Among these people, there are two eggs with good brains and dogs with strong physical strength.

As well as Laifu who is especially good at settling accounts and the most obedient earth snake.

Liang Shan brought these three people to Xiangcheng Island with a cripple.

After experiencing many obstacles, step by step gradually in Kowloon, sitting up the footwear, milk and other businesses.

Although life is not very rich, it is also hopeful.

"It was in this situation at that time that Liangshan felt that their wings were hardened, and they wanted to do a bigger business after they had a little savings, so they started a business of buying houses and land under the planning of Erzhu and Laifu."

"At that time, Xiangcheng Island was not as well developed as it is now, basically except for Kowloon, which is a deserted area everywhere."

"So people didn't have much idea about the land, and at that time, Liang Shan worshipped the names of the two gangs of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society and became a man of lofty ideals."

"It is a glove that can borrow the name of the gang to do things and make money specifically for the gang."

Qian Bupei was talking, mixed with a few non-Mandarin words, but Gu Chen and Jiang Min didn't know why they could actually understand it.

And both of them feel that it is this mixture that can make Qian Bupei's words more convincing.

Otherwise, just listening to the vernacular will not have any sense of picture at all.

But after adding these words, Gu Chen and Jiang Min both felt that in the general environment at that time, a completely different Xiangcheng Island appeared in front of them.

And Gu Chen almost guessed some things about Liang Sixing's identity.

"Either Liang Sixing's father, or Liang Sixing's grandfather."

When Gu Chen thought of this, he probably understood in his heart why Qian Bupei wanted to talk to himself about this.

However, Gu Chen didn't think too much, saving himself from thinking wrong, and it was troublesome to correct it when the time came.

Therefore, Gu Chen continued to listen.

"But Liang Shan is not willing to just be the little brother or white glove of this Qinghuatang Red Flower Club all the time."

"So he found a detective at the police station at the time."

"After spending a lot of money and stepping stones, the detective finally felt that Liangshan was a forgeable material, and the two officially conspired together."

When Qian Bupei said this, he suddenly felt a little thirsty and said a little wait.

Then, very naturally, I unlocked the door and prepared to get some water to drink.

However, at the moment when the door was opened, he found a certain Liang Sixing, who did not want to be named, listening to the door outside the door.


And when Qian Bupei opened the door, Liang Sixing almost fell in directly, but in the end, Qian Bupei directly stopped Liang Sixing, which did not let her directly knock out her front teeth.

"What for? Eavesdropping! Faced

with Qian Bupei's rebuke, Liang Sixing coughed embarrassedly twice, and then reacted.

She straightened her waist directly, and at the same time closed the door behind her, and after staring at the reaction, Qian Bupei, who was a little deflated, said.

"Eavesdropping? No, you guys gossip about me in my territory, and blame me for eavesdropping? That's not quite right! Qian

Bupei, who said it directly, was a little overwhelmed.

After all, he is talking about the past in Liang Sixing's family, but now he is directly caught by the main lord, which is somewhat embarrassing.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min directly became a drama-watching duo, and they really wanted to know how Qian Bupei quibbled in this situation.

But just when Qian Bupei was about to think of some reason to prevaricate with Liang Sixing.

Liang Sixing directly laughed and said.

"No, isn't it, what are you doing so seriously, are you scared by me?"

"You're too fragile, aren't you?"

This change suddenly made the words that Qian Bupei wanted in his heart completely disappear at this time.

At the same time, she also hesitated for two seconds and said with a sigh.

"Si Xing..."

"Hey! Don't explain! I really didn't expect that you knew more about my grandfather's history than I did, and I thought you were usually sneaking up on some kind of intelligence merchant's game. "

It seems that I underestimated you."

Liang Sixing came to this room generously, and at the same time found a place to sit down and said.

"Come on, go ahead, I also want to know what happened behind ."

Liang Sixing's arrival broke Qian Bupei's thoughts.

She was silent for two seconds before she sighed.

"Okay, then I'll continue."

Gu Chen and the others said that they listened.

"In short, with the addition of this inspector, there is also the name of the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society to back the pot."

"Soon Liang Shan accumulated several times more money than all his savings in the years he came to Xiangcheng Island, and this money was divided into three parts, one for the inspector, one for the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society, and the other for Liang Shan himself."

