"Hmph, that's right, but you're only half right, and there are other reasons for half of it."

Gu Chen smiled slightly after hearing Liang Sixing's words, and appreciated this Liang Sixing more and more.

A woman who can control her emotions at any time and suppress her curiosity is an animal.

Already a very good Tiger.

And Liang Sixing is not simple, he was able to find himself through official channels after ascending into the starry sky in the Heavenly Palace.

This has said a lot of things, that is, this Liang Sixing is definitely not as simple as she herself said.

Coupled with his own self-knowledge, Gu Chen really wanted to include this Liang Sixing under his command to do things for himself.

It's just that Gu Chen and Liang Sixing's several video calls and voice calls have shown this meaning.

But Liang Sixing cleverly changed the topic and directly laughed this question off.

So Gu Chen also knew that this Liang Sixing didn't have the idea of wanting to do things with him, and the two were not people all the way at all.

Liang Sixing looked at Gu Chen's smiling expression a little curious, but her reason told herself not to ask too much.

Otherwise, you will definitely get into a deep quagmire, and maybe you will be involved in a lot of trouble.

“okok! Since Gu always has his own reasons, then I won't ask more!

"It's just, there's one thing I still need to know."

Liang Sixing waved his hand, indicating that he would not pay too much attention to what Gu Chen wanted to do in Xiangcheng Island.

What she wanted to know was what Gu Chen's purpose was in coming to her astronomy club this time.

"Could it be that Mr. Gu deliberately ran up just to find me, a netizen? Face base?

"Oh, that's a bit shy!"

Liang Sixing hugged his shoulders and became shy.

The corner of Jiang Min's mouth twitched, and he wanted to go up and slap this guy, because Liang Sixing at this time was simply green tea upper body, and his body exuded a smell of tea! People want to beat them up at a glance.

"Of course not, you think a little too much."

But Gu Chen said the opposite straightforwardly, which made Jiang Min feel a little relieved in his heart.

"It seems that Brother Gu Chen still has a certain ability to appreciate tea! I shouldn't have to worry anymore! Thinking

so, Jiang Min looked at Gu Chen, because she was also very curious, why did Gu Chen take so long to come to the top of this mountain, why didn't she go back to live on the cruise ship?

"Then Mr. Gu, what exactly do you want to do?"

Liang Sixing asked again.

Gu Chen answered very happily this time.

"I said if I just came to stay with you for a few days, would you believe it?"

Lee Ka Sheng paid the price with great difficulty, and learned from the people in the gray area that there had been a very egregious attack in Causeway Bay.

Xiangcheng Island officials attach great importance to it, but they frantically delete posts on the Internet to eliminate the influence.

And the scene in Causeway Bay is where Gu Chen once appeared.

"Gu Chen? Rampage incident?

"Could it be that Gu Chen made this violent incident? But why?

"Isn't this Gu Chen knowing the law and breaking the law?"

Lee Jiasheng couldn't understand this a little, so he silently followed this clue to the Internet and began to search for news about the Causeway Bay car show.

"What the hell will these two cars be, I have never heard of it, it is not the concubine of any family of Zhao Qiansun and Li, how can it be said that the official organization of Causeway Bay has set up such a car show in such a huge crowded place as Causeway Bay?"

The more Li Jiasheng looked, the more he felt that something was wrong, and he felt as if he had overlooked something.

So I began to look for specific news about these two car clubs on the Internet.


In the end, Lee Ka Sheng finally relied on his spending tactics to dig out the information of the two car meetings that opened the auto show in Causeway Bay.

At the same time, the expression on Li Jiasheng's face began to become very solemn.

"Li Jiajun!"

He silently said these three words, his eyes were also very sharp looking at the screen, always feeling as if he had thought of something.

But it seems that it is a flash of inspiration that cannot be captured at all.

"No, Lee Ka Chun, where is there such a big deal to persuade the official managers of Causeway Bay to carry out such a thankless, and if there are not enough police, it will be very difficult to clean up the chaotic car show."

This thought made Li Jiasheng lower his head and think more.

Finally, he thought of the reason why Li Jiajun had such powerful resources when he went out to rely on himself.

"It's a dead old man!"

Li Jiasheng couldn't wait to crush a mouthful of his teeth directly, and jealousy and anger kept surrounding Li Jiasheng's chest.

