"Okay! You open it for me! This thing is hard mouth! Li

Jiajun couldn't stand it a little, and felt that this Liu Ruhai was simply a waste of time.

"The fire in my heart hasn't been completely vented yet! There is exactly one free sandbag! Let me have a quick start! "

Seriously, Li Jiajun really likes this feeling of bullying the weak.

It will allow him to experience invincible happiness and suppress his fear of Gu Chen and the detention center.

The most important thing is to be able to suppress Li Jiajun's longing for Tong Zixin.

When Liu Ruhai heard Li Jiajun's words, she immediately felt a headache.

In addition, Liu Ruhai saw that the state of this bad boy seemed to be getting worse and worse, and he couldn't fight anymore! If you fight again, you will be killed.

Therefore, when Liu Ruhai was retreating to the side, he was thinking about what kind of posture and words he would use to persuade Li Jiajun to give up the punishment of bad teenagers.

However, at this moment, a ringtone of a mobile phone came from Li Jiajun's arms.

"Who, this time!"

He glanced at the incoming call prompt on his mobile phone a little unpleasantly, and the expression on his face changed very quickly.

From the initial disdain, there was an instant of displeasure that turned into shock and ecstasy.

"Go on!"

Li Jiajun directly took off his finger tiger in a panic, and threw it to Liu Ruhai on the side.

It's just that the accuracy and strength are a little uncontrolled.

When Liu Ruhai received this pair of finger tigers, he felt that his arms were a little numb.

"Don't look at the dots either!"

"However, this situation has already shown that Li Jiajun's trust in me has improved a lot!"

Liu Ruhai secretly rejoiced, and at the same time thought of Li Jiajun's surprise when he saw the caller ID.

"It seems that sister Zixin saved the life of this bad boy!"

"Eh, then why can't I take this opportunity to send the bad boy to the underground doctor first?"

Thinking of this, Liu Ruhai was ready to act.

But at the moment when he was about to leave, Liu Ruhai saw that Li Jiajun's face changed from the ecstatic look at the beginning to an extremely serious situation.

This change instantly made Liu Ruhai retreat.

"Maybe I can wait, no, this bad boy can wait until this Li Jiajun finishes the call and see what his attitude is?"

"If the mood is still good, then you can directly ask him to send this bad boy to treatment."

"But if you're in a bad mood...,"

Liu Ruhai said in her heart as she looked at the bad boy with a sympathetic and apologetic look.

"Then I can only say sorry!"

Liu Ruhai, who decided in this way, silently stayed by the side of the bad boy, and at the same time quickly edited a text message on his mobile phone.

"Find a black doctor, come in and pull people!"

This is to be prepared to judge the final content of this call directly from Lee Jiajun when he speaks.

When the time comes for the province to have problems, he is a bad boy that is directly winged and difficult to fly!

At that time, Liu Ruhai will tell everyone with certainty.

"I have become the closest person to Li Jiajun!"

It's just that I'm afraid that at that time, I will always feel guilty and afraid of the death of the bad boy in my heart.

"Let's hope that this call will bring good luck."

Liu Ruhai's plea worked.

Because this time it was Tong Zixin who called.

She fished Li Jiajun out of the blacklist, and the purpose of calling Li Jiajun was very simple.

That is, she has nothing to do tonight.

You can have a meal with Li Jiajun and know from this guy some things he wants to do to Gu Chen, and some of his plans after that.

"As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent is victorious in a hundred battles."

This is Tong Zixin's purpose, and it is also because of Chen Yu's call with her today.

It made Tong Zixin feel a sense of crisis.

"I always feel that Chen Moren wants to make it bad, and I hope that Chen Yu can withstand it!"

Therefore, Tong Zixin, who had various complicated emotions, slowed down his usual attitude a little when he spoke to Li Jiajun.

Just let this Li Jiajun almost soar in place.

Li Jiajun carefully held the mobile phone with his blood-stained palm, and said the most gentle words on his mouth.

It was as if he was worried that he would accidentally aggravate the tone of his voice, and the two words would directly scare away Tong Zixin on the phone.

This worry made Li Jiajun feel very happy.

He indulged in this caution, indulged in self-touching.

"Okay, then that's it, we'll see you in the evening!"

And just after Li Jiajun and Tong Zixin agreed on the itinerary to meet in the evening.

Li Jiajun listened to the beeps on the phone for a minute.

