She is sitting in her place, holding a glass of sake in her hand and watching the spicy eyes in front of her perform.

But in my heart, I thought, Mr. Gu come and save me! Chen Yu is crazy!

That's right, Chen Yu was indeed crazy at this time.

After being entertained by Chen Mouren's various hey means.

After the initial discomfort, as well as the kind of hesitation, he thought of what Gu Chen said to him.

Chen Yu directly regarded all that he suffered as a dismount.

"Then can I still be intimidated by a dismount threat that won't hurt?"

"Non-existent! I'm going to be Mr. Gu's right-hand man! "

Thinking of this, Chen Yu is full of arrogance!

Directly in the surprised eyes of Chen Mouren and Tong Zixin.

Drink the spirits placed in front of you at once.

And then you dropped the cup on the floor!


The crisp sound of shattering suddenly sounded, and everyone present was stunned on the spot.

One by two, looking at Chen Yu, as if they were looking at a fool?

The smile on Chen Musten's face stiffened.

There was a worry hidden under Tong Zixin's calm expression.

But at this time, Chen Yu directly shouted.

"Good wine!"

"It's just two people who drink with me!"

Hearing this, the breath that was about to be frozen in one place instantly flowed again.

Cold sweat broke out on Chen Yu's forehead.

Not frightened by the previous scene.

It's because...

"Special! What the hell is this wine! Why such an exaggeration! My chest is going to explode! "

The most important thing is that this wine is also very easy to serve.

After Chen Mouren saw Chen Yu's boldness, he also drank all the wine in front of him in one breath, and then jumped out to tell Chen Yu.

"It's good to come, this President Chen is really bold!"

"I, Chen Mouren, have always liked to deal with bold people!"

"I'll drink with you!"

Then this guy jumped out directly and really drank with Chen Yu.

So after a while, these two looked very bold, and even looked like a wine mengzi.

In fact, both of them drank very poorly.

Basically, after a few glasses of wine, it starts to become incoherent.

"My Brother Chen! Brother! Me, I'll talk to you!

"Brother, it's really not easy to walk on this road, it's not tolerable!"

Chen Mouren was hooked up by Chen Yu and kept talking.

"Whoever, who is special, it's easy and easy!"

"You, you, your brother, me, the pressure is really very big, do you know?"

Chen Yu also complained about his life for a while, and then he was turned by Chen Mouren and began to complain.

Even when it came to the place where neither of them was happy, they began to cry with a headache.

And that's nothing, because the wine is just beginning to come up.

After crying, the two began to laugh again.

You laugh at me and I laugh at you, laughing and laughing and dancing.

It simply made Tong Zixin feel spicy eyes.

After all, the picture of two big men hugging each other face to face is really very greasy.

Tong Zixin couldn't stand it anymore.

At the same time, because of the noise between the two, Tong Zixin's mobile phone in her bag kept ringing, and she didn't hear it.

Gu Chen and the others on the other end finally left Causeway Bay and began to part ways.

"You go and set up your own company first, otherwise there will be problems with the docking work."

"Here are five million, you use it first."

Before parting, Gu Chen took out a bank card of the anonymous Xiangcheng Island Bank that he had prepared before.

Inside were some of the reserve funds he had saved before.

This hand operation is very slippery, at least you can avoid a lot of boring intermediate procedures.

And it's still very atmospheric to throw the card like this.

The atmosphere reached that Sun Shulan and the others did not know whether to pick up or not.

After all, there is no guarantee for this, and there is no contract, and Gu Chen has been giving money all the time.

Is this said in the past, is it reasonable?

Sun Shulan, as the leader, directly stood up and said to Gu Chen.

"President Gu, this is a bit too much, aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?"

Gu Chen asked directly.


Sun Shulan thought of Gu Chen's luxurious resume, thought of Gu Chen's various means and wealth, and she suddenly felt that Gu Chen's behavior of making money at every turn was very reasonable.

So Sun Shulan took the bank card.

At the same time, he also spoke.

"But Mr. Gu, we will keep these funds accountable, and they will be used as our original capital and proof..." Sun

Shulan originally wanted to say something about the details of building the company.

But Gu Chen didn't want to listen to it at all.

Directly interrupted Sun Shulan.

"Okay, you don't need to tell me these things, I'll leave it all to you!"

"You just need to tell me when you're short of money, and I'll pay you and you'll be done!"