He was really angry and didn't understand why Li Jiahao was so partial to Li Jiajun!

"It's obviously a waste! But always get the most preferential treatment!

"And the really good me will always be suppressed!" Why is that! Li

Jiasheng really didn't understand, so he was carried away by anger and directly began to post anonymously on the Internet.

"The mover after the tragedy in Causeway Bay!"

It was only after this post had just been edited that it was inundated with an instant troll.

There was no splash and repercussions at all, and there was such an instant silence in the power of capital.

This made Li Jiasheng even more angry, and he also silently thought of something.

"No, at this time, I don't have the strength to compete with the dead old man! I have to find a way..."

Li Jiasheng stood up and circled in place, as if thinking about what kind of way he could help him fulfill all his dreams.

Then, Li Jiasheng thought of a person.

"Gu Chen, yes! Gu Chen!

He thought of the man in Tong Zixin's mouth who was perfect to the extreme.

He thought of the man who had done something he didn't dare to do.

"As long as I invest in Gu Chen's side, maybe things will turn around!"

Li Jiasheng, who suddenly had this idea in his heart, couldn't control himself from thinking about it.

"No, no, even if Gu Chen is really as divine as Tong Zixin said, then I always have to see Gu Chen himself to be able to bet on treasures!"

"Instead of getting nothing at the end or getting a return that is not proportional to your own efforts, what use is there, it's just a trick!"

"Then Gu Chen, where are you now!"

Li Jiasheng silently calmed down and decided to look for Gu Chen's traces.

Therefore, he was sitting at his desk and began to use his strength to look for Gu Chen.

Although because of Li Jiajun, Li Jiasheng does not have many opportunities to appear.

Even in order to avoid being discovered about his relationship with Li Jiahao because of his name.

Outside, Li Jiasheng is not called Li Jiasheng, but has a fake name.

"Wei Yilang."

This is a name that Li Jiasheng directly blurted out when Li Jiahao asked Li Jiasheng to choose a name.

In fact, the meaning is very simple.

Pseudo Yilang is saying that Li Jiajun, the heir of Li Jiahao on the surface, is the boss of the Xu family.

The real heir is him Li Jiasheng!


I don't know how much red wine I drank, and I don't know how much cowhide I blew.

When Chen Yu regained a little consciousness, he felt that his breathing was very unsmooth.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that I didn't know whose foot was on my chest.

He weakly moved the foot away.

At the same time, it was very difficult to come to the other side, slowly sat up, and looked at the mess in front of him.

He always felt as if he had lost some memory.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Why so many wine bottles? Why are there still black ones in red and white?

Chen Yu looked at where he was, it seemed to be a bedroom-like place.

The blue sky and white clouds outside the window are a good scenery in the afternoon.

However, Chen Yu looked at the strange man beside him, as if he was a little confused as if he was dreaming.

"Did I drink a broken piece?"

Finally, Chen Yu looked at this Chen Mouren and remembered that he seemed to be drinking and singing with this Chen Mouren on this Wanhao Stock Exchange before.

But the next moment, I appeared in the hotel room.


Chen Yu suddenly had a very bad premonition, which made him feel an emotion called fear.

He silently lifted his quilt, and his heartbeat accelerated to more than one hundred and fifty.

"Whew! It scares me to death!

But fortunately, after the last quilt was lifted, Chen Yu did not see any picture that he was worried about.

He and Chen Mouren's clothes are always good, without any traces of passivity.

"This can be regarded as eating him and drinking him, but not doing things for him, right?"

At the same time, Chen Yu also thought of the arrangement between Gu Chen, and felt that he should do well this time.

"It's just, I don't know what programs will be arranged for me if this guy is drunk by me next!"

"Come and test me!"

Chen Yu was excited, and then he felt the pain of his brain buzzing, and the good guy directly let him fall on the bed and continue his sleeping journey.

But Tong Zixin in the other room was a little dumbfounded.

"More than one hundred and forty missed calls?"

She had just recharged her phone, and at first, she wondered why her phone was so undurable today.

After all, this is a new mobile phone, and it was Tong Zixin who bought the mobile phone not long ago.

If it leaks like this, Tong Zixin will definitely go to someone to ask why.

Then, just after Tong Zixin turned on the phone, she immediately understood why her mobile phone was so useless.

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