Speaking of this, Liang Sixing raised his hand and raised his doubts.

"No, according to this kind of money-sharing situation, then I won't worry about money, does this money really reach my grandfather?" Or is it that his money is spent by himself?

"How is it possible, even if a rich second generation will spend money again, he will not spend all that money in a short period of time!"

Qian Bupei defended Liang Sixing's question.

This made Liang Sixing even more curious.

"So where did this money end up being spent?"

"Listen to me well!"

Qian Bupei was a little unhappy that he would always be interrupted by others, plus his dry mouth was indeed a little uncomfortable now, and the anger naturally soared.

Seeing Qian Bupei's attitude, Liang Sixing immediately made a move, made an OK gesture with his palm, and swiped it over his mouth, as if he was on a zipper, indicating that he had shut up.

Qian Bupei nodded in satisfaction and continued.

"Although this money Liangshan took it, he did not take it to spend it, but directly distributed it to a few companions who he brought to Xiangcheng Island."

"And this money is not for them to spend indiscriminately, but for them to each take the money to set up a company."

"The four companies are the water company, the electric power company, the construction company and an accounting office."

When he said this, Gu Chen seemed to understand something.

The previous speculation has gradually been proved a lot here.

The colleague himself also figured out a lot of things.


Gu Chen glanced sympathetically at Liang Sixing, who was still expressionless beside him.

But after the latter noticed Gu Chen's eyes, he just responded to her with a smirk.

Qian Bupei noticed this, and involuntarily lowered his voice and continued.

"Finally, when the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society collected the land, Liangshan would use this method, and after the land was expropriated, another inspector jumped out and said that the land was illegally expropriated and would be forcibly taken away by them!"

"But the Qinghuatang Red Flower Club is not easy to mess with, and after fighting against the patrol team a few times, it still got some land."

"And most of the remaining land was arranged by Liangshan, and all of it went into the name of his younger brother's company, and the development began to be in full swing."

"The final outcome I believe you can all guess that Xiangcheng Island was slowly established in the hands of these people, and after Liangshan's power became more and more powerful, the Qinghuatang Red Flower Society also had no problem with him."

"Later, the development of Xiangcheng Island became better and better, or there were signs of that, and the people conquered by Xiangcheng Island also began to support these companies, but Liangshan was left out in the cold."

Qian Bupei looked at Liang Sixing, although she was still expressionless, but she also felt a little wrong.

"Because these companies are all in the hands of Liangshan's younger brother, he is actually just an empty shell."

"Just after Liang Shan realized this, he wanted to get back what belonged to him, and the three younger brothers in front of him all said very respectfully that there was no problem, and there was a problem with the earth snake who was most loyal to him."

"It turns out that the earth snake has long had the idea of betrayal because of his rights, and he even bought the inspector with money, saying that he would share the world of Xiangcheng Island with him in the future! The inspector was thus bought successfully! Liangshan began to go downhill completely. "

It's sad and lamentable to think about it, a figure who should have been at the level of a hero was actually betrayed by his most trusted little brother and sent to a cell!" Whoever suffers from this can't bear it.

"The most important thing is that the road to Liangshan has been paved, and there is basically nothing that can stop the torrent of history from progressing under the general trend."

"The inspector also left the police team justifiably and became a businessman in order to protect himself from being investigated for his corruption, so he directly found a small matter and pressed it on his head, justifiably left the police team, and became a businessman."

"The other younger brothers have also confused their eyes in this flower world for a long time, and when they see that the mountain that pressed on their heads is gone, they naturally will not do the thing of using their arms as a car, and a common betrayal has happened."

Qian Bupei said this, and couldn't help but sigh.

Then she wanted to continue, but Liang Sixing said directly.

"I'll talk about the next thing."

Qian Bupei looked at Liang Sixing's expression, which was a very determined look.

Qian Bupei, who knew that he was stubborn, gave up his position with a silent sigh, but Liang Sixing did not appear.

Just sitting in his place and continuing to talk about what happened at that time.

"In my father's mouth, my grandfather entered the cell because of these troubles, although it was said that because a few traitors were thieves, they wanted to compensate their grandfather in prison."

"Let him be in it is basically to respond to requests and not worry about eating and drinking, and even my father was born at the request of my grandfather to leave a descendant for the Liang family."

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