"I wonder if President Gu is interested in buying the naming rights of one or two asteroids to give away?"

"Like this leopard-like lady next to you?"

Gu Chen was a little surprised when he heard this.

Looking at Jiang Min, sure enough, at this time, she looked very fierce, like a female leopard.


Gu Chen knew that this was because Jiang Min was one of the manifestations stimulated by this woman.

He certainly wouldn't dwell too much on this issue.

Otherwise, there will be some problems that Gu Chen does not want to face.

Therefore, Gu Chen began to change the topic.

"Just now you said that you discovered a new asteroid based on the trajectory of the Tiangong."

"So, I also have my credit for this?"

"Then why don't you just give me the naming rights of the two asteroids and let me buy them?"

"What for? Not enough money again?

Gu Chen's words were very sharp, so sharp that the face of the woman on the other side began to change wonderfully, it seemed to be a little embarrassed, but she smiled and said.

"Mr. Gu still knows us! During this time, we have done a lot of work, and the recent expenses are indeed a bit large and need a little support. Saying

that, she rubbed her hands together.

In an instant, her previous dusty temperament was completely corrupted.

Jiang Min suddenly lost any hostility towards this guy.

"Brother Gu Chen, who is this person?"

At the same time, Jiang Min was also curious about the identity of this woman, so she asked Gu Chen directly.

"She, I'll introduce you."

Gu Chen only remembered at this time that he didn't seem to have introduced Jiang Min to the woman opposite him.

"No need, I'll do it myself!"

And just when Gu Chen was about to speak, the woman on the opposite side walked down the steps and came to Jiang Min.

"Eh, your eyes are beautiful!"

"Let me guess that your name must have a star or something in it?"

And just when Jiang Min didn't react, the woman came up directly and came in close contact with Jiang Min.

The latter were taken aback by the woman.

"What are you doing!"

Jiang Min took two steps back, and Gu Chen also frowned at this time and said.

"Liang Sixing can do it!"

The woman known as Liang Sixing suddenly glanced at Gu Chen with disgust and said.

"Hey, hey, didn't you say let me introduce myself to this sister, what are you suddenly interjecting for?"

She was a little unhappy, but in the face of Gu Chen's cold eyes, Liang Sixing still silently coughed twice and said.

"Okay, okay, don't look at me with your horrible eyes, I'm scared! Normal is coming, normal is coming!

Liang Sixing waved her hand again and again to indicate that she would be very normal and very normal, and then she straightened her waist, looked at Jiang Min, who was like a frightened bird, and said very gently.

"I'm sorry little sister, I scared you before, I just haven't seen outsiders for too long! Don't mind if you're a little overly excited!

Liang Sixing showed a very gentlemanly look, stretched out a hand to Jiang Min, and then began to formally introduce himself.

"My name is Liang Sixing, and I am the person in charge of this astronomy club, but we are not an official organization, we are a non-governmental organization spontaneously established by a group of enthusiasts who like astronomy and stars."

"So, we people are all unpaid, Gu Chen is our big boss!!"

"He's many times richer than the gold lord dad we looked for before! Shot generously! Therefore, little sister, you can rest assured that I will not and dare not do anything excessive to you!"

"Otherwise, if we make a certain gold lord dad unhappy, then this astronomy club of ours, our last holy place, can directly prepare to disband!"

Liang Sixing said and wiped her tears with her other hand, showing that she was really very sad.

Because after Jiang Min saw Liang Sixing's temperament completely changed, the whole person had a feeling of an intellectual big sister.

Let Jiang Min involuntarily have a good impression of Liang Sixing.

It is this kind of good feeling that makes Jiang Min have a sympathy and trust for Liang Sixing, who is now hiding his face and crying, which is why Jiang Min did not find out that Liang Sixing was pretending to cry for the first time.

"Sister Liang, don't cry if it's okay, my brother Gu Chen is a very good person, he won't cut off the source of funds for you at will!"

"You really don't have to think about it that much!"

Jiang Min began to comfort Liang Sixing in turn, but the latter showed a victorious smile when his head was lowered.

But when Liang Sixing raised his head, the smile also dissipated instantly.

"Really, then did you forgive your sister's previous reckless behavior?"

Liang Sixing looked at Jiang Min with a very earnest look, and the latter quickly nodded and said.

