Li Jiahao began to assign tasks to the little secretary while cleaning.

"Do you know why I want to let you out this time?"

"No, I don't know...,"

the little secretary continued to tremble.

"Are you a fool? You don't know what happened lately, think about it, think about it?

"Forget it, what are you doing with people like you who are clever and have no great wisdom!" Let's just tell you to do things! "

It's like talking to yourself, and it's like talking to a little secretary.

"In short, there are two things after you go out, the first thing is that I let that Liu Ruhai hold a car show in Causeway Bay before, that is, the car show with Li Jiajun's smelly boy was smashed by someone!"

"I've sent someone to warn the other drivers, but they don't know what's going on!"

"This matter is very problematic, there are still people behind the ghost, you let me find out who is hiding in the shadows!" It's actually possible to do it without knowing it!

Li Jiahao silently washed his hands and came to the front of the little secretary, and very naturally wiped his hands with the cuffs of her clothes and continued.

"The second thing, well, can also be said to be two or three things."

"That's Gu Chen's problem."

When Li Jiahao mentioned this name, the little secretary couldn't help but think of Tong Zixin and Gu Chen she had mentioned.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes.

But because he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Li Jiahao, Li Jiahao did not find the abnormality of the little secretary at all.

He just continued.

"Gu Chen didn't know why he suddenly appeared at this Causeway Bay auto show before, and after that, I asked people to check his whereabouts, and actually told me that he lost it!"

"All you have to do is find out what Gu Chen did in Causeway Bay, whether it's just eating and playing! And where Gu Chen went after that, I have to figure it out! You know? When

the little secretary heard this, he immediately began to nod desperately and said.

"Know know!"

Li Jiahao was very satisfied with the little secretary's attitude of being a dog, so he nodded and snorted.

"Also, those people who met with Gu Chen seem to be those children before, yes, those children who want to engage in blockchain are all a group of geniuses who can be compared with Tong Zixin!"

"Why do you say they don't please and want to mix with Gu Chen?"

"In short, you ask them what they said to Gu Chen, why did they start applying to establish a company!"

"Ask them again, do you want to make their nightmare happen again?"

"So, do you understand?"

After Li Jiahao finished speaking, he didn't know why he was actually stunned for a second or two.

The little secretary was desperately trying to understand it, but he didn't get a response from Li Jiahao.

Although I want to look up to see what this Li Jiahao is thinking.

But the little secretary calmed down in his heart and told himself that he absolutely could not be impulsive at this time.

Therefore, after waiting for a while, Li Jiahao finally came back to his senses and said.

"So be it, you go down and get ready, come to me again before you go!"

The little secretary who heard this immediately began to leave Li Jiahao's room as if he had received a gold medal for avoiding death.

Looking at the little secretary's secretly embarrassed look, Li Jiahao laughed silently.

As if it was mocking, as if it was expressing some special meaning.

Only after the little secretary left his room, the smile on Li Jiahao's face disappeared instantly.

He slammed his Roman Conti to the ground.

However, because of the soft handmade velvet blanket, and the ground that was originally made of special wooden planks, it was too soft.

Therefore, even if Li Jiahao's strength is very strong, this Romani Conti has not been broken.

The angry Li Jiahao directly smashed the other bottle of the softest 87-year-old Lafi that had never been opened.

Suddenly, only a crisp sound was heard, and the two most expensive bottles of red wine were directly broken in the case of short encounters.

Li Jiahao watched the red wine flowing slowly all over the ground, and even some of it fell directly into his constant temperature nutrition pool, but his heart still did not calm down.

Why is it that all of a sudden, Li Jiahao is as fierce as an angry lion?

That's because neither the hegemon in this world nor the top rich businessmen can resist one of the most painful and impossible to ignore, that is, the erosion of time.

"Why would I do the same!"

Li Jiahao was very unhappy just thinking that he had actually said the same words to the little secretary before.

He didn't want the little secretary to see that his memory or logic was wrong.

I don't want to accept the fact that I've started to age slowly.

That's why Li Jiahao is so angry and angry now.

It's just that just when Li Jiahao was angry and angry, there was a person who was now very happy and excited.

It can even be said that he was overjoyed.

