After sorting out his thoughts, Li Jiajun slowly spoke.

"Yes, I took revenge on Gu Chen."

"But I definitely wasn't for myself, nor for the harm I received in the detention center at that time!"

"It's for some kind person to please Gu Chen for me, and to avenge this humiliation for her!"

"What I want to say about this is that Zixin, I don't care about your past at all, I only care about our future, care about our... Feed? Zixin?

Just when Li Jiajun was expressing his affectionate confession, he thought that he could finally impress this boy Zixin.

Who knew that in Tong Zixin's silence, Tong Zixin actually hung up the phone after listening to Li Jiajun's nagging.

This feeling is very wonderful, like a dumb eating huanglian, there is no way to say it.

Li Jiajun took down the phone plastered on his face with a puzzled look.

"No, did I blow too much and cause Zixin to find out that I was lying?"

"Why did you suddenly hang up the phone?"

He didn't understand very well, obviously he said it before.

"No matter! Just hit one more! Li

Jiajun thought so and made another call, who knew that this time he couldn't get through directly.

He knew why.

"Isn't that blackening me out?"

Tong Zixin really blacked out Li Jiajun, mainly because what he said was too scary, so that Tong Zixin had to temporarily let him roll away, and then go to find Gu Chen himself to ask about the situation.


"Do you think I'll believe it?"

Faced with Gu Chen's explanation that he had only come to live here for two days, Liang Sixing directly asked with his hands crossed at the waist.

"You see, people who tell the truth are always misunderstood."

"Forget it..." When

Gu Chen was about to say something, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Huh? Zixin? When

I picked it up, I saw that it was Tong Zixin who called herself.

"What's wrong? Zixin?

He gave Liang Sixing a look to answer the phone, and the latter signaled him to get busy.

Gu Chen then connected the phone and asked what happened to Tong Zixin, and called him at this time.

"Mr. Gu, are you all right?"

After Tong Zixin heard Gu Chen answer the phone, he immediately began to speak.

The tone was a little anxious, which also made Gu Chen feel strange.

"Me? I'm okay, what can I do? Gu

Chen was directly a little strange, and he always felt that Tong Zixin seemed to be a little wrong.

"Are you really all right? Didn't you meet Lee Ka Joon?

"What? Lee Ka Jun?

Gu Chen thought of passing by with Li Jiajun in Causeway Bay.

I originally thought that Li Jiajun should not see him, but now after hearing Tong Zixin say this.

Where did he not understand that this Li Jiajun deliberately pretended not to see that he was actually holding back in his heart.

"Oh, that's how it is."

After Gu Chen figured this out, he told Tong Zixin what happened in Causeway Bay.

"So dangerous? Mr. Gu, you haven't been affected, have you?

"Don't worry, I hid when I sensed that something was wrong, and I was not injured or affected."

Gu Chen pondered Li Jiajun's mentality at that time.

I guess I think I didn't see him at that time and wanted to yin myself for a wave?

"It's possible!"

Gu Chen directly found a place to sit down and talk to Tong Zixin.

Jiang Min, on the other hand, stayed with Liang Sixing.

"Hey, sister Jiang Min, how did you and Gu Chen meet?"

In order not to make the two get along too awkward or something.

So Liang Sixing launched a chat offensive against Jiang Min for the first time.

However, Jiang Min did not like to talk too much to strangers, mainly distrusting.

"That's how you met, how about you?"

Therefore, Jiang Min began a verbal pull with Liang Sixing while looking at Gu Chen.

"But there is always an opportunity, such as why are you following Gu Chen?"

"You care about me?"

"No, no, no, I'm just curious, after all, people like Gu Chen will probably attract attention just by walking around casually!" As a person who follows him around, he will definitely suffer from twists and turns.

"What zodiac sign are you?"

Liang Sixing looked at Jiang Min curiously.

Jiang Min felt that Liang Sixing was a little abnormal, at least not normal.


Therefore, Jiang Min chose not to talk to Liang Sixing, so he would not be biased by her.


Liang Sixing is not such a stalker, in fact, the main thing is that Gu Chen has ended the communication with Tong Zixin at this time and began to come over.

"Okay, that's it! If there is any special situation on Li Jiajun's side, tell me again.

"You must also pay attention to your own safety, and don't risk yourself because of some profit matters!"

"Okay, everyone be careful."

After Gu Chen finally instructed Tong Zixin a few more words, he came to Liang Sixing's side.

"Where did you talk?"

He looked at Jiang Min and Liang Sixing, and the meaning was very clear.

That is, if Liang Sixing bullied Jiang Min, he would definitely be angry and pursued.

"We didn't say anything!"