Gu Chen's atmosphere made Sun Shulan not know what to say.

I thought of the man in front of me, but I just squandered it, no, I directly invested 500 million without saying a word.

Sun Shulan silently put all her thoughts in her stomach.

"Just kidding, a man who can directly take out five hundred million for investment will care about how many five million?"

"I'm afraid that these five million in the eyes of President Gu are about the same as the five hundred yuan of ordinary people!"

Thinking so, Sun Shulan didn't say anything more, and said directly to Gu Chen.

"Well, then don't worry, we will definitely not let you down!"

"I have the relationship of the Sun family here, and the procedures for running the company will be very fast, we don't have to worry about this problem, but can President Gu ask you to help the new company come up with a name."

When Gu Chen heard Sun Shulan's words, he actually felt the worry in Sun Shulan's heart.

"It's for fear that I'm just a casual investment in them."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to remember them later, so do you want to make a key point to deepen the connection between us?"

Gu Chen really felt that Sun Shulan was very smart.

"It's just that how could I possibly ignore the company I pulled up?"

"This little girl is a talent, but she is a little too careful."

However, for Sun Shulan's request, Gu Chen did not refuse, but pondered for a while, and a new company name stood out.

"It's called a dream."

"After all, this is your hard work, your dream, since there is a day that can be realized, then refer to the dream as a horse, set sail!"

After Gu Chen's words, whether it was Sun Shulan or Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Ah Yue Dog Tou Chao, they all trembled instantly.

"This name, okay!"

Sun Shulan chanted sonorously and forcefully, referring to dreams as horses and dreams as horses.

The few people behind him also felt the surging power sweeping over their bodies.

This name poked directly into the deepest part of their hearts.

It resonated indescribably in their hearts.

"It's not just good! It's seconds!

"Mr. Gu, you are also too powerful, so impressed!"

Facing the praise of Sun Shulan Dog Head Chao and others, Gu Chen just smiled slightly.

Jiang Min also looked at Gu Chen with eyes full of little stars on the side.

"It's really worthy of being my idol, Brother Gu Chen is really handsome!"

In an instant, everyone present had a higher level of admiration for Gu Chen.

"Okay, then it's time to go!"

Finally, after Gu Chen started the car, he gradually moved away from everyone.

In the rearview mirror, Gu Chen saw Sun Shulan, Ayue and the others lined up in a row, bowing at the same time to the image of their distant figure, until the corner, Gu Chen did not see them straighten up.

"These are all serious talents!"

Gu Chen sighed.


Li Jiahao originally fought for too long last night, causing his body to be a little overwhelmed, and was resting in his own constant temperature nutrition pool, who knew that his little secretary was so ignorant and directly broke in.

Frightened, Li Jiahao thought that his business empire had come to an end.

"What's going on?"

He asked coldly, deciding that if this little girl came to disturb him because of a little thing, then he would have to implement a family law with her!

"Li Sheng..."

But the little secretary didn't feel worried or afraid because of Li Jiahao's indifference at all.

Instead, she directly took out a purple ring and gently pressed the light towards the void.

A light screen appeared instantly.

Li Jiahao looked at this hanging thing and said.

"What are you going to show me?"

"If it's not pretty, I'm going to reward you well!"

He was in a good mood, because last night's non-farm payrolls data made his prediction and position opening dividends.

Therefore, he was able to tolerate some of the behavior of this little secretary.

However, when Lee Ka-ho saw a few bad teenagers with colored hair in the crowd of Causeway Bay.

Li Jiahao's smile slowly began to disappear.

"This is, I asked that surnamed Willow to drive a car show for Lee Ka Chun in Causeway Bay?"

He began to think about what this scenario was.

Then I remembered that it was his son Li Jiajun's current focus on career.

"What are these punks!"

"How dare they!"

Li Jiahao was still thinking, was the little secretary jealous that he opened such a car show for Li Jiajun and did not open a unique art exhibition for her, so he deliberately used this video to anger himself?

But soon, Li Jiahao knew that he was thinking wrong.

Because the bad teenagers who came out of the crowd before began to wreak havoc on performance art!

Li Jiahao saw that many cars were smashed, and the people who surrounded and watched the excitement also began to flee.

The crowd scene was so chaotic that it was impossible to watch.

And this scene instantly made Li Jiahao's blood pressure soar.

Especially after seeing his son, after encountering this incident, he didn't jump out at the first time to kill all these bad teenagers.

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