His own son actually stayed in place so honestly that he was scared and did not dare to move?

This made Li Jiahao feel a kind of anger, a kind of grievance.

He couldn't understand why Li Jiajun was so instigated?

"Obviously this is Xiangcheng Island, it's our territory, and you were scared into a dog on your own territory?"

"Is that reasonable? This is not reasonable at all!

Li Jiahao felt that his body temperature soared.

Why? !

Then after seeing Uncle Liu rushing out with people and arresting these sabotaging beam jumping clowns.

Li Jiahao only felt that his anger was a little less.

Especially after seeing that the police who came later took away most of the bad teenagers, Uncle Liu privately detained the teenager who looked like a leader.

It made Li Jiahao snort.

"This guy is smart! Not bad!

Li Jiahao praised Uncle Liu, if he knew this, I am afraid that he would be happy for three days and three nights.

However, after Li Jiahao finished praising it, he began to scold.

"But it's also a piece of waste! It's just a car show, but someone will actually sneak up on you and smash the car?

"What are you doing, the security work is not in place at all!"

"There are a lot of car models! There is a P for ah!

Li Jiahao angrily slammed the crystal in his hand directly towards the light curtain.

However, the material of the light curtain is specially treated, so it is not moved at all.

However, Li Jiahao's anger was slightly better because of this fall.

However, when Li Jiajun in the picture was squatting there holding his head, Li Jiahao's anger rushed again.

"Waste waste! Just disgrace our Li family! Shame on me!

He looked at the little secretary beside him with red eyes.

"Who else has this file, this video file?"

"Who else?!"

Li Jiahao's voice carried a roaring feeling.

The latter replied directly in a low voice.

"The master tape of this video has been copied by me, and the other backups have been completely deleted by me!"

"Now in front of us is the final mastering!"

Li Jiahao heard the little secretary's dripping words and disposal, and his breathless breath began to slowly weaken a little.

He nodded and said.

"Very good, worthy of you!"

"Anyway, after I finish reading this final master, you send me the waste that he gave to Li Jiajun!"

"Let him give me a good look at what a waste he really is! I will actually be scared by a group of children and dare not move!

"I actually thought about not taking sides with him and giving up my place to him?"

"Unexpectedly, it turned out that his own performance during this time, I thought that the prodigal son did not change the gold, and the result was actually a package of grass embroidered at the head!"

The more Li Jiahao spoke, the more angry he became, he always felt that he had been deceived, he really wanted to rush out immediately now and bring Li Jiajun, the waste son, to give him a good spur!

The little secretary's expression did not change because of Li Jiahao's gossip.

On the contrary, her expression has always been very calm.

After calming down, Li Jiahao's look at her also slightly eliminated a little anger.


But Li Jiahao didn't know what he thought, and actually snorted at this little secretary who was obviously very innocent.

At this time, Li Jiahao also set his eyes on this light curtain again.

He saw his son Li Jiajun standing up again under Uncle Liu's call, as if to take revenge!

"This stinky boy! I also know that he is my Li Jiahao's son! Not bad! Don't worry about losing or losing! We must maintain the pride of our Li family and let others know how powerful we are!

"Only in this way will others dare not provoke you, and even if they provoke you, you must know that you will have to pay a huge price!"

Li Jiahao looked at Li Jiajun, but suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"If Li Jiajun, this waste, really went to find the mastermind behind the bad boy to go to the duel in the end, then why did she still show me this video?"

Thinking of this, Li Jiahao continued to look down.

Sure enough, just when his son Li Jiajun was about to leave to take revenge.

His body suddenly straightened.

Li Jiahao very obviously saw that his son's body suddenly began to tremble again.

"Is it polio?"

"Impossible! The doctor said that Li Jiajun's body is in a very perfect youth state except for his own kidneys!

"But why is the whole person who is suddenly afraid blindfolded, and pulling this Uncle Liu back to cover it together?"

Li Jiahao felt a little inexplicable.

He subconsciously told his little secretary.

"I want to let this picture, Li Jiajun, this little waste look at the direction of monitoring!" Are there any problems? The

little secretary was still very indifferent this time, but he took out his remote control again.

Slowly shifted the picture on this screen.

