Therefore, just after Li Jiahao saw Sun Shulan because he saw Gu Chen, his heartbeat soared again.

This finally made the doctors who had been running felt fear.

"Mr. Li!"

The gray-haired doctor at the head saw Li Jiahao sitting there intact, and his mood had calmed down a lot.

"Up check!"

But how could it be possible not to start checking it out?

Therefore, at this time, Li Jiahao felt countless instruments rushing up on his body.

"What for!"

"I thought I was going to die!"

"Letting you in is not asking you to check me out! This medicine gives me a way to get some more!

Li Jiahao pointed to the doctor who looked confused on the side, no, it should be pointed to the little secretary.

The doctor almost thought that Li Jiahao had finally gone crazy and wanted to use someone to administer medicine.

Fortunately, in the end, I saw the medicine in the little secretary's hand, and I was relieved.

"Wait, what medicine?"

The doctor at the head looked at the inexplicable little secretary, and then saw the special antihypertensive drug.

His face instantly began to change.

"This, this, this!"

He said three times in a row.

The emotions and expressions are a little excited.

But after being swept over by Li Jiahao's eyes like a hungry wolf, the doctor suddenly covered his mouth.

"Got it?"

Li Jiahao asked lightly.

The doctor nodded slowly.

"Okay, then you can get out!"

Li Jiahao directly issued the eviction order, but the doctor looked like he wanted to say something, but just when he was about to say something.

The little secretary gave the doctor a gentle punch directly from behind, which was a reminder.

He suddenly woke up and couldn't speak anymore.

So, after gratefully glancing at the little secretary, this guy silently left the room with his teammates.

Li Jiahao glanced at the little secretary.

"You have a great kindness!"

The little secretary did not answer Li Jiahao's words, but just turned on the light screen again.

Li Jiahao looked at her deeply again.

The latter remains unmoved.

"Huh! I hope I didn't raise a white-eyed wolf!

Finally, after Li Jiahao suddenly said such a sentence, he shifted his gaze back to this light screen.

He began to think about a lot of things.

"But there is not enough information!"

"It's when I can't pull my hands out the most! Troublesome!

Li Jiahao suddenly said to the little secretary.

"Do you want to go out and see?"

Before the little secretary could answer, Li Jiahao helped her say the answer.

"I don't want to, then forget it, call me Chen Mouren, I should ask him, who is the person being entertained today!"

"No, no, no!"

However, just after Li Jiahao finished speaking, the little secretary was ready to call.

Li Jiahao changed his mind again.

"Wouldn't calling Chen Muren at this time be a mess of yourself?"

"It's still for Tong Zixin, it's not right."

Li Jiahao said Tong Zixin's name, and suddenly noticed a trace of detail that he seemed to have ignored before.

"Huahai City, Xiangcheng Island, Gu Chen, Tong Zixin."

He silently began to chant a few words, and the little secretary unconsciously looked at him twice.

Because other people, this little secretary will not have any reaction.

But when it comes to Tong Zixin, the waves in the little secretary's heart will be great.

Who let Tong Zixin be Li Jiahao's little secretary before himself?

"Could it be that Tong Zixin has her own ideas? So hid it..." Li

Jiahao's words were not finished, but the little secretary beside him spoke.

"Sister Zixin didn't hide it, she had already reported Gu Chen's whereabouts before!"

"It's just that you just fell asleep at the time, I didn't wake you up!"

The little secretary's respectful attitude did not make Li Jiahao suspicious of her words.

Just nodded faintly.

"So it is! Then call Li Jiasheng! I should also give this guy a little task to do, otherwise he may think that I gave up on him again!

Finally, Li Jiahao finally remembered his hidden son.

After seeing Li Jiajun's waste, suddenly Li Jiahao felt that his son, who was capable of culture and martial arts, and had a very unique investment vision, was very promising.

"At least the business talent above is very similar to me!"

"It's just, it's a little too cold!"

Li Jiahao thought so in his heart, and sighed involuntarily.

That's right, in Li Jiahao's heart, he really regarded his hidden son Li Jiasheng as his candidate spare tire.

However, Li Jiahao was very reluctant in his heart to let Li Jiasheng take the throne.

Why, because to some extent, Li Jiasheng is too much like himself.

He clearly knew that if Li Jiajun, his own waste son, came to power, he would definitely not do anything crazy to Li Jiasheng, or kill him.

