"After that, the development of Xiangcheng Island became better and better, and my grandfather demanded that his children's descendants must not be mud legs, and must have a piece of their own territory!"

"If we can't get the wind blowing and the rain can't hit!" The most important thing is to stay away from their disgusting gang. When

Liang Sixing said this, his mood was much better.

Gu Chen and Jiang Min looked at each other, as if they understood why this astronomy club was built on this high mountain.

"In short, grandpa is coming to this mountain, so that we have a land of our own in the increasingly high housing prices of Xiangcheng Island, and also left a large amount of money for my father."

"It's just that grandpa may not have thought at that time that the saying of relying on the mountains and eating the sea does not work in our generation, the most important thing is that after seeing the prosperity of the big city, who is willing to go to the mountains to live a hard life!"

"After the people of our Liang family, including the relatives that my grandfather took over at that time, lived in the mountain for a while, they all ran to the city below the mountain and bought a house with the savings they got from my grandfather."

"The last people left in the mountains were my generation, and my father, because of a lot of stimulation, entrusted me to a nanny after giving birth to me and traveled the world alone."

Speaking of this, Gu Chen and Jiang Min were a little sympathetic to this Liang Sixing.

Unexpectedly, this Liang Sixing is simply a model of a hundred years of loneliness!

"Later, when I grew up, the nanny also left me and took a large amount of my money to go home to buy a house for my son and take care of my daughter-in-law, so I was left alone on the mountain."

"That's when I learned to be with the stars."

Qian Bupei was a little dissatisfied when he heard this.

Isn't there still me? Am I not your partner anymore?

She asked Liang Sixing a little angrily.

Liang Sixing said with a sneer.

"Yes yes yes! And you, my pistachios.

"Thank you for organizing the spring outing and letting me know you!"

"Thank you for your company for so many years, knowing that I don't want to go down the mountain, you helped me set up an astronomy club and brought me investment, so that my mountain has a fireworks atmosphere for many years."

She stretched out her hand to hug Qian Bupei.

"Meat hemp!"

Although Qian Bupei was very disgusted on his expression and mouth.

But the body was very honest and hugged Liang Sixing.

Qian Bupei heard Liang Sixing whisper in his ear.

"Thank you."

Qian Bupei also said.

"As long as you don't blame me for the impure purpose in the first place."

"It's okay, I know you just wanted to find a place to use as your secret base, and it was the kind that wouldn't be disturbed."

"Yes, in the end, I found that only you will not have any surveillance here, and there will be no people from the four major families, which is simply the best secret base!"

"Yes, yes, then can you divide half of the money you have for doing things? Is it my venue fee?

"Hahaha, today's weather seems to be quite good!"

"Don't play the fool!"

Gu Chen looked at Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei, who were about to scuffle together, and was slightly embarrassed.

I always feel that the two of them at this time seem to be a little too natural, have they forgotten that there are other people around?

Therefore, Gu Chen coughed lightly twice and said.

"Well, there are still people here."

Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei reacted to this, and Qian Bupei also remembered that he said that the purpose of history was to let Gu Chen stay.

As a result, I didn't expect the unexpected joy, and actually let my good sister successfully expose her true face and completely accept herself.

"I'm sorry, Gu Chen, I forgot, then you understand now, what about Sixing, because of the relationship of the previous generation, the astronomy club is very safe, basically no one will bother you."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have put my base camp here!"

Qian Bupei said seriously.

However, she forgot that the righteous lord next to her was still calculating the venue fee with her.

The two scuffled again.

Gu Chen sat down directly and began to think about something.

Jiang Min stood aside and kept thinking.

"Tap-da-da! Good! Left hook fist, hook fist! "


At the same time, Chen Yu woke up from his sleep again.

"Groove, why did I fall asleep again."

He looked sideways and found that Chen Mouren didn't know when he had disappeared.

I began to wonder if everything I had experienced before was a dream.

In fact, in fact, he didn't sleep with Chen Mouren at all?

But soon he thought too much.

Because the sound of bathing water came from the toilet.

Chen Yu suddenly snorted, quite a feeling of helplessness.

But after Chen Mouren came out of the bath, he saw Chen Yu wearing a full suit and said stunned.

"Brother Chen, you're awake! The water temperature is very good, do you want to take a shower too? Faced

with Chen Mouren's invitation, Chen Yu just shook his head silently and didn't say a word.