"Yes, the little sister's mouth is tight!"

Jiang Min said to Gu Chen as if he was inviting credit, and Liang Sixing agreed with her statement and felt that it was not interesting.


Gu Chen smiled and gently brushed Jiang Min's hair, and the latter showed a comfortable expression of a cat being petted.

"Well, no matter what purpose you have for coming here, anyway, you give money, you are the father of the gold lord, I naturally..." Liang

Sixing couldn't see this warm picture a little, and was ready to interrupt them, who knew that she did indeed interrupt.

But in the same way, she herself was interrupted.

"Liang Sixing!"

A woman in a long blue dress and special Harley glasses rushed in.

Ignoring Gu Chen and Jiang Min, he directly rushed to the side of this Liang Sixing in an instant, and grabbed Liang Sixing's collar.

"Do you know how much your electricity bill has reached this month?"

" The electricity bill of about 20,000 Xiangcheng coins a month in a normal club is already very contrary to the sky! As a result, you actually worked for me for 100,000 wen this month? Do you think that I don't have to pay for the appliances in charge of my home?

"Every time it is exceeded, every time it is exceeded!"

"Can you be a person?"

Liang Sixing was shook dizzy by the woman who suddenly rushed in.

The whole person didn't know what to say.

If it weren't for Jiang Min laughing out loud looking at Liang Sixing's unlucky appearance on the side.

The woman holding Liang Sixing didn't notice that there were other people in this house.

"Huh? Here comes the guest... Yes!

She instantly let go of Liang Sixing, so that Liang Sixing, who had been lifted up, instantly fell to the ground without a little defense.

"Oops! It kills me! Qian Bu Pei!

Liang Sixing rubbed his butt and drank, and as a result, he saw his friend Qian Bupei, who was a part-time accountant of the astronomy club, and was stunned.

Because at this time, Qian Bu Pei was standing very dignified in front of Gu Chen, lowering his head and pretending to be a quail, and said very gently.

"No, I didn't expect Liang Sixing to have a guest today, I'm sorry!" I am Qian Bupei, please advise! Qian

Bupei hung his head and stretched out his hand, and Gu Chen gently shook hands with Qian Bupei, who was fierce and cute one second and gentle and cute the next.

"Well, hello... I'm Gu Chen. Gu

Chen's side had just finished introducing himself, and as a result, this Qian Bu Pei actually brushed his head and said.

"You are Gu Chen? But Liang Sixing told me that you are a bad old man!

"How come I saw a super handsome guy who completely grew up in my aesthetics today!"

Qian Bupei's words made Gu Chen a little unsure of what to say.

Instead, Liang Sixing felt like he wanted to slip away.

Qian Bupei noticed Liang Sixing's small movements behind him, turned his head and said.

"Someone, you seem to owe me an explanation."

"I....I think you can listen to my quibbles."

Gu Chen felt the murderous aura from Qian Bupei's body, don't ask, after Qian Bupei shook hands with Gu Chen, Qian Bupei never let go of Gu Chen's hand.

Gu Chen was a little embarrassed.

"I think you can let go of my hand first."

So Gu Chen said directly.

Jiang Min was also very fierce and stepped forward to release Qian Bupei's hand.

Qian Bupei coughed twice and said.

"Sorry, I forgot."

She silently released her palm and revealed an embarrassed smile.

But he was secretly looking at Gu Chen.

Jiang Min was a little angry, and this Qian Bu Pei's eyes on Gu Chen made Jiang Min very unhappy.

"Then the source of funding for our club is provided by you!"

Qian Bupei asked with a smile, and after getting Gu Chen's affirmative answer, his eyes revealed a feeling of watching a beautiful meal.

Although Gu Chen still smiled on his lips, he also felt a little strange in his heart.

"No, what are you looking at me for?"

Probably Qian Bupei noticed Gu Chen's expression, coughed twice and diverted his gaze.

Just as he was about to say something, someone outside came to this observation deck again.

Qian Bupei just transferred from this embarrassing scene.

"Hey, why are you all here?"

The men and women looked at Qian Bupei, Liang Sixing and the others in amazement.

"Didn't Minister Liang call us to observe the stars?"

"Yes, and you can have a happy flying chess game after watching it."

"Are these two new companions? Tell us about it? "

The people of these clubs, you explain their intentions one by one.

Gu Chen glanced at Qian Bupei, and Liang Sixing.

It seems to be to let them explain it again.

And the most important thing is that Gu Chen came to this club to keep a low profile.

What is such an exaggeration for?

Liang Sixing didn't notice the blame in Gu Chen's eyes and said directly.

"Don't misunderstand, this is not our member, it's our gold lord father!"

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