng Island! It's the territory of labor and management! Even if he Gu Chen is a flying dragon in the sky, when he arrives on Xiangcheng Island today, he will honestly lie on the ground and be beaten for me!

Li Jiajun's heart was full of genuine anger, and he couldn't wait to go to the intersection of the street where Gu Chen disappeared to find him along their trajectory.

"Then punch him hard! In the end, I was going to lie directly on it and say that I was hit in the face by him!

"Hahaha! I want to see how this Gu Chen is angry with me but helpless, and finally has to go to prison!

"I just touched porcelain in your face, what can you do!"

"When the time comes, I will let you know what cruelty is in prison, and I will imprison the most fierce prisoners with you!" Let you try to hurt ten thousand times more painful than the pain I received in the detention center before! Li

Jiajun's facial expression became a little distorted.

He really wanted to rush to Gu Chen's side now and start his own revenge plan, but he didn't know why.

Just as Li Jiajun was about to act, he found that he could not lift his legs all the time.

"Why don't you listen to me?"

He roared madly in his heart, but he still couldn't let his body move the slightest.

Even standing so abruptly in place is like a fool.

And Uncle Liu behind Li Jiajun probably sensed something wrong with Li Jiajun.

I want to come up and ask about Li Jiajun's situation.

But think about it.

"In case at this time, Li Jiajun wants to expose the old truth with me, should I listen or not?"

"If I listened to it, the negative emotions in Li Jiajun's heart were reduced a little, and his impression of me would be better, but if he finally saw me and thought of his own broken things, wouldn't he look at me very unpleasantly?"

"Will there be a day when I'm out?"

Uncle Liu deserves to have been wandering in Xiangcheng Island for so many years to the old rivers and lakes, just looking at Li Jiajun's current state of being wrong.

You can analyze many things you have seen, which is nothing more than some you regard the other party as a confidant and tell each other everything.

The unhappiness in my heart was temporarily relaxed, but when I looked back later, I felt that such a person knew all his disgusting things and knew the dark side of his heart.

Especially after your own success, when you stand on the top of the mountain, what will you think in your heart when you think of another one with all your handles?

In particular, you happen to have the ability to pinch this confidant to death at will.

And still the kind that is effortless, what will you do?

The vast majority of people, especially those who are successful enough, will not be soft-hearted, otherwise they will not reach the final step of success.

Therefore, Uncle Liu can foresee it very clearly.

"If I take the initiative to step forward and curry favor with Li Jiajun today, and choose to listen to Li Jiajun's troubles and pains, I may gain Li Jiajun's trust and reward for himself for a while."

"But in the future, as long as Li Jiajun takes over his father Li Jiahao's business empire, then I will be like a little bug to him, if he thinks of this matter when he sees it one day, I will be directly finished!"

In order to avoid this situation really occurring, Uncle Liu chose not to see or hear anything.

In his heart, he began to think about how he could make Li Jiajun fear becoming such a person, and not be malicious to himself.

"yes! I actually forgot about this stubble! At

this time, Uncle Liu also felt the same fear as Li Jiajun.

He thought of what he had done when he met Gu Chen and the others in the tea restaurant before.

"I shouldn't have done anything bad in front of them!"

"I didn't say anything bad, did I?"

Uncle Liu began to frantically reminisce, and finally thought of the scene dialogue when he threatened Ah Yue's father later.

He instantly sweated from his forehead.

"Gan, how did I forget this!"

"If this boss had mentioned it to them, wouldn't I be in danger?"

Uncle Liu felt great pressure.

And he didn't have any solution.

The only thing that can be done is to quickly go to this tea restaurant and resolve this misunderstanding with Ah Yue's father later.

Otherwise, who knows when he will suddenly usher in a reckoning?

Thinking so, Uncle Liu glanced at Li Jiajun, who was still holding still.

"Now we can be grasshoppers on a rope!"

Therefore, Uncle Liu silently stepped forward.

"So, what are we doing now?"

Uncle Liu's words made Li Jiajun suddenly break away from his endless contradictions.

He turned his head and glanced at Uncle Liu.

The latter just lowered his head and didn't look at him.

This made the confidence in Li Jiajun's heart come back a little.

It also made Li Jiajun, who was already wandering back and forth in the three emotions of entanglement, anger and fear, feel calm.

He took a deep breath and said.

"The main thing now is to place the wounded in this Causeway Bay first! Then count our losses this time.

"Then go to find this bad boy who was intercepted by us, and finally find out who is behind the ghost, and at the same time increase the pressure on the police department, none of these bad teenagers who have been arrested can be let go!"

"I want them to go straight to jail and sit out of touch with society!"

This was the most cruel way of revenge that Lee Jiajun could think of.

It also made Uncle Liu feel Li Jiajun's soft heart.

"That's it?"

"Shouldn't they be made to lose money?"

However, Uncle Liu will not take the initiative to say something that makes Li Jiajun feel angry at this time.

So he said directly.

"Okay, I'll do it."

That's right, Uncle Liu just wanted to find an excuse to leave Li Jiajun's side.

Otherwise, how could he reconcile with the tea restaurant owner, that is, Ah Yue's father.

In case after that, Gu Chen and his group came to eat again, this guy said a little or two.

Then Uncle Liu is going to be cool.

This thing is not sloppy!

So Uncle Liu left, leaving Li Jiajun alone in the same place and not knowing what he was thinking.

"Gu Chen will definitely not leave Huahai City for no reason."

"He must have come to Xiangcheng Island for other important things."

"Then, in this case, I can have a good time with him."

"Let him fail everything he wants to do successfully and ruin all his plans!" Also spoil all his itinerary ideas!

"Play him between the palms of your hands, and tell him when the time comes, appear in front of Gu Chen in a victorious posture."

"You can't!"

Just thinking of this, Li Jiajun couldn't help but want to laugh.

But laughing and laughing, Li Jiajun suddenly couldn't laugh.

Because he thought of the beginning, in order to save himself from Gu Chen's hands, Tong Zixin seemed to pay a little price that Li Jiajun didn't want to remember at all....

"This time Gu Chen comes to Huahai City, will he look for Zixin again?"

Thinking of this, Li Jiajun's anger became more and more boiling, but there was a deep fear.

He silently took out his mobile phone and dialed the number he was most familiar with, which was Tong Zixin's number.

The phone rang many times, but Tong Zixin on the other end never connected.

Li Jiajun did not die, and continued to hang up before fighting.

After calling constantly, Li Jiajun's mobile phone appeared a prompt of insufficient battery.

He fell into a deep silence.

"What a dead old man! Wouldn't it be nice if you let me marry Tong Zixin earlier? Where else is there so much going on now!

"And I don't need to be scared at all!"

"What ten billion bride price, can't one less zero!"

Thinking of this, Li Jiajun felt a kind of grievance.

It was a sense of helplessness that came from within myself.

"Damn it, Tong Zixin, what the hell are you doing now!"

Yes, what was Tong Zixin doing at this time?

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