"Ah, that's okay."

Chen Mouren wiped his hair and sat directly next to Chen Yu.

"Brother Chen, did you come to the Longteng Group this time..."

But the moment Chen Mouren spoke, Chen Yu instantly moved his body to the other side.

"Mr. Chen, what did you say?"

Chen Mouren was stunned for a moment, and then he didn't know where he had provoked Chen Yu, so he was silent for two seconds, sorted out his thoughts and said again.

"I mean, is Brother Chen still satisfied with the lunch meal?"

"Well, I'm very satisfied."

Chen Yu shook his head, and now the sunset is about to go down, and his head still does not reduce pain, indicating that this wine is really energetic and in place.

But I'm sorry, President Gu has already explained it.

"Eat what you drink and what you drink is not to do anything for you!"

Chen Mouren heard Chen Yu's answer, but he couldn't see Chen Yu's smile, and his heart suddenly beat a drum.

"This satisfaction does not see you smile, it seems that it is still not in place."

He thought so, and suddenly felt that he was really not in place.

Then Chen Mouren looked at Chen Yu's appearance of a well-dressed beast, and immediately understood.

"This is to drink and fortune all over again!"

"Okay, then I won't bring Zixin tonight, and open meat for your kid!"

Chen Mouren, who understood this, said directly to Chen Yu with a smile.

"It's good to be satisfied, but now I want to ask Brother Chen to take a good rest, because there are more satisfying things for you at night!"

"As for our work to engage in this 5G base station, there is no hurry, no hurry, anyway, even if the contract is confirmed, it is estimated that I don't know when to start construction and complete!"

"So we're not in a hurry, right? Brother Chen!

Chen Muren frowned at his own family, Chen Yu.

Chen Yu said with a very happy smile at this time.

"Yes, good, we are not in a hurry!"

Chen Mouren nodded in satisfaction, feeling that he really wanted to find a way to open this Chen Yu's heart.

"Good boy, really still a drunkard! Good, good, good! Then I'll see how big your appetite is!

"I still don't believe it today, my skills for so many years can't rectify such a junior as you?"

Chen Mouren thought so in his heart, but said it on his lips.

"Then Brother Chen, you should rest well now, and wait for me to pick you up when the time comes!"

"Good! Then I'm waiting for the big drive! Chen

Yu was also unambiguous, and directly said to Chen Mouren that there was no problem, waiting for you!

However, just after Chen Mouren left with a smile.

Chen Yu immediately came to the bathroom and adjusted the water power of the bath faucet in the bathroom to the maximum.

At the same time, he also began to call Tong Zixin, why not call Gu Chen.

The main thing is that Gu Chen explained to Chen Yu before leaving, there is no important matter, don't contact yourself rashly.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if your whereabouts were exposed.

And calling Tong Zixin still wants to talk to her.

Look at what program Chen Mouren prepared for the evening, and prepare yourself.

And the reason why he opened the bathroom to drain water was that he himself did not know whether Chen Mouren installed bugs and other things in his room during the time he was asleep.

He didn't want the problem to come to his side.

So I directly learned the kind of operations I saw on the Internet to deal with monitoring.

"Hey, it's my sister Tong!"

The phone rang three times before being answered by Tong Zixin.

Chen Yu's nervous voice suddenly sounded.

"Huh? Have you woken up? "

Er... Yes, but a little bit of Meng, this Chen Mouren said that there is another scene at night, I don't know Sister Tong, do you know what the situation is at night, if I am drinking, I will be poisoned, right? Chen

Yu was still a little worried about himself at this time.

But at the same time, he is also telling Tong Zixin, the red man next to Gu Chen, how hard his work is.

"I hope Sister Tong can say a few more beautiful words for me on President Gu's side!"

With this attitude and thought, Chen Yu said that his state was as bad as it was.

Then, Tong Zixin was silent for a moment before slowly speaking.

"Chen Mouren told me that there is no activity tonight, why?"

"Because he has already made sure with you and wants to get a good night's sleep tonight, he let me go home and rest."

After Tong Zixin finished saying this, she fell silent.

Chen Yu's side also fell silent.

It wasn't until the water temperature in this bathroom gradually began to change that Chen Yu said silently.

"Is he going to play me to death tonight?"

"No, there is a picture tonight that I can't be there, or that my presence will affect your picture."

But Tong Zixin's words made Chen Yu, who felt worried, stunned again.

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