"Who is this!"

Tong Zixin was chanting who was on his lips, but he kept talking in his heart.

"It's Gu Chen, it's Gu Chen!"

She couldn't wait to open her mobile phone, thinking that Gu Chen kept calling herself because she was worried about herself.

But when I saw the number that gave me a big headache.

Tong Zixin directly and silently rolled his eyes.

"What a shame!"

She muttered, and continued to look through, who knew that at this time someone actually called again.

"It's Li Jiajun again!"

Tong Zixin glanced at the number on the screen, and without saying a word, he directly turned on the mute button.

"Why is this guy so endless?"

Tong Zixin was very speechless, it was strange that this Li Jiajun had nothing to do at all?

Doesn't it mean that he is going to earn bride price money now? Why do you still have so much effort to find yourself?

"Isn't that a fuss?"

On Li Jiajun's side, he finally waited for Tong Zixin's phone to be dialed, and his original irritable mood revived again.

"Zixin finally turned on, it seems that it should be the end of the busy!"

"But why don't you answer the phone?"

Li Jiajun was happy and happy, but Tong Zixin still did not answer the phone, which still made Li Jiajun feel very painful.

And what is even more painful is that Tong Zixin just waited for Li Jiajun to hang up the phone, and he just wanted to contact Gu Chen.

As a result, this Li Jiajun actually hit again seamlessly.

Directly beat Tong Zixin out of anger.

"Damn it!"

So when Li Jiajun called for the third time, Tong Zixin answered the phone directly.

"What do you want to do?"

The cold voice reached Li Jiajun's ears through the phone, but it was as if a warm spring had arrived.

All of a sudden, Li Jiajun didn't know what to say.

"Me that me!"

He was speechless, as if he were a fool.

Uncle Liu was also a little unbearable on the side.

Fortunately, in the end, Li Jiajun relied on the exercise since this time to control his emotions before he opened his mouth and said to Tong Zixin.

"Zixin, it's me, I'm Jiajun!"

Then Tong Zixin frowned and said.

"I know who you are, what am I asking you for?"

"Nothing else, don't make so many calls, I thought my phone was broken!"

Tong Zixin began to blame Li Jiajun without any politeness.

But the latter is not temperamental at all, hehe said with a smile.

"Oh Zixin, I didn't miss you too much, do I want to hear your voice? If I call you and you don't answer, I'll be worried, so my temper You know, I must have waited for your phone to connect to me at ease, right?

Li Jiajun opened his mouth and came, completely surprised by Tong Zixin finally connecting his phone, happily forgetting his original purpose.

Tong Zixin frowned, didn't he think that it was such a simple reason?

"You called me more than a hundred times because of this?"

In order to avoid missing important things, Tong Zixin asked Li Jiajun again.

"Yes, because in my eyes you are the most important! In my heart you are the only one! Li

Jiajun subconsciously began to express his heart for his love.

Hearing this, the boy was about to vomit out disgustingly.

"Can you talk?"

"Can you talk properly?"

"Okay, okay, I'll hang up if it's okay!"

At the same time, Tong Zixin was almost sure that this Li Jiajun was vexatious and had nothing to do, and there was nothing too important to tell him, so he was ready to hang up the phone.

Li Jiajun begged Tong Zixin not to hang up the phone, and the pitiful tone made Uncle Liu on the side embarrassed.

"Now in order to chase women, are they so undignified?"

"But forget about others, you Li Jiajun is the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island!" He is the heir to the largest business empire on Xiangcheng Island in the future! You actually look like licking a dog like this?

Uncle Liu expressed great incomprehension of Li Jiajun's behavior, and at the same time, he was very strange, what kind of charm this Tong Zixin had to make this business tycoon so dead-hearted.

"It seems that there will be one more person I want to please in the future."

Uncle Liu silently thought in his heart, this boy is happy to drive a luxury car, he can pick a luxury car to give to Tong Zixin.

But the thought of Uncle Che Liu was very heartache.

Because he thought of his own auto show again, because it was held in Causeway Bay, plus the flow of people in this area.

Uncle Liu actually thinks that the sales in the past few days can break through a sky.

But I didn't expect that it was indeed a breakthrough in the sky, but it was not the sales that broke through the sky, but the maintenance rate of its own return to the factory broke through the sky!

Thinking of this, Uncle Liu felt like crying, and the current loss calculation has not yet come out.

However, judging by Uncle Liu's old rivers and lakes, at least he will lose about 300 million.

"This wave is a blood loss!"

