Chen Yu couldn't help but think of many things in his mind.

Many, many things....

But this is not the key, the most important thing is that he thought of what Gu Chen said about eating him and drinking him, and when he played him in the last sentence, he obviously gave himself a good look.

"That's what it means!"

Chen Yu immediately understood a lot of things, and also understood why Gu Chen's eyes were so sharp and strange at that time.

He also knows that the time to test himself the most is coming!

"I know Sister Tong! I'll watch it! "

And now the most urgent thing is to quickly hang up the phone with Tong Zixin.

Otherwise, one more second of talking is a very awkward atmosphere.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yu put the phone on the side where there was no water and began to think silently.

"Is this President Gu's test for me?"

"Then I....accepted!"

Thinking so, Chen Yu's eyes showed the fire of war!

He brushed and picked up the towel, took off all his clothes, and began the road of whitewashing.

Wait until Sun Shulan took Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others to complete the last procedure of the day.

All of them were a little tired.

Ah Yue was even more because her body was relatively weak, so Lin Wanxiang carried herself for a long time.

But even so, everyone did not fully establish the company.

In the end, it was stuck on the legal person side.

After all, they need more materials, and although they have money, they still have to follow the basic rules.

"You can't waste time! Since the company's side has not done it, then we will divide the action.

Sun Shulan felt that the five of them came to do one thing, which was indeed a bit of a waste of manpower.

So a system of division of labor was proposed.

The first is about the establishment of the company, that is, Sun Shulan is responsible for herself, because it is more complicated and involves more things.

She didn't want Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, two guys who didn't understand human feelings, to do it.

As for the dog head chao, although it is possible but not necessary, and there are other jobs entrusted to him.

"It's okay!"

At the same time, after hearing Sun Shulan's suggestion, Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo and the others agreed.

Therefore, Sun Shulan distributed the task, first of all, herself.

"I will be the legal representative of the company, and I will complete the establishment of the company's organization."

"Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo are back to the elderly center, their data can be packaged and packaged, can be transferred, if not, they are ready to find a car pull server, of course, not now, it is our company to pull after it is done!"

"Now the main thing is to do the work of data combing, after all, the computer room of the two of you is indeed a little dirty and messy, do you have to clean up properly?"

Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, who heard this, nodded madly, indeed no one else could clear the computer room, only the two of them could do the job.

"A Chao's words, just go to find a suitable location as the company's address, don't care about the location or something, it must be convenient and simple and atmospheric, we have money now, you know?"

"After you have decided on the address of the company, we will decorate, if it is ready-made, it is best to save a lot of time."

The dog head super directly made a saluting gesture, indicating that he would definitely complete the task successfully.

"As for Ah Yue."

Sun Shulan turned her head to look at Ah Yue, who showed a very longing expression.

"Your job is also very important, and I need your help finding some people who can join the company."

"You don't have to be talented, but you have to be loyal, just take those college students as your standard."

Ah Yue nodded excitedly to indicate that there was no problem!

Sun Shulan said after distributing the task.

"If you come here today, then go back to each house and find your mother!"

After saying this, Sun Shulan was ready to leave without looking back.

Xiang Senluo didn't react for a while, or several people behind him pushed him.

He only thought that Sun Shulan was his girlfriend.

"Shulan, wait for me!"

Everyone watched Sun Shulan leave without looking back, and Xiang Senluo was particularly happy and laughing as she kept chasing behind.

Doghead Chao even gloated.

"Sen Luo is really dull, he has not contacted and met his girlfriend for so long, why don't you know how to coax!"

"And the reaction is still so slow, I estimate that Ah Shulan didn't want to think about anything with Sen Luo, but she has gone out so far, Sen Luo chased out, it is indeed a normal person will be angry!"

Lin Wanxiang also agreed on the side.

"Who says it's not, not at all conscious!"

The two looked at the figure of Xiang Senluo chasing Sun Shulan and didn't know why they felt a little joy, and then they couldn't help laughing out loud anymore.

It was happy and happy laughter.

It's just that soon Lin Wanxiang couldn't laugh when he laughed.

Because Ah Yue didn't know when he had left in another direction.

This made Lin Wanxiang a little overwhelmed.

"Lying groove, I forgot, Ah Yue is still by my side!"

