Jiang Min's words made Gu Chen, who had already determined this matter, even happier.

"Ah, good, good, this speed is very good, but Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan may still have a little trouble there."

"They? What's wrong?

Gu Chen showed Jiang Min the text messages he received at night.

But the latter came with a sentence.

"Eh, how are they all a bunch of dancing villains, I can't see anything else."

"This..." When

Gu Chen heard this, he immediately put away his mobile phone in embarrassment, and he actually forgot the fact that she was still drunk again because of Jiang Min's normal state.

So, Gu Chen said silently.

"It's okay, if you can't see clearly, you can't see clearly, I'll just read it to you."

"Forget it, let me sum up the meaning, it is nothing more than Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo Sun Shulan they went to register their company today, but there was a little situation."

"So if you want to register a company, you may have to wait until tomorrow."

Gu Chen sighed silently, but he didn't expect that Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others were sometimes not very reliable in doing things.

But it's not a big problem, it's just a day, Gu Chen can afford to wait.

Moreover, he is not without other things to do.

"By the way, help me open an account tomorrow."

"It's the kind of account they exchange, but I don't want anyone else to know my information... Can this be achieved? After

Gu Chen finished talking about Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, he said to the little cute Jiang Min.

Jiang Min silently burped, and then asked Gu Chen.

"Huh? Brother Gu Chen, what were you just talking about? "


Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min's obviously confused look and said.

"Forget it, it's nothing, if there is anything, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Saying that, he actually directly grabbed the towel that Jiang Minleng had not moved in his hand.

Then began a gentle and heart-warming face washing technique.

It's just that after washing, Jiang Min's reddish face turned even more rosy because of drunkenness.

This change made Gu Chen stunned for a moment but didn't say anything.

But Gu Chen kept chanting in his heart.

"Chu Xinyi is on top, Chu Xinyi is on top! Chu Xinyi is my favorite!

In this way, relying on his thoughts of Chu Xinyi, Gu Chen finally defeated his heartbeat.

Then this Jiang Min seemed to have discovered this embarrassing scene, so he spoke.

"That, can Brother Gu Chen ask you a question?"

"Ah, yes."

Gu Chen just wanted to say something to change the topic at this time.

Hearing Jiang Min say this, he immediately said yes, you should be required to take the initiative to raise the topic, I don't know what to say.

Therefore, after Gu Chen heard Jiang Min's question, he must have accepted it very gladly.

"That's right, Brother Gu Chen, I want to ask you why you came to Xiangcheng Island!"

"I always feel as if you have some purpose, but it seems to be as simple as it seems."

"You won't be, there is some amazing identity on your body, but you can't show it, right?"

If that's the case, I won't ask more, but Brother Gu Chen, you always have to... Let's face it! Sometimes although the reality is more cruel, we still have to..." Jiang

Min didn't know if it was because he was drunk today, in short, Gu Chen who spoke was a little inexplicable.

"Wait, wait, do you mean that I am a commercial spy?"

Gu Chen's straightforwardness made Jiang Min show a he smile.

"No, Brother Gu Chen, why do you think so, I thought you were walking half a million."

Jiang Min's words made Gu Chen's face full of black lines.

"I see you're the 500,000 walking..."

"Forget it, what am I thinking about here with a drunken cat!"

"I'm also sleepy, I'm ready to go back to sleep, you just stay here honestly!"

Seeing that Gu Chen was about to leave with towels and other gadgets.

Jiang Min then realized that he seemed to have a momentary consciousness drift in his brain.

It seems to have said some stupid thing.

Therefore, Gu Chen, who was directly engaged, was speechless and ready to leave.

Jiang Min quickly wanted to make up for it at this time.

As a result, some of the emotions that had been hidden by themselves since coming to Xiangcheng Island slowly rose.

She directly pulled Gu Chen's palm, and the warm softness suddenly came.

Jiang Min finally seemed to have found the backbone of her heart, and she was finally able to speak to Gu Chen with courage.

"Brother Gu Chen, I'm a little scared now."

When Gu Chen heard this, he immediately glanced back at Jiang Min, who silently withdrew his palm and returned to the bed.

But his eyes did not dare to look up at Gu Chen at all.

It was only at this time that Gu Chen realized that although Jiang Min was a super big hacker who had seen the world.

But actually, she's just a child.

