"I, I think I seem to see, no, I'm sure I can't catch up with Gu Chen in the first place!"

However, because Li Jiasheng did not speak for a long time, he was in his own brainstorming.

This caused Li Jiahao to think that this kid did not respect himself.

So I hung up the phone directly.

Li Jiasheng felt very aggrieved.

"What is this called!"

He regained his emotions, but the whole person seemed to be dehydrated.

Especially thinking of how powerful Tong Zixin told himself before that Gu Chen was.

It made Li Jiasheng feel prostrate.

"Then let's see where Gu Chen's whereabouts have gone, right?"

After thinking of this, Li Jiasheng sent a text message to the little secretary.

"Sister Mi asks for intelligence support!"

But the little secretary over there was still with Li Jiahao, and he didn't mean to touch the mobile phone at all.

"This kid, so daring, actually dares to play silence for me."

Li Jiahao casually threw out the Bluetooth headset in his ear.

After the little secretary picked it up very respectfully, he and Li Jiahao decided whether to eat or something.

But Li Jiahao waved his hand.

"Not hungry! You go get busy with yours!

The little secretary left silently.

When the sound of the high heels faded away, Li Jiahao reopened his closed eyes.

"Gu Chen? Tong Zixin? When

the little secretary walked on the road, his expression did not change at all.

But when she came to her office, she silently opened the toilet.

The mobile phone and Bluetooth headset were directly thrown in the trash without reluctance.

Then he began his daily course of cleansing the whole body.

She kept rinsing her palms and eyes.

It seems that this will get rid of a lot of chilling things.

Finally, after doing these things, the little secretary walked out of the bathroom.

Very skillfully pulled out his phone.

Ignoring the news of some of the heads of various companies that report to themselves and lick dogs, bosses, and rich businessmen.

She went directly to the regional head of Xiangcheng Island Unicom.

"Let's transfer numbers."

The person in charge on the other end was also quick to respond.

"Okay! Miss Mi!

After finishing this work, the little secretary saw the message that Li Jiasheng sent him.


She thought of what Li Jiahao said to herself.

"This video must be destroyed!"

Then the little secretary prepared to forward his backup video to Li Jiasheng.

But just as his finger rested on the send key, the little secretary suddenly stopped.

"Almost missed a flaw."

She said to herself, and then silently hid her video file.

At the same time, he also said to Li Jiasheng.

"What video?"

"It's a video with Gu Chen's itinerary!"

Li Jiasheng also seems to be his own licking dogs, speeding back and forth.

But the little secretary was still stuck unhurriedly for three minutes before speaking.

"That thing, Li Sheng said that he didn't want others to see it, so he let me destroy it."

"What? Destroyed? Li

Jiasheng fell into thought, and being able to make his father Li Jiahao feel invisible to people must be a video that revealed a lot of important things.

"I really want to see it!"

Li Jiasheng licked his lips, but he also knew that even if the video was not destroyed now, the little secretary would not be able to give the video to himself.

Otherwise, if Li Jiahao knows that he has seen the video, it is estimated that it will be a bloody storm.

"Then, can Sister Mi show mercy to her brother, is there anything in this video?"

In order to be able to get a little more information, Li Jiasheng must sell his dignity in exchange for knowledge.

It's just....this doesn't work very well.


The little secretary gave him a very cold response and quickly hung up his phone.

Li Jiasheng slammed his mobile phone directly on the ground.

The sound of the screen shattering was his mood at the moment.

"Special! You stinky woman! Isn't it just a dog following the dead old man? What do you have to be proud of?

"You wait, you wait for me to solve Li Jiajun's waste!" Let the dead old man have no choice! You will know who is the last person to inherit the business empire, who your master is!

Li Jiasheng roared angrily.

But roar to roar, anger to anger.

In the end, after Li Jiasheng's anger subsided, he silently resumed his usual state.

He silently took out his other mobile phone.

Very skillfully inserted the SIM card into it and started calling Tong Zixin's phone.

However, this time, there was no reaction.

There is no chance to even break in.

Because, in addition to Li Jiasheng calling Tong Zixin at this time, Li Jiajun is still persistently carrying out life-killing serial calls.

"Damn it!"

This made Li Jiasheng, who was already very unhappy, feel a kind of sadness.

It was pain from the depths of one's own soul.

How to say.

"When you feel that life is not going well, don't doubt that the whole society and everything you experience are contradicting you!"

Li Jiasheng thought of this and

sighed silently.

"Then, it seems that I can only find Chen Mouren, and I don't believe that he can not answer the phone!"

Therefore, Li Jiasheng directly called Chen Mouren, who is now in a drunken state.

This time, Li Jiasheng was already ready, and Chen Mouren was not ready to answer the phone.

Therefore, when the phone rang for the second time, Li Jiasheng was already ready to hang up.

Who knows, Chen Mouren actually gave face very much to connect.

"Hey, who!"

Li Jiasheng said immediately.

"It's me, Jiasheng!"

He was excited and wanted to get some news from Chen Mouren.

Even if it's just a little.

It's just....To Li Jiasheng's disappointment, Chen Mouren did connect the phone.

But Chen Mouren on the other end of the phone was obviously in a delirious situation.

"Oh oh oh ~ It's Jia Sheng! Well you came! Come to the company, drink and dance with me!

"I'll tell you! I ran into an opponent today! Oops! Don't grab my phone, it's not chocolate! Don't eat it! When

Li Jiasheng heard this drunken speech, he didn't know that Chen Mouren was drunk.

I'm in a delirious situation.

He silently scolded in his heart.

"Neuropathy! Drinking in the broad day?!

But soon Li Jiasheng told himself in his heart not to give birth, and now Chen Mouren can be said to be his last lifesaver.

Otherwise, Xiangcheng Island is so big, where will he go to look for Gu Chen's traces.

"I'm busy right now, I have a question for you! Did Gu Chen follow you?

"Forget it, he shouldn't be there, do you know where he last appeared?"

Li Jiasheng asked directly, because he knew that if he talked to this drunken cat at this time, maybe he would become more and more confused, and then he would be completely taken away from the center by Chen Mouren.

Therefore, Li Jiasheng came up with a single knife attack.

However, the effect was not very good, because Chen Mouren said directly with a big tongue.

"Gu Chen? Who is Gu Chen! I only see my Brother Chen in my eyes now! Ahaha! Come and have a drink!

"There are three more after drinking this cup!"

He directly used his mobile phone as a wine glass and was about to go towards Chen Yu's mouth.

"I really can't drink anymore, I can't drink anymore!"

And Chen Yu on the other end also looked completely intoxicated.

And also very duplicitous, in the face of Chen Mouren's pouring wine, the mouth said not to do it.

But physically he was very honest, and directly put his mouth on the mobile phone handed over by Chen Muren and smacked hard.

Li Jiasheng on the other end of the listening phone hung up the phone directly in disgust.

"Groove! Why are these people so unreliable!

Li Jiasheng fiercely wanted to drop his mobile phone on the ground again, but at the last moment, he stopped his actions.

"Forget it, why do such a brainless thing!"

"Then you can only find them!"

"It's really annoying!"

In the end, when Li Jiasheng had no choice, he thought of the gray area organization he knew.

Then he called them again.

Although the connection speed on the other end of the phone this time was slow, it gave Li Jiasheng a sense of stability in his heart.

Because these people never disappear and will not let you down.

Unless it was like the last time, a dragon crossing the river came to Xiangcheng Island, and it scared them too much to move.

And Chen Mouren and Chen Yu at the wine banquet were still drinking and drinking.

But Tong Zixin felt a little unable to sit still.

Because she had just heard the two words Gu Chen that came out of Chen Mouren's mouth.

It has already made Tong Zixin instantly feel that something is wrong.

"Someone is checking Gu Zong?"

"Who is it? Lee Ka Ho?

She immediately became nervous, and at the same time wanted to take out her mobile phone and send a message to Gu Chen to ask Gu Chen about his current situation.

But Tong Zixin resisted this impulse.

Because she thought of what Gu Chen had said to herself on the cruise ship.

"Don't try to contact me after we separate."

"Even if there is something urgent, let Chen Yu contact me!"

"Try to cut off our connection, it's good for you and me, otherwise if there is really any dangerous situation, we won't be able to escape!"

Gu Chen's explanation made Tong Zi silently give up the idea of contacting Gu Chen.

Then naturally she couldn't see the hundreds of missed calls on her phone.

This made Li Jiasheng and Li Jiajun both anxious in their hearts, but helpless.

Otherwise, Li Jiasheng would not have gone to those people in the gray area.

Li Jiajun will not have any thoughts of revenge now, and his heart is completely hung on Tong Zixin's safety.

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