After selling himself and boasting for a while, this Liu Ruhai put his thoughts on saving this bad boy.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is also thinking about one thing.

"This guy really doesn't know who sent him this time, so in case it's not the other car head who wants to do something... It's people who look at

Li Jiajun who are unhappy..." "

And people who can see Li Jiajun unhappy and are not afraid of retaliation....There seems to be no one except the four major families."

Suddenly, Liu Ruhai shivered.

"I'd better just report everything truthfully, and other things...or don't do anything!"

After thinking about this matter, Liu Ruhai silently put away his careful thoughts.

Now no matter who the person who instigated this bad boy is, he will not interfere in this matter again.


Secretary Mi was looking at a document in his room, when suddenly his internal phone rang again.

It's just the same as the vast majority before, it's just a one-click hanging.

She even has the experience not to pick it up.

So simply put down the documents, got up and walked to where Li Jiahao was.

"Li Sheng, you look for me."


Bi respectfully knocked on the door and entered, and the little secretary looked at the fact that he didn't know when he had gotten up from his thermostatic nutrition pool.

"I have a task for you."

"You command."

The little secretary said without any ambiguity, but Li Jiahao's next words really made her feel unexpected.

"You, just said? Let me out?

"Li Sheng, are you kidding?"

The little secretary looked at Li Jiahao, and for the first time dared to face Li Jiahao's eyes.

"Me? Do you think I'll have the mind to joke with you?

Li Jiahao glanced at the little secretary in surprise and continued.

"Haven't you been wanting to go out and think about it for a long time?"

"Why do you have the opportunity to go out now, but you don't cherish it a little?"

The little secretary was silent for a while, and he was naturally willing to go out.

Especially thinking that he has been in this Li Jiahao's private estate since his junior year, until he graduated and the next few years.

Although he said that he didn't have to worry about food and clothing, and Li Jiahao often sent a lot of money back to his parents.

Their parents in their hometown also came to Xiangcheng Island, and they expressed their heartfelt thanks to Li Jiahao, the top boss of the little secretary, very grateful, and even silently entrusted the little secretary directly to Li Jiahao in the end.

After this heavy operation, the little secretary had already completely abandoned the idea of leaving here and living again.

Now there is only one walking dead living in a private estate.

"If it weren't for Sister Tong Zixin, who had already escaped the sea of suffering, in front of me, I am afraid I would have committed suicide and died!"

Secretary Mi thought of what Tong Zixin had said to him a long time ago, and let himself hold on and hold on to the words that he would never be able to give up.

I thought of Tong Zixin's promise that there is hope when you live.

This is what makes Secretary Mi persist from a long time ago to the present.

As a result, on such a sudden and ordinary day, Li Jiahao actually said that he wanted to let her out?

"Am I doing this?"

The little secretary suddenly felt a little hesitant in his heart.

But the body is detached from the initial state of discomfort and unresponsiveness.

It was like Fan Jinzhongju, and the little secretary began to execute the script that he didn't know how many times he had rehearsed in his mind a long time ago.

She took a deep breath directly and silently let her heartbeat calm at this time.

At the same time, he also looked at Li Jiahao with his eyes without any emotion.

The first thing she wants to confirm is that Li Jiahao is not playing a kind of pet trick.

"Li Sheng, are you kidding me?"

Li Jiahao did not pay attention to the words of the little secretary and walked directly in front of her.

The distance between the two is very close, and even in the end, it is basically a state of nose close to nose.

Li Jiahao looked at the little secretary's emotionless eyes and muttered.

"It's not interesting, you are completely different now than before, it's like a puppet that has never had a soul is really not interesting."

At the same time, Li Jiahao also stretched out his hand and swiped the wall behind the little secretary so gently.

The wall that seemed extremely hard actually rippled the moment Li Jiahao's fingers touched, as if it was a soft sea, and Li Jiahao directly cut the inverted wall with his hand.

Directly from behind a hidden space, he took out a bottle of red wine and two goblets.

Among them, no matter what actions the little secretary did, she still maintained a posture, an attitude, and a breathing rhythm, and her heartbeat did not change at all.

In this regard, Li Jiahao is still a little disappointed.