Li Jiajun's side did not notice Uncle Liu who was sighing behind him, and even if he did, he would not have any reaction.

Because at this time, Li Jiajun had completely hung up on Tong Zixin's body.

Therefore, for Tong Zixin's to hang up the phone, Li Jiajun did not want to allow it.

However, Tong Zixin is not Li Jiajun's plaything, and he definitely won't think about listening to him or something.

Naturally, he hung up the phone directly.

It's just that at the last moment, finally Li Jiajun seemed to think of something, or finally remembered that he called Tong Zixin to tell her the news that Gu Chen came to Xiangcheng Island!

"Wait! Zixin! Do you know that Gu Chen came to Xiangcheng Island? It

was Li Jiajun's last sentence that loudly penetrated the phone, and Tong Zixin slowed down his hang-up speed.

She silently shifted her finger away from the hang up button.

And then slowly adjusted his breathing, approached the microphone, and began to ask tentatively.

"Gu Chen? What you said about Gu Chen is... Gu Chen of Longteng Group? That Gu Chen who sent you to the detention center? "

In order to make sure that it is not Li Jiajun who is casually fooling himself, or just trying to find an excuse to talk to himself more or something."

So Tong Zixin used very clever words to ask a wave of Li Jiajun.

The latter answer is very crisp and smooth.

This made Tong Zixin realize that Gu Chen had met with Li Jiajun?

All of a sudden, Tong Zixin began to get nervous, because Gu Chen had directly sent this Li Jiajun to the detention center before, and spent a period of hardship until Li Jiajun still had sequelae.

Suddenly, after Gu Chen appeared on Xiangcheng Island, he was discovered by Li Jiajun.

Tong Zixin could hardly imagine that this Li Jiajun would not do anything excessive.

"For example, do the same thing to Gu Chen and send Gu Chen to the detention center for a few days?"

Therefore, Tong Zixin now has to ask Li Jiajun what happened.

"Hey, hey! Sure enough, Zixin was very patient with me! But

Li Jiajun seems to have found a reason to get along well with Tong Zixin.

Uncle Liu was also eavesdropping on the side, especially when he heard Gu Chen's name.

He thought silently for a while, and combined with Li Jiajun's reaction and words, he probably judged that this Gu Chen was scared that Li Jiajun did not dare to move.

Therefore, in addition to eavesdropping beside Li Jiajun, Uncle Liu also began to inquire about who Gu Chen was after taking out his mobile phone.

After all, how can someone who can scare Li Jiajun not dare to move be a non-celebrity?

There must be a very unusual name and origin.

And Uncle Liu was also prepared to witness the origin of the person he wanted to witness.

Then, Uncle Liu finally found an incomplete personal profile of Gu Chen at the end and looked at it.

"Gu Chen, yes, it's that Gu Chen from Huahai City!"

Li Jiajun very generously admitted that the Gu Chen he saw was the Gu Chen that Tong Zixin said.

Tong Zixin immediately became nervous.

"Is it? So where are Gu Chen now? What are you doing?

"Did you do anything to him?" Didn't take revenge on him? Not revenge?

When he said this, although Tong Zixin's tone was very flat and indifferent.

Li Jiajun did not feel any abnormality either.

But if someone appeared next to Tong Zixin now, he would be able to see that Tong Zixin's face was extremely cold.

It seemed that in the next moment, the surroundings would be directly frozen because of Tong Zixin's face.

She also decided from her heart that if Gu Chen had been suffering from Li Jiajun's revenge now.

Or rather, if you have already entered the detention center.

Then he will go directly to this detention center to save people.

"It's just that my undercover identity may be directly exposed later!"

"Forget it, even if it's exposed, it's enough to follow Gu Chen's side anyway!"

"I believe Gu Chen's will definitely protect me!"

"And Gu Chen will not necessarily be rectified by this Li Jiajun."

Tong Zixin thought of this to calm his emotions a little, and also calmed himself down a little.

"Revenge? Revenge? But

Li Jiajun on the other end of the phone was a little blinded.

He didn't quite understand what Tong Zixin said.

Especially after thinking of it before, after Gu Chen appeared, he was already too scared to move.

And he also had to turn his back to Gu Chen.

"Revenge? Isn't that a joke? I can't wait for Gu Chen to see me!

Li Jiajun thought so in his heart, but in reality, especially when talking to his goddess on the phone.

But he thought that he could never be instigated.

Otherwise, wouldn't it seem very weak.

Therefore, Li Jiajun decided to lie, and a white lie may be able to exchange for a very unexpected effect.

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