It happened to be transferred to the entrance of the street where Gu Chen passed at that time.

Because I had seen Gu Chen's appearance before.

Therefore, Li Jiahao didn't have much effort to recognize it, and the group of people who accelerated through this street intersection was Gu Chen.

"Why would it be him! And why should Li Jiajun be so afraid? "

It's clear that it was Jia Jun who did it before, and Gu Chen is just one side of being hurt."

"Is there anything else I don't know about this?"

Li Jiahao fell silent.

"And why did Gu Chen appear here at this time node? It shouldn't be!

"Wait, what time is it and how long the hell have I been sleeping?"

Li Jiahao suddenly seemed to think of something, and directly turned his head to ask the little secretary beside him.

"You just slept for 9 hours!"

The little secretary was a little strange this time, why Li Jiahao asked like this.

Is it sleepiness?

"Nine hours... That's all right!

Li Jiahao's eyes began to deepen.

"If I say this, I haven't overslept, then Gu Chen should now represent Longteng Group on the Wanhao Stock Exchange!"

"Why is it here?"

"Isn't it going to be a base station for special quantum communication?"

Li Jiahao's heart was full of doubts, so puzzled that Li Jiahao felt that Gu Chen was definitely not so simple, because he wanted to visit this Causeway Bay.

So here it is.

"He must have his own plans!"

Suddenly, Li Jiahao's thoughts were all on Gu Chen's body.

And his own child Li Jiajun? Ah, who is that?

"Zoom in on their scene for me!"

In the end, Li Jiahao felt as if he had overlooked something.

"Yes, who are those people who are hugging Gu Chen?"

"Wouldn't it be the same if you found them?"

"I can know from them the intention of Gu Chen to come this time!"

Li Jiahao, who wanted to understand this, said directly to the little secretary beside him.

"Yes, yes, yes! It's just to magnify these people! "

I want all their information!"

However, just after Li Jiahao's voice fell, the little secretary took out the remote control and continuously analyzed and amplified it in high-definition.

Li Jiahao suddenly saw the figure beside Gu Chen, and immediately widened his eyes.

The little secretary also glanced over gently.

Suddenly thought to myself.

"It seems that these people's information does not need to be found!"

That's right, you don't need to look for it, because there is no need for it.

These people who followed Gu Chen, Li Jiahao knew ah!

After all, Li Jiahao spent a lot of effort to convince them to join him or be acquired by himself.

But in the end, neither Li Jiahao nor their own parents had a chance to persuade them.

And now, a long time has passed.

Li Jiahao directly used thunder means.

In an instant, the team of Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others collapsed.

In the end, they even owed a lot of loans and favors.

"Yes, it's all right."

Li Jiahao directly remembered the scene at that time.

"But why did they mix with Gu Chen?"

This is where Li Jiahao is very difficult not to understand.

The little secretary also looked at Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others on the light screen, as if he remembered something.

The eyes also began to blink.

Li Jiahao didn't roar madly at this time.

Instead, he began to breathe deeply, and asked the little secretary next to him to take his special antihypertensive medicine.

After drinking his own black water, Li Jiahao felt that his thoughts were a little more flexible.

At the same time, his anger began to gradually disappear at this time.

In its place is a flexible mind and wise eyes.

He looked at the little secretary beside him, and the special antihypertensive medicine in her hand.

"What a good thing! It's a pity that you can't eat more!

"Otherwise, where would I need to take this place to recuperate!"

Li Jiahao angrily punched the nutrient solution pool.

The splash of water stained the little secretary's high heels.

But the little secretary didn't react at all.

Instead, there was a sudden knock at the door.

"Miss Mu! Miss Mu! And

with that came the doctors stationed on this private estate.

The little secretary glanced at Li Jiahao, who motioned to turn off the light screen.

She immediately understood that she was worried about her physical condition, but she didn't want other people to see some secrets.

So, direct double insurance!

Just the moment the little secretary opened the door, the doctors who were stopped outside the door rushed over in an instant.

Everyone carries very sophisticated instruments on them.

He also brought various rescue pills and rescue equipment.

Is this afraid that Li Jiahao will not die?

The little secretary stopped the doctors.

After all, at this time, if there is any problem on Li Jiahao's side.

They're finished!

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