"The first few days of coming to this Xiangcheng Island can be said to be completely touristy, and Jiang Min is also very happy."

"But after that, it was completely different."

Gu Chen thought of the farce at the auto show that appeared today when Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others pulled themselves to Causeway Bay with Jiang Min.

"I thought that the matter was over, and Jiang Min could go directly without anything."

"But I didn't expect that those terrifying violent scenes could affect a generation!"

"But Jiang Min didn't know what the reason was, and pressed these fears on his body, so that he didn't break out, and let him digest it slowly."

When Gu Chen thought of this, he suddenly seemed to understand again.

"She suppressed these fears for me."

"Because Jiang Min doesn't want me to worry at all! Don't want me to feel like she's too vulnerable!

"This is to be stronger in front of me!"

Gu Chen looked at Jiang Min with a soft look.

Silently sighed in his heart.

"Why are you here, liking or respecting someone can't be a reason for you to hurt or suppress yourself, fool!"

Gu Chen put down the towel and other miscellaneous things, did it on the side of Jiang Min's bed, and began to stroke Jiang Min's hair.

"Okay, it's okay."

"Everything has already come, hasn't it?"

"We don't have anything to do now, have you forgotten? Even if something happens, I will stand up and protect you as soon as possible!

"After all, you are the person I brought from Huahai City, and I will definitely be responsible for you!"

Gu Chen's words made Jiang Min think of today and before, and indeed when some dangerous situation appeared.

Gu Chen will take the initiative to stand in front of him to help him resist all dangers.

Thinking of this, Jiang Min's heart seemed to flow through a warm current.

She was finally able to look up at Gu Chen with a little comfort.

"Yes, yes, will you be responsible for me?"

After saying this, Jiang Min's face was actually full of shyness.

This made Gu Chen very embarrassed.

"Wait, wait, when I say responsible, I don't mean responsible for some mess, but responsible for your safety, you know?"

Gu Chen still thought that this Jiang Min had misunderstood something, and hurriedly began to explain.

"Oh, okay."

But Jiang Min didn't seem to listen to it at all, just his eyes kept gurgling there.

"Good guy, still thinking about it."

Gu Chen could see from her expression that this Jiang Min was now in a drunken state, and he wouldn't listen to what he didn't want to hear.

"Then what else do you want to ask, I will answer for you today."

Gu Chen pondered for a while, or observed Jiang Min's current state.

Finding that she didn't want to sleep at all or anything, she went straight to the topic.

In order to let the doubts in Jiang Min's heart and other problems all be solved.

After the province, Jiang Min will also have confused emotions or other thoughts, and when the time comes, Gu Chen will be troublesome if he wants to explain clearly.

When Gu Chen thought so, Jiang Min continued to secretly look at Gu Chen, and then she spoke.

"Brother Gu Chen, do you really want to bring down Li Jiahao?"

"When I was in the past, I had secretly checked this person, but the news on the Internet was all positive portrayals of Li Jiahao."

"In the end, I finally found some true descriptions of Li Jiahao."

"I found that Li Jiahao's methods have become more and more formal over the years, or he has begun to do things to leave a line, and he is no longer basically not doing personnel as before, and often makes people bankrupt and queue up and jump off the building."

"Such a terrible person, even if he cherishes his feathers on his track now, he is still very dangerous."

Jiang Min's eyes were full of worry, and she looked at Gu Chen and said with a very sincere look.

"Otherwise, let's forget it, and directly bring Lin Wanxiang and Xiang Senluo, Sun Shulan and others, as well as Sister Tong Zixin, back to our Huahai City."

"Don't go head-to-head with this Li Jiahao, this is his territory, and the possibility that we can fight him is really very small!"

Jiang Min's words are actually not unreasonable, but since Gu Chen has already decided, he will rarely make changes.

"And if I want to become the richest man in the world, I must not be able to bypass Li Jiahao, the richest man on this Xiangcheng Island."

"Even if I don't make a move today, maybe in the future in the stock market, he will unite some financial consortiums, foreign ancient families and so on to snipe at me, isn't it very difficult?"

Gu Chen didn't want to let Longteng Group fully go public so early, and then encounter the stranglehold of multiple capital forces.

The current state of obscene development is very good.

The most important thing is that after Gu Chen now knew from Chen Yu about the split and listing, he had actually secretly begun to make such a move.

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