"You just looked like a person, and now you're a puppet again, it's really boring!"

"Then come and have a drink with me, it is a celebration of your rebirth!"

Li Jiahao silently opened the bottle of Romani Conti skillfully and poured it into the decanter, and began to decanter and pour wine.

The wall that was originally pulled apart by Li Jiahao was also restored by itself at this time.


Li Jiahao silently handed the red wine glass to the little secretary.

The latter still did not react at all, but Li Jiahao was not the kind of person who did not understand what to say.

On the contrary, his insight into the human heart is very powerful, and his senses are also very keen.

The most important thing is that Li Jiahao has a perfect premonition.

This premonition was that he had successfully betrayed Liangshan a long time ago without suffering any side effects.

"Don't pretend, your fox tail has leaked out!"

He gently approached the little secretary's ear and said in a warm tone in the little secretary's ear.

"Didn't you find out, if you usually see me open the cloud cabinet and want to drink, you will help me pour the wine as soon as possible!"

"But what did you do today? You simply ignored me!

"I have to say that your disguise is really perfect, but it's a little overdone, you know?"

"You forgot how I taught you, it's too late!"

After the last sentence was spoken, a trace of struggle finally flashed in the little secretary's eyes.

She seemed to have detached herself from her unintentional state.

It was like a toiling man who was rescued ashore after drowning, and directly began to gasp for breath heavily.


Seeing that the little secretary finally couldn't hold back, Li Jiahao showed a satisfied smile.

"If you act too much, you will forget what the original appearance should be, you are still too young!"

As he spoke, Li Jiahao once again handed his red wine glass to the little secretary.

This time, the little secretary did not refuse, but directly took the red wine glass or quite ruthlessly, and directly drank the red wine in the red wine glass in one breath.

Under the influence of high alcohol, a sip is a small hundred thousand, and the little secretary recovers his state.

She said as she put her wine glass aside.

"Li Sheng, I'm not..."

However, Li Jiahao didn't want to hear what the little secretary was justifying at all, and he put his finger aside and said.

"I know you have to quibble, and I also know that Tong Zixin's smelly girl deceived me with this trick back then, and let me tell you about letting her out."

"But it is impossible for a person to fall in the same place twice, just as a person cannot cross the same river a second time, do you understand what I mean?"

"Success is the same as classics, and it belongs to the type that cannot be replicated."

"And you want to imitate Tong Zixin, that's true!"

Li Jiahao held the little secretary in his arms fiercely, and very hard!

But not only did he not notice the little secretary's breathless state, but he even continued to talk to himself.

"But you forgot one thing, why Tong Zixin directly tore off her disguise after leaving and reappeared in front of me, I still have to be important to her."

"That's Tong Zixin, not only is she good-looking, but even her knowledge and ability are first-class!" She can exert more power outside than I am here! So you get it?

"You are a delicate rose in a vase, and without the water source and leaving me, you will have no way to live alone!" You don't understand this! At

this point, Li Jiahao has finished saying what he wants to say.

He also directly let go of the little secretary who was about to pass out because he was out of breath.

After being released, the little secretary directly stumbled and fell to the ground.

Constant gasping and coughing, tears and saliva all flowed directly to the ground.

But Li Jiahao didn't mean to dislike it at all, and directly leaned over and said.

"So do you understand now? Still dreaming?

"Don't think that you will be free if you leave here, if I wanted to, Tong Zixin would be captured by me at any time."

"You're the same, is that clear?"

"Did I ask you clearly?"

Li Jiahao viciously grabbed the little secretary's hair and asked.

The little secretary seemed to be frightened by Li Jiahao's fierce expression, kept shedding tears, and closed his eyes, and kept chanting on his mouth.

"Clear, clear, Li Sheng! You let me go this time! I'm clear! Woo, I'm clear!

Li Jiahao looked at her ugly appearance and smiled, and directly dropped her to the ground.

"It's good to understand, wouldn't it be over if you said that earlier?"

He patted his palm, feeling that it seemed to be stained with a little secretary's tears, Li Jiahao frowned and directly poured his bottle of more than two million Romani Conti on his hand and began to wash it.

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