He immediately greeted directly, and without fighting with the dog head Chao, he ran directly in the direction of Ah Yue.

"Ayue Ayue!"

Therefore, after Lin Wanxiang also chased Ah Yue and left, only the dog-headed super-person was left in place.

"Laugh at me, Lin Wanxiang this guy was actually mocking Sen Luo before, where did he get the courage..." Dog

Tou Chao originally wanted to spit on Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, but in the end, the word courage couldn't be said for some reason.

Because Dog Tou Chao suddenly thought of a question, that is....

"Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo have Sun Shulan to chase, and the other has A Yue to coax."

"Then I'm left alone in place, who am I coaxing? Am I oh mommy mommy? I

don't know why, at this time, the dog head chao felt a desolate feeling.

He collected his mood and sighed silently.

"The clown is actually myself!"

On Gu Chen's side, Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei were already a little tired of scuffling.

Both of their green silks were spread to the side.

But Jiang Min seems to have not seen enough.

But now they don't dare to say anything, in case Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei come over and beat themselves up in anger, wouldn't it be bad?

"Then let's stay here for the time being."

Gu Chen also noticed the truce between Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei.

He stood up directly and said to them.

"I'm hungry, where do I have dinner?"

As soon as these words came out, Liang Sixing and Qian Bupei were stunned.

They never expected Gu Chen to say such things at this time.

Liang Sixing is nothing.

Qian Bupei's eyes had already lit up.

"Dinner, right in the center we have a big open-air cafeteria! You could have a bonfire today, right?

Qian Bupei kept poking at Liang Sixing.

Liang Sixing really said like a horse Daha.

"Eh! Don't be doing what you say! Otherwise, I have to look good for you today!

These words directly made Qian Bu Pei say directly.

"Anyway, don't worry about eating or drinking, then you two eat and drink well, what are you going to do!"

Qian Bupei asked at this time, directly incarnating as a northern girl with the taste of big ballast.

Gu Chen was amused by Qian Bu Pei's treasure-like Qian Bu Pei.

"What else can I do, I can only stay!" Why doesn't it seem very welcoming to hear you?

"Welcome! How can this not be welcome! This is a good feeling! If only you were willing to stay! "

Qian Bupei is very happy, can he not be happy, as long as Gu Chen stays, many of his plans can be implemented perfectly."

It can be said that many things that existed in her imagination before can be completed, how happy it is!

"Beauty and Beauty!"

Although Liang Sixing had not yet figured out how Qian Bupei was so happy that Gu Chen could stay.

But seeing my friend so excited.

Liang Sixing thought.

"Emma! It won't be Qian Bupei who fancy Gu Chen, right?

"What a crime! Didn't you see a beautiful little girl following Gu Chen?

"Eh, no, if Gu Chen and this little girl are a couple, wouldn't it be illegal?" This Jiang Min looks like a minor! Then Qian Bupei still has hope!

"No, no, then I, as Qian Bupei's good father, isn't it, a good sister, can I not help her?"

Liang Sixing, who understood this, also coughed twice.

"As long as Mr. Gu can stay with me for a few more days, he will feel the hospitality of our Xiangcheng Island mountain people!"

Qian Bupei did not notice this.

"As long as my inference is correct, Gu Chen came to Xiangcheng Island this time to deal with Li Jiahao, then I and Liang Sixing can completely hold Gu Chen's thigh, maybe in the future we can turn things around because of this move!"

"At that time, let the gang in the family come to live in the mountains, so that they can also experience the days when it is inconvenient to eat and drink!"

Thinking so, Liang Sixing had already begun to welcome Gu Chen.

"Okay, okay, then according to what we said before, the empty house in the back has been cleaned up for you, and you can move in directly at that time."

Just this sentence is more real than anything, and Gu Chen also likes to hear it.

Qian Bupei also reacted and took the initiative to take Gu Chen and Jiang Min to their room.

"Then let's go."


Gu Chen and Jiang Min were also not ambiguous at all.

Qian Bupei led the way ahead, but Liang Sixing wanted to pull Jiang Min to prepare dinner.

"Sister Jiang Min, do you want me to take you to the back stove to see what is delicious, it seems that I made potato beef today!" Let's go for a bite to eat first? This

is a very artistic statement, who can refuse the temptation of potatoes and beef?

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