After putting the phone down, he held it for another minute before slowly exhaling.

The whole person is decadent.

Liu Ruhai looked very bad on the side.

"It's not right! How could this Li Jiajun's expression look so depressed! It's obviously not like this just now! He

was very puzzled, but he was also prepared for the worst.

"It seems that this bad boy is dead today!

"Then I'm going to do double insurance!" First go find someone to find out who is in this bad boy's home and what they do! Let's see if you can directly let them collect money!

"Then find a loyal little brother to leave a little fingerprint ah, and make a manslaughter at the scene!" In this way, I and Li Jiajun can be completely taken out! Liu

Ruhai's heart and brain were running rapidly.

A lot of what happened in the future went through his mind over and over again.

He started thinking a lot about the aftermath and found out.

"Huh? If there is no pillar behind this bad boy killed by Li Jiajun, or if the family is full of poor or ordinary people, things are actually very easy to handle, right?

"In this way, I can create the most perfect and strongest bond with Li Jiajun!"

"Eh, that seems to be pretty good!"

Just when Liu Ruhai fell into self-hypnosis, Li Jiajun on the other side finally reacted.

He took his mobile phone and walked towards Liu Ruhai with his head down.

The latter gurgled in his heart and pulled himself completely out of his fantasies.

Liu Ruhai felt that she was ready.

"As soon as he Li Jiajun speaks, I will immediately arrange for someone to start preparing for this matter."

Therefore, at the moment when Li Jiajun approached Liu Ruhai.

Liu Ruhai felt that her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

"Clean up here, I'm going out!" You take care of the rest!

"Okay Li Shao, I will definitely deal with this guy well!"

After Li Jiajun spoke, Liu Ruhai did not wait for Li Jiajun's voice to completely fall, but directly roared out in a low voice.

As if to roar out the sadness that he is about to take care of the aftermath of an underage child with his own hands.

As a result, who would have thought that just after Liu Ruhai finished roaring, he was suddenly stunned.

Liu Ruhai brushed and directly raised his head to look at Li Jiajun, who was full of smiles, and was looking at his mobile phone with a face full of confusion.

I couldn't figure it out.

"Am I having auditory hallucinations? Or did I just hear it wrong?

"Shouldn't I be told to prepare the body?"

Suddenly, Liu Ruhai fell into silence and fell into another kind of doubt.

He began to feel that the Li Jiajun in front of him was very strange.

The transition from perverted to normal person came too quickly, so fast that Liu Ruhai didn't react.

"Will I really be able to walk on the same path with this tiger that has not yet grown up?"

"Can I hold this tiger's thigh or tail tightly?"

"Can you really get a good end?"

Suddenly, Liu Ruhai felt that he couldn't see through Li Jiajun, and he also understood that it was no wonder that people often said it in ancient times.

"The most dangerous thing in this world is to accompany a king like a tiger!"

Liu Ruhai thought of this and directly snorted.

This chatter also attracted Li Jiajun's attention.

"What for? I'm not feeling well, so I need to see a doctor. "

Probably Li Jiajun is really in a good mood at this time, and even silently cares about Uncle Liu.

This made Liu Ruhai feel a feeling of ice and fire.

Especially now, when I saw Li Jiajun's expression in Liu Ruhai, I thought that this person was a thug just before.

And he is also a powerful man who can not be afraid to play with the dead.

Liu Ruhai told herself in her heart not to be fooled by appearances.

Now this Li Jiajun's hands still have blood stains that have not been wiped off! This proves a lot of things.

Anyway, in the end, Liu Ruhai didn't know what he and this Li Jiajun said.

In short, Lee Ka Chun left the basement where they coiled down on this Causeway Bay Central Stage.

Because auto shows don't end in a day.

What Liu Ruhai won from Li Jiahao was a deadline close to one week.

Two of them, morning and evening, are used for decoration and removal.

The other days are devoted to exhibitions.

Therefore, Liu Ruhai and Lee Ka Chun will still be able to use this Causeway Bay for a few days later.

Therefore, Lee Ka Chun and Liu Ruhai have such a basement on the central stage of Causeway Bay.

Be able to get them to punish this disobedient bad boy.

"Count yourself lucky!"

And just after Li Jiajun left for a while, Liu Ruhai directly sighed at the bad boy who was already dying.

Then it was another wait for a while.

"It seems that this time it is really gone!

"This wave is called caution."

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