But if Li Jiasheng takes the throne, according to his ruthless attitude, Li Jiajun can not die in the end.

He will also be imprisoned for life.

"Hey! If you want to blame, blame you for learning too much like me!

"You have completely forgotten what it means to learn from me, and the one who is like me is dead!"

Li Jiahao sighed in his heart.

If he had a choice, he would definitely not want Li Jiasheng, a good seedling, to suffer.

"Hey, Secretary Mu?"

And just when Li Jiahao was thinking about it, the little secretary had already dialed Li Jiasheng's phone.

Li Jiasheng on the other end of the phone was still dressed roughly, and seemed to be exercising.

"Li Sheng is looking for you."

The little secretary just said such a sentence lightly.

The linked Bluetooth headset was stuffed into Li Jiahao's ears.

The latter snorted directly, and Li Jiasheng's side suddenly heard the sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping.

"This kid?"

Li Jiahao's brows frowned, this voice was too familiar to him!


After no more than ten seconds, Li Jiasheng on the other end of the phone seemed to have finally packed up himself and said very respectfully.

"Do you have any orders?"

Li Jiahao listened to this voice with its own barriers, and he didn't know why he suddenly fell silent.

If possible, I would like to hear my son call out to Daddy.

However, it is impossible, don't say that Li Jiahao himself will be awkward to hear.

Li Jiasheng himself may say that he will feel the same awkward.

In this way, a thing that both sides will find awkward no matter who says it or who listens.

So why say anything more?

"There's something for you to deal with."

Therefore, Li Jiahao directly gave orders to his son Li Jiasheng without any politeness.

"You say."

Over there, Li Jiasheng was naked on the bed listening to his father's arrangement Li Jiahao.

"Gu Chen... Chen Mouren... 5G base station. Li

Jiahao is worthy of being a super old river, and in a few words, he told Li Jiasheng all about Gu Chen's arrival, the link with the project of the Wanhao Stock Exchange, as well as Tong Zixin's efforts, and some other things that Li Jiahao could think of.

Hearing this, Li Jiasheng always felt a tingling feeling in his scalp.

"Chairman, are you asking me to join in and see what is going on?"

But at this time, Li Jiasheng did not have any right to refuse at all.

Therefore, Li Jiasheng directly asked Li Jiahao what he wanted to do.

Then plan for yourself early.

"No, Chen Mouren Chen Yu has Tong Zixin over there, it's enough!"

"You are still a raw face by Gu Chen's side now, and you are also your own person, so you can trust it! You go and see if there is any problem on Gu Chen's side.

"It's best to find out what Gu Chen wants to do."

"If you can, you can dress me up and change my image!" Otherwise, if you just go over there, no one will want to deal with you! Li

Jiahao's last words were suddenly filled with a human touch.

Li Jiasheng, who was engaged, suddenly felt that Li Jiahao seemed to be facing him, and the relationship between the two was as if his father was sitting together to discuss things.

But soon, Li Jiasheng reacted, and he said directly in the telephone.

"Okay chairman, but I can't guarantee my success rate by then..." Before

Li Jiasheng's words were finished, Li Jiahao spoke again.

"I think you can do it one hundred percent!"

Li Jiasheng's face suddenly began to turn pale, what a thing! Is he being seen too much?

If you tell the truth, you will be beaten by your father.

Then Li Jiasheng is completely willing.

Otherwise, let Li Jiahao give himself a very challenging game, no, it should be the time to say ten dead and lifeless things.

Li Jiasheng's mood is very complicated.

The most important thing is that Li Jiahao may not know much about Gu Chen.

But from the deeds I saw before, as well as Gu Chen's personal resume or something.

It has already made Li Jiasheng feel the pressure.

He even directly manipulated a wave because he thought of Gu Chen's self-directing and self-acting, not right, he earned a wave of investment money.

Directly let Li Jiasheng's first proof of his funds was also completed in this process.

Therefore, to say how terrible Gu Chen is, Li Jiasheng will tell him clearly.

"Gu Chen is definitely the one that cannot be defeated."

"And if there is any wind and grass, it will not be visible in Gu Chen's eyes?"

"After all, that's Gu Chen! It is Gu Chen who pits many people! After

such a roar in his heart.

Li Jiasheng said in a very pitted voice.

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