She was the little secretary who left Li Jiahao's room with a roll.

At the moment when Li Jiahao's door closed.

As if she couldn't bear the pain, the little secretary directly pressed her head against the corner of the wall next to her, supporting the wall with her hands, as if this could give her a sense of security.

But in fact, such a sense of security may be a little bit there, but what really makes the little secretary happy is that he can finally go out.

"Huh! Even your Li Jiahao's vicious vision will have times when you see it wrong, and if you want to blame, you have to blame you for being old!

While the little secretary stayed in the corner, her thoughts gradually diverged.

Or rather, he began to reminisce, recalling his sweeping operation in front of Li Jiahao.

"Li Jiahao, Li Jiahao, you probably didn't expect that I was acting with you from the beginning!"

"Why don't I help you open a wine and sober up, I pretended it!"

The little secretary wiped away his tears and revealed a very weak face in this monitored area.

There is quite a feeling of pear blossoms with rain, which is a face that individuals will feel distressed or angry when they see it.

While controlling herself not to burst out laughing, she thought back to her confrontation with this Li Jiahao.

"You saw through my second layer of disguise, but you didn't think that this second layer of disguise was just what I wanted you to see through to see through!"

"In order to make you less wary of me, to make you think that I am still the woman who can be manipulated by you at will!"

"But in reality, all you see is what I want to see you."

Walking to her room, the little secretary finally did not have to hide her arrogance

, she began to laugh presumptuously, and at the same time began to slowly pack her luggage.

It was very clean, because she knew that after she left this time, she would never come back.

"I swear!"

She told herself this in her heart.

Finally, half an hour later, the little secretary returned to Li Jiahao's room.

At the same time, Li Jiahao no longer knew when he had cleaned up everything that was originally a mess.

Just stay in the nutrition pool and wait for the little secretary to come and ask for peace.

"Li Sheng, I'm ready."

The little secretary silently came to Li Jiahao, and according to his thoughts, he really respectfully asked him for peace.

It's just that Li Jiahao's interest this time is not very high, and it can even be said to be indifferent.

Because he doesn't feel any happiness at all right now, he doesn't feel any mood swings.

Some people say that any emotion, once it reaches its peak, there will be eternal silence.

Li Jiahao has deeply experienced this today.

"Hmm..." So

, in the face of the little secretary's invitation, Li Jiahao looked weak.

He always felt that he was in a bad state now.

So I didn't have too many thoughts to talk to the little secretary.

Just silently snorted at her.

This made the little secretary feel very incredible.

Li Jiahao, who is usually arrogant to the extreme, can't see the shadow at all.

Is there only one very indifferent old man?

This made the little secretary suddenly have an inexplicable sentimentality.

It was clear that he came to take revenge on him, why is it now like... It seems that the person who is more sad is me?

This feeling made the little secretary very uncomfortable.

"Do you have anything else to order?"

Therefore, the little secretary directly asked him without any politeness.


Li Jiahao did not notice the change in the little secretary or the change in tone at this time.

His face was filled with a melancholy tone.

"If you're out there and need help, call these people."

Li Jiahao casually pointed to a card nailed to the wall at the door.

Above is an extremely simple business card in black and white, white paper and black letters, black paper and white words occupy both sides, as if they are incompatible, but as if you have me, I have you.

This wonderful expressiveness made the little secretary look at it for a while.

She never expected to see such a strange and weird business card.

Especially on this business card, why are there two people's numbers, and they are not signed.

However, the little secretary knew that the characters who could make Li Jiahao tell him would definitely not be ordinary small characters.

Therefore, silently glancing at Li Jiahao, who was facing away from him, the little secretary stretched out his hand and took off this business card.

And also said to Li Jiahao.

"Got it... Li Sheng.

But I don't know why, the little secretary looked at Li Jiahao's lonely back and weak voice, but he felt a kind of compassion in his heart.

At this time, Li Jiahao did not seem to be the richest man on Xiangcheng Island, he was more like an old man who was about to die.

An old man of old age.

The little secretary thought so, but there was no slowness in his steps at all, and he directly opened Li Jiahao's door and left without looking back.

Her new life has arrived!

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