"Of course, I forgave you a long time ago! No, I'm not angry at all! Don't worry!

Jiang Min's words made Liang Sixing very moved, and then continued to ask.

"What's your name sister?"

"My name is Jiang Min."

"Good name, you are a very good match for an asteroid we recently discovered, so let's decide!" The naming rights of that asteroid are given to you! Liang

Sixing waved his big hand up, ready to send a planet to Jiang Min.

This frightened Jiang Min, because she didn't know the value of this asteroid at all, but from the same posture when Liang Sixing asked Gu Chen for money before.

Jiang Min subconsciously felt that the value of an asteroid was very expensive.

But in reality, it's just a naming right, it's not a big deal at all.

It's all virtual.

Therefore, this kind of capitalless transaction made by Liang Sixing to gain Jiang Min's favor is simply costless!

Gu Chen couldn't stand it, and didn't want such a simple Jiang Min to be deceived by Liang Sixing, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Wait, wait! Xiaomin, did you know ... The naming right of this asteroid is actually..."

But before Gu Chen's words were finished, he was directly interrupted by Liang Sixing.

"Sister Jiang Min!"

Liang Sixing pulled up Jiang Min's palm and said very sincerely.

"You are here as a guest today, and I have nothing to entertain you, so be it! Let's have a cup of tea first!

At the same time, Liang Sixing also glanced at Gu Chen slightly, and secretly threw a look at Gu Chen.

It seems to be telling Gu Chen not to debunk their tricks.


Gu Chen is certainly not the kind of guy who will be threatened.

Or directly told Jiang Min the truth about the asteroid naming right that Liang Sixing hidden.

The latter suddenly realized.

"So that's it!"

She looked at Liang Sixing, who was already looking around there looking like she was fine.

However, Jiang Min did not think much about this matter.

"Brother Gu Chen brought me here, maybe to seek the help of this Liang Sixing, or what is the use of Liang Sixing, then I have no reason to make trouble!"

"It's better to do less of unreasonable things!"

Jiang Min, who wanted to understand this, directly waved his hand and said.

"Oh, having said all this, I'm a little tired standing outside, why can't we go in and say it?"

Jiang Min's overall view of the overall situation made Gu Chen gratified, and also made Liang Sixing feel that this little sister was quite good, at least quite tolerable.

If she was in Jiang Min's grade, she wouldn't have suffered a loss at all.

If you receive a grievance, it will definitely burst out directly! Let the world feel pain!

Liang Sixing is so fierce.

"Okay, okay, then let's come in!"

But now, Liang Sixing has accepted the beating of society and has become a person who knows very well what it means to judge the time and size up the situation.

She connected Gu Chen and Jiang Min into her house together.

And began to introduce to them the layout of this astronomy club.

"First of all, the houses here are all built by ourselves, and many of the precision instruments have been donated."

"Among our members, there are also some rich people, and they have also obtained some instruments and so on."

"So, we have more and more houses on the top of this mountain."

"It's the kind of complex you see now."

"Sitting on the north facing south, combining the two areas vertically and horizontally, it is relatively regular and simple."

After Liang Sixing said directly, he took Gu Chen and Jiang Min to his lookout.

However, before Gu Chen nor Jiang Min could say anything, Liang Sixing directly stopped his steps.

Asked in the empty hall of this observation deck.

"Okay, when you get here, it's absolutely safe to speak, so Mr. Gu, are you coming to Xiangcheng Island on a business trip this time?"

"Or do you want to do something?"

Jiang Min looked at Liang Sixing, her expression was very cold, and her tone was very stable.

It's completely different from the previous playful expression.

"You don't need to know this, but I may need a little help from you in the next while."

But Gu Chen obviously didn't want this Liang Sixing to know too much, so his expression and voice were also very cold.

"Is that so? Then I won't inquire! At

first, Jiang Min thought that this Liang Sixing was going to be ready to ask questions.

Who knows, after hearing Gu Chen say this, this guy silently gave up his problem.

"So open-minded?"

Probably Liang Sixing noticed Jiang Min's expression so he said.

"Huh? Little sister, you look very puzzled, are you wondering why I didn't break the casserole and ask the end?

"The reason is very simple, what is Gu Chen's identity, what is my identity?"

"He has to do big things, and if he has big things, the fewer people who know about them, the better!"

"After all, this will be